The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Gorgonian k

I don't know why you guys find men getting pregnant so controversial. Transgender men very obviously can get pregnant and have actually given birth. Why do you act so baffled by this? Just because you don't think transgender men are men doesn't mean it should be baffling that others do think they are to the point you just can't wrap your head around it.

Why do you pretend to not understand?

You don’t know why the idea that men can get pregnant is controversial because you mistakenly believe gender is entirely socially constructed. It’s not.

The idea that men can get pregnant isn’t just a violation at the level of biology. It’s an affront to a deeper truth about gender as well.

by housenuts k

Catholic Biden was kissing children the other day.

Catholic teachings are solid. Lots of instilled guilt.

The church is reprehensible.

The fact that they are trying to become more marketable because membership is dropping is all you need to know about the ultimate goal of the catholic church

by coordi k

ultimate goal of the catholic church

Yes, one of the greatest scams in human history.

by Luciom k

Sure there is no attempt to claim that biological sex is a myth or is not binary

I know for a fact that you've had the difference between gender and sex explained to you enough times that this post is not practicing intellectual integrity

by David Sklansky k

The problem is that people rarely mention with what probability they think a claim is correct. The reason that this is a problem is that the actions that should be taken should not necessarily be the one that is better if the claim was 100% to be correct. It may be better that the claim that is 30% to be correct is the one that should be assumed when making a decision. But since most people don't realize this, experts have to sometimes pretend that the 30% shot is an 80 % shot to justify their p

The problem is that people dont even listen to the experts and most dont or can't do the work required to understand the answers

On covid their answers were packed with caveats and assumptions. They also had to keep pointing out that the science can't tell you what policy should be or what people should do.

by craig1120 k

You don’t know why the idea that men can get pregnant is controversial because you mistakenly believe gender is entirely socially constructed. It’s not.

The idea that men can get pregnant isn’t just a violation at the level of biology. It’s an affront to a deeper truth about gender as well.

JFC, this is a terrible turn of events. I agree with this guy.

by zers k

I didn't click on the article, but I can almost guarantee that they don't think people born with penises can get pregnant. They think people who were born females can identify as men, and therefore, men can get pregnant. It's that whole biological sex vs. gender identity thing.

I’d say it’s more believable that a man (bio man) can get pregnant than than the existence of a triune god

by coordi k

I know for a fact that you've had the difference between gender and sex explained to you enough times that this post is not practicing intellectual integrity

No man, your tribe does deny biologic sex is binary

And the SCOTUS judges your presidents pick can't define what a woman is

by chezlaw k

The problem is that people dont even listen to the experts and most dont or can't do the work required to understand the answers

On covid their answers were packed with caveats and assumptions. They also had to keep pointing out that the science can't tell you what policy should be or what people should do.

When the head of CDC went on national TV to claim that getting vaccinated guaranteed against infection and retransmission (and at the time that was already proven to be utterly false), she didn't pack any caveat or assumption there.

And that disqualifies the entire edifice because she wasn't kicked away with dishonour as deserved immediately after claiming that, nor did other experts attack her heavily as deserved when she said that.

reminder for following tRump losing and scumbags who voted for him try to remind us of their verbal gymnastic hedges over the year that 'they didn't really like him.. blah blah blah...":

anyone who votes for this scumbag is in turn a ****ing scumbag themselves and will be treated as such forever.

by d2_e4 k

JFC, this is a terrible turn of events. I agree with this guy.

For what it's worth, I have no idea who that guy is but I have him on my ignore list for some reason. No memory of him or why.

But he completely misses my entire point. My point isn't that I don't understand why people think it's controversial. My point is that conservatives acting baffled that a liberal would think that are being disingenuous. They know exactly why a liberal thinks that - because of the disagreement about gender. It's not hard to figure out, but conservatives throw up their hands and say "how can you be so dumb as to think men can get pregnant?" You know how, so stop acting like you don't know exactly where the disagreement is. It has nothing to do with men getting pregnant, it has to do with conservatives not wanting to concede any ground on transgender identity.

by Luciom k

Your political tribe claims men can get pregnant, GMOs are cancerogenic, and nuclear is very dangerous.

Many of them also claim that IQ has 0 genetic determinants (some even go to the point of claiming intelligence cannot be measured in any way), and that behavioral traits are not inheritable

It doesn’t really matter because everyone who won a Fields Medal or Noble Prize in physics is in my tribe also. I don’t have to leave my tribe to find the answers to anything that can be done. Conservatives can’t learn basic undergrad level stuff without having to learn from liberals. That’s why so many dumb ideas spread like wild fire in conservative circles. If diagonalizing a matrix ever becomes a political issue you can be sure conservatives will get it wrong because everyone who can do it is a liberal.

Curious why we give a **** that Luciom is trying to gotcha Dems about men getting pregnant

It’s almost as embarrassing debating this with him as it is him thinking his entire worldview

by #Thinman k

reminder for following tRump losing and scumbags who voted for him try to remind us of their verbal gymnastic hedges over the year that 'they didn't really like him.. blah blah blah...":

anyone who votes for this scumbag is in turn a ****ing scumbag themselves and will be treated as such forever.

Im not voting for him but are you saying that people who agree with whatever policies he has that it doesnt matter because to vote for harris instead even if you disagree with most of her poltiics?

by coordi k

Catholic teachings are solid. Lots of instilled guilt.

The church is reprehensible.

The fact that they are trying to become more marketable because membership is dropping is all you need to know about the ultimate goal of the catholic church

Large institutions will always be corrupted because humans are fallible and often have nefarious motives, but Catholicism isn't defined by its leaders or moments in time. Catholics aren't the monoculture that many of its opponents would like to believe.

by craig1120 k

You don’t know why the idea that men can get pregnant is controversial because you mistakenly believe gender is entirely socially constructed. It’s not.

The idea that men can get pregnant isn’t just a violation at the level of biology. It’s an affront to a deeper truth about gender as well.

One standard biological definition of man is XY chomosomes. That does not 100% rule out pregnancy. Even without scientific intervention

better be very careful to pick a biological defintion that gives you the answer you want.

by Gorgonian k

For what it's worth, I have no idea who that guy is but I have him on my ignore list for some reason. No memory of him or why.

But he completely misses my entire point. My point isn't that I don't understand why people think it's controversial. My point is that conservatives acting baffled that a liberal would think that are being disingenuous. They know exactly why a liberal thinks that - because of the disagreement about gender. It's not hard to figure out, but conservatives throw up their hand

I didn't act baffled, I simply listed that claim among anti -science claims common on the left.

then some democrats tried to claim no one believes that

then you came and claimed that it was uncontroversial in your tribe to claim that.

interesting that you literally claim that someone saying "men can get pregnant", has nothing to do with men getting pregnant.

the party of science and logic jfc

by hole in wan k

Who are all these 145 IQ people supporting Trump? I guess Musk probably puts himself in that category, who else?

by Luciom k

No man, your tribe does deny biologic sex is binary

And the SCOTUS judges your presidents pick can't define what a woman is

I mean, my hypothesis is that trans people have a biological reason for being trans. I'm not a scientist or even particularly knowledgeable on biology so I don't talk about it much but I'm certain I've mentioned it before.

In fact I believe my verbatim comment was "female brain in a male body"

Thanks for linking that article though

by chezlaw k

One standard biological definition of man is XY chomonses. That doesn not 100% rule out pregnancy. Even without scientific intervention

better be very careful to pick a biological defintion that gives you the answer you want.

xx / XY is the easy simplification but the proper definition is about gamete production.

btw you can claim human beings biologically have 5 fingers per hand even if a minuscule portion is born with more or less than 5

by d2_e4 k

Who are all these 145 IQ people supporting Trump? I guess Musk probably puts himself in that category, who else?

a lot of quants I guess

by hole in wan k

I really despise this meme because its almost universally midwits claiming their opinion is giga brained

Nobody cares if you jerk yourself off

by coordi k

I really despise this meme because its almost universally midwits claiming their opinion is giga brained

Nobody cares if you jerk yourself off

by Luciom k

a lot of quants I guess

Any particular reason to think that? I work with quite a few actuaries and would be absolutely shocked if any of them ever supported someone like Trump, but I'm not in the US.
