The costs of trans visibility

The costs of trans visibility

Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:

For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and

. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.

What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.

We need to do better.

30 June 2023 at 04:48 PM

6827 Replies


by Bobo Fett k

I've been trying to find that but have thus far been unsuccessful - do you have a link?

I believe there was a statement where he said something along the lines of "this is not a DSD issue" and then the IOC later had to issue a clarification that he actually meant to say "this is not a trans issue". I don't think that necessarily justifies 57's statement that he doesn't realise that there is a difference between the two but I assume that's what he's talking about.

by Willd k

Carini herself has done nothing more than happen to have been drawn against the woman who maybe shouldn't be allowed in the competition - she certainly showed very little indication that she was capable of winning a medal had she had a different draw. It's a reward for happening to be involved in circumstances she had no control over - but having written that I guess that does sound about right for how rewards work within right-wing values.

Btw the Russian government ALSO offered money to Carini which she refused (which is what an actual patriot would do, the **** has Russia to do with this?), epic development.

Carini refused to be butchered on live tv in world vision to satisfy radical monstrous leftist desire for women being beaten by men.

by Luciom k

Carini refused to be butchered on live tv in world vision to satisfy radical monstrous leftist desire for women being beaten by men.

Yet another wonderful Luciomian contribution to productive discussion. 🙄

by Bobo Fett k

Yet another wonderful Luciomian contribution to productive discussion. 🙄

in essence though, is that not what happened if you subtract the flowery and ideologically driven choice of words?

by Luciom k

Carini refused to be butchered on live tv in world vision to satisfy radical monstrous leftist desire for women being beaten by men.

Only athlete I have seen quit during the entirety of the Olympics. And, after one punch. What a self psych-out.

by rickroll k

in essence though, is that not what happened if you subtract the flowery and ideologically driven choice of words?

If I subtract the ideologically driven choice of words I think we're left with "She quit", so I guess so.

by Bobo Fett k

If I subtract the ideologically driven choice of words I think we're left with "She quit", so I guess so.

this post is purple

by Bobo Fett k

I've been trying to find that but have thus far been unsuccessful - do you have a link?

Thanks. So it is as Willd said, which unsurprisingly pokes a hole in 57's post.

To make it as clear as possible that all the "transphobic" considerations weren't such, there is currently an actually transgender woman running the 1500m (Nikki hiltz, running for the USA).

Transgender woman in the sense we normal people use the word. Ie an actual biological woman, who also self identifies as trans (not sure if she feels she is a man or non binary or whatever, it's irrelevant). And as it should be the case everytime, how she self-identifies *shouldn't matter at all legally or regulatorily for all other parties*.

Given she is not taking hormones she can run with women as she is a woman , and the people who had problems with the biological man being allowed to box with biological women have no problem at all here, there is no ongoing social media discussion on the topic and so on.

Because we actually meant it when we told you guys, it's about biological sex and women rights in sports. People have a right to self identify as they prefer, and everyone else has a right of not giving a **** at all if he wants so, without ever having to change anything in his life, depending on other people self-identification.

by Luciom k

the biological man being allowed to box with biological women

Objection. Submitted without evidence.

I also like how he's actively misgendering Nikki while talking about something having nothing to do with transphobia. Like sure, the arguments about fairness in sport aren't necessarily transphobic but denying a transgender person's identity while making the point isn't a great look.

in the last world cup a trans man played for canada's women's team and had decided to delay hormone therapy until the athletic career was over to avoid any problems

by Willd k

I also like how he's actively misgendering Nikki while talking about something having nothing to do with transphobia. Like sure, the arguments about fairness in sport aren't necessarily transphobic but denying a transgender person's identity while making the point isn't a great look.

it’s a pretty simple test. If you make your point about biology and sports while using the same pronouns as the person uses, great. But if you insist on using the wrong pronouns, then you lose before you get started.

by Luciom k

Transgender woman in the sense we normal people use the word. Ie an actual biological woman, who also self identifies as trans (not sure if she feels she is a man or non binary or whatever, it's irrelevant).

There's nothing normal about taking established terminology and misusing it to be backwards. In fact, purposefully misgendering people is inappropriate. Normal people are polite.

by Willd k

I also like how he's actively misgendering Nikki while talking about something having nothing to do with transphobia. Like sure, the arguments about fairness in sport aren't necessarily transphobic but denying a transgender person's identity while making the point isn't a great look.

If you can compete with women *you are a woman*, there is no misgendering, and how she feels is utterly irrelevant.

You don't deny the right to self identification but there is no right to oblige me to identify you in the way you do. None at all. I don't buy into any element of gender theory nonsense, I decide to fully refuse to change pronouns depending on how somebody think he is.

by ganstaman k

There's nothing normal about taking established terminology and misusing it to be backwards. In fact, purposefully misgendering people is inappropriate. Normal people are polite.

There is no established (ie , agreed upon by the vast majority of adults) terminoly on the topic. There is a violent attempt to legislate preferences on the matter by the left, and a growing attempt to say "**** it" by the right on the topic.

I personally decided i don't let the left decide the meaning of words anymore. And if that sounds "unpolite" from the left, i don't care. Normal people don't bend their knees.

by uke_master k

it’s a pretty simple test. If you make your point about biology and sports while using the same pronouns as the person uses, great. But if you insist on using the wrong pronouns, then you lose before you get started.

The fact that i should go and check what pronouns that person currently decided to use (subject to change at any time) according to you is simply HORRIFIC, i should never have to ask other people how i can address them, it's insane, utterly immoral, to ask me to. I will use the pronouns that are proper for their biology, as the vast majority of human beings for most of human history did.

If i "lose" with people i deeply despise, with whom i have nothibng in common, whose idea of what is valuable and proper in human life is opposite to mean, not only i don't care at all, i would be scared as **** if they didn't hate me.

by Luciom k

There is no established (ie , agreed upon by the vast majority of adults) terminoly on the topic.

This is false. Your disagreement with the terminology is irrelevant to its establishment.

by Luciom k

I don't buy into any element of gender theory nonsense, I decide to fully refuse to change pronouns depending on how somebody think he is.

If you purposefully misgender people, your time in this thread will be limited. If you don't believe people can actually be trans, I'm not sure how much you can really contribute on this topic anyway. Trans people exist. Choosing to disrespect them by saying otherwise is inflammatory and not conducive to productive discussion.

by ganstaman k

If you purposefully misgender people, your time in this thread will be limited. If you don't believe people can actually be trans, I'm not sure how much you can really contribute on this topic anyway. Trans people exist. Choosing to disrespect them by saying otherwise is inflammatory and not conducive to productive discussion.

We don't know how that person goes along pronouns wise. We only know she came out as trans of some sort , could be non binary, straight he/him, or any other pronoun.

Wiki uses "they" but why should I believe Wikipedia on this? Why should you? What's the official pronoun source for individuals?

Denying pronouns that differ from biological sex and refusing to be forced to Google them extensively enough to be sure what, at this time (because they can always change on a whim ), isn't denying that person feels she is another sex.

Trans people exist, and there is absolutely no moral legal or practical mandate to use their preferred pronouns, and I don't find one in the rules on this forum either, do you?

Knights exist in the UK, yet it's not a bannable offense to not use sir or lady before you name them, is it? Why would it be different for trans people? Refusing to use third party titles or self identification labels is "disrespect" only if you buy in their very partisan and controversial view of the world.

Trans people existing doesn't mean at all to agree with the idea that a biological woman can ever be anything else than a woman no matter what she feels like.

Trans people existence doesn't require buying the idea that a gender distinct from biological sex exists in an objective sense, no matter how many leftist people claim it does.

Are the forum rules explicit about a mandate to use "the correct pronouns", even when unknown, when talking about a person that doesn't identifies with his biological sex? Where can I see the rules explicitly written to that purpose?

Or are you making up rules that don't exist?

by rickroll k

in the last world cup a trans man played for canada's women's team and had decided to delay hormone therapy until the athletic career was over to avoid any problems

They is non-binary born a woman and does not identify as a man . Hit a nice penalty shot unlike her teammates

by Luciom k

Trans people exist, and there is absolutely no moral legal or practical mandate to use their preferred pronouns, and I don't find one in the rules on this forum either, do you? [...]
Or are you making up rules that don't exist?

As a mod, it is my explicit duty to interpret the purposefully vague rules of the forum in general to our specific sub-forum. We also have specific rules in certain threads when history has shown us that those topics lead to problems in certain ways. The general guiding principles at play here are:
"Basically, be kind to one another, or at the very least, keep it civil."
"Trolling can be tricky to define, but in very general terms it is posting for the sole purpose of generating a negative reaction from people."
"Deliberately misgendering transgender people who publicly present themselves as one gender is considered rude and hurtful by many in the transgender community and is strongly discouraged. However, absence certain context, just the act of using the opposite pronoun in the course of a discussion will not in itself result in deletion or other mod actions."

Regarding you and this thread specifically, you know enough to know that misgendering someone is hurtful. You doing so purposefully after this warning will be interpreted by me as purposefully trying to be hurtful. This violates the rule to be kind and would be viewed as trolling. I'm not asking you to be perfect or to read people's minds, in case you were going to ask questions trying to make this a black-and-white rule.

You don't have to agree with this decision, but until the owners of the site tell me to mod otherwise, this is what I am going to do.

by Luciom k

Are the forum rules explicit about a mandate to use "the correct pronouns", even when unknown, when talking about a person that doesn't identifies with his biological sex?

Obviously it can't be a rule to use the correct pronouns when the pronouns are unknown. If you posted questions in good faith, I would be more inclined to interpret your posts to be in good faith.

by lozen k

They is non-binary born a woman and does not identify as a man . Hit a nice penalty shot unlike her teammates

read between the lines

while the article just chalks it up as non-binary, it specifically says quinn is delaying taking testosterone until career is over
