The costs of trans visibility

The costs of trans visibility

Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:

For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and

. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.

What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.

We need to do better.

30 June 2023 at 04:48 PM

6827 Replies


by uke_master k


Neither of these are remotely problematic. If someone has told me they are lesbian or trans, I'm completely happy to say they are indeed lesbian or trans - and that this is ok. You haven't managed to find some big difference between the two.

I think any socially adept person understands the value of being accepting, especially toward a stranger. This isn’t a useful point.

by uke_master k

Uh, I don't think anyone who says that - I'm happy to for instance - are suggesting it IS a "scientific claim" or "supported by science" like that it is some biological claim about their sex that is at dispute here. Instead it is more definitional, saying that of the people who identity as as women in society - i.e. a gender identity not a sex - that some of those people are cis and some are trans and that is totally fine and ok.

A lot of political slogans are vague and confusing, I suppose by design. Meat is murder. Taxation is theft. Slightly different, defund the police.

You can interpret this in various ways and people will do so.

I think it's probably better to just say what you mean. Like, "it's decent to treat people according to their gender identity."

Many interpret TWAW to mean they are indistinguishable. They will disagree with that statement, but would agree with the above.

As with defunct police, most people meant stuff like demilitarize the police, and use mental health professionals instead of police when appropriate. But there were also people who wanted to just stop having police. All were using the same slogan and it hurt the cause of the sensible people.

Some people really believe TWAW literally true and that it is supported by science.

by spaceman Bryce k

if you study the issue deeply enough, rather than debate it on forums where you are correct in saying that most people dont understand this issue, you will eventually realize transgender men are men and transgender women are women. Once you realize this, then your arguement seems trite,
In truth your argument is no different than any other discriminatory belief , but it’s only discriminatory because you dont believe the truth. You sound indistinguishable from any other person who will neve

by L0LWAT k

Gender theory is accepted science everywhere except Russia, Hungary, and Romania. This drivel should all be banned. It's denying the lived experience and discriminatory toward all transgender individuals.

by ES2 k

A lot of political slogans are vague and confusing, I suppose by design. Meat is murder. Taxation is theft. Slightly different, defund the police.

You can interpret this in various ways and people will do so.

I think it's probably better to just say what you mean. Like, "it's decent to treat people according to their gender identity."

Many interpret TWAW to mean they are indistinguishable. They will disagree with that statement, but would agree with the above.

As with defunct police, most peopl

Uh, no, advocates of trans people aren't claiming some biological or scientific thing that is inaccurate. It isn't like they are saying that trans women have XX chromosomes or that trans women have uteruses. That would be wrong, but that isn't the position of advocates of trans people (nor either of the people you quoted). Instead the claim is one of gender, not sex. Trans women are indeed literally women, as in their gender. Some women are trans and some are cis. If you prefer, you can say this is sort of definitional, that I'm defining the word women to be inclusive in this way. You can be mad at that, but it is silly to pretend this is any disagreement about the level of support by "science".

by craig1120 k

I think any socially adept person understands the value of being accepting, especially toward a stranger. This isn’t a useful point.

I'm glad to hear that any socially adept person is accepting of trans people. I still don't know gregory was going on about some supposed salient difference between lesbians and trans people on this point.

by uke_master k

I'm glad to hear that any socially adept person is accepting of trans people. I still don't know gregory was going on about some supposed salient difference between lesbians and trans people on this point.

My point is the trans discussion is obviously more complicated than “How should I treat some random trans identifying person,” so it seems a bit dishonest that you keep using this frame for everything.

It’s easy for you to do this and trivialize the issue in this way when your family hasn’t been torn apart by it.

by craig1120 k

It’s easy for you to do this and trivialize the issue in this way when your family hasn’t been torn apart by it.

I'm sorry, has YOUR family been "torn apart" by trans issues? One of the great things about being a "socially adept person" as you put it is I am not in the slightest bit quivering in my boots about my family being torn apart if either of my kids turns out to be trans. It'll be ok!

Note that sometimes banal and obvious points are said in response to specific people in specific discussions.

by 57 On Red k

The difficulty with trans-activism is that it is based on the idea that gender-nonconformity is 'wrong' and requires medical correction. This is not a good idea and is at least in part homophobic.

First off, I’m not sure what exactly you mean by “trans-activism”. That’s a very loaded phrase it seems like, because you’re using it in a peculiar way I’ve never seen before. From my experience with for instance gender abolitionists, they would be the first to argue that you actually don’t need medical transition to be trans, you just have to identify as a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth. So they seem very open to just not caring at all about medically transitioning, which is actually something that has been discussed at length in this thread. In fact I would argue what kicked off all the trans controversy was the charge that predatory men were pretending to be women so they could invade female spaces, often with very little medical transition. There were even alleged cases of psychos transitioning in order to go to women’s prisons for instance.

What’s my point? I think this is an easy strawman for you to raise up and argue against. It’s not really generally the case that trans people or trans activists are homophobic, except if they don’t respect genital preference which I think can be homophobic. Probably the gayest spaces would be the ones where trans people feel most at home.

In the Appleby v Tavistock case it came out that Tavistock GIDS clinicians were boasting, 'There soon won't be any gay people left, the rate we're going.' That's not good. There isn't anything wrong with girly boys or boyish girls, who should just be who they are, and there is something distinctly wrong with older adults telling them they were 'born in the wrong body' and offering supposed treatments to 'correct' them as a default programme. Only a few are likely to benefit long-term from transition, and, given the known disadvantage in terms of fertility, as well as the apparently accelerated risks of heart disease and cancer, it is probably something they should only undertake as responsible adults with a settled determination.

Look we can talk about minor gender transition but I think it’s a pretty specious claim to think that the vast majority of minor gender transition is out of homophobia, and I think it’s funny that a lot of the more conservative gays will sometimes ally with the far right or out and out homophobes in order to coalition build. I’m not going to charge the anti-trans movement as being homophobic either, I’m actually saying this is a complete dead end conversation and I’m surprised so many people liked this post. Maybe I’m missing something but when I see this post I see someone who is not really in touch with the greater issues here and is pulling a schizo lefty rant, but because it supports the anti-trans position people are accepting it.

by checkraisdraw k

First off, I’m not sure what exactly you mean by “trans-activism”. That’s a very loaded phrase it seems like, because you’re using it in a peculiar way I’ve never seen before. From my experience with for instance gender abolitionists, they would be the first to argue that you actually don’t need medical transition to be trans, you just have to identify as a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth. So they seem very open to just not caring at

57 on red is British.

In the UK lesbian associations had severe legal issues with trans activists because trans activists wanted them to lose tax exempt/charity status because they didn't accept people with dicks as lesbians.

That's kind of what is going on RIGHT NOW, not an hypothetical, in the UK ok?

That's the context.

Not sure what you think about that, are lesbian associations violating British transphobia laws if they don't accept as members biological men?

Insisting that a person with a dick can be a lesbian, in a legal sense, and so mandate associations to take them in, is more homophobic than the worst conservatives can ever be.

It's demeaning in a way that not even negation of homosexuality as natural can be. It's evil

by Luciom k

57 on red is British.

In the UK lesbian associations had severe legal issues with trans activists because trans activists wanted them to lose tax exempt/charity status because they didn't accept people with dicks as lesbians.

That's kind of what is going on RIGHT NOW, not an hypothetical, in the UK ok?

That's the context.

Not sure what you think about that, are lesbian associations violating British transphobia laws if they don't accept as members biological men?

Insisting that a person with a dick c

I already gave the caveat that this would be an issue where it can be arguably homophobic in practice though probably not in intent necessarily. That position is psychotic, absolutely.

I don’t think it gets any more homophobic than “you are going to burn for all eternity”, “you should be put to death for being gay”, “gay is fake you are just a sinner”, capturing kids from their houses and sending them to conversion camps, wanting to deny their right to marry, criminalizing homosexuality, etc. That is a complete exaggeration/rhetorical flourish on your part.

And it’s not even the point, the point is that trans is not practiced as a way to convert gay people, how would that even make sense? If you are a trans woman having sex with another male by your biological definition of homosexuality that’s still gay as hell. No homophobe is going to look at that relationship and say “wow, totally normal straight relationship there!” It doesn’t even pass the conceptual sniff test.

it's not conversion to justify the conservatives view of society, it's conversion when you count the size of the legions.

there are theorists that want everyone who isn't exactly purely normal (they say "cis") hererosexual to count as queer, to have huge queer numbers they can use for political (and donation) purposes, even if that makes homosexual identities disappear.

if an homosexual can be convinced to identify as trans (even temporarily) that changes the cohort sizes for donation and political purposes.

if you understand the actual reason people become activists on the left on general is to get paid, steal money from donors and keep inventing fake problems to justify their roles, everything follows.

it's an internal fight among leftist factions

I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about at all, because you seem to be conflating many different things and also ascribing a degree of specific motivation that has such a high burden of proof that it seems almost insurmountable. It’s hard enough to prove that a public official is lying, to say that all these activists are fighting for donations and trying to convert people to queerness to raise their donation rate just sounds absolutely schizo.

Saw this and thought it was mildly interesting from a constitutional perspective. I was under the impression that armbands would be considered constitutionally protected speech.

by Luckbox Inc k

Saw this and thought it was mildly interesting from a constitutional perspective. I was under the impression that armbands would be considered constitutionally protected speech.

for reasons I never completely understood the legal system allows school settings to restrict speech in general a lot more than what would be allowed in general society.

I don't remember all the case law on the topic but I do remember there are some significant precedents allowing restrictions that would be considered unconstitutional in normal settings.

not sure if this specific case you link about is covered or not though

Luciom do you just make crazy statements and never back them up as a trolling technique? This is why I stopped responding to you I forgot.

by checkraisdraw k

Luciom do you just make crazy statements and never back them up as a trolling technique? This is why I stopped responding to you I forgot.

crazy statements about what, where? when I source them you guys completely disregard them anyway so I will only source if given the promise that people will switch their response and agree with me and apologize when sourced.

I won't really play the game of "source", and after I provide it you invent some dodge every time anyway.

it has been years all leftists do that in all topics, so I learnt.

by Luciom k

for reasons I never completely understood the legal system allows school settings to restrict speech in general a lot more than what would be allowed in general society.

I don't remember all the case law on the topic but I do remember there are some significant precedents allowing restrictions that would be considered unconstitutional in normal settings.

not sure if this specific case you link about is covered or not though

Tinker v Des Moines is the original armband case where they decided that students couldn't be prohibited from protesting the Vietnam war with armbands given how unobtrusive they are.

In this case it's parents on school property but in a non-educational setting so it would be hard to imagine what the rational would be to allow their speech to be restricted.

by Luciom k

crazy statements about what, where? when I source them you guys completely disregard them anyway so I will only source if given the promise that people will switch their response and agree with me and apologize when sourced.

I won't really play the game of "source", and after I provide it you invent some dodge every time anyway.

it has been years all leftists do that in all topics, so I learnt.

I didn’t ask for a source at all. I pointed out that most likely what you are saying could never even be proven, and there are tons of reasons to believe that it’s impossible what you are saying. If anything I just said you are full of it and making stuff up. If you don’t want to back up your claims at all, that’s not on me.

Twitter post about it with many of the comments referencing the Tinker decision.

by Luckbox Inc k

Saw this and thought it was mildly interesting from a constitutional perspective. I was under the impression that armbands would be considered constitutionally protected speech.

If we’re just dealing with the constitutional question here, I think the difference between the case cited and this one is that the case involving students did not have them directly protesting another student. I’m not sure about other free speech questions surrounding protests on school grounds that are unobtrusive, but that would be my guess as to what the symmetry breaker will be.

that sucks to read but i want it to be based on physical data rather than opinion polls from facebook

by rickroll k

Sadly 5 years ago you would say this can't be real now.....

--So there is a transgender volleyball player, where multiple teams in their conference are refusing to compete against and forfeiting games. I have said this multiple times, but I think this is how this controversy gets resolved eventually, in that at some point a lot of women are just going to refuse to compete against transgender women in sports**, and there is just going to be a lot less women involved in sports. Which isn't the end of the world. Life will go on.

Interesting, but not super surprising that this is happening in volleyball. As it must be extremely intimidating having to be on the receiving end of spikes that are much harder than what you are used to or comfortable with.

**I acknowledge in this case all the schools forfeiting games are in red states, so there is undoubtably some partisan politics going on too, on top of whatever safety or comfort concerns there are.

Poor girl. It sucks but I really don’t think she should be playing in college sports.
