In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 12 Views 12
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

4020 Replies


by Playbig2000 k

We certainly didn't need an experimental mRNA technology forced upon us that didn't help to "stop the spread",

Not experimental PLUS it did stop the spread..... but PB doing PB things.

by d2_e4 k

What's his cause of action? I don't think "political bias" is a cause of action. If it's defamation, how did they defame him?

Thanks for keeping me awakened btw, PB, keep up the good work. Since I haven't received your invoice, I assume you are doing this all pro bono. Truly a man of the people.

Not sure which laws apply as i don't know which states have jurisdiction over national media alleged defamation, but if Trump can lose a lawsuit for defamation because he called someone a liar about something that the jury thought actually happened, then i suppose a media company can lose a suit for defamation if they ever called trump a liar about something he technically didn't lie about right? at least if the jurisdiction is in new york state.

by Luciom k

Not sure which laws apply as i don't know which states have jurisdiction over national media alleged defamation, but if Trump can lose a lawsuit for defamation because he called someone a liar about something that the jury thought actually happened, then i suppose a media company can lose a suit for defamation if they ever called trump a liar about something he technically didn't lie about right? at least if the jurisdiction is in new york state.

Probably. That's what I'm asking PB what he's actually suing for. If it's like your example, it would have to be some specific article or claim that some media outlet made. I get the impression PB thinks you can sue "the media" as some sort of amorphous monolithic entity for "bias" i.e. general negative coverage.

by d2_e4 k

What's his cause of action? I don't think "political bias" is a cause of action. If it's defamation, how did they defame him?

Thanks for keeping me awakened btw, PB, keep up the good work. Since I haven't received your invoice, I assume you are doing this all pro bono. Truly a man of the people.

I wonder if you can countersue a sitting president?

by d2_e4 k

What's his cause of action? I don't think "political bias" is a cause of action. If it's defamation, how did they defame him?

Thanks for keeping me awakened btw, PB, keep up the good work. Since I haven't received your invoice, I assume you are doing this all pro bono. Truly a man of the people.

Election interference, conspiracy, possibly even treason against the United States. They conspired to install a particular candidate into office (like they did in 2020).

by Playbig2000 k

Election interference, conspiracy, possibly even treason against the United States. They conspired to install a particular candidate into office.

Oh, so not bias and defamation then. Oh my, treason, that sounds pretty bad. Odd that traitors are tried in civil suits brought by private party plaintiffs these days, so hard to keep up with the ever expanding legal universe. Anyway, keep us in the loop as to how that's going.

by d2_e4 k

Oh, so not bias and defamation then. Oh my, treason, that sounds pretty bad. Odd that traitors are tried in civil suits brought by private party plaintiffs these days, so hard to keep up with the ever expanding legal universe. Anyway, keep us in the loop as to how that's going.

If the gov't decides to proceed with charges of treason, there's no civil court it gets handled by the military (Vice Admiral Darse Crandall and military officers from the Judge Advocate Generals Corp. specifically). This also goes for all the corrupt judges in NYC, CO and elsewhere, and if the jurors or anyone else took bribes in lieu of a conviction they're all subject to treason charges as well.

by Playbig2000 k

If the gov't decides to proceed with charges of treason, there's no civil court it gets handled by the military (Vice Admiral Darse Crandall and military officers from the Judge Advocate Generals Corp. specifically). This also goes for all the corrupt judges in NYC, CO and elsewhere, and if the jurors or anyone else took bribes in lieu of a conviction they're all subject to treason charges as well.

That's wild bro. Keep me posted.

by Playbig2000 k

BREAKING: Trump is suing media outlets for $10 billion, accusing them of bias. He has filed lawsuits against the New York Times, CBS, and other organizations, alleging defamation and political prejudice.

Editorial note: this is the beginning of the end of the corrupt one-sided mockingburd media.

We love our freedom of speech don’t we folks

by Luciom k

Not sure which laws apply as i don't know which states have jurisdiction over national media alleged defamation, but if Trump can lose a lawsuit for defamation because he called someone a liar about something that the jury thought actually happened, then i suppose a media company can lose a suit for defamation if they ever called trump a liar about something he technically didn't lie about right? at least if the jurisdiction is in new york state.

There are a few things:

-truth is always a defense against defamation accusations
-being a political figure the courts will almost never find their defamation cases to be valid
-you have to actually show damages
-e gene carrol likely sent many cease and desist requests before suing for defamation
-trump was already found civilly liable and therefore he was not eligible to contest the sexual assault the second time around
-trump continued the pattern of behavior that led him to be found liable in the first place
-and remember, this was for actions that occurred after his presidency had already ended

by checkraisdraw k

We love our freedom of speech don’t we folks

This is more than just being about freedom of speech. CBS changed the answer that a presidential candidate gave while she was being interviewed and showed a new changed version to the public making it look like it was her answer, not knowing the original answer was changed. That's fraud at best and it was done to help her win. That's cheating and treason. And furthermore, all the debates were clearly extremely biased to help the democrats win. That's why the moderators jumped in to discredit Trump, but it shouldn't be about their opinions or what they have to say. That's dishonesty. If Trump says something that's inaccurate (he turned out to be right about crime rising) then let the news talk shows and the rest of the wold decipher that, not a controlled moderator. What gives a network, a show, or anybody the right to do that?

TIL that editing an interview is treason. Every day's a school day.

by Playbig2000 k

This is more than just being about freedom of speech. CBS changed the answer that a presidential candidate gave while she was being interviewed and showed a new changed version to the public making it look like it was her answer, not knowing the original answer was changed. That's fraud at best and it was done to help her win. That's cheating and treason. And furthermore, all the debates were clearly extremely biased to help the democrats win. That's why the moderators jumped in to discredit T

the first amendment.

dishonesty in speech to a large degree is fully legal.

you can change stuff to make something look like something else especially given you are not claiming anything other than showing the edited footage.

the right run AI generated videos of Harris and others saying absurd things (some were quite funny). some people might have taken those for "real". still legal

by Playbig2000 k

This is more than just being about freedom of speech. CBS changed the answer that a presidential candidate gave while she was being interviewed and showed a new changed version to the public making it look like it was her answer, not knowing the original answer was changed. That's fraud at best and it was done to help her win. That's cheating and treason. And furthermore, all the debates were clearly extremely biased to help the democrats win. That's why the moderators jumped in to discredit T

Point me to the statute or law that was violated.

Spoiler alert: you can’t because there isn’t one.

And that’s assuming everything you say is true which I disagree with but don’t need to get into to make my point. Even if the facts are exactly what you allege, it wouldn’t be illegal, let alone “treason” which is just a stupid thing to say.

by Playbig2000 k

BREAKING: Trump is suing media outlets for $10 billion, accusing them of bias. He has filed lawsuits against the New York Times, CBS, and other organizations, alleging defamation and political prejudice.

Editorial note: this is the beginning of the end of the corrupt one-sided mockingburd media.

I guess freedom of speech is not acceptable for maga .
Only speech from foxnews and the bible is ….

by checkraisdraw k

Point me to the statute or law that was violated.

Spoiler alert: you can’t because there isn’t one.

And that’s assuming everything you say is true which I disagree with but don’t need to get into to make my point. Even if the facts are exactly what you allege, it wouldn’t be illegal, let alone “treason” which is just a stupid thing to say.

It was conspiracy and collusion to keep a coup in power for another 4 years. The fake MSM colluded with the handlers of the democrats to heavily favor 4 more years of their criminal regime.

by Playbig2000 k

Election interference, conspiracy, possibly even treason against the United States. They conspired to install a particular candidate into office (like they did in 2020).

Again, with the ridiculous lies, liar. It’s for defamation and defamation per se. it’s a two count complaint.

Case 0:22-cv-61842-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/03/2022 Page 1 of 29
1. The Plaintiff, President Donald J. Trump, has been a long-time critic of the Defendant, Cable News Network, Inc. (“CNN”)—not because CNN does a bad job of reporting the news, but because CNN seeks to create the news (“fake news,” as the Plaintiff has characterized it in public statements). Beyond simply highlighting any negative information about the Plaintiff and ignoring all positive information about him, CNN has sought to use its massive influence— purportedly as a “trusted” news source—to defame the Plaintiff in the minds of its viewers and readers for the purpose of defeating him politically, culminating in CNN claiming credit for “[getting] Trump out” in the 2020 presidential election. CNN’s campaign of dissuasion in the form of libel and slander against the Plaintiff has only escalated in recent months as CNN fears the Plaintiff will run for president in 2024. As a part of its concerted effort to tilt the political balance to the Left, CNN has tried to taint the Plaintiff with a series of ever-more scandalous, false, and defamatory labels of “racist,” “Russian lackey,” “insurrectionist,” and ultimately “Hitler.” These

by Playbig2000 k

It was conspiracy and collusion to keep a coup in power for another 4 years. The fake MSM colluded with the handlers of the democrats to heavily favor 4 more years of their criminal regime.

So what would the statute or law be? You realize vaguely gesturing at legal terms isn’t an argument about why something is illegal, right?

by jjjou812 k

Again, with the ridiculous lies, liar. It’s for defamation and defamation per se. it’s a two count complaint.

That's the same as sedition or treason or something, right? I mean, dude, did you not see what they did? They. Edited. An. Interview.

by Playbig2000 k

It was conspiracy and collusion to keep a coup in power for another 4 years. The fake MSM colluded with the handlers of the democrats to heavily favor 4 more years of their criminal regime.

are you sure you live in america? in America it's perfectly legal and uncontroversially so for a media company to carry the water of a political party

by Luciom k

are you sure you live in america? in America it's perfectly legal and uncontroversially so for a media company to carry the water of a political party

This wasn't always the case. Before cable television when there were just three networks, because the networks were "borrowing" the airwaves from the government, they were forced to give equal time to both political parties. Once cable became a thing that system went away but there are still vestiges of it. Saturday Night Live recently ran into an issue with it after having Kamala on.

You forgot u/45 😀

by d2_e4 k

That's the same as sedition or treason or something, right? I mean, dude, did you not see what they did? They. Edited. An. Interview.

Pb must have read the secret amended criminal indictment in a civil complaint that the msm is trying to bury.

BREAKING: The Pentagon fails its seventh consecutive financial audit, unable to account for $824 billion of its budget.

(this will get swept under the rug again by the msm puppets).

by jjjou812 k

Again, with the ridiculous lies, liar. It’s for defamation and defamation per se. it’s a two count complaint.

Case 0:22-cv-61842-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/03/2022 Page 1 of 29

Obivously if the gov't would be taking any action against them (even for at the very least suspending their license to broadcast) it would be a different complaint. It would't be tied to a civil complaint.

You were the one that claimed Trumps causes of action were:

by Playbig2000 k

Election interference, conspiracy, possibly even treason against the United States. They conspired to install a particular candidate into office (like they did in 2020).

Are you backing off this lie or are you trying to educate me on the differences between criminal and civil proceedings?
