Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33740 Replies


by Luciom k

They who want which land "back" in which sense

They being the Muslims who ran the place for basically the last 1,000 years or so with a few interruptions.

by grizy k

So step 1 defeat Hamas.

I am really not sure what you're even arguing. Are you seriously saying Hamas is open to political solutions when it hasn't been defeated and really no reason to negotiate?

They are open to a political solution for sure but their demands are nowhere near what Israel will accept.

by 5 south k

They being the Muslims who ran the place for basically the last 1,000 years or so with a few interruptions.

Writing that looks funny, as if muslims were all a homogenous group and they didn't wage tremendous, genocidal warfare with each others, like christians did.

And they hate each others right now as well, ever heard of the Iran-Iraq war?

What's this joke of saying "muslims had it for 1000 years" so "they" (a random group of muslims who never controlled anything and who never existed as a defined population until 80 years ago, ie what we today call the palestinians) ran the place and have a right to that land? the ****?

The Mamluks who took Jerusalem were ex slaves of turkish (Kipchak) origins; later from circassia (their sultanate wasn't hereditary, the strong ones took power every generation).

The ottomans were turkomans.

No "palestinian", ie no arab group from the middle east, east of egypt, controlled Jerusalem from 1260 until british rule.

So, i ask again, who is "they"? Turkey?

by Luciom k

Writing that looks funny, as if muslims were all a homogenous group and they didn't wage tremendous, genocidal warfare with each others, like christians did.

And they hate each others right now as well, ever heard of the Iran-Iraq war?

What's this joke of saying "muslims had it for 1000 years" so "they" (a random group of muslims who never controlled anything and who never existed as a defined population until 80 years ago, ie what we today call the palestinians) ran the place and have a right to

Enemy of my enemy. The Muslims may have their infighting but they're still going to band together for the most part to fight against the outsider and then go back to their internal bs. Although the recent report of the Jordanian FM telling Tehran they're siding with the Americans if **** goes down is pretty interesting.
Either way, the 3rd most important site or whatever to their fairy tale, they're going to be a problem.

by 5 south k

Enemy of my enemy. The Muslims may have their infighting but they're still going to band together for the most part to fight against the outsider and then go back to their internal bs. Although the recent report of the Jordanian FM telling Tehran they're siding with the Americans if **** goes down is pretty interesting.
Either way, the 3rd most important site or whatever to their fairy tale, they're going to be a problem.

Except they aren't. KSA is clearly an ally of the USA, while Iran is clearly an enemy, for example.

And it's fairly clear to me that KSA hates Iran more than it hates Israel for example.

by Luciom k

Except they aren't. KSA is clearly an ally of the USA, while Iran is clearly an enemy, for example.

And it's fairly clear to me that KSA hates Iran more than it hates Israel for example.

Yeah but when the rubber hit the road, KSA needed to back away from normalization temporarily to keep his base happy.


say the line Bart

by 5 south k

They being the Muslims who ran the place for basically the last 1,000 years or so with a few interruptions.

Except for those wars they started and lost. You need to brush up on your history.

by 5 south k

They are open to a political solution for sure but their demands are nowhere near what Israel will accept.

Hamas is essentially demanding a surrender from Israel, including demand for reparations euphemistically called aid.

by Victor k


say the line Bart

I saw this article as well. Saw that the teenage conscripts pushed back on the policy of using human shields - perhaps too young to have been fully programmed?

its important to understand the Palestinians had been reporting this with testimonies from victims and witnesses since Nov. at the time, the pro-West people in this thread dismissed it as lies.

but we know now that the Palestinian have not lied about nearly anything. whereas almost everything from the Israelis has been a lie.

one thing the Palestinians described that has not been reported by Western or Israeli press is that the human slave shields were also sometimes forced to wear exposives and sometimes blown up by the Israelis.

I am sure we will get confirmation of that at some point.

Marxist antisemite extremists are being politically annihilated by an incredibly well focused attempt by AIPAC

Thanks got for Citizen United literally saving Jewish lives

It’s not just the mega-successful takedowns against Bowman and Bush: The pro-Israel groups quickly realized they can choke off potential progressive additions by spending against them in safe-seat primaries. Those races don’t always get national attention but thwart attempts to grow the liberal caucus

so Israelis dressed up as UNRWA members to do terrorism and murder.

do I even need to say it?

surgical weapons save lives. well not these newborn twins and their mom and grandma.

the new mom was a Dr and involved with this

thats certainly why they were killed. they let the father live as he was not at home.

targeted assassinations on Drs and their newborn twins is what the smart bombs do and anyone who supports those bombs, supports that.

Without the weapon used Israel would have shown restraint and not attempted to strike that building?

victor we don't believe a word of what you say and until you source any claim with pro Israel sources, we won't.

pally wood propaganda is very boring

by Bluegrassplayer k

Without the weapon used Israel would have shown restraint and not attempted to strike that building?


bro thinks Israel can do bombings without any bombs

Israel has more than enough bombs to continue operations in Gaza. We've been over this before.

You do not believe Israel would show any restraint. We've been over this before.

You believe if Israel didn't have the precision they would resort to just leveling the entire place. We've been over this before.

Your position is a literal catch 22.

so why aren't you saluting putin's incredible restraint in ukraine then? he's a relative saint

How do you figure?

russia has more than enough bombs to continue operations in ukraine. We've been over this before.

You do not believe russia would show any restraint. We've been over this before.

You believe if russia didn't have the precision they would resort to just leveling the entire place. We've been over this before.

by Luciom k

Marxist antisemite extremists are being politically annihilated by an incredibly well focused attempt by AIPAC

Thanks got for Citizen United literally saving Jewish lives

It’s not just the mega-successful takedowns against Bowman and Bush: The pro-Israel groups quickly realized they can choke off potential progressive additions by spending against them in safe-seat primaries. Those races don’t always g

Meh. I read the article (and many others like it). Honestly, what seems to really be going on is antisemitic progressives have decided to use (((AIPAC))) as a boogeyman to deflect from their own antisemitism and the realization the American public rejects their extremism.

Both the main primary elections being referenced, Bowman and Bush, were extremely vulnerable candidates because of their toxic progressive rhetoric and decision to focus on national culture war issues instead of local issues, that fell to fellow progressives that were less toxic and more local focused. Both were projected to lose without AIPAC getting involved. If anything AIPAC is cherrypicking elections where the anti-semite candidate was going to lose anyways, so they can take credit where it isn't entirely deserved.

If AIPAC was really as influential as the article implies, you would see them getting involved in more toss up races, or even swinging races where their preferred candidates are projected to lose, which they aren't.

Modern radical progressivism is extremely toxic and destructive. The American public got a taste of it in 2020, didn't like what they were tasting, and are over it. And instead of accepting this, progressives are blaming it all on evil Jewish money.

We've been over none of that, actually.

Russia does not have more than enough bombs to continue operations in Ukraine in the manner they want, that is why they are importing from North Korea, and trying to from Iran. This is why they are sacrificing their economy in order to produce more and more. We've been over this before.

Russia is not showing restraint. We've been over this before.

Russia has resorted to leveling the entire place, and they did this early on in the conflict. If you're unaware then catch up to the point that you can have a serious conversation. We've been over this before.
