The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by #Thinman k

how about people online trying to scare people into thinking that market volatility will change their life and/or who they should vote for? are they doing some wrong too?

If people get scared, yes they are probably doing something wrong.

by #Thinman k

how about people online trying to scare people into thinking that market volatility will change their life and/or who they should vote for? are they doing some wrong too?

I just asume these people have no investments at all.

by d2_e4 k

Who are you calling the king of trolls? He's up there, but hardly undisputed.

We should hold an election

by biggerboat k

Markets go up. Markets go down.

This. It's totally silly to get wound up about short term movements either way.

by diebitter k

We should hold an election

The most maga would probably win .
But I vote baham .

by housenuts k

It's been a terrible year. Thanks for checking up. Not sure what to do.

Only up 90+% over the last 12months.

Hope McD’s is hiring near you!

by #Thinman k

yeah almost 3%!!! scary

when you live your life through twitter....

Wealthy MAGA Evangels want to control the vote.

ProPublica: "Inside Ziklag, the Secret Organization of Wealthy Christians Trying to Sway the Election and Change the Country"

It looks like Walz for VP. Black SUVs showing up this evening at his residence. Thought to be Secret Service ...


by RussellinToronto k

It looks like Walz for VP. Black SUVs showing up this evening at his residence. Thought to be Secret Service ...


If true, the antisemitism claims will be immeasurable.

by RussellinToronto k

It looks like Walz for VP. Black SUVs showing up this evening at his residence. Thought to be Secret Service ...


Still get return on this alpha

What if Biden welches on the step down at the convention and claims the delegates are still his? What's the legal technicality on that?

Trump explains cryptocurrency.

Trump calling someone else “not smart” is absurd.

pretty tragic, he craves so desperately to be loved and respected,
but he’ll actually be remembered for being the biggest laughing stock in US history

by FellaGaga-52 k

What if Biden welches on the step down at the convention and claims the delegates are still his? What's the legal technicality on that?

The DNC did a virtual roll call ahead of the convention for reasons (they said it was about getting on Ohio's ballot, but that seems like an excuse since Ohio legally changed the date needed to be after the convention date instead of before as it had been), so she's already officially nominated:

Harris picks Waltz and the Dems decide not to choose the harder path to a win for once.

by FellaGaga-52 k

What if Biden welches on the step down at the convention and claims the delegates are still his? What's the legal technicality on that?

Why do you think the law has anything to do with it? Political parties are private organizations and can set their own rules.

by Bubble_Balls k

Harris picks Waltz and the Dems decide not to choose the harder path to a win for once.

well now she risks "antisemitism" attacks which is a lot worse than pissing off the far left. maybe it wont materialize or it wont stick but we are already hearing it.

by Victor k

well now she risks "antisemitism" attacks which is a lot worse than pissing off the far left. maybe it wont materialize or it wont stick but we are already hearing it.

Why wouldn't antisemitism piss off the far left? Are you suggesting that the far left is antisemitic?

by Bubble_Balls k

Harris picks Waltz and the Dems decide not to choose the harder path to a win for once.

why do you think Walz helps her more than Shapiro?

That Shapiro story when he was AG was probably going to drag on much worse

Walz is an inoffensive popular Midwest governor with purple state appeal

Good pick

by Luciom k

why do you think Walz helps her more than Shapiro?

Dems primarily need to just not court controversy and let Trump sink himself. Walz is just a safer pick.

by Didace k

Why do you think the law has anything to do with it? Political parties are private organizations and can set their own rules.

Even if its not democratic?

by d2_e4 k

Why wouldn't antisemitism piss off the far left? Are you suggesting that the far left is antisemitic?

Yup just as Racists tend to vote GOP

by Bubble_Balls k

Dems primarily need to just not court controversy and let Trump sink himself. Walz is just a safer pick.

Yeah Trump is his worst enemy as he is doing his best to lose Georgia

by d2_e4 k

Why wouldn't antisemitism piss off the far left? Are you suggesting that the far left is antisemitic?

the (new) definition of "antisemitism" is anyone who doesnt support Israel's criminal apartheid torture rape occupation regime.
