"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre

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29 November 2019 at 06:28 PM

4680 Replies


by BigSkip k

I do not work for the IRS, sir.

that's exactly what someone who works for them would say though

actually, i will believe you because if you did you would have snap hired zoltan sight unseen

And I don't work for the army. Batting 1.000 there.

by rickroll k

actually, i will believe you because if you did you would have snap hired zoltan sight unseen

I have seen Zoltan. Imagine how awful that would be...and it is worse.

by Garick k

And I don't work for the army. Batting 1.000 there.

i'm a traditionalist, you'll always be army to me 😀

So much for your inheritance.

Imma leave it all to the Billy Mitchell Institute now.


by BigSkip k

I am pretty sure I don't regret choosing to not have any kids. It helps that being an uncle to a several and an "uncle" to a bunch more helps. As does coaching. As I get older I sometimes wonder what having kids would have been like, but then I remember I am retiring early, and I move along.

I do hope I eventually get to be a great uncle at some point.

by Garick k

Gotta admit, I've never missed it, and am not really fond of being around kids much. Niece/nephew are cool, but much better now that they're college age.

Yep, I'm with these guys. When we're all out in the cul-de-sac it's fun to play four-square or whatever with the kids. When somebody's kid starts bawling, it's pretty great to be able to just go inside.

by rickroll k

how do you check safely? beatoff into a petri dish once per quarter?

it's my undestanding that you still ejaculate, just the ejaculate is all water and no boats - is that true?

After I had that surgery to cut the lines, I had to send in a sample 8 or 12 weeks post snip.

They called me and confirmed all zeros.

Let the water flow!

is it physically different, like does it appear watered down?

by AcePlayerDeluxe k

Back in the day, had we had kids that close together ….. Broke af.

The 9 year difference has been nice though. Daughter is at home today watching my son because he’s sick. Things like that help out alot.

3 under 5 or whatever the math would be, f me

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by rickroll k

is it physically different, like does it appear watered down?

Just ask what you want to ask. Does it taste the same?


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by miamicheats k

Just ask what you want to ask. Does it taste the same?


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that's question 4 and of course we need to preface that the question is for science

by miamicheats k

3 under 5 or whatever the math would be, f me

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I had 3 under 4.5

But sorry man, if I was going to f you it would have happened when we were sharing a room at the V

by feel wrath k

I had 3 under 4.5

But sorry man, if I was going to f you it would have happened when we were sharing a room at the V

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after winning 5000 bb last year at 1/3 this year im up like 700 bb, with all profits coming jan-march. since april down 1000 bb. i think youd have be crazy to play this game for a living.

typical fun session tonight at $1/3

$400 deep, UTG old nit limps, someone raises MP to $15, i $50 with KK OTB, old nit 4b to $175 and looks super strong, MP folds, i tank several minutes and fold. 90% sure he had AA.

then a few hours later, stack $375, I $15 with AA UTG, 1 caller, nittier type 3b to $60 in sb, i 4b to $130 (should have made it $150 but it would have not made a difference), nittier type calls.

Flop J75r, i bet $100 (dislike this should have bet $60 but again dont think it would have mattered), i get CRd all in for the $125 or so, lose to JJ.

dodging bullets aint enough, i need to walk through the rain and stay dry to win lol.

wrong thread?

Indeed. Whining about runbad belongs in the Winrates, Bankroll and Finances thread.

Spent the last week in NYC for work. I get nostalgic being back, but I'm always happy to get home.

Mini TR:
Hotel Hugo - Do not recommend. "boutique" hotel where you'll pay a lot and not get a lot. Would never pay to stay here if work didn't foot the bill. Definitely avoid.
Joe's Pizza on Carmine: I've always loved this place, but I thought the sauce was a bit sweet this time. Still a classic and will always recommend it.
Spunto Pizza: Not a huge fan of thin, cracker crust, but it was fine. Will not return, but it's a good representation of that style.
Pinch Chinese: Soup Dumplings were bomb. Peking duck was delicious.
Blue Ribbon Sushi: best meal(s) of the trip. I ate there twice. Outstanding oysters and otoro.
Despana: Picante sandwich with chorizo is always a winner

Theres bout tree fiddy miles left in the montana bike odyssey for spc. She has opened up a 1 day lead on the 2 others remaining in the 1700 mile back packing event. This event has changed her. She has gone from fantasizing about bike packing to becomming hard core this season.

Montana odyssey tracker:


love how it's a topographical map to emphasize the pain

She going pro?

by Garick k

She going pro?

lol - Bikepacking is pretty niche. She gots a couple o sponsors, is quickly building a rep in the community, and will be doing some podcasts after finishing this event but i dont think there is any real money to be had. Luckily the gambool has been good to spc (who should prolly be called Adventure Chick at this point; jus sayin) and doesnt really need worry about making $.

Noice! Yeah, it seems pretty niche, given the numbers involved in the races we've seen so far. And for good reason. That ish sounds rather brutal, imo.

There are a handful of events that get a bunch of entrants. The biggest being the tour divide that had 200+. It seems that after a bunch of fatalities on the road events like trans-am in recent years that there is a general push towards events that do not share the roads with cars. There is definitely an uptick in interest on the bikepacking boards and number of events offered. I think the sport is in the process of growing. How much remains to be seen
