Of Course You Know What "Woke" Means

Of Course You Know What "Woke" Means

The title for this thread was stolen from the Freddie deBoer blog/article quoted and linked below. I couldn't come up with anything better, so why not. According to Wikipedia: DeBoer identifies himself as a "Marxist of an old-school variety." I don't know anything about him that extends beyond that and the two blog posts I've read. Now, let's get to it.

I could go on. And some will disagree with this or that. But whether you think this is an accurate portrayal of the kind of politics that became dominant in progressive circles in the last 10-12 years, something happened. Something changed. Of course something changed! I find it so, so bizarre that people still insist that nothing much changed in progressive discourse or politics in that time period. Go back and read stuff that was getting published in liberal outlets in 2010 and tell me it’s the same. Come on. Give me a break. Grow up.

Archived version: https://web.archive.org/web/202304040135...

If you're going to jump into this conversion, please read the the blog post. That way we'll be, at least somewhat, on the same page, and hopefully the conversation won't devolve too much.

In another thread, someone shared that they were planning on voting for Trump (even thought they don't like him) because the Democratic party has shifted so far to the left. Their response was simply dismissed, and someone else pointed out why that's a problem. If you don't think "woke" ideology is driving people into Trumps arms, then you're not thinking clearly. Are those Trump voters misguided? Maybe. But they're not all the morons and monsters they're made out to be. Does "woke"— ambiguously defined — get a bad rap? Sometimes, sure. So, what are your thoughts on "woke"?

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18 October 2024 at 06:08 AM

213 Replies


by d2_e4 k

Sounds like what you're saying is that Trump, like Hitler, is tapping into the primitive xenophobic instincts (which may nonetheless be rooted in rationality) of his base, using the same incendiary and dehumanising rhetoric to do so, and the people it appeals to would vote for Hitler. I thought your original issue was we shouldn't be comparing him to Hitler? If I've summarised your post accurately, sounds like you agree they have a lot in common.

Of course he is, and of course he does.

The problem the dumb, dumb, dumb, DUMB far-left can't wrap their head around is that the Hitler comparison stopped working, because enough people realized that their respective right-wing complaints about what was happening to their country was rooted in something objectively credible, even if Hitler ultimately went about things the wrong way.

They realized that Trump likes pie and Hitler liked Pie on several social issues, even if they don't agree with Hitler about exterminating races or his broader ethno-nationalist worldview.

This is too hard for some on the far left to understand, but it's exactly what's going on and why they lost despite saying 'Hitler'.
Deep down, many on the far left DO understand this perfectly well and they're perplexed by what to do next.

by d2_e4 k

Sounds like what you're saying is that Trump, like Hitler, is tapping into the primitive xenophobic instincts (which may nonetheless be rooted in rationality) of his base, using the same incendiary and dehumanising rhetoric to do so, and the people it appeals to would vote for Hitler. I thought your original issue was we shouldn't be comparing him to Hitler? If I've summarised your post accurately, sounds like you agree they have a lot in common.

I might be wrong but i think what people really disliked about Hitler wasn't the fact that he was a nationalist like it was the norm for most politicians (elected or not) for most of human history in most countries worldwide.

Nor that when needing votes he tapped into emotional, primitival issues like every single politician needs to do to win elections when the franchise is extended to the masses.

I think Hitler is characterized as one of the worst human beings to ever lived because he genocided a lot of his citizens, for ethnic reasons or because they were disabled.

And that basically never happened before or after him again in western countries, and very rarely elsewhere anyway.

Note i said *his citizens*, genocides of "others" are very common in history. Of your own constituents, very very rare.

And trump governed 4 years without attempting any genocide of americans afaik.

by 5thStreet k

Of course he is, and of course he does.

The problem the dumb, dumb, dumb, DUMB far-left can't wrap their head around is that the Hitler comparison stopped working, because enough people realized that their respective right-wing complaints about what was happening to their country was rooted in something objectively credible, even if Hitler ultimately went about things the wrong way.

They realized that Trump likes pie and Hitler liked Pie on several social issues, even if they don't agree with Hi

by Luciom k

I might be wrong but i think what people really disliked about Hitler wasn't the fact that he was a nationalist like it was the norm for most politicians (elected or not) for most of human history in most countries worldwide.

Nor that when needing votes he tapped into emotional, primitival issues like every single politician needs to do to win elections when the franchise is extended to the masses.

I think Hitler is characterized as one of the worst human beings to ever lived because he genocided

These are fair points, and I do agree that the Tump-Hitler comparison is somewhat overplayed and can get tiresome. However, when he literally starts quoting the guy, I also think it's fair to point that out and remind people.

by mongidig k

I've never heard him say "Nazis are fine people". This misinformation is exactly what the Don is going after.

If you are going to use quotations, understand how they work.

Oh, this might be a fine time to remind everyone of our shining forum luminary BJ's finest moments, when he said something along the lines of "Hurr durr you all you guys comparing Trump to Hitler, Trump was democratically elected".

It was a few weeks ago and definitely not enough people noticed. What a ****ing dumbass, always and forever.

He still doesn’t understand your point.

by 5thStreet k

Of course he is, and of course he does.

The problem the dumb, dumb, dumb, DUMB far-left can't wrap their head around is that the Hitler comparison stopped working, because enough people realized that their respective right-wing complaints about what was happening to their country was rooted in something objectively credible, even if Hitler ultimately went about things the wrong way.

They realized that Trump likes pie and Hitler liked Pie on several social issues, even if they don't agree with Hi

If you look at Kamala's campaign she was making ground and climbing in the polls with her joy and happiness tele prompter tour that stopped when she decided to paint Trump as the demon and threat to democracy and than she started losing ground . I doubt the left will learn from this election and rinse and repeat the same ole garbage. The question will be how successful Trumps 4 years will be if at all ?

by lozen k

The question will be how successful Trumps 4 years will be if at all ?

That is the biggest question, and it's to be determined.

by jjjou812 k

If you are going to use quotations, understand how they work.

"What are you talking about"?

by d2_e4 k

Oh, this might be a fine time to remind everyone of our shining forum luminary BJ's finest moments, when he said something along the lines of "Hurr durr you all you guys comparing Trump to Hitler, Trump was democratically elected".

It was a few weeks ago and definitely not enough people noticed. What a ****ing dumbass, always and forever.

Remember when BJ shot that dude in the dick?

by jjjou812 k

Stop making excuses for the guy saying Nazi are fine people and using language directly from Hitler's political manifesto if you want the analogies to stop. Acting like you are blameless is ridiculous.

by mongidig k

I've never heard him say "Nazis are fine people". This misinformation is exactly what the Don is going after.

Yeah so here's the thing. That was a hoax. It's edited and made up nonsense. The full video has always existed and has been brought up in response to the hoax. It doesn't matter, the media parroted that lie a million times over. they certainly knew. When they asked Biden why he was running in 2020, he referenced the hoax as his reasoning. He certainly knew. Kamal repeated it. She certainly knew. Obama giving his big performance to push the beloved and highly qualified kamala across the line at the end of the campaign repeated the hoax. He certainly knew.

They do this because it works. Because there's just so many dolts out there. And they can see the dolts gobbling it up. Even geniuses like jjjou who have a long history of highly intelligent, sophisticated, and inspiring posts on 2+2 educating everyone on the topic of politics for thousands of posts somehow fell for it. Sometimes I have to get my jaw off the floor when I see such a superb mind like jjjou be duped as if he was a useful idiot

But here's the thing. Enough people started to see the media was completely FOS. Politicians and celebrities ranting about nazi this and that were just unhinged clowns. This has manifested itself in the trump dance catching on. People everywhere including public figures just don't give a rats ass about the hysterical clowns anymore. They'll openly support trump. The stigma around trump has diminished significantly because the opposition have totally beclowned themselves... OMG how could america vote for a rapist with 762 felonies? Get a grip

a 1-2-3

Young man

by hole in wan k

Yeah so here's the thing. That was a hoax. It's edited and made up nonsense. The full video has always existed and has been brought up in response to the hoax. It doesn't matter, the media parroted that lie a million times over. they certainly knew. When they asked Biden why he was running in 2020, he referenced the hoax as his reasoning. He certainly knew. Kamal repeated it. She certainly knew. Obama giving his big performance to push the beloved and highly qualified kamala across the line at t

That's wild bro, more people should be talking about it. But let's focus on what's important, which is how effeminate democrat voters are.

by d2_e4 k

That's wild bro, more people should be talking about it. But let's focus on what's important, which is how effeminate democrat voters are.

I already explained this to you. It's not as simple as right masculine and left feminine but obviously the left tilts more feminine. The further left you go the more pronounced. Anyone with social skills greater than a toaster recognizes this without even being presented evidence. The left themselves recognizes this and campaigned accordingly. I'm not sure why I need to repeat myself

Wait. Do you think you're masculine?

by hole in wan k

I already explained this to you. It's not as simple as right masculine and left feminine but obviously the left tilts more feminine. The further left you go the more pronounced. Anyone with social skills greater than a toaster recognizes this without even being presented evidence. The left themselves recognizes this and campaigned accordingly. I'm not sure why I need to repeat myself

Wait. Do you think you're masculine?

It's the whole if you aren't a liberal when young you have no heart and if you're not a conservative when old no brain cliche. Don't mind D2 though he can just be dense.

by hole in wan k

I already explained this to you. It's not as simple as right masculine and left feminine but obviously the left tilts more feminine. The further left you go the more pronounced. Anyone with social skills greater than a toaster recognizes this without even being presented evidence. The left themselves recognizes this and campaigned accordingly. I'm not sure why I need to repeat myself

Wait. Do you think you're masculine?

Do you think I'm "on the left"?

by Luckbox Inc k

It's the whole if you aren't a liberal when young you have no heart and if you're not a conservative when old no brain cliche. Don't mind D2 though he can just be dense.

Is that why you aren't either? Might need to go see the Wizard of Oz there, chief.

by d2_e4 k

Is that why you aren't either? Might need to go see the Wizard of Oz there, chief.

As if I should care about abortion or immigration or whatever nonsense keeps you plebs up at night.

by d2_e4 k

Do you think I'm "on the left"?

Yeah for the most part

Do you always answer questions with questions or is that just big brained internetting?

I'll give you a quick quiz

Are you single?
How long have you been in a relationship?
are you married? How many times?
Do you have kids?
Do you drink and do drugs?
Do you drink or do drugs by yourself?
Do you drink or do drugs and then dazzle 2p2 with your wisdom?
Do you watch porn regularly
Are you religious?
Do you mock religion and religious people?
How is your diet?
How often do you exercise?

Feel free to not answer any of those questions. But my guess is that if you did that you score an A+ on being a nihilistic degenerate. OF course being a nihilistic degenerate is also an overgrown man-child. This of course is significantly less masculine than developing in to a full formed adult with their life in order etc

Feel free to surprise me or answer questions with a question. Perhaps you could spam some more poop emoji

by Luckbox Inc k

As if I should care about abortion or immigration or whatever nonsense keeps you plebs up at night.

I know bro, you've got better things to do like examine ear pictures with Playbig and the rest of the brain trust to identify lizard people in face masks posing as public officials.

by hole in wan k

Yeah for the most part

Do you always answer questions with questions or is that just big brained internetting?

I'll give you a quick quiz

Are you single?
How long have you been in a relationship?
are you married? How many times?
Do you have kids?
Do you drink and do drugs?
Do you drink or do drugs by yourself?
Do you drink or do drugs and then dazzle 2p2 with your wisdom?
Do you watch porn regularly
Are you religious?
Do you mock religion and religious people?
How is your diet?
How often do you exercise?


Is being a nihilistic degenerate inherently feminine? Fascinating, you really do learn something new every day. Can you tell us more about what makes you so masculine?

by hole in wan k

Feel free to not answer any of those questions. But my guess is that if you did that you score an A+ on being a nihilistic degenerate. OF course being a nihilistic degenerate is also an overgrown man-child. This of course is significantly less masculine than developing in to a full formed adult with their life in order etc

To be fair, the man-child (puer aeternus) is a masculine archetype. It just happens to fall on the toxic side rather than the heroic. It's no more or less masculine than the wise old man (senex).

by hole in wan k

I already explained this to you. It's not as simple as right masculine and left feminine but obviously the left tilts more feminine. The further left you go the more pronounced.

Maybe in ID pols/rad lib terms. Far left materialists are pretty hard.

Look at these twerps.

Hitler and Mussolini were macho, though.

by d2_e4 k

Is being a nihilistic degenerate inherently feminine? Fascinating, you really do learn something new every day. Can you tell us more about what makes you so masculine?

You mean besides claiming fake medical degrees and creating six or seven alt accounts to give his views (really his one view) of transgender medical care over and over?

by jjjou812 k

You mean besides claiming fake medical degrees and creating six or seven alt accounts to give his views (really his one view) of transgender medical care over and over?

Oh it's that guy? His idea of masculinity is probably the fabulous beard that adorns his neck, the macho, musky odour of stale sweat he maintains by showering once a week whether he needs it or not, the magnificent, shiny coat of excess hair on his back, and the majestic 4 inch throbbing erection he sports whenever he daydreams about doing unto Trump what Lewinsky did unto Clinton. I think I'll take my feminine nihilistic degeneracy all day.

His latest alt account kept asking “what is a woman” and then when he received answers that were not in the movie, he would run away. Three weeks later, he would claim no one answered his question and ask it again. Just a shining example of masculine behavior.

And you can’t forget his ATF thread complaining about ganstaman.
