Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Post if you want in, ideally 8 people but the normal game - guess your stuff and ideally go fast bolding away a guess at a time(Snapguess + guess + etc). Spirit of the game is to just bold away at what you think, keep 0-1 max backup and go quick.

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22 December 2021 at 07:01 AM

3691 Replies


woof, washer works, i could see wagon working

and then matches often have rounds in them

(and wheel obviously)

definitely not wagon

i much prefer something like circular or rotating for wheel/washer. round unnecessarily complicates things

i'm not coming up with a great wheel/match clue because of blockers

and they were gonna guess match for fare, but i don't really understand why

obv purse is one. wagon could easily be the other

i'm good with that logic, i thought they had only 1 left(purse) but with 2 the other prob is wagon

wheel + match i'm thinking stuff like ignition/firebird or something which snap and crow block

seems like that's our combo a lot

Doesn't really matter what their clues are, this is never wheel/wagon.

It's either wheel/washer or wheel/match.

I understand the logic for match, but I can't get the fact that washers are literally round out of my head. But maybe that is a reason for match, since circular is a synonym for round, with fewer bonus meanings.

yea why not just something circular/rotating/spinning/whirling or whatever unambiguous

and this is a good clue for wheel/match imo, i wasn't coming up with anything better with the other words up there

rubber is the only thing i can think of, but it's not obvious at all

by eyebooger k

I understand the logic for match, but I can't get the fact that washers are literally round out of my head. But maybe that is a reason for match, since circular is a synonym for round, with fewer bonus meanings.

that's why it's my least favorite clue in codenames 😆

and i know for a fact that the match = round connection has been used before. don't remember if it was this thread or if nich was involved, but i think we have to trust he wouldn't use this clue for washer/wheel with match up there


If you want to go match, I'm okay with it.

Wheel is blue

I'm good with match


Match is...


assassin, gg

A fare is money for transport, so purse + plane/wagon. If I only wanted plane then I would clue airfare, but whatever.

I certainly don't think of a fare as a contract, but surely you guys have played enough games by now to know that contract should be ruled out entirely when I give a 3 clue there. What was the point of passing last turn only to guess contract anyway? Makes absolutely no sense.

Apart from that it was well played, but that was pretty tilting gotta admit.

Wheel and washers only 2 round objects

Matches are stick-shaped

Didn’t think of rounds like in boxing or golf at all

Was planning on cycle the whole time but then figured I’d go round as it was simpler and “safer”


by D1iabol1cal k

A fare is money for transport, so purse + plane/wagon. If I only wanted plane then I would clue airfare, but whatever.

I certainly don't think of a fare as a contract, but surely you guys have played enough games by now to know that contract should be ruled out entirely when I give a 3 clue there. What was the point of passing last turn only to guess contract anyway? Makes absolutely no sense.

Apart from that it was well played, but that was pretty tilting gotta admit.

by IBeDrummin k

How does fare hit contract? As in there’s a fee written into a contract? I wouldn’t have thought of that as fare.

I’m also a little worried that contract was the last word we mentioned and D1iab gave a 3-clue. I know this is no-list, but in the endgame there’s typically a bit of what was mentioned last turn at play.

D1iab does the unlimited thing instead of n-1, and since he’s done neither here, I’m not terribly confident in contract. I could be overthinking it here for sure, but just putting it

I tried, but should’ve been more insistent. I let the nuance of no-list shock my confidence. Oh, and DZ Leroy Jenkinsed before I made my way back into the thread.

Oh yea we lost this haha GG

by IBeDrummin k

I tried, but should’ve been more insistent. I let the nuance of no-list shock my confidence. Oh, and DZ Leroy Jenkinsed before I made my way back into the thread.

Yeah, but in fairness you did have more than enough time to post your thoughts. I probably would've skipped you by that point too.

So one team was looking at the assassin and the other hit it? Hilarious.

What the hell is a match fare anyway?

You know, if one carrier is offering a lower fare for a route, match it.

Less common now I guess.

Oh. Zeus said it was something to do with football games.

Oh that was just what I thought it meant. No idea about the betting thing.

by IBeDrummin k

There were 8 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

Doctor Zeus
Neil S

eb v DZ imo

eb v DZ

I'll be red if this is odd.

