Trump 2nd term prediction thread
So, looks like Trump not only smashed the electoral college, but is looking on track to win the popular vote, which seems to be an unexpected turn of events, but a clear sign of the current temperature in the country and perhaps the wider world.
Would be interested to hear views on how his 2nd term will pan out from both sides of the aisle - major happenings, what he's going to get done, what he's not going to get done, the impact of his election on the current conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, whether his popularity will remain the same, wane, or increase, etc.
A bit of an anemic OP, I know, just interested to hear people's thoughts now that the election uncertainty is over.
Ok so was it areas where the employees were at risk, or specifically to avoid houses with Trump signs? and isn't avoiding houses with Trump signs a crime for FEMA workers *even if* they pose a higher risk to them? like illegal profiling is even if some ethnic groups commit more crimes?
FEMA has to protect its workers. FEMA openly stated that it had to pause work in certain areas due to threats, threats that only occurred after Trump made his false claims. FEMA didn't hide that it was doing this - they released a statement about it at the time. As MAGA has repeatedly shown, if they're told a lie often enough by Trump they believe it, thus leading to their antagonism to FEMA, which lead to FEMA having to pause some recovery work.
The fired employee appeared to have sent out the memo on her own, but again for the same reasons that FEMA had to pause operations elsewhere...due to Trump's incitement....but did so on her own accord rather than as the official policy of FEMA. Although she claims it was FEMA policy, presumably part of the same employee policy they used to protect employees during the pause they did publicly announce.
FEMA has to protect its workers. FEMA openly stated that it had to pause work in certain areas due to threats, threats that only occurred after Trump made his false claims. FEMA didn't hide that it was doing this - they released a statement about it at the time. As MAGA has repeatedly shown, if they're told a lie often enough by Trump they believe it, thus leading to their antagonism to FEMA, which lead to FEMA having to pause some recovery work.
The fired employee appeared to have sent out the m
So these brainboxes were openly hostile to people coming to help them in the middle of a natural disaster? My, they sound pretty smart. I'm sure they used their votes wisely to vote in the most qualified candidate for the job of president.
Also, apropos of nothing in particular, **** universal suffrage. Seriously, why should these arrant morons be given a say in anything, ever?
Wrong about what? it's quite possible that veteran homeless people won't get their problems fixed, but i think it would be easier to fix their problems by removing illegals.
If illegals aren't deported in higher humbers i will admit i am wrong as i expect a significant increase of deportations vs Biden (then we'll fight over the democrat-generated data from the last 4 years because they are already claiming Biden deported as many as Trump).
As for the vet i am not the one giving a **** about them, it's not like the country owes them anything more than the pension and healthcare benefits they deserve for their service and which they already get. Some of them will end up in a bad spot in life as it can happen to anyone and i am not the extra-welfare type guy. They already deservedly get extra welfare vs people who didn't serve.
Just saying that if you guys want to help them with housing, just do that INSTEAD OF HELPING ILLEGALS IN ANY WAY, or you are telling me you PREFER to house an illegal, or an asylum seeker, than a vet? because that's what you have been doing. New york city could house vets from NYS instead of 200k "asylum seekers".
FEMA openly said back in October that they had to pause work in certain areas due to reported threats by militias, who were incited by...wait for it...Trump's false claims in September that FEMA wasn't helping conservative areas.
This is false information.
The claims weren't false. Elon Musk donated starlink equipment and when his people were trying to deliver it FEMA confiscated it. It was only released back to him when he went public on X about it. The startlink system was meant to help everyone on both sides of the isle, not just republicans.
So these brainboxes were openly hostile to people coming to help them in the middle of a natural disaster? My, they sound pretty smart. I'm sure they used their votes wisely to vote in the most qualified candidate for the job of president.
SOME people were openly hostile, ALL people with Trump signs got targeted, how do you call that?
There were thousands of special operations Marines and other agencies in task forces at voting centers all over the country arresting people in states like TX and PA which will all become public hopefully sooner rather than later.
Remember when the swing states said "We won't know the results of the election for a few days" but all of a sudden they caved and it was over on election night? What do you think happened and why would they make those announcements if they didn't have any tricks up th
Still no evidence provided. Why don’t you just admit you lied?
FEMA has to protect its workers. FEMA openly stated that it had to pause work in certain areas due to threats, threats that only occurred after Trump made his false claims. FEMA didn't hide that it was doing this - they released a statement about it at the time. As MAGA has repeatedly shown, if they're told a lie often enough by Trump they believe it, thus leading to their antagonism to FEMA, which lead to FEMA having to pause some recovery work.
The fired employee appeared to have sent out the m
You realize that the fired worker was in Florida but news about FEMA and maga came out of North Carolina, right?
This is false information.
The claims weren't false. Elon Musk donated starlink equipment and when his people were trying to deliver it FEMA confiscated it. It was only released back to him when he went public on X about it. The startlink system was meant to help everyone on both sides of the isle, not just republicans.
What I find the most incredible is that Trump had no idea what starlink was prior to that.
Maybe incredible not the term.
Lol Playbig, that's not how making claims works. If I claim "Playbig likes to jack off while watching Trump rallies on TV", it's on me to prove it, not on you to prove that I lied. Actually, that might be a bad example of a lie, but you know what I mean.
Lol Playbig, that's not how making claims works. If I claim "Playbig likes to jack off while watching Trump rallies on TV", it's on me to prove it, not on you to prove that I lied. Actually, that might be a bad example of a lie, but you know what I mean.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
No cheating though. Right?
Literally the most basic precepts of logic are mystifying to them.
“The biggest question is what happened to the 10 Million voters that Joe Biden got but didn’t come up for Kamala Harris? President Trump’s numbers were right up where they were in 2020 but the Democrats were much lower.”
Does it even matter? It's done with the touch of a key stroke. Obama sent cargo plane loads of literal cash to the middle east when he was president and the corrupt bought off and controlled MSM never even questioned it because they're all on the same team. Obama wasn't even qualified to be president he wasn't born in the United States. His birth certificate was proven to be fake which was pretty easy to determine, it was clear that there were digital layers on it and proven to be created digita
Why didnt you just start off saying you're crazy? It would have saved me time not replying to you in the first place.
Does it even matter? It's done with the touch of a key stroke. Obama sent cargo plane loads of literal cash to the middle east when he was president and the corrupt bought off and controlled MSM never even questioned it because they're all on the same team. Obama wasn't even qualified to be president he wasn't born in the United States. His birth certificate was proven to be fake which was pretty easy to determine, it was clear that there were digital layers on it and proven to be created digita
What's there to question? Obama sent Iran back the money we confiscated from them. It was their own money. It was part of the nuclear treaty we signed with them.
So let me do the math. Get Iran to agree to stop developing nuclear weapons in exchange for giving them back their own money.
Yeah, sounds like a lousy deal to me.