LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174)

LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174)

by LeoTrollstoy k

Very impressed with the minute sequence where LeBron clearly lost the ball headed to the rim, heat got the ball anyway and scored, then he elbows his defender in the chin, drawing a defensive foul and stern talking to from the official and hitting a 3.

It's these ref assisted 5 point swings in close games that truly bring out the best in great players.

Link to post of why Elon Musk is the true GOAT: https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showp...

The thread that will go on for years..........


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31 May 2013 at 02:31 PM

6509 Replies


Who won more than 4 finals MVP's since Jordan?

It's tough and it's only getting tougher. Let us know when a player in this century has as many finals MVP's. Apparently they're hard to get. You might need to bump this post in the year 2072 or something.

I was discussing rings, not MVPs.

Would it have changed your POV if Curry had won 5 (which he was close to 90% achieving)? I don't think so.

Horry GOAT.

Hurry would be considered a gross over achiever, no?

Back to Curry, ~90% at one point to win 5 rings. Would that be a gross over achievement? Or would it reflect poorly on Lebron only winning 4 over 20 years?

Or would you need to sidetrack us with something irrelevant to the question?

Or would you need to find another metric which puts Lebron in a better light?

Curry was and still is amazing. But Durant joining a 73-9 team that had a 3-1 finals lead (after titling the year before) was unprecedented and isn't.comparable to any other team that's been constructed in modern times.

Ok, fair enough.

I'm not going to extend this any further, it seems acknowledging Lebron has underperformed in playoff/chp situations is verboten.

And maybe he hasn't underperformed. Maybe its variance, poor team construction, rigging, IDK.

I don't need any fancy metrics to show Lebron is easily the best player in the post Jordan era. He basically wins on any metric.

by PokerHero77 k

Ok, fair enough.

I'm not going to extend this any further, it seems acknowledging Lebron has underperformed in playoff/chp situations is verboten.

He has led the most teams to a championship of any player since Jordan.

Hard to imagine seeing that as something other than an achievement.

Maybe leading teams to a championship is just damn hard. Shaq and Duncan are in 2nd place for dominance in the post Jordan era by doing it 3 times.

I'm not going to beat a dead horse.

But who can forget this (which seemed somewhat believable at the time):

The idea that one super team is fundamentally different than another super team probably has a simple explanation.

This is not disputable:

Kobe won 5 rings;
Shaq won 4 rings;
Duncan won 5 rings.

I don't know where you are getting your #s.

I've got no problem with hating on Lebron for all that cringe. But that team still won 2 titles.

Durant joined a team that was already championship level and near GOAT team. The Heat was 3 guys who had never played before. It's not comparable. A superteam like Durant/Harden/Irving is more comparable.

by PokerHero77 k

This is not disputable:

Kobe won 5 rings;
Shaq won 4 rings;
Duncan won 5 rings.

I don't know where you are getting your #s.

Horry won 7 rings.
Pippen won 6 rings.
Rodman won 5 rings.

Cool story bro.

Why the spin? The discussion is about Lebron only winning 4 rings in 20 years, and you divert with Horry.

I gave you bona fide top players who achieved more than Lebron (or same in less time), but you bring something else into the conversation to distract from the question.

I already accepted the fact you won't answer it.

It's about leading teams to rings. Winning rings as a support player isn't relevant. You're the one spinning things by including players who got support rings only when it's convenient for you.

Nobody since Jordan has led as many championship teams as Lebron has, and that is undeniable and requires no spin at all.

And Jordan having more of specifically that, is the main reason he can be acceptably rated as being above Lebron.

by Carnivore k

I've got no problem with hating on Lebron for all that cringe. But that team still won 2 titles.

Durant joined a team that was already championship level and near GOAT team. The Heat was 3 guys who had never played before. It's not comparable. A superteam like Durant/Harden/Irving is more comparable.

So, Heat winning 2 titles was all well and good for NBA because...?

And GSW winning 2 titles was all bad and awful for NBA because...?

I disliked and rooted against both teams.

by Carnivore k

It's about leading teams to rings. Winning rings as a support player isn't relevant. You're the one spinning things by including players who got support rings only when it's convenient for you.

Nobody since Jordan has led as many championship teams as Lebron has, and that is undeniable and requires no spin at all.

And Jordan having more of specifically that, is the main reason he can be acceptably rated as being above Lebron.

So individual metrics are necessary to measure someone's contributions to a team's success?

That is, Kobe playing GOAT level ball for 5 chps is irrelevant because he did not receive an award?


It's relevant but it's not the same. That was the Shaq era and everyone knew it.

And Kobe didn't really play GOAT level ball. Guys who are GOATs typically have more impressive MVP results in their careers.

Jordan. 5 MVPs, 3 runner ups
Lebron. 4 MVPs, 4 runner ups
Kobe. 1 MVP, 1 runner up


by Carnivore k

I disliked and rooted against both teams.

So why was one team considered good for the game, and another bad for the game?

by Carnivore k

It's relevant but it's not the same. That was the Shaq era and everyone knew it.

Sure, it was Shaq's team whatever that means.

If you can't recognize the importance of team success in measuring great players, then you will continue with the same diversions.

[and you don't need to divert with Horry again]

IRT Lakers chp teams, Shaq was great, of course. Kobe was great, of course. Only one guy wins MVP. But it does not reduce the value of either player in their team's success.

Find me another GOAT candidate who only finished top 2 in MVP voting twice lol.

by PokerHero77 k

So why was one team considered good for the game, and another bad for the game?

Who said anything like that?

by PokerHero77 k

Sure, it was Shaq's team whatever that means.

If you can't recognize the importance of team success in measuring great players, then you will continue with the same diversions.

[and you don't need to divert with Horry again]

IRT Lakers chp teams, Shaq was great, of course. Kobe was great, of course. Only one guy wins MVP. But it does not reduce the value of either player in their team's success.

Well, Pippen won 6 rings as the 2nd best player on a team, and there's only about 4000 posts in this thread about how terrible he was.

Kobe 2000 averaged only 15.6 pts. In all the other chp series he averaged:

That looks GOAT level to me.

by Carnivore k

Well, Pippen won 6 rings as the 2nd best player on a team, and there's only about 4000 posts in this thread about how terrible he was.

so we're comparing Pippen to Kobe/Shaq/Duncan instead of Horry now?
