The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Luciom k

Voter ID isn't voter suppression, but in some cases republicans reduced the amount of voting places in democrat-heavy areas when they governed and stuff like that, that's not nice to do

That is voter supression what you say but I see a lot of voter id = racism stuff as well as unfair etc by the vocal minority

by Gorgonian k

IDs are not free in many places and often require hardship to obtain.

IM not sure about hardship to maintain becuase I assume SS card works just as fine for a voter id but ive said it that if I need my ****ing photo id for legit walking into an airport, opening a bank acct, booking a hotel. then either do away with all of those or if I need it for voting then I think its still fair

by the pleasure k

even as a democrat or liberal or whatever may be I just am baffled how requiring a id = voter supression

is the id free? can i receive it at the polling place the day of voting? if either of things are no than it's supression.

this isn't a hard concept. you can't make people pay for stuff in order to vote.

by Inso0 k

There's no upside to having a fake Melania running around with Trump vs simply not having her there at all, so my money is on eye doctor appointment or she fell down the stairs.

I guess she was expected to be there so they got the world's worst doppelganger in at the last minute after she "fell" down the stairs.

Completely normal country

by Inso0 k

Stop. We both know she's the one with the leather belt in that family dynamic.

Brill post

by chezlaw k

That isn't true. When they can take our votes for granted, they do. What really forces parties to change is when they need votes that are there to be won.

Of course there's a short term risk. It's an awful position to be in.

False. If you withhold your vote and the party loses, they blame you. If you withhold your vote and the party wins, they know they can win without you. Either way, withholding votes = lose.

by the pleasure k

That is voter supression what you say but I see a lot of voter id = racism stuff as well as unfair etc by the vocal minority

IM not sure about hardship to maintain becuase I assume SS card works just as fine for a voter id but ive said it that if I need my ****ing photo id for legit walking into an airport, opening a bank acct, booking a hotel. then either do away with all of those or if I need it for voting then I think its still fair

Whether you're sure about it or not is irrelevant, it's a fact. Many have to take a day off of work that they can't afford, have to travel to places they have great difficulty getting to, have to find child-care that they can't afford or easily obtain in order to get the IDs. Not everyone has the same resources to do those things as everyone else.

Providing free, easy to obtain IDs for all citizens is a solution, but republicans never seem to want to do that.

By the way, the difference between voting and those things you listed is the 19th amendment to the US Constitution.

by Luciom k

No i mean tell me more generally how much are you willing to use those tools to de-naturalize people. Or was your proposal targeted lawfare against political opponents?

Somebody forgot Republicans are the party of law and order. And the party that wants to deport immigrants who are here illegally. Hint: Lying on an immigration form means you were here illegally.

by Slighted k

is the id free? can i receive it at the polling place the day of voting? if either of things are no than it's supression.

this isn't a hard concept. you can't make people pay for stuff in order to vote.

I assume I didnt have to pay for my SS card ubt i dont remember , and same goes with what i bought up with bank acct, airport, bank acct, ****ign renting a ****ing apartment etc etc

are they supression tactics as well?

by the pleasure k

I assume I didnt have to pay for my SS card ubt i dont remember , and same goes with what i bought up with bank acct, airport, bank acct, ****ign renting a ****ing apartment etc etc

are they supression tactics as well?

Again, the right to those things are not protected by the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.

by the pleasure k

I assume I didnt have to pay for my SS card ubt i dont remember , and same goes with what i bought up with bank acct, airport, bank acct, ****ign renting a ****ing apartment etc etc

are they supression tactics as well?

i mean. yes they are and were.

but also is the right to a bank account in the constitution?

by Gorgonian k

Whether you're sure about it or not is irrelevant, it's a fact. Many have to take a day off of work that they can't afford, have to travel to places they have great difficulty getting to, have to find child-care that they can't afford or easily obtain in order to get the IDs. Not everyone has the same resources to do those things as everyone else.

Providing free, easy to obtain IDs for all citizens is a solution, but republicans never seem to want to do that.

By the way, the difference between vo

Are you the same account that lolled at the idea someone was using google to know where to vote?

because you know, if you are a normal active participant of society you already have a photo ID that is valid to vote... it's fringes and niches of society that aren't integrated well in actual normal life that lack one.

And i do agree they still have a right to vote anyway, but jfc, asking google where to vote is far less problematic that being a person that doesn't have ANY photo ID.

by Gorgonian k

Again, the right to those things are not protected by the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.

I live in a blue state and in order to get a phto ID i need to fill out a form, be over the age of 16 and proof of address and I believ a SS and then I assume what youre talking about is unfortantely I need to pay 38$ iirc.

i still think having a SS as ID is fair since I also assume that was free

by checkraisdraw k

False. If you withhold your vote and the party loses, they blame you. If you withhold your vote and the party wins, they know they can win without you. Either way, withholding votes = lose.

No. They mgiht make that noise but all the really care are about is winning further elections.

That reality is massively bigger than all the noise.

Ideally they win but win smaller than you can grow your movement.

by Slighted k

i mean. yes they are and were.

but also is the right to a bank account in the constitution?

I'll go with what you guys use for abortion: 9th amendment.

There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that especially in today society, having access to a bank account is necessary to conduct a normal life including civic duties like paying taxes or alimony and so on.

And unlike abortion, that right is necessary to be a productive citizen for EVERY ADULT, and is used many times per year.

Luciom I have you on ignore for a reason, but I clicked to read this post, which was a mistake. It won't happen again. I didn't lol at someone googling where to vote. I loled at someone googled how to vote FOR A PERSON (you check the box dummy). It was a joke. The reason I have you on ignore is BS like this. You either have no idea what you're talking about, intentionally or unintentionally can't read and misrepresent posts to try to score a point, or are just clinically insane in every post you make, and you absolutely FLOOD this forum with crap.

Just thought you should know. Won't be clicking again.

by the pleasure k

I live in a blue state and in order to get a phto ID i need to fill out a form, be over the age of 16 and proof of address and I believ a SS and then I assume what youre talking about is unfortantely I need to pay 38$ iirc.

i still think having a SS as ID is fair since I also assume that was free

I will tell you, yet again, that not everyone has the resources available to do those things, and it is not as easy as that in many places. AND MOST CERTAINLY not free everywhere.

I'd sum it up for me as if you pay taxes, you should be allowed to vote

altho the topic I stated years ago where you guys said it was a literacy blank and sdogshit, I dont think every US citizen should be able to run nor voter unless you by pass a knowledge test in whcih if youre running to state clerly your poicies and outline and if votign you must know what both candidates are for

by Luciom k

Man it's a republican official claiming that

Don’t bother BJ with facts like that .
It’s useless , we try many times .

by the pleasure k

I'd sum it up for me as if you pay taxes, you should be allowed to vote

altho the topic I stated years ago where you guys said it was a literacy blank and sdogshit, I dont think every US citizen should be able to run nor voter unless you by pass a knowledge test in whcih if youre running to state clerly your poicies and outline and if votign you must know what both candidates are for

Switch it round. Make people exempt from tax unless they have the right to vote.

Also some non-taxpayers should be allowed to vote.

by Luciom k

Imaging understanding that half of the population has below median IQ and they have a right to vote anyway

He doesn't believe in IQ

How I picture Gorgonian

Looks like I was right

by Gorgonian k

Record turnout in most states, and historically, high turnout = blue win. This is exactly why the republican party supports so many policies that tend to suppress voter turnout. This is one of the reasons early voting trends increased my confidence. Election day trends are reinforcing this.

You must be smashing Kamala at 38c

by CrazyLond k

Self-preservation can be a great motivator. Once the government's purchasing power collapses and all the government's dependents are lined up with hands outstretched for bread, he will need a solution and libertarianism is the only place he'll find it.

Since when libertarianism help poor people ??
