Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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You should choke on the name of Johnny Cash, who was always for the UNDERDOG, not the oppressor.
In the mid-1990s, when Israeli cities, and particularly Jerusalem, were attacked by Palestinian suicide bombers, tourism to Israel fell off sharply. The Cashes, now in their sixties, returned to Israel for a fifth visit, and with their own money produced a TV film titled Return to the Holy Land. Throughout the film—a musical travelog through pastoral, bucolic sites associated with the life of Jesus—the Cashes assured their American viewers that Israel was as beautiful and tranquil as ever, and they should not hesitate to visit it soon. There is no mention in the film of the conflict with the Palestinians, nor of any internal debates or dissension within Israel. Despite the changes in Israel, and in world attitudes toward the Jewish state, Johnny and June Carter Cash’s zeal for Zion remained intact.
He met with more than one Israeli PM, with whom he had very amicable relationships. They treated him well, and he them.
As is usually the case itt, someone steps up with a half truth. So listen to these words long written down....
When the man, comes around
thats the Western mentality where the point of war is to murder as many civilians as possible. remember, the Nazis were defeated bc the Soviets obliterated their army.
The soviets raped and pillaged the Nazis what are you talking about? Also the Soviets would have been obliterated if the West didn’t bail them out. Lastly, you literally justify Oct 7th every day you log on.
You just have no leg to stand on here. Your “resistance” is not going to be rainbows and sunshine. Stop trying to have it both ways.
The soviets raped and pillaged the Nazis what are you talking about? Also the Soviets would have been obliterated if the West didn’t bail them out. Lastly, you literally justify Oct 7th every day you log on.
You just have no leg to stand on here. Your “resistance” is not going to be rainbows and sunshine. Stop trying to have it both ways.
theres a big difference between directly targeting and murdering as many civilians as possible and fighting a war against an actual army.
if all of the criminal Western leaders like the Israeli High Command and the US Democratic party were posted up in a Tel Aviv apartment, I would not be cheering on a bombing raid that took out the entire block or even their building. but I guess I am that makes me an insane person.
theres a big difference between directly targeting and murdering as many civilians as possible and fighting a war against an actual army.
if all of the criminal Western leaders like the Israeli High Command and the US Democratic party were posted up in a Tel Aviv apartment, I would not be cheering on a bombing raid that took out the entire block or even their building. but I guess I am that makes me an insane person.
How exactly do you think the Soviets were able to advance against the Nazis? Do you think they never attacked civilian infrastructure? Do you think that if they had a similar chance with the Nazi high command, they would pass up that chance? I don’t think you know how wars are fought at all, or you have a very selective understanding of it.
As far as your analogy, it would only work if the Democratic Party had their own personal army sponsored by the government and they were actively engaged in military operations out of whatever civilian infrastructure you’re referring to. If Hez and Hamas want people to stop bombing their civilians, maybe stop operating out of their infrastructure! What kind of sick disgusting people put their military headquarters underneath an apartment complex? It’s absolutely disgusting.
Article 52 - General protection of civilian objects
1. Civilian objects shall not be the object of attack or of reprisals. Civilian objects are all objects which are not military objectives as defined in paragraph 2.
2. Attacks shall be limited strictly to military objectives. In so far as objects are concerned, military objectives are limited to those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.
3. In case of doubt whether an object which is normally dedicated to civilian purposes, such as a place of worship, a house or other dwelling or a school, is being used to make an effective contribution to military action, it shall be presumed not to be so used.
bruv, Netanyahu just released photos of him calling the air strike from a hotel in NY. I dont advocate leveling the hotel.
If he visited now he'd be attacked by rabid settlers. That would change his view. From The Times of Israel:
As attacks on Christians become more fre...
Terrorist attacks, by radical Israeli groups, targeting churches, cemeteries, and Christian properties… have become almost a daily occurrence
bruv, Netanyahu just released photos of him calling the air strike from a hotel in NY. I dont advocate leveling the hotel.
They would be within the law militarily, but it would be a total disaster militarily for them because the US would then enter the war and destroy every last one of them.
lol you don’t even understand how being the greater military power is a deterrent
the intent of Israel and the USA to destroy every last one of them is already apparent. thats why they fight. its better to go down fighting and in the end more people will probably survive as well.
It's because those who want to can't not because they're deterred.
Good security is based on defense not threats
the intent of Israel and the USA to destroy every last one of them is already apparent. thats why they fight. its better to go down fighting and in the end more people will probably survive as well.
lol no. it’s clearly the opposite to anyone with a brain. The US literally doesn’t want them to do it and that’s why they are trying to put international pressure on Israel to do a ceasefire. And Israel isn’t just randomly bombing an apartment complex, it was a legitimate military target. Stop pretending you don’t understand this.
lol no. it’s clearly the opposite to anyone with a brain. The US literally doesn’t want them to do it and that’s why they are trying to put international pressure on Israel to do a ceasefire. And Israel isn’t just randomly bombing an apartment complex, it was a legitimate military target. Stop pretending you don’t understand this.
If the USA wanted to stop it they could as their the ones supplying them with all the weapons
If the USA wanted to stop it they could as their the ones supplying them with all the weapons
The vast majority of aid is defensive, not offensive. But also, why would we stop giving weapons to an ally fighting in a just war? That just doesn’t make sense. Even from your perspective, if we stop giving them weapons, then we won’t have as much influence on what their preferred tactics are. They might just start carpet bombing cities instead, since their position of defense/deterrence would be weakened.
I have a feeling that you are one of those people that think that if the US stopped giving Israel aid they would just shrivel up and die. In reality, I’m guessing the opposite would happen and they would be much more belligerent militarily.
The vast majority of aid is defensive, not offensive. But also, why would we stop giving weapons to an ally fighting in a just war? That just doesn’t make sense. Even from your perspective, if we stop giving them weapons, then we won’t have as much influence on what their preferred tactics are. They might just start carpet bombing cities instead, since their position of defense/deterrence would be weakened.
I have a feeling that you are one of those people that think that if the US stopped giving
No not at all I support what the USA is doing and I never thought 500 lb and 2000 lb bombs are defensive weapons . I am just saying if they wanted to stop it they could have a larger impact. The reality is neither the Dems are the GOP will stop it nor should they.
they should not stop leveling apartment towers and bombing hospitals says the Westerner.
No not at all I support what the USA is doing and I never thought 500 lb and 2000 lb bombs are defensive weapons . I am just saying if they wanted to stop it they could have a larger impact. The reality is neither the Dems are the GOP will stop it nor should they.
I’m not going to debate someone that 1) hides behind irony when their position is getting picked apart and 2) doesn’t understand the word majority doesn’t mean every single bit.
So yeah I’m good dawg, just stay in your little bubble where the side of the war you support can just fire missiles randomly and unprovoked without any retaliation whatsoever, and where America should give up on an ally because they were attacked by terrorists and you don’t like how they responded against said terror attack.
Hamas and Hezbollah should stop operating out of civilian infrastructure as that makes it a viable military target according to the Geneva Convention.
It’s funny how smug you are when you come on here every day and have your entire ideology picked apart. A guy that supports Oct 7th terrorist attack getting mad at attacks on legitimate military targets is one of the most stupid things in the world to me, I don’t see how you don’t see that.
The remaining Hezbollah leaders must feel like they are in a ring of fire.
I’m not going to debate someone that 1) hides behind irony when their position is getting picked apart and 2) doesn’t understand the word majority doesn’t mean every single bit.
So yeah I’m good dawg, just stay in your little bubble where the side of the war you support can just fire missiles randomly and unprovoked without any retaliation whatsoever, and where America should give up on an ally because they were attacked by terrorists and you don’t like how they responded against said terror atta
how is this ok when in one day Israel has killed.more.civilians with bombs than all of Hezbollah missiles combined ?

its really just got to do with Western values. we are taught that it is perfectly ok to murder as many civilians as we want. they arent even human really.
its really just got to do with Western values. we are taught that it is perfectly ok to murder as many civilians as we want. they arent even human really.
Tell us more.
Here you go:
That entire area is a Hezbollah compound. The "civilians" there are going to be Hezbollah operatives and their families. Any actual civilians (including family of Hezbollah operatives) should have left a long time ago, knowing Hezbollah compounds are going to be ground 0 for Israeli counterattacks against Hezbollah, who has been attacking Israel for 11 months straight.
Jesus Christ. Talk about apathy and numbness. You literally have zero knowledge of the makeup of the people killed yet you’re prepared to hand wave them away immediately.
So "human shields" are now anyone within a city block of the *suspected* location of a terrorist? At what point do we drop the pretense and just admit we're okay with the mass slaughter of civilians?