Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
He’s live right now speaking in Georgia. He just promised to never sleep on a beach.
Just think of the amount of blubber to harvest with a harpoon.
That's small comfort to the vast majority of Georgians.
Which Georgia?
Oh they've been running ads using photos from the ex-Soviet Republic, Georgia, so I was wondering if there'd been another similar mix-up...
Former CDC director comes out and endorses Trump, tells RFKjnr that he got everything right.
Isn't he the slappie Trump put at the CDC so he could control it?
What a shocker that he would make such an idiotic endorsement.
In other news, the idiot that we all said was an idiot when he was acting like an idiot as the director of the CDC turns out to be an idiot.
I think the bigger news is trump finally found a single human being who worked in his administration that endorsed him
Even Haley only endorsed him after running against him for a year
In other news, the idiot that we all said was an idiot when he was acting like an idiot as the director of the CDC turns out to be an idiot.
I don't know. He was a damn sight smarter than that Walensky idiot, that replaced him.
Wasn't she the one who said if you get vaccinated you won't get covid? LOL
agree it is super pathetic putting up a former appointee's endorsement to the loudspeaker as a huge win, not quite as lame as "why do another debate if we won the 1st one?" but it's pretty close
you know it’s a sad state of affairs when a guy from your previous administration endorsing you is news
Guess it cancels out this, which Brian may of missed...
A group of more than 100 prominent former officials who served in Republican administrations have endorsed Kamala Harris, in a scathing letter that claims Donald Trump is “unfit to serve again as President, or indeed in any office of public trust.”
As Pennsylvania goes, so goes the nation.
Guess it cancels out this, which Brian may of missed...
Yeah, all the warmongers.
From your link.
“These are the same people who got our country into endless foreign wars and profited off of them while the American people suffered,” Trump campaign official Steven Cheung told The Independent via email. “President Trump is the only President in the modern era not to get our country into any new wars.”
love it when bj follows up and shows everyone he's a true cultist and not just a troll
The endorsement itself isn't big news. The big news is Redfield saying RFK jnr got everything right.
RFK Jr is basically the worst type of environmentalist, the kind that just wants all human progress to be reverted back to the middle ages for the good of the planet. Honestly I’d rather the world die than live in the world RFK Jr wants.
I think Redfield was referring to RFK's stance on health and big pharma rather than his environmental views.
Here's Redfield explaining why he endorsed the Trump RFK partnership.
In 2019, the Trump Administration set a course to address chronic disease, funding earlier interventions to curb the growing crisis. Five years later, this issue is exactly where it needs to be: at the center of the presidential debate, now in a unique partnership.
To heal our children, a president must see the possible and lead our nation to act. After more than 40 years in the public health arena, it might surprise some of my colleagues to know I think President Trump chose the right man for the job: Robert Kennedy, Jr.
Talk of healthcare reform often centers on cost to consumers. We know chronic disease is more than 75 percent of the country's $4 trillion annual health care expenditure. Unfortunately, we have become a sick nation. We're paying too much for chronic disease, and this must change. It's time to make America healthy again.
President Trump has pledged, if elected, to establish a panel of top experts working with Kennedy to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases. He specifically mentioned autoimmune disorders, autism, obesity, and infertility. In 2019, when we took steps to take on the chronic disease epidemic, we also focused on creating earlier interventions in diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and more.
In response, Kennedy pledged that "within two years, we will watch the chronic disease burden lift dramatically" if he's given the tools he needs to make a change.
I believe him. And I think President Trump will empower him. I support their noble effort to heal our children.
How much do you think they paid Redfield for his endorsement 5 weeks before the election?