Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33722 Replies


well if the IDF said so.

by chezlaw k

So basically wipe out gaza. If we object we must be antisemitic.

There has to be a ceasefire. Sorry but we can't let you dismiss it because of some weak claim about impossibility

There is another way. Hamas could release the hostages and give up their power over the government and surrender. Until then, they will get bombed.

by jalfrezi k

Would you blame previously peaceful Palestinians if some of them had become radicalised by the genocide against them and their families into supporting war against Israel?

There is no genocide going on. If previously peaceful Palestinians are dumb enough to join the fight against mighty Israel they will get what's coming to them.

by The Horror k

Normally, I'd participate in UN bashing, but it isn't just the terror sponsors condemning Israel's belligerence in this phase of the conflict. There's a general consensus outside of a handful that Israel is committing war crimes.

This is a narrative being pushed by the terror sponsors.

by jalfrezi k

This sounds fake.

by Victor k

1000s of posts spilled in this thread about which side was negotiating in good faith. it was obv in Oct and its now its just beyond dispute. will they eat crow? no, they have just pivoted to "its actually good to kill negotiators."

It's good to kill terrorists.

by chezlaw k

The monstrous israeli policy you support as good is an attempt to legitimise destruction of a people, collective punishment, mass murder, destruction of a country.

You need to fail. For israel's sake as much as anyone else.

What country?

by campfirewest k

When the existence is living in caves and drinking pee, calling that a win is setting a pretty low bar.

They have a whole different way of looking at things in this life and the after life.

they dont really have a choice. unfortunately we are not allowed to make comparisons in this thread.

by 72off k

scum of the earth. and i'm including the americans for unilaterally enabling this. they all deserve to burn in hell

It might be best to back off the You Tube videos. There is a lot of fake stuff going around.

Do you intend on condemning Iran for enabling this?

pretty antisemitic of them to suggest that israel has ever done anything wrong smdh

there were crickets when Smotrich said he wanted starve 2 million people to death a few days ago.

Ok guys.

We’ve tried the new rules as they are for a while, and as much as I dislike having to tighten things up even further, it’s become clear to me that too many posts in this thread are “trolling” and inflammatory and low on content.

For the future, posts like that will be deleted.

Responses to them will also be deleted.

Repeat offenders, as well as those who respond in kind, will be warned and then infracted for trolling. Infractions instead of timeouts for trolling this thread are necessary as they are cumulative.

I suggest self-editing as best as possible.

Thank you 😀

by mongidig k

This sounds fake.

People were saying the same about all the rape allegations. Looks like Israel isn't as innocent as people think.

by chezlaw k

So basically wipe out gaza. If we object we must be antisemitic.

There has to be a ceasefire. Sorry but we can't let you dismiss it because of some weak claim about impossibility

If you expect Israel to keep entertaining ceasefires against an enemy that doesn't respect them, yes, you are almost certainly an anti-Semite. There WAS a ceasefire -- Hamas violated it and shot 10-month-old babies in their parents arms. Israel is not at fault for the civilian casualties incurred as a result of Hamas' strategy of turning their populace into human shields. It's beyond unreasonable to expect them to sit and wait for the next massacre of their civilians.

What other country is expected to keep bending over backwards to victimize themselves by helping their enemies? Hamas has sworn to destroy them and acts on it at every opportunity. At what point do you think it's time to place the blame on the Arabs to police themselves and stop trying to murder Jews and stop blaming Israelis? The bigotry of low expectations rears its head once again.

by Phresh k

This math seems pretty racist.

Okay carry on with Netanyahu monstrous and stupid actions then. Hezbullah next. I expect you will get what you want. I expect it will then be our fault.

Sure thing. And carry on with your childish naivete that basically amounts to, "I don't like war!" Yeah, nobody does. I'd love for the radical terrorist group governing those Arabs to stop trying to murder Jews. But if they care more about killing Jews than their own quality of life, what am I to do? You seem to think demanding the Jews sacrifice their actual lives to protect Arabs from the repercussions of their own hateful ideology is morally just or something. It isn't. It's idiotic and anti-Semitic. I want Hamas eradicated, but that'd return calls of "Islamophobia" because it's rooted in their religious belief.

I don't even know what "stupid actions" you're referring to. Going after Hamas and not ceding everything to them? What's your plan? Ceasefire every single time Israel responds to their attacks? I'm guessing you're not a winning gambler?

fyi discussion of antisemitism itt will catch a ban

lets go back to approved topics of debate such as whether israeil's genocide has resulted in the death of 600,000 civilians or whether it's merely 500,000, and/or how the civilians who claimed they were raped on oct 7 are making it up

by Phresh k

Sure thing. And carry on with your childish naivete that basically amounts to, "I don't like war!" Yeah, nobody does. I'd love for the radical terrorist group governing those Arabs to stop trying to murder Jews. But if they care more about killing Jews than their own quality of life, what am I to do? You seem to think demanding the Jews sacrifice their actual lives to protect Arabs from the repercussions of their own hateful ideology is morally just or something. It isn't. It's idiotic and anti-

If anything is childish it's lashing out unthinkingly.

It's stupid as well as monstrous because netanyahu and his actions are a disaster for israel. If I were indulging in your nonsense about antisemitism it would be for supporting such disasterous actions. I dont because it's nonsense. I just strongly disagree with you.

About the raping, the left is at it again with the false equivalente of "rapes on both sides".

While it's clear that Israel soldiers tortured some prisoners with actions that are possibly rapi-ish, or outright rape depending on the semantic and the jurisdiction (insertion of stuff in the anus for ex), that's clearly not the message that passes when people write that the IDF committed a lot of rape.

What's clear is that the IDF didn't rape innocent palestinian women wantonly, while hamas did rape innocent Israeli women, in masse.

Doesn't matter how much you consider it bad, if soldiers torture prisoners, but torture rape of imprisoned terrorists has nothing to do with random mass genital rape of innocent women.

It's the n-th bad faith example of made up narratives, and we have to push against it.

by BOIDS k

fyi discussion of antisemitism itt will catch a ban

lets go back to approved topics of debate such as whether israeil's genocide has resulted in the death of 600,000 civilians or whether it's merely 500,000, and/or how the civilians who claimed they were raped on oct 7 are making it up

lol we really can't mention anti-Semitism in this thread? wtf happened to this board, JFC. Thanks for the heads up, I guess. I'd hate to get banned back-to-back for questioning trans-identity and then acknowledging the anti-Semitic double-standards rampant from the "Free Palestine!" NPCs.

by chezlaw k

If anything is childish it's lashing out unthinkingly.

It's stupid as well as mosntrous because netanyahu and his actions are a disaster for israel.

As always, what in the hell are you people talking about? Nobody is lashing out unthinkingly. It's stupid and monstrous to try and eradicate the terrorists hellbent on destroying your entire population and country? Uh, okay. Well said and thanks for the very interesting points to consider. I appreciate the nuance!

You can mention anti semitism for groups like Hamas and others, you can't claim anything negative about "all palestinians" (to be fair, they can't claim anything bad about "all Israeli" either, but they can insult the IDF as much as they want).

Keep in mind you are coming into threads with a lot of specific local history, active posters know the current rules but it's normal for you to feel "wtf", but believe me it was worse some months ago here as well. At least the rules are somewhat clear now
