The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
this is a false version of the history
once the settlers reached critical mass where they had overwhelming majority populations and military strength vs the indians they did indeed do a lot of terrible things to the indians
however, until the settlers reached a point of dominance, they were always under constant threat of attack and raiding
life in america as a settler was extremely dangerous before they were able to eradicate the indians - we tend to gloss over that early period where the indians
That’s cool and all but what did the guy they chose to paint on the rock do?
Wait, are the same people that were reposting Trump's claims of fraud in Pennsylvania and how the military and law enforcement were on their way (!!!) now saying there was nothing suspicious about this election?
you can't make this stuff up
Wait, are the same people that were saying there was nothing suspicious about the 2020 election (!!!) now saying there was something suspicious about this election?
you can't make this stuff up
agreed - painting over that rock was an awful thing to do
just i have this itch that needs scratching and my autism compels me to mention that whenever people talk about the peaceful indians who were just minding their own business living their lives and we randomly chose to slaughter them
Wait, are the same people that were saying there was nothing suspicious about the 2020 election (!!!) now saying there was something suspicious about this election?
you can't make this stuff up
Nope. I didn't say it. They did. Point to where *I* said there was anything suspicious about either election.
Wait, are the same people that were saying there was nothing suspicious about the 2020 election (!!!) now saying there was something suspicious about this election?
you can't make this stuff up
I didn't understand him to be saying that there was something suspicious about this election.
Keep denying he emboldened hate. This is the trash you voted for.
MAGA Launches Increasingly Horrific Attacks on Women After Trump Win
Donald Trump’s win has emboldened his followers.
A text campaign—and obvious hate crime—issued a threat to students of color across the nation, claiming the recipients had been “selected” as “house slaves” and were due to appear at plantations.
One message shared online demanded that its recipient appear at Abingdon Plantation.
“This is mandatory,” the message read. “Sincerely, Trump administration.”

But not all of the vitriol took place online. Activists celebrating Trump’s win overtook Texas State University at the school’s San Marcos campus, raising signs that read, “Women are property,” “**** sex is sin,” and lists that designated women and slaves under “Types of Property.”

Utter trash. Congratulations on the win.
If you ever wondered why I wish Biden was serious about calling Trump supporters garbage, this is why. They are.
And by the way, just to prove that I don't think there's anything fraudulent in this election (though I wish mightily there were, I base my conclusions on evidence) I will debunk one of the most common reasons people think there might have been something fishy about this one:
Where are all the voters? Why did the number of voters decrease if all indications were that voter turnout was so much higher this time.
Answer: all the votes haven't been counted yet. If you adjust for uncounted votes, more votes were cast this time in all 7 swing states:

Those questions lead to those answers.
Is crime high? Yes.
Does stuff cost more than it did before? Yes.
Are immigrants flooding the border? Yes.
Whether it's specifically at an all-time high, or slightly lower than a few months ago doesn't really matter. They are bad facts.
Those questions lead to those answers.
Is crime high? Yes.
Does stuff cost more than it did before? Yes.
Are immigrants flooding the border? Yes.
Whether it's specifically at an all-time high, or slightly lower than a few months ago doesn't really matter. They are bad facts.
I love conservatives. Alternative facts am I right?
I don't know how you aren't embarrassed. Surely you see it.
Maybe we should start prefacing every statement with "many people are saying", then it can't be wrong or a lie, or "spreading hate", right? Many people are saying that Trump supporters are all scum. Not me, I'm not saying that, but many people are. Some have even told me that in private. Can't say who.
Those questions lead to those answers.
Is crime high? Yes.
Does stuff cost more than it did before? Yes.
Are immigrants flooding the border? Yes.
Whether it's specifically at an all-time high, or slightly lower than a few months ago doesn't really matter. They are bad facts.
Those aren't the questions that were asked though. Are you saying that general republican voters can't even understand basic questions?
Those questions lead to those answers.
Is crime high? Yes.
Does stuff cost more than it did before? Yes.
Are immigrants flooding the border? Yes.
Whether it's specifically at an all-time high, or slightly lower than a few months ago doesn't really matter. They are bad facts.
You're right. And also, people who are fans of the incumbent party will want to believe or say that things are going well. So it's not like the dems giving the correct answer on inflation were all looking over charts that morning. They may just be thinking Dems=good.
They may also know the correct answer because MSNBC or others gave them the info. Those outlets will share factual information favorable to Ds. Fox will share information favorable to Rs.
Ask Dems if Trump said Liz Cheeny should face a firing squad, or if there was a major spike in illegal immigration during the Biden administration.
I do think Dem voters are probably a bit more knowledgeable on these things. And the data from this poll is what it is. But the questions were written with the goal of supporting a narrative.