Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33608 Replies


by mongidig k

It can be completely destroyed by bunker busters and assassinations of it's top scientists. Throw in a little cyber hacking. No one is safe from the long arm of Israel.

Not necessarily, not if the top scientists are hidden under mountains or guests in China or whatever

by mongidig k

It can be completely destroyed by bunker busters and assassinations of it's top scientists. Throw in a little cyber hacking. No one is safe from the long arm of Israel.

Bunker busters aren't going to do it like previous iterations.

Looks like they got on a light rail and attacked with assault rifles.

by jalfrezi k



the mullahs have shot their load

now we have a weird scenario where some people who fired off a bunch of rockets pray to god that they dont hit anything

is this deescalation?

Estimated to be double the amount fired in April.

Impacts already.

they are going to nuke Tehran

A lot hits.

khamenei was pretty old anyway

who's the successor?

by BOIDS k

khamenei was pretty old anyway

who's the successor?

Talk is the high clerics already have a name ready (and supposedly that has been the case since years ago) but it has never been disclosed afaik


Trump would be worse tho


who the f is this third guy. the other two must be furious

by Bluegrassplayer k

Estimated to be double the amount fired in April.

Impacts already.

And another round

this is infuriating. but make no mistake, the West and Israel wanted this and are relishing it. remember how they used to say that Hamas wanted Gazans to die? say it with me now,

If Israelis are killed in this attack by the thousands, I wonder if the same people condemning Israeli missile strikes will condemn Iran.

anyone else remember how confident and braggadocious they were after the April attack. 99% interception rate! raise your hand if you knew it was bullshit.

Much faster missiles.

people coming out of shelters, no reported injuries yet

hey if you are about to go down in a nuclear fireball, might as well do it with some good trolls.
