SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)
Welcome to the Official SE Politics Thread. The aim here is for high quality political discussion and debate. The concomitant aim here is for that high quality discussion and debate to NOT devolve into MAD posting, BAD posting, trolling, name-calling our community fracture.
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There is a tradition in SE of better, fuller, funnier discussion of a really wide range of topics. Let's continue that here.
think an underrated aspect of these exploding pagers etc terrorist attacks is the way they undermine western and western-affiliated electronics as a whole, and glgl trying to sell anything made in israel going forward. like at this point i wouldn't doubt sodasreams, for example, are packed with explosives. israel single-handedly achieving levels of bds no one ever thought possible uh2ci
meanwhile china gonna mario party their way to ruling the world based solely on american incompetence/ouroborosness
Well one thing is for sure, I've thrown away all my Hungarian made pagers. Fool me once and all that
yeah fascist slapdicks can try to minimize this and make all the dumb unfunny "jokes" they want, but the entire chain and those who run it are implicated and compromised. i know you disagree, but a lot of ppl are going to feel that way about it, so glgl with that
yeah fascist slapdicks can try to minimize this and make all the dumb unfunny "jokes" they want, but the entire chain and those who run it are implicated and compromised. i know you disagree, but a lot of ppl are going to feel that way about it, so glgl with that
I'm not sure who you think is going to be suffering here.
If the worry is "Don't buy Israeli products" that was probably already kinda a thing in that region. I can't imagine Hezbollah was big buyer of Israeli tech but maybe they have that same kink that anti gay preachers have where they're so against it but behind closed doors...who knows. Besides, if it hurts the Israeli economy...ok? Isn't that a positive?
If you're talking about whomever made the pagers, all available info points to them being the equivalent of TEMU-esque knock offs made in some random shop somewhere, probably either Hungary or Taiwan, and brought into the area recently. Regardless, the bigger deal is: Hezbollah knows who they purchased them from. They're smart enough to realize it's incredibly likely that Mossad found out where they were getting their stuff, either got in the facility itself or just got a hold of the shipment in transit, and tampered with it. If anything, they'll move to something lower tech than go to something less secure like more cheap SE Asian stuff if their concerns are security.
Self-reliant Trumpers begging for public assistants to risk their lives for them in 3-2-1 hours.: Flo-Rida and Georgia.
I don’t think you should put any value whatsoever on anyone’s gut — including mine. Instead, you should resign yourself to the fact that a 50-50 forecast really does mean 50-50. And you should be open to the possibility that those forecasts are wrong, and that could be the case equally in the direction of Mr. Trump or Ms. Harris. [...] According to my model, there’s about a 60 percent chance that one candidate will sweep at least six of seven battleground states.
make or miss election; either it'll be close or it won't. but don't take his word for it. this kind of analysis is why nate bronze is the best in the business
what do you have to do to lose credibility in the USA?
Nate completely outed himself as worthless.
Dems and repubs openly collude with each other to destroy democracy
both openly take bribes
dem party supported slavery for ****'s sake lol
both parties lionize genocidal slave owners
basically all politicians and journalists supported blatant lies about WMDs
Is that kill Tony?
That’s a bummer. I thought he was hilarious at the bardy roast
It is insane how dumb the Dem powers are. Biden can barely speak and a dictator is going to be elected because of it. glgl.
Nah, Trump is getting elected because Kamala has been too busy pleasing her bosses in AIPAC and the military industrial complex. Supporting a genocide is more impotant to her than winning the election. People who are anti-genocide are not gonna vote for someone who spends their campaign talking about how awesome the Cheney family is.
GENOCIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!11's 50/50 because nothing matters. eat arbys
Let it be known that a vote for Trump is a vote for pure stupidity.
I'm voting Kamala!
Nine Republican operatives and canvassers seemed alarmed about issues with the super PAC, which has reportedly collected a plethora of faked canvassing data, NBC News reported Friday.
As the PAC’s phony canvassing numbers were revealed, an operative close to the effort told NBC that “all hell has broken loose” inside the America PAC.
The PAC has reportedly received a large quantity of suspicious data from its canvassers, following reports that some had learned how to spoof their location to create the impression that they’d visited voters’ homes.
Never change Elon
Also there’s the whole bait and switch about how people had no idea they signed up to recruit trump voters (which, honestly that’s on you) but were threatened into proceeding and had NDAs signed
Leon really pushing his chips in here
Lol unreal
that's some blue wall hopium if i've ever seen it. legit 95th+ percentile poll result
that's some blue wall hopium if i've ever seen it. legit 95th+ percentile poll result
Trump agrees:
But he also really missing the mark with Selzer is an her track record in Iowa:
2020 Final poll: Trump+ 7 (result: Trump +8)
2016 Final poll: Trump +7 (Trump +9)
In both years, Selzer's polling was significantly closer than the others regarding Iowa. She just seems to have a better understanding of the Iowa electorate than others, and if you read into the methodology, she's not doing the heavy weighting others are doing this year in an effort to try and avoid underestimating Trump again.
We'll know soon enough, but markets have swung in up and it's probably not a coincidence. She's not winning IA, but thats not the point of this poll anyway
so ..... who votin kopala? who votin drumpf? who still ridin with biden? who still with her? who votin 3rd party? who not votin? hows your state lookin overall and down ballot etc? anyone in a swing state? anyone got some takes/predictions they want to get on record ahead of time? will the gop try to steal again if they lose? anyone planning on leaving the country for real this time?
or ignore all that and say something else, tell me to go **** myself or whatever