The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by the pleasure k

To me Biden is still capable of doing the job for 4 more years if he wanted to


My odds on Luciom being a Russian op are at 1%

Report Highlights. Public education spending in the United States falls short of global benchmarks and lags behind economic growth; K-12 schools spend $857.2 billion or $17,280 per pupil annually.

In unrelated news

by natediggity k


Statements like this make me believe you think trump is far more capable then??

by Luciom k

No there is no obligation.

That means though that we have to assume , through his actual revealed preferences, he doesn't think Harris odds are so high.

Actions > words

Gorgo posited that Montana might go blue. He's not to be taken too seriously.

by checkraisdraw k

My odds on Luciom being a Russian op are at 1%

Tovarisch Luciom is one of our hardest working agents, his output is truly prolific.

Indiana, Kentucky and Vermont are already being called by some news agencies. If accurate electoral college at Trump 19, Harris 3.

Google is saying trump is ahead in GA??

by ladybruin k

Indiana, Kentucky and Vermont are already being called by some news agencies. If accurate electoral college at trump 16, Harris 3.

It should be illegal for news agencies to call elections probably

by the pleasure k

Statements like this make me believe you think trump is far more capable then??

No, and I don't know why you'd think that. He's also too old.

NBC says trump is underperformign hamilton IND but overperforming in sections of GA and FL counties where biden did well

by the pleasure k

Google is saying trump is ahead in GA??

15k to 14k. Jill Stein has 2 votes.

by checkraisdraw k

It should be illegal for news agencies to call elections probably

I think they thread the needle by waiting until the polls are closed in that state, but of course the whole country's polls are not closed yet which some dislike about this practice.

by d2_e4 k

Tovarisch Luciom is one of our hardest working agents, his output is truly prolific.

*used to, when the ruble was still worth something. Nowadays i am working for the crypto brotherhood

by ecriture d'adulte k

15k to 14k. Jill Stein has 2 votes.

I guess they jumped the gun with independent votes being 55-45% in exit poling but idk why they are shading it red this early, should havekept it gray makes no sense why they would do that

by ecriture d'adulte k

15k to 14k. Jill Stein has 2 votes.

Does rickroll live in GA? ****er voted twice!

by the pleasure k

Google is saying trump is ahead in GA??

Unless they find a bunch of Kamila ballots in the middle of the night, he’s going to take GA.

They're saying independents Trump is over performing. Scary. In terms of the election outcome, yes, but I mean in terms of the thinking of those voters.

by campfirewest k

Unless they find a bunch of Kamila ballots in the middle of the night, he’s going to take GA.

Lol rigaments.

oh **** GA is now blue on google

Use this for updated Georgia vote counts by county


down 4k votes early in GA is pretty bad for Trump this early.

might buy harris stock before market catches on

Harris now ahead in Georgia from what I am seeing.

I get that the Dem side of this can be seen as a tyranny of an ideology, but that is a different kind of tyranny than being threatened by the other side.
