omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?

) 19 Views 19
18 September 2022 at 02:08 AM

3129 Replies


Found a site where you can play against two computer players. Pretty nice to get some practice, it's all in German though.

by Morphismus k

I haven't played in years tbh, and never online; don't even know if there is a way for that.

there is. i got in to a game until i realized i didn't have a clue what to do. haha

First rule: You always have 18.

Pretty good Black Jack hand

No I mean in the bidding.

by spaceman Bryce k

If you have a big dick hmu


thread is so back


by spaceman Bryce k

hey lucky luke lets work together on our skat game.

skat game?

look I don't kink shame but I'm good due.

by elrey k

even for the standards of this place the last page has truly been awful

yeah cos you don't post man!

this place is what you make it!

by Da33le k

I miss old omg.

by spaceman Bryce k

My two biggest interest are card games and relationships and yall dont seem interested in sex or skat so thats 0 for 2

what? who said I didn't like sex? I am kink-friendly. just not so much shitting on people.

I guarantee you don’t like the same kind of sex as Bryce.

Or maybe you do..

only one way to truly find out

...we ask each what they like and then compare? 😀

I have to address this tommorriw, of not at all

by LuckyLuke01 k

skat game?

look I don't kink shame but I'm good due.

i dont kink shame but

also , i never said anything about poop. ttyl.

by Tuma k



by spaceman Bryce k

i dont kink shame but

also , i never said anything about poop. ttyl.

what? yes, you did. that's whats scat is!

by Da33le k

I guarantee you don’t like the same kind of sex as Bryce.

Or maybe you do..

by LuckyLuke01 k

what? yes, you did. that's whats scat is!

we were talking about skat the card game. heh

Found a nice Introduction video in English which covers pretty much all the rules. It's funny that you can't really explain step 2 of a round (the bidding) before you explain the last step of a round.

skat vids hit different without ze german accent

made it to the scoring then zoned out. poo may be preferable
