British Politics

British Politics

Been on holiday for a few weeks, surprised to find no general discussion of British politics so though I'd kick one off.

Tory leadership contest is quickly turning into farce. Trump has backed Boris, which should be reason enough for anyone with half a brain to exclude him.

Of the other candidates Rory Stewart looks the best of the outsiders. Surprised to see Cleverly and Javid not further up the betting, but not sure the Tory membership are ready for a brown PM.

Regarding the LD leadership contest, Jo Swinson is miles ahead of any other candidate (and indeed any of the Tory lot). Should be a shoe in.

Finally, it's Groundhog Day in Labour - the more serious the anti-Semitism claims get, the more Corbyn's cronies write their own obituary by blaming it on outlandish conspiracy theories - this week, it's apparently the Jewish Embassy's fault...

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01 June 2019 at 06:29 AM

3882 Replies


by 57 On Red k

We are sure. The accused person isn't a Muslim.

Yes people should educate themselves and know, for example, that Rwanda is only 2% Muslim.

But I don't think that many minds are going to change even if that happens, other than enlarging the idea of "no immigration from Muslim countries " to "no immigration from subsaharian countries"

by Luciom k

We might go after the actual organizers of criminal riots sure, when those are identifiable.

Their use of devices is one way to identify them.

by Doctor Zeus k

Has that happened here?

According to the Twitter videos I saw yes but the sources are terrible (neonazi/alright violent extremist sources retwitting the content) which is why I asked here in the first place.

Gonna wait to see if some of those appear in more decent sources before posting here, it could actually be a psyop to get people like me really angry

by Luciom k

According to the Twitter videos I saw yes but the sources are terrible (neonazi/alright violent extremist sources retwitting the content) which is why I asked here in the first place.

Gonna wait to see if some of those appear in more decent sources before posting here, it could actually be a psyop to get people like me really angry

You made your mind up already though, based on the messages above

Only 400 arrests been made so far though

by Doctor Zeus k

You made your mind up already though, based on the messages above

Only 400 arrests been made so far though

400 arrest live at the protests I hope? Or of organizers at home? Do you have detailed data?

And what do you mean "only", they arrest far fewer people for the infinitely worse pro Hamas protests, the statue toppling protests, the monument-destroying protests which are core attacks to the pillars of society and as such infinitely more grave than any attack to immigrants and they culture

by Luciom k

400 arrest live at the protests I hope? Or of organizers at home? Do you have detailed data?

And what do you mean "only", they arrest far fewer people for the infinitely worse pro Hamas protests, the statue toppling protests, the monument-destroying protests which are core attacks to the pillars of society and as such infinitely more grave than any attack to immigrants and they culture

The statue riots werent endangering people

I dont know much about the pro hamas ones

But the 400 is on bbc and guardian. I cant find anything about who or how they arrested people though, i was looking. Its kinda weird how theres no details on it

I meant only 400 in the sense that there are many more rioting- so- 400 seems low.

by Luciom k

400 arrest live at the protests I hope? Or of organizers at home? Do you have detailed data?

And what do you mean "only", they arrest far fewer people for the infinitely worse pro Hamas protests, the statue toppling protests, the monument-destroying protests which are core attacks to the pillars of society and as such infinitely more grave than any attack to immigrants and they culture

It's standard in the uk to arrest at home rather than at violent events where possible. It's much safer for all concerned.

Yes we have hate speech laws which I'm also in favour of but the current spate of arrests are for violent disorder or related offenses.

by chezlaw k

It's standard in the uk to arrest at home rather than at violent events where possible. It's much safer for all concerned.

Yes we have hate speech laws which I'm also in favour of but the current spate of arrests are for violent disorder.

Ok but are we talking people the police identified on video or whatever, as participants in violent riots, who they then arrested at home, or what I was talking about earlier ie people arrested just because of pro riots comments online?

And , very importantly, did they arrest the same for the hundreds of leftist protests in the last 20+ years?

We're talking about participation of people the police have identified.

by chezlaw k

We're talking about participation of people the police have identified.

In the riots, acting violently?

There is a video taken by a guy as he's being arrested in his home for a post he made on FB.

Incitement is a criminal offence here whether you like it or not.

by Luciom k

In the riots, acting violently?

There are various offenses but they are all for partipation. Look at Jalfrezi's link or google yourself. There are actually charges against the people being arrested and there's nothing about people just making comments on the interthingy.

edit: ok jalfrezi says there is one. Link? I assume it's more just a comment.

by chezlaw k

There are various offenses but they are all for partipation. Look at Jalfrezi's link or google yourself. There are actually charges against the people being arrested and there's nothing about people just making comments on the interthingy.

edit: ok jalfrezi says there is one. Link? I assume it's more just a comment.

Yes the link doesn't report any hate speech at -home arrest linked to the protests/riots

by Luciom k

Ok but are we talking people the police identified on video or whatever, as participants in violent riots, who they then arrested at home, or what I was talking about earlier ie people arrested just because of pro riots comments online?

And , very importantly, did they arrest the same for the hundreds of leftist protests in the last 20+ years?

We dont know- and dont need to know instantly.

And secondly- you dont know who they are arresting. Left wing protests havent led to violence at this scale- and violence that affects individuals not just statues. You can easily google it instead of projecting bias.
The left wing protesters you are acting like were given baby treatment got jailed for 5 years recently

So it sounds like your projectingand making assumptions that align with what you want to believe instead of checking things yourself

by Luciom k

Yes the link doesn't report any hate speech at -home arrest linked to the protests/riots

Then why are you making assumptions and asking what aboutisms when you dont even know if what you saw is happening????

Reminiscent of the harrassment that jess philips et. Al. Faced in the recent election

Seems pretty awful and worth prosecuting and fighting back against

When is the UK gonna put together a real police force? These folks have no chance out there. I know they are trying to keep it fair and equitable but come on.

by Luciom k

And because police does nothing to criminals of immigrant background in general and so on.

I'm fairly certain that if you checked the data on this, then it's not true - in fact, I think it's more likely the reverse is true.

This point notwithstanding, there is a perception of "2-tier policing". For example, the perception that the Muslim men involved in the recent Manchester airport incident will "get away with it". One of the men is on CCTV assaulting 3 police officers, and I'd be amazed if there is a precedent whereby you can do this and not go to jail.

So, regardless of what the statistics say, the optics of this case will not go unnoticed by those who want to push this narrative.

by Doctor Zeus k

Then why are you making assumptions and asking what aboutisms when you dont even know if what you saw is happening????

Because we have precedent of insane police harassment of people for what they write online, this doesn't come out of the blue

by Doctor Zeus k

We dont know- and dont need to know instantly.

And secondly- you dont know who they are arresting. Left wing protests havent led to violence at this scale- and violence that affects individuals not just statues. You can easily google it instead of projecting bias.
The left wing protesters you are acting like were given baby treatment got jailed for 5 years recently

So it sounds like your projectingand making assumptions that align with what you want to believe instead of checking things yourself

I saw conspirators willingly blocking vital infrastructure for political purposes, IE found to have committed acts of terror which should carry the death penalty (or life no parole if that's not available), getting 4-5 years yes, with enormous domestic and international pressure to lower the already puny sentence.

But I wasn't referring to the climate terrorists, rather to the pro Hamas crowd.

For example on October 9, 9!!!, 2023, hundreds of people went asking for an "intifada revolution" in front of the Israel embassy: have they all been arrested for this? isn't incitement of violence a crime as you mentioned?

Emma Barnett, gaslighting the audience on the Today Programme:

"this wave of violence started after false information was shared on social media about the identity and motivation of the alleged killer".

by Elrazor k

Emma Barnett, gaslighting the audience on the Today Programme:

"this wave of violence started after false information was shared on social media about the identity and motivation of the alleged killer".

isn't it kinda true though? the suspect was reported as a muslim refugee, in the early hours, by many social media accounts.

Ofc police not clarifying it immediatly was a huge mistake as well but you know, it "looks bad" to indicate the religion, ethnicity and citizenship status of a suspect for the left.

Police immediatly going with "he was born in the UK", without additional information, didn't help either
