omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?

) 18 Views 18
18 September 2022 at 02:08 AM

3068 Replies


by Morphismus k

BTW afaik the US is the only other country than Germany where the card game Skat is played in significant numbers. Like even Austrians hardly heard of the game. Any murricans here play Skat?

In America, by far the most played card game is solitaire, followed distantly by uno. Then significantly behing uno, are games like poker, magic the gathering, and exploding kittens. Thats probably a top 5 list right there. Trick taking games are generally an old person thing, but with Bridge a lot of smart people play bridge. And very old people play Whist, Pinochle , and skat. Those are *dying * games in most peoples eyes.

Yo dabs, just remember, what can be, unburdened by what has been!

by King_of_NYC k

own it. it's literally the only explanation

Hey, guy.. I’ve literally been “owning it” the entire time.

Quite literally in the posts above I went in to detail explaining it…

by ScreaminAsian k

i think i'm understanding dazzle's point.

different ethnicities require different forms of government representation and public support. like for example english people build wealth out of nothing all on their own with no help required from anyone else, so they need to be left alone.

turkish people, meanwhile, are pickpockets and thieves, so they need to go to jail. preferably someplace else.

He thought he was understanding.

He wasn’t..

Maybe if he tried reading, he might get it.

lul at SA not understanding. you people invented Shakespeare ffs. for shame

by Da33le k

Because I don’t believe in civil nationalism. I believe in actual nationalism.

Immigrants have homelands where they can live and vote.

If they choose to immigrate to somebody else’s homeland, I don’t believe they should have the right to vote and affect change in a homeland that isn’t theirs.

Their choice was to move to that place.

that's where you are wrong dabs.

The best thing about Australia is it isn't full of bogans. we have Indians and Asians too and we hate them all the same! brings the country together.

by Morphismus k

zoned out halfway through the gameplay explainer. might have to utoob

me + omgers for skat play. A very German thing to do

hey lucky luke lets work together on our skat game.

by Da33le k

Oh, I meant the exact opposite.

I don’t believe in magic soil.

Being born in my country doesn’t make you one of my countrymen.

Countries exist specifically to serve the interests of its people. People meaning the ethnic people occupying that land.

Ultimately, that’s what countries are (imo) the people and the culture.

Japan isn’t Japan because of the land, but because of the ethnic peoples who live on that land. Same with Germany, France, etc etc.

Your beliefs, to me, are extremely American. I can

So, according to you, we (the US) should be making all the decisions for Your Country...because we're white and our ancestors come from there? Supposedly I have a little Tudor blood in me, bow down mother****er?

by Morphismus k

Americans didn't just fall out of a coconut tree. They exist in the context of all in which they live and what came before them.


Oh ****. I guess we're making the decisions for Germany instead of UK, my bad.

It’s skaterday morning. Great day for me to get a facial at the spa.

by spaceman Bryce k

me + omgers for skat play. A very German thing to do


didn't even click and that damn song is now stuck in my head. noooooooo 😃

by marknfw k

Oh ****. I guess we're making the decisions for Germany instead of UK, my bad.

Actual english peopke live in tiny enclaves with the rich chinese and french kids. Actual americans are germans, irish, mexican , and filipino.

I enjoy mexican men a lot. too da loo.

even for the standards of this place the last page has truly been awful

Rick needs Jesus

tuma why don't you want me on the same team as you?

by marknfw k

So, according to you, we (the US) should be making all the decisions for Your Country...because we're white and our ancestors come from there? Supposedly I have a little Tudor blood in me, bow down mother****er?

Oh ****. I guess we're making the decisions for Germany instead of UK, my bad.


I said nothing of the sort.

In fact, my point is the exact opposite..

The ONLY people making decisions for Britain should be British people living in Britain.

Just like how the only people making decisions for china Should be Chinese. Mexico, Mexicans. Etc etc.

I even said I myself wasn’t voting, despite being eligible, because I don’t live there.

What is happening..

dab's ideology is simple

foreigners are bad unless they are attractive females

No. Foreigners are great. In their own countries.

by Da33le k


I said nothing of the sort.

In fact, my point is the exact opposite..

The ONLY people making decisions for Britain should be British people living in Britain.

Just like how the only people making decisions for china Should be Chinese. Mexico, Mexicans. Etc etc.

I even said I myself wasn’t voting, despite being eligible, because I don’t live there.

What is happening..

by elrey k

even for the standards of this place the last page has truly been awful

If you have a big dick hmu

My two biggest interest are card games and relationships and yall dont seem interested in sex or skat so thats 0 for 2

I haven't played in years tbh, and never online; don't even know if there is a way for that.
