SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)

SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)

Welcome to the Official SE Politics Thread. The aim here is for high quality political discussion and debate. The concomitant aim here is for that high quality discussion and debate to NOT devolve into MAD posting, BAD posting, trolling, name-calling our community fracture.

We embark on this project hoping to encourage fair and thorough exchanges of views, and also fair and thorough advocacy for positions. We should learn a lot.


1. Posters are required to have 50 posts in SE over the last 365 days. This thread is not a proxy for the Politics forum, or an arena for goal-based issue advocacy from people we don't even know.

2. Pure devil's advocacy will not be tolerated unless it is identified by that poster as the aim of the particular post. There will be no run of the mill nitpickery for the sake of nitpickery.

3. This will be enforced loosely, but you are obligated to outline your basic position on whatever issue you're debating. We will not have loaded, gotcha-style internet-standard race to the bottom terrible posting in this thread. That does not mean you have to state every closely-held belief in every debate. You just can't hide the ball. "I'm not sure what my position is" is a completely valid position to hold.

4. Insults are out. You will not resort to that in this thread, because that will ruin this thread.

5. If you demonstrate an ongoing commitment to lowering the quality of discourse through incessant trolling or simply being really terrible, you'll be removed from this thread.

6. These are subject to significant revision as this thread develops.

There is a tradition in SE of better, fuller, funnier discussion of a really wide range of topics. Let's continue that here.

) 2 Views 2
03 December 2015 at 07:37 PM

1230 Replies


Visegrad, a liberal fascist pro-West, pro-genocide, anti-Russia misinfo propaganda and troll outlet. apparently they also do child snuff too.

by StoppedRainingMen k


The deleted post was from a far-right website site, per their wiki:

Israeli newspaper TheMarker wrote in December 2023 that Visegrád 24 "spreads a blatant pro-Israel and pro-Ukraine narrative, including through fake news" from "a pair of Polish right-wing extremists who take an Islamophobic and xenophobic line".

That's not really the point tho.

The idea that one of the few functioning features left at Twitter is a child abuse filter and Elon is like "nah, ill personally fix that" feels like at or near a new low for him.


Let's see who's the less washed Presidential candidate.

any fun props for the debate? which one will fall asleep / freeze up the longest / **** their pants / fall down / stroke out? will there be an arm wrestle / push-up contest / fist fight? etc

the questions will be dumb, and the answers will be even dumber. can't wait to watch clips of it later, because there's no chance in hell that i'm putting myself through the raw, uncut malarkey

If I were Joe Biden then I'd let a turd roll down my leg in front of Trump's podium.

He'll smell like **** the entire time!


Biden absolutely shut down on a question and trump is mopping the floor with him

This….is something

Debates were better when they could interrupt. I don't want to watch them just sorta talk/ramble/whatever

Trump really needs to shut the **** up and take the win and he keeps spewing nonsense about after birth abortions

I gotta say, wanted to kill 9 month old babies would be a pretty bold policy choice

by StoppedRainingMen k

Biden absolutely shut down on a question and trump is mopping the floor with him

This….is something

*dems finally admit that brandon is too ****ed to do this anymore*
everyone: whew
dems: ok now time for hillary 2 electric boogaloo
everyone: nooooooooooo!!!

by 72off k

*dems finally admit that brandon is too ****ed to do this anymore*
everyone: whew
dems: ok now time for hillary 2 electric boogaloo
everyone: nooooooooooo!!!

Garvin Newsom odds soaring. Probably still time to get in

"you have the morals of an alley cat"

Someone might wanna inform Biden on how to burn in the 21st century.

idiot moderators of course. letting trump go back and get the last word on every question instead of answering the next....

it has literally never been more joever

Genocide Joe is completely toast. Even the most die hard DNC supporters must realise that he's the worst possible candidate they could choose

by 72off k

it has literally never been more joever

One imagines the Google trends for "Can Biden be replaced" and "Brokered Convention" would paint a pretty bleak picture today. Unprecedented levels of joever

One thing we can say with certainty is that Biden will not win this election. Dems can still win if they let Newsom run, but Biden's chances are gone.

It's just a matter of whether Biden and the DNC are too stubborn and useless to let a better candidate run.

[sub][sub]making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person ueehhh eligible for what i've been able to with the uh, wi- with the covid, excuse me, with uh, dealing with, i mean we have to do with, uh, ueehh, look, uuueeeeehhhhhh, if, we finally beat medicare [/sub][/sub]

can jimmy carter run again? i think he might be in better shape rn

by Andro k

One thing we can say with certainty is that Biden will not win this election. Dems can still win if they let Newsom run, but Biden's chances are gone.

It's just a matter of whether Biden and the DNC are too stubborn and useless to let a better candidate run.

If egos and all weren't a thing, the solution is so obvious.

Biden gives a (ffs short) speech saying "The spirit is willing but it's become clear the body just isn't. No one man is more important than America. Not me, and certainly not Trump."

Dems line up behind Newsom who, for all his faults, has like 9/10 Charisma, wins at the convention with no dissent.

GN rolls, probably twice. It's so easy there's literally no way it happens.

trump: i banned abortion, and it was good
moderator: your response, mr president?
brandon: [sub][sub]look jack, ueehhh, there are a lot of illegal immigrants uh coming across the border, and uuueeeeehhhhhh they're all vicious rapist animals [/sub][/sub]

genocide joe brandon: [sub][sub]joever[/sub][/sub]

Good news for fans of Genocide, it's the one that that's somehow less joever after last night. Gaza's going to be Trump branded condos ran by Kushner in 3 years


Israel “will not launch the offensive until they are fully confident of America’s support,” he said. “So I think the final trigger for a war of annihilation [in Lebanon], in the form of a ground offensive, will be when [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu perceives he has the green light from the U.S.”[/QUOTE]

well if this happens i guess it just confirms that there's no difference between the two ¯\_(ツ😉_/¯

usa#1 has gone FULL genocide joe brandon ..... no turning this **** around i guess, just along for the ride wherever it takes us all. and where is that? who the hell knows with president pudding-brains steering the titanic...
