The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Luciom k

The outrageous take of claiming that if you demonize someone 24/7/365 for many years, some people might be motivated to act violently against him lol

Isn’t what trump did pelosi ?
Maybe u can even say Elon musk and trump on swift ?
Do you held him accountable for it ?

by checkraisdraw k

You seriously have no clue what happened and are parroting blatant lies. First of all, the first people to break in were NOT escorted by police. Secondly, the cops being extremely overrun made the decision to lead the insurrectionists TOWARDS THE SENATE CHAMBERS because that was the opposite direction from where hundreds of congressional people, their families, and their staffers were. They had to be holed up because rabid Trump supporters were attempting to “stop the steal”. This actually tells

I mean it's not like you are going to convince me by using democratic party narratives (about this, or about anything else).

The cops could have started shooting to kill at any time, which you know is what you actually do vs an insurrection

by checkraisdraw k

Gotchya, so if I tell people that their country is being stolen from them, that they need to fight like hell, that Mike Pence is letting the election be stolen from them, that their country will be destroyed if it’s stolen, and then as they are storming the capital that was being occupied by senators and congresspeople, watching police being attacked from inside my office, as my family and advisors are literally BEGGING me to call the national guard, I’m absolved by one time saying &

Yup that their logic !
One 6th January event = thousands of blm events .
1 lies from Harris = 100 lies by trump .

It’s a “binary thinking syndrome” or something like that ?
Main factor -> eject any logical / rational concept from discussion.
It’s a new term I propose …

by Luciom k

I mean it's not like you are going to convince me by using democratic party narratives (about this, or about anything else).

The cops could have started shooting to kill at any time, which you know is what you actually do vs an insurrection

Thank you for confirming any attempt at arguing with you is a complete and total waste of time effort and energy and that my general strategy of mockery is the optimal one

by Luciom k

The claim by the left is Trump is a threat to american democracy. Which is something the attempted murdered believed as well (judging from his social media content). We will never know i guess whether that was the reason for the guy to attempt the assassination (or if Ukraine was enough), that i admit.

The daughter of dick Cheney and many conservatives like him are not leftish .

by Luciom k

I have reasons to believe my sister which don't apply to believing the mediatic case about Trump having purportedly illegally attempted anything anti-democratic, nor i have any reason to believe a democratic DoJ about anything at all ever, do you see the difference? you do believe democratic media and prosecutors and that's what you base your considerations on.

Given i know how the left works, i simply don't give any truth validity to anything they claim about their opponents. I need it verified

And yet the rigged election y trump was justified ?

by Montrealcorp k

The daughter of dick Cheney and many conservatives like him are not leftish .

she went to my college and they protested when they heard she was coming back for homecoming

was not a public figure at that point, just the daughter of the vp

by Luciom k

I mean it's not like you are going to convince me by using democratic party narratives (about this, or about anything else).

"We don't need your facts, logic and reason around here, sonny. Get out."

by d2_e4 k

"We don't need your facts, logic and reason around here, sonny. Get out."

"I saw it on MSNBC" doesn't mean it's a fact

by StoppedRainingMen k

Thank you for confirming any attempt at arguing with you is a complete and total waste of time effort and energy and that my general strategy of mockery is the optimal one

you aren't going to accept any fox news source by anyone on any claim, why do you pretend otherwise?

Liz cheney is a charlatan fraud who was all aboard on the trump train til literally Jan 6. It’s fine that she condemned him after and has railed against him accordingly, but thinking the cheneys are endorsing Harris cuz of policy is the laziest, stupidest bullshit I’ve heard

by Luciom k

you aren't going to accept any fox news source by anyone on any claim, why do you pretend otherwise?

You would be referring to the network that had to pay out a billion dollars and fire its biggest star over their dominion lies?

That’s the one I’m an echo chamber leftist cuz I don’t listen?

by Luciom k

"I saw it on MSNBC" doesn't mean it's a fact

I've never watched MSNBC. Also, how many ****ing times, Trump tells on himself. What he was doing is literally documented in his own words and actions. Whether MSNBC or CNN or Fox reported it or I went on to twitter or turned on my TV and saw it for myself becomes irrelevant.

by Rococo k

and with the awareness that he will never have to worry about the reality of a Jill Stein presidency.

and you're voting for kopala with the awareness that you'll never have to worry about the reality of a kopala presidency

by rickroll k

i was talking about all his work as president before he lost re-election

what he did afterwards was absolutely unforgivable

just call him a dictator then - that's a bad enough label which is actually accurate unlike the label of fascist

i do appreciate your reference though

Do you believe a democracy can become a dictatorship in a heart beat or only through many steps over a period of time , like actual years ?

If u think that SC decision about full presidential immunity isn’t a step favouring this , I don’t know what to tell you .

He put his pawns first (sc justices) , then try get immunity from them , and we moving forward more and more .

I've been voting Dem as a protest vote against the green party for years. I expect them to get the message and become serious very soon.

by StoppedRainingMen k

You would be referring to the network that had to pay out a billion dollars and fire its biggest star over their dominion lies?

That’s the one I’m an echo chamber leftist cuz I don’t listen?

You guys only trust sources that you know play for your team, and no one else, and the same is true for us.

you have the dominion settlement, we have the mostly peaceful comment with burning buildings behind (and a lot more stuff).

when media plays for a team, this is what happens.

by Luciom k

I mean it's not like you are going to convince me by using democratic party narratives (about this, or about anything else).

The cops could have started shooting to kill at any time, which you know is what you actually do vs an insurrection

I love this backseat policing you are doing. Also that’s pretty stupid even during the BLM riots when people were ****ing up blocks they have ways of policing a situation that don’t involve indiscriminately firing on people. What in the world are you even talking about by the way, is there any method of crowd control that just involves randomly shooting at people? How is that going to be effective? Plus these are people that are charged with protecting the capital on what’s supposed to be a very solemn and emotional day for our democracy, I doubt their first thought was to start blasting randomly into people, the probably thought to deescalate while backup arrives.

And “democratic narratives”? My guy you omit so many facts that it can be scarcely called a narrative, just a pile of Republican slop. Take it from the people (including his family) that were begging Trump to call the national guard while Rudy Giuliani leveraged the chaos to put pressure on senators. Is that also a democratic narrative?

by Luciom k

You guys only trust sources that you know play for your team, and no one else, and the same is true for us.

you have the dominion settlement, we have the mostly peaceful comment with burning buildings behind (and a lot more stuff).

when media plays for a team, this is what happens.

Your projection is sad and based on nothing other than because you do it so I must too

That’s ok. Go with god

by Luciom k

"I saw it on MSNBC" doesn't mean it's a fact

Despite what lozen think , beside streamraise I doubt many people listen at msnbc …

But even foxnews got condemn for “factual trump lies”’mk

by StoppedRainingMen k

Your projection is sad and based on nothing other than because you do it so I must too

That’s ok. Go with god

ok which right-wing sources do you take as true?

by checkraisdraw k

I love this backseat policing you are doing. Also that’s pretty stupid even during the BLM riots when people were ****ing up blocks they have ways of policing a situation that don’t involve indiscriminately firing on people. What in the world are you even talking about by the way, is there any method of crowd control that just involves randomly shooting at people? How is that going to be effective?

you know the riots in Gaza to get the aid?

have you checked what happened like twice, and how magically there are no more aid riots?

Luciom, why is it that former Vice President Pence isn’t endorsing Trump, and isn’t going to vote for him? Do you think it might have anything to do with Trump’s attempt to insight violence against him or is he just falling for Demonrat narratives?

by Luciom k

I mean it's not like you are going to convince me by using democratic party narratives (about this, or about anything else).

The cops could have started shooting to kill at any time, which you know is what you actually do vs an insurrection

If you had any degree of seriousness, it seems you lost it.

by Luciom k

A coup is an attempt to take the existing power structure. An insurrection is an attempt to defy existing power structure and do what you want regardless of their existence

Armed maga deciding a neighborhood or county or state is independent from Biden and fighting toward that outcome would be an insurrection. A vegan shaman and people escorted by police within the capitol building after a riot outside of it aren't an insurrection, never were an insurrection, they have no element of an insurrec

How would you call a fail action of preventing passation of power which would leave the president longer in power then what he was suppose to ?
And would able to enact president power the day after ?
