Trump 2nd term prediction thread

Trump 2nd term prediction thread

So, looks like Trump not only smashed the electoral college, but is looking on track to win the popular vote, which seems to be an unexpected turn of events, but a clear sign of the current temperature in the country and perhaps the wider world.

Would be interested to hear views on how his 2nd term will pan out from both sides of the aisle - major happenings, what he's going to get done, what he's not going to get done, the impact of his election on the current conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, whether his popularity will remain the same, wane, or increase, etc.

A bit of an anemic OP, I know, just interested to hear people's thoughts now that the election uncertainty is over.

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06 November 2024 at 12:32 PM

4140 Replies


by housenuts k

I'm pro choice. The church god abortion stance is the dumbest part of the republican platform.

I'm also pro choice in that if you don't want to be injected with a newly created vaccine you shouldn't be effectively forced to.

Both of those views are fine. Trying to compare one thing to the other thing is because they both involve something about bodies is dumb af.

by d2_e4 k

Both of those views are fine. Trying to compare one thing to the other thing is because they both involve something about bodies is dumb af.

Lol that's a dumb AF take.

"my body my choice" is exactly that.

If it's about your body it should be your choice.

by housenuts k

Lol that's a dumb AF take.

"my body my choice" is exactly that.

If it's about your body it should be your choice.

Ffs vaccines are already mandatory for children, this one just wasn't around when you were a kid. And the government can regulate what you do with your body if it affects others. You can't use it to pick up a baseball bat and hit someone with it, or knowingly spread STDs for example, those are crimes. So why should allowing you to spread contagious respiratory diseases be any different? "Butttt muh freeeeedumbs", I know, I know.

Anyway, I'm not going to litigate Covid vaccines, the point is, it's a ****ing terrible analogy and anyone using it should be forced at gunpoint to take their body off to the nearest classroom for a remedial "learning to think" lesson. That is all.

by d2_e4 k

And the government can regulate what you do with your body if it affects others.

OK so you're anti abortion. Gotcha.

by housenuts k

OK so you're anti abortion. Gotcha.

Other people. Not other clumps of cells. Glad we got that sorted.

by d2_e4 k

Other people. Not other clumps of cells. Glad we got that sorted.

Guessing you don't have kids and have never seen an ultrasound of a 12 week baby. Or 7 months. Lol at clumps of cells.

by housenuts k

Guessing you don't have kids and have never seen an ultrasound of a 12 week baby. Or 7 months. Lol at clumps of cells.

I'm not here to debate abortion or Covid vaccines with you. I'm telling you it's a dogshit analogy. That is my only point here. Your argument that 12 week old fetuses are people does not in any way change the fact that it is a dogshit analogy.

by housenuts k

Guessing you don't have kids and have never seen an ultrasound of a 12 week baby. Or 7 months. Lol at clumps of cells.

Louis is the best

by d2_e4 k

Correct. How is carrying a baby to term for 9 months then looking after it for 18 years like an injection, and how is it different? When you can answer those questions, you'll be able to see why it's a terrible analogy.

? baby can be given up to adoption

by d2_e4 k

I'm not here to debate abortion or Covid vaccines with you. I'm telling you it's a dogshit analogy. That is my only point here. Your argument that 12 week old fetuses are people does not in any way change the fact that it is a dogshit analogy.

It isn't. Mandating medical procedures (even if not very invasive ones) is a denial of body autonomy.

by Luciom k

? baby can be given up to adoption

Sure. Or it can be brought up in shitty circumstances. Or it might end up in a foster home at 8 years old when it's taken away by child services. Or it might go to juvie at 11 years old and end up doing life on the instalment plan. Lots of things can happen that are pretty irrelevant to either this discussion or the one on abortion. Suffice to say I doubt there are enough willing and suitable adoptive parents for all the kids who could use them.

by Luciom k

It isn't. Mandating medical procedures (even if not very invasive ones) is a denial of body autonomy.

I am aware of your absolutist views on everything so it's not a discussion I want to have with you. Suffice to say I'm unpersuaded by your opinion on this topic.

by d2_e4 k

I am aware of your absolutist views on everything so it's not a discussion I want to have with you. Suffice to say I'm unpersuaded by your opinion on this topic.

It's not about absolutism, in fact approx half the countries in the EU (and most of the best ones according to the human development index) don't even mandate vaccines to children.

Kinda different from other stuff where i am in a tiny minority.

by Luciom k

It's not about absolutism, in fact approx half the countries in the EU (and most of the best ones according to the human development index) don't even mandate vaccines to children.

Kinda different from other stuff where i am in a tiny minority.

Look, I'm not interested in debating abortion or Covid vaccines, and you are not going to persuade me that it's a good analogy. I would hope that most reasonable people can see why it's a terrible analogy, but I'm not going to spill gallons of ink over this.

Is there anyone here who is prepared to defend the choice of Gaetz on the merits? I guess that I am looking for defense that goes beyond "he will do whatever Trump wants without getting sidetracked by petty concerns about ethics or legality."

Gaetz has no history of being a successful lawyer. He has no no history of effectively managing a large organization. He has never done anything that would indicate he is particularly smart. He seems to have more skeletons in his closet than a Halloween store.

I honestly think that the primary appeal of Gaetz from Trump's perspective is that Gaetz has no personal reputation to protect, which is the worst possible reason to put someone in charge of the DOJ.

Tulsi Gabbert the suspected Russian plant for director of national intelligence is a choice

Here is more evidence they will push for religeon in school. I tried to tell yall Oklahoma already does this but the reaction seems to be that its unconstitutional and that I'm a doomer or something. Its already happening at the state level.

“Look, if you’re teaching American history, the Bible has to be included and we cannot allow left-wing activists to sit here and say we don’t like Christianity,” Walters told Blake Burman on NewsNation’s The Hill.

“We will ensure that history is taught in every class. That means kids will know American exceptionalism. That means kids will know the role that faith played. We will be unapologetic about that here in Oklahoma,” he added, pointing to the policy already in place in his home state.

“We want to make sure that every student knows the role that the Bible played in American history.”

by Luciom k

that was Nick Fuentes who endorsed Kamala Harris and considers Trump a "puppet of jews"

I don't know or care if he endorsed Kamala, but if he did, what do you think his motivation was? Hint: it wasn't enthusiasm for Kamala.

by Luciom k

Trump might not end (or refuse to renew) TPS for venezuelans, as he did implement it himself before leaving the presidency, for them (different program name can't remember now, but it had basically the same effects).

A lot of people on the right actually think fleeing from communism does justify special treatment.

And the main reason is, if you flee from communism you... are probably going to vote against it later on in your life. So those people are good additions to the country, and they could

Or maybe don't sanction their country and crush their economy so you need to take their refugees. At least when they share a land bridge with you. Not saying Trump enacted this, which he didn't. Just in general.

by Rococo k

I don't know or care if he endorsed Kamala, but if he did, what do you think his motivation was? Hint: it wasn't enthusiasm for Kamala.

He thinks Trump is terrible for his cause (which is christian white supremacy) because Trump is actually pro Jew and pro american minorities.

He wants non whites to be stripped of American citizenship and so on, and he is ultra antisemite, old school ("Jews control everything in society" and the like). Pretty basic Nazi + christian theocracy.

He thinks Trump can be strong enough from the right to make anything toward his direction look impossible. He wants the left to govern until society collapses and they can rebuild on the ashes and so on.

Kinda like for red tankies

by Luciom k

yes I wrote what you guys define as such.

like deporting criminal aliens.

So, to be clear, freedom is not a universal right, but one only granted to those of us born within these borders by the state, do I have that right?

by housenuts k

What's terrible about it?
They should get a choice about babies in their body, but not about injections?

For one, there are no mandatory vaccines.

Are you serious? We were promised Gaetz as AG and all we get is he resigned from his house seat?

How will we ever cope with this?

by Rococo k

Is there anyone here who is prepared to defend the choice of Gaetz on the merits? I guess that I am looking for defense that goes beyond "he will do whatever Trump wants without getting sidetracked by petty concerns about ethics or legality."

Gaetz has no history of being a successful lawyer. He has no no history of effectively managing a large organization. He has never done anything that would indicate he is particularly smart. He seems to have more skeletons in his closet than a Halloween

Toss up between no reputation and no scruples imo.

by master3004 k

So, to be clear, freedom is not a universal right, but one only granted to those of us born within these borders by the state, do I have that right?

Freedom is a negative right, stuff people can't do to you or your property.

You don't have any right to other people property and that includes public land in foreign countries, which isn't public in the sense that every human being owns it, rather in the sense that citizens do and they decide who has the privilege to use their property and who doesn't.

Like any club, members decide who is in and who is out how they prefer. And that's what freedom is about, deciding what you do with your property and your body.
