LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174)

LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174)

by LeoTrollstoy k

Very impressed with the minute sequence where LeBron clearly lost the ball headed to the rim, heat got the ball anyway and scored, then he elbows his defender in the chin, drawing a defensive foul and stern talking to from the official and hitting a 3.

It's these ref assisted 5 point swings in close games that truly bring out the best in great players.

Link to post of why Elon Musk is the true GOAT: https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showp...

The thread that will go on for years..........


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31 May 2013 at 02:31 PM

6509 Replies


by Carnivore k

So clearly Lebron is at least an elite player developer at this point in his career.

Knecht was already good and the Lakers were lucky to get him - Lebron always gets ready-made stars like Knecht, or Zydrunas was already an all-star in 2003, just like Kyrie, Wade, Love, Bosh, AD, Westbrook, D-Lo and every decent player that Lebron ever had...

They were all good before joining Lebron... Even Mo Williams was a coveted veteran before joining Lebron with 17 and 6 assists (17 and 4 alongside Lebron).

So no, you're just making stuff up as required for the fake debate.. The facts don't justify it... Lebron's skillset imposed spot-up roles for 22 years, so he didn't develop a single young player in 22 years.. If you want to use Reaves as the exception that proves the rule - have at it

And again, Lebron's need for ready-made stars is skillset-based - his imposition of spot-up roles cannot develop players or chemistry, so he needs ready-made stars (talent-based winning).. This low chemistry and talent-based approach produces perennial losers with every team.

Hey fallguy I made a post about drafting Lebron back in the day.

by Chilltown k

(pretend it's the one before)

With the 2nd overall pick, I select Lebron James.

Write up:

I don't care about winning. If I wanted to win I'd rather bring in the number 3 pick who guarantees championships. I seek statistical dominance. His PER is 2nd only to the official greatest of all time and that's the only reason I'm taking him. He won an MVP but who really cares. He steals rebounds from teammates, arenas award him with freebie assists due to pressure from Stern, no hand checking allows him t

Pretty legendary.

Maybe I was more correct than I give myself credit for.

If Knecht played with Jordan he'd get 2 FGA's per game and get punched in the face in practice.

by fidstar-poker k

I specifically said "you".

That "drop-step" you think you have would get stopped by even the worst defenders in the NBA.

Just to be clear, fallguy, your rebuttal to this is that you scored on some players in practice that later went on to play in the NBA? Am I reading that correctly?

What prevented you from being good even at the collegiate level? What prevented you from being an NBA star? It sounds to me like you're claiming that you had an NBA body with NBA skills - why did you score like 4 points in college instead of being an NBA player?

by Carnivore k

If Knecht played with Jordan he'd get 2 FGA's per game and get punched in the face in practice.

You're just joking right?.. You aren't this delusional????...The story for Lebron's entire career is bad fits and therefore needing more help.

Only Lebron had teammates crater alongside him and play far below their capacity/career high, while Jordan's teammates played to capacity/career highs.

It's a clear trend over a massive sample... It's also stats-based because Lebron's high volume of unassisted buckets/ball-dominance leaves teammates standing around in spot-up roles, so he had zero young player development in 22 years..

Otoh, Jordan's buckets were highly-assisted, which allowed teammates to grow .. In the history of NBA basketball, only Jordan won his titles by developing single-digit rookies into champions.

Lebron's weaker teammate development and fits is why he has weaker teams and never had dynasties, 70 wins, perennial favorites or organic winning... Instead, it's the opposite...He produces perennial losers and underdogs, such as barely winning 50 games with Kyrie/Love, AD, or Wade/Bosh - he won 60 games once in 7 tries with 2-all-star teammates from 11-17'... He hand-picked the preseason favorite from 11' to 16', but each year his weak brand caused this favored talent to fall to underdog or loser, except the Allen miracle..

No one underachieves favored talent more than Lebron by virtue of the most losses ever with preseason favorites or Finals teams, and bevies of losses with homecourt, top seeds and all-star teammates.

Some of your player choices to demonstrate that you can score on NBA talent are... interesting. I had to look up when these guys played to confirm my suspicions.

by fallguy k

Zach Randolph cut his teeth on me and others in Marion, Indiana... Marion is the most legendary basketball town in Indiana where "bullies get bullied", as Zach famously said to Boogie Cousins.

Zach Randolph played at Michigan State from 2000-2001 so he was a high school player from 1996-2000. I also wouldn't say Marion is the most legendary basketball town in Indiana and I've never heard it described as such.

I won the regional title with Zach's older brother and played a lot with his younger brother (RIP)... We grew up playing with legends like Jay Edwards, James Blackmon, and hundreds of D1 players coming from Marion.. I'm proud to be one of them..

Jay Edwards played high school ball from 1983-87. James Blackmon 1979-83.

One of my most frequent stories in online threads is how I dunked on Zach 4 straight times in a game of 1-on-1 when he was 6'7" sophomore...

If you played with Bonzi Wells and Courtney James and were on that FIU team that played against UNC that means you played high school ball from roughly 1992-1996. If you played against Zach Randolph when he was a sophomore that would have made him like 15 years old, and you were probably a freshman in college. You were obviously playing pickup and not a real game. This would be a moderately cool story, but it's far from impressive for someone who constantly brags online about their basketball abilities. I also grew up in Indiana and have played pickup games with Bonzi Wells and Rajon Rondo. I scored points (yippy). I was not particularly good at basketball, relatively speaking. Certainly not good enough to be pretending that my basketball credentials make me some kind of basketball analytics genius for looking up assisted fg% on nba.com.

I'm also close friends with many former D1 players. Many of them played in the Big 10. One in particular that I grew up and played basketball with constantly played in the Pac 10, as it was known at the time. Far better conferences than the Sun Belt. None of them tell frequent stories in online threads about dunking on high school players.

But he isn't the only McDonald's All-American that I dunked on or played very well against - I dunked on Evan Burns at San Diego State and used to go back-and-forth with Mike Robinson at Haussler Hall in Peoria (Bradley U)... Again, these are D1 players and the circles we keep.

Evan Burns was an entirely forgettable college player that played one season, and was also like 6 years younger than you. Nice job dunking on a toddler when you were in college. Mike Robinson was a great player but he is from Illinois, not Indiana. What do you mean you used to go "back-and-forth" with him? Did you play a pickup game with him and you ran up and down the court...?

I remember when Richard Jefferson and Luke Walton asked me to play 2-on-2 with them at San Diego State.... It was me and Chris Walton (Luke's brother) against Luke and Richard... We won 2 of 9 games, but it was funny because after I scored on Richard twice in a row on the post, Luke turned to Richard and was like "that's 2 in a row" with his eyebrows raised... That was at the start of the first game, and I ended up carrying us because Chris Walton was horrible (Luke's brother) - i scored the vast majority of the points during the 9 games against Luke and Richard (dunked on Luke with 2 hands on baseline - these things aren't a big deal).

Luke Walton would have been about a freshman when you were a senior. Richard Jefferson probably a sophomore when you were a senior. Chris Walton played 4 years at San Diego State and would have been in high school when you were a college graduate. You said you "carried" the team but you lost 7 of the 9 games. Like I get it, it's a cool story that you dunked on a future NBA player but you were by far the oldest and most experienced player on the court and you lost 7 of 9 games. But is dunking on kids 3 years younger than you, in a 2 on 2 game no less where there is no defense, something you actually talk about a lot?

I remember at FIU when I gave Gimel Martinez the same blow-by move that I gave Zach... Someone clowned Gimel after the poster "hey who did you dunk on" as we were running back down the court.. That was the pick-up game that HOF coach Shakey Rodriguez watched and sent his assistant coach to ask me to walk on... The same thing happened at Bradley.. I did all this on a full academic scholarship - basketball was my side thing.. I was always on stacked squads where I was one of many good players.. FIU had an NBA backcourt when I was there (Carlos and Raj).

Gimel Martinez never played in the NBA. He was a low minutes role player in college. I can find no reference online for Shakey Rodriguez making the hall of fame.

You don't seem to have played, really at all, when you were at FIU with "Carlos and Raj". This is like me saying I played with LeBron James because I sat in the stands at one of his games. Close to the 12th man of course, and the random dude stretching.

I can go on and on and on and on and on and on with stories... The point is that it's ridiculous to say that a D1 player cannot score on the worst NBA defender because I guarantee that they've already done much better than that..

I suppose there are some really bad NBA defenders that are on a roster for their offense. It seems like you were a pretty solid AAU and high school player, and played with some future NBA players in pickup games. But I'm not sure dunking on toddlers in pickup games where they were probably not trying all that hard is proof of this. I think it would be fair to say you could maybe score a bucket or two in a pickup game against a poor NBA defender. Or score a few against a future NBA player that was 4 years younger than you and in high school at the time, if they weren't trying particularly hard. But in an NBA game? Of course there is zero chance of you scoring a field goal unless someone blew an assignment.

Didn't you see John Rodgers vs Jordan????... So the game is a lot more complicated than you realize and understand it to be

I mean, this kind of proves our point: players don't try very hard in 1 on 1 or in pickup games and it's not at all the same as a real game, so it's not all that impressive to score a few random buckets in pickup. Now if John Rodgers scored a few buckets (assisted only, of course) with Michael Jordan defending him in a real game, that would mean something. John Rodgers also legitimately got on the court at least when he played for Princeton, for what it's worth.

Did you ever answer the question of what was your stat line for the FIU UNC game? Or how many ppg and minutes you played in college? Say compared to John Rodgers who may not have played much but at least averaged a respectable 9.6 ppg one season in D1. It must have been significant if you were dunking on future NBA players in pickup games. Unless, well, pickup games don't mean a whole lot. Which in my experience, they don't. But you can totally prove me wrong by posting your college numbers at FIU and how many times you dunked in game against Brendan Haywood. That would be a cool story. And actually impressive.

It's important to note here that if you could indeed score on poor NBA defenders you must have absolutely scored a decent amount in college at FIU in the Sun Belt Conference. Because there is an order of magnitude difference in player talent in the NBA compared to the Sun Belt Conference. You know that right?

TLDR: it's a stunning display of naivety to say that a D1 player couldn't score on the worst NBA defender.. It doesn't even need to be said, but invariably, they've already done much better than that in their career many times over

Do you mean in a pick up, recreational game for fun? Or do you mean in a real NBA game without someone blowing an assignment? These are vastly different things.

Regardless of all the above, I have played with basketball players far, far better than you and not a single one of them has thousands upon thousands of internet posts about how they are basketball geniuses because they were on a D1 basketball roster and assisted fg% is the key to it all. I wonder why that is?

by Chilltown k

Hey fallguy I made a post about drafting Lebron back in the day.

Pretty legendary.

Maybe I was more correct than I give myself credit for.

That's pretty amazing. What an accurate foretelling of events. You knew that it was impossible to build a great team around his skillset and that he would need a bunch of star help and manufacturing of resume.. Uncanny

Also, let’s just say I am highly skeptical of your Richard Jefferson and Walton brothers story. Unless I am very wrong about your college bball credentials and you were at least a starter at FIU. Or you are actually Carlos Arroyo.

It is far, far more likely that the Walton brothers played together and Richard Jefferson played with the no name guy who used to play at FIU. Why would they put the high school kid in a game of two on two with the bench warmer from FIU when Luke and Richard played in the Pac 10 and were future NBA players?

Of course you put the brothers together on a team and Richard Jefferson with the FIU benchwarmer in a game of two on two. There is no way you were on the same team as Chris. And at some point you would have had to score on Richard Jefferson by accident at least and you’d probably have mentioned that 1000x by now. And you’d have us believe you “carried” (!!!) and won two games against TWO future NBA champions with a high school kid as your teammate. L o ****ing L.

No, teams were definitely you + Richard vs the Walton Brothers. No way in hell they put you with the high school kid. Richard of course carried. We can be 99.9999% sure of this, like we can be sure Shakey Rodriguez isn’t in the basketball HOF and you were embellishing that too.

Navigation Efficiency

Navigation Efficiency - how did Iverson get from the 3-point line, all the way to the rim in one dribble?

He did it using what I like to call "navigation efficiency", which is taking the maximum number of steps, with the least number of dribbles - this is something players in the 60's were not allowed to do because the ref would call a travel or carry...

In the GIF above of Iverson, he takes 1 dribble and 3 steps - this is standard footwork in the modern eras (post-1980)... but if Iverson had to take an extra dribble here, he would not have generated nearly as much momentum, and the play would not have been as athletic.

In the 60's, to abide by the strict dribbling rules at the time, every player would take an extra dribble in the GIF above (oscar might take several extra dribbles)... This is huge - because when you DON'T take that extra dribble - when you AREN'T slowed down by having to dribble, you are RUNNING, so you can generate better momentum leading up to and on the takeoff.

But when you have to take an extra dribble, it slows you down and you lose momentum and explosion going up for the shot - this is the case with ALL dribbling moves, not just the one above.

This is THE reason why players in the 60's appear less athletic - they simply weren't allowed to do the same moves today's players are allowed to do - if you aren't allowed to do the same moves, how can you make equally athletic plays?... the less stringent travelling and carrying rules that began in the 80's allowed players to be navigation-efficient and that efficiency allows them to gain better momentum leading up to and on the takeoff.

here's another one - jordan does the standard 1-dribble-3-step footwork - if jordan had to take an extra dribble here, he would not have generated the tremendous momentum he did to finish the play as explosively as he did... As you can see here, Jordan gets to RUN when he doesn't have to dribble, which generates more momentum and explosiveness than if was slowed down by having to take extra dribble(s).

by Matt R. k

Zach Randolph played at Michigan State from 2000-2001 so he was a high school player from 1996-2000.

I also wouldn't say Marion is the most legendary basketball town in Indiana and I've never heard it described as such.

We are... Bar none.

It's called Purple Reign.... This included 3 straight state titles in 85', 86', and 87' and #1-ranked nationally... This followed up 2 straight state titles in the 70's, BY THE SAME COACH - Bill Green won 5 titles with Marion (75', 75', 85', 86', 87') and also won a title with NBA HOF George McGinnis in the late 60's...

So Bill Green has 6 state titles.... He returned one final time to Marion in the 90's, which is when I played for him... Btw, Marion HS also won titles in the 20's.

by Matt R. k

Jay Edwards played high school ball from 1983-87. James Blackmon 1979-83.

I played in a city tournament with Blackmon and he carried us to the title over all the Marion greats... It was legendary... He was basically Jordan.

I also played with Jay Edwards in playground ball - I was locking him up in one game and then he just hit 3 halfcourt shots in a row because he was pissed at me.. I always get a little cocky when I start doing good... I have a floyd or deion sanders ability to trash talk... I'm really good at it.

by Matt R. k

I also grew up in Indiana and have played pickup games with Bonzi Wells and Rajon Rondo. I scored points (yippy).

You were just a fan, while I was on Bonzi's team, Raja's team, Arroyo's team, and Anthony Parker's team.

But you were just a spectator in the stands watching my team, so don't be delusional or think anyone is dumb enough to miss you conflating the 2... lol

by Matt R. k

I'm also close friends with many former D1 players. Many of them played in the Big 10. One in particular that I grew up and played basketball with constantly played in the Pac 10, as it was known at the time. Far better conferences than the Sun Belt. None of them tell frequent stories in online threads about dunking on high school players.

You can be friends all you want - you never dunked on them or dominated them, or played on their teams, or were a player like we were... So stop being jealous that I was, and that I lived the life of a baller AND a scholar.

And good for them for not bragging about their exploits to you, but I guarantee that they do amongst each other because that's what ballers do - we talk about who got smoked or smashed on... They just don't talk about it with you because you weren't on the team and were just a fan.

by Matt R. k

Evan Burns was an entirely forgettable college player that played one season, and was also like 6 years younger than you. Nice job dunking on a toddler when you were in college. Mike Robinson was a great player but he is from Illinois, not Indiana. What do you mean you used to go "back-and-forth" with him? Did you play a pickup game with him and you ran up and down the court...?

Evan Burns was the 2nd McDonald's All-American that I dunked on..

You can hate on that all you want, but how many McDonald's All-Americans did you dunk on?

And your hate for Burns shows how little you know about the stud and "next Grant Hill" that he was projected to be... Evan Burns was far more talented than John Salmons... No joke.. He might've been the most physically-talented player that I ever played with, and the nicest overall (skills) - again, he was the next Grant Hill, but he had injuries and other problems that stopped him... You're revealing your ignorance about basketball.

And before I walked on at FIU, I walked on at Bradley, where I was on full academic scholarship... That's where I met Mike Robinson, who was a local high school star that came up to the Bradley open gyms on a nightly basis.. We developed a friendship and competed every day - I couldn't stop him and he couldn't stop me, but he was admittedly much more versatile and skilled than me at the time - I was just an athlete with soft hands that required a double if you gave me too much room to operate in the paint, while he was a do-it-all scorer that could score on every level.

by Matt R. k

Luke Walton would have been about a freshman when you were a senior. Richard Jefferson probably a sophomore when you were a senior. Chris Walton played 4 years at San Diego State and would have been in high school when you were a college graduate. You said you "carried" the team but you lost 7 of the 9 games. Like I get it, it's a cool story that you dunked on a future NBA player but you were by far the oldest and most experienced player on the court and you lost 7 of 9 games. But is dunking on

Let's get this straight - a non-NBA player (me) was carrying the load against 2 future NBA players and won 2 of 9 games...

It doesn't matter that I was the most experienced player there and they had no idea that they were dealing with a dude from Marion.

The point is that I've had my way with NBA players before, and Jefferson was a month or two before getting picked in the lottery... Yet he couldn't stop me... And I've said this before - when MJ dropped 40 on Jefferson several months later - I wasn't that impressed... How impressed could I be when RJ couldn't stop me either?.. RJ's defense has always been bad and I rolled my eyes later in his career when he started to get credit as a defender.

by Matt R. k

Gimel Martinez never played in the NBA. He was a low minutes role player in college.

Gimel is a Kentucky Wildcat legend that was on TV a ton in the 90's, and his mustache was famous... I recognized him that day in the gym and was like "I've seen that guy on TV before"... A few minutes later, I was dunking on him... It's a cool story that I had forgotten until recently, like "oh yeah, that was cool - I can't believe I almost forgot about that" type of thing... There are so many stories because I played ball literally every day for about 10 years straight from 13 to 23 years old - all over the country against our nation's best.

by Matt R. k

I can find no reference online for Shakey Rodriguez making the hall of fame.

I'm sure he's in the Florida Basketball HOF.. In the annals of high school coaches, I was coached by 2 of the goats (Shakey and Bill Green) - 2 of the most legendary high school coaches ever... :shrug:

by Matt R. k

You don't seem to have played, really at all, when you were at FIU with "Carlos and Raj". This is like me saying I played with LeBron James because I sat in the stands at one of his games. Close to the 12th man of course, and the random dude stretching.

You were a fan, while I was on the FIU team and practiced with C-lo and Raj every day - I also got into it with both of them, so I have stories..

The background of the story is that I was a cocky walk-on that didn't even have to try out - the coaches literally came into practice one day and introduced me "this is Andrew and he will be on the team this year"..... And that was it.... No tryout... No testing period... Just "he's on the team"...

The alpha dogs of the team (Raja and Carlos) were none too pleased and both wanted to fight me on different occasions for running my mouth - again, I'm a great sh*t-talker... Carlos and I squared up, while people got in between me and Raj, so nothing happened...

However, Raj found out later on that rolling around with me would be a bad idea because I injured him later in the pre-season as we were both wrestling for rebounding position - I barely grazed this fool with my knee and he got a quadricep contusion, smh... He was out for a week with a massive bandage on his entire quad... lol... I swear my knee BARELY bumped into his quad, but I guess I had the momentum and my knees and elbows have always been "like knives" I've been told... I learned from when I was 13 years old that I'm more of a wrestler than a boxer.. It's exactly like Zach said - where I come from, bullies get bullied, and we all learned this lesson.. I was never surprised that Kobe was bullying Raj immediately prior to Raj snapping... Raj has T-Rex arms and is a "small" 6'5" - he got petulant with Kobe the same way that he did with me.. He has a little bit of a little-man's complex.

by Matt R. k

I suppose there are some really bad NBA defenders that are on a roster for their offense. It seems like you were a pretty solid AAU and high school player, and played with some future NBA players in pickup games. But I'm not sure dunking on toddlers in pickup games where they were probably not trying all that hard is proof of this. I think it would be fair to say you could maybe score a bucket or two in a pickup game against a poor NBA defender. Or score a few against a future NBA player that wa

You could score in an NBA game if the coach gave you enough tries, especially in today's format where a high-screen-roll gets you down-hill and attacking a wide open lane... You could score or get fouled at least 5% of the time.

But you have to understand how basketball works... You can have 2 guys playing 1-on-1, and there might be an unpolished player (myself) that looks AMAZING.... But when he gets out there in the 5-on-5, it's a different story.

There's a certain level of polished skill required to execute the same stuff in 5-on-5 that you do in 1-on-1... I was a late-bloomer that didn't start playing at all until I was in the 6th grade, so I had certain physical capabilities and soft hands that allowed me to score on anyone if I caught the ball within 7 or 8 feet of the rim... But this "wheelhouse" that I had might take an extra dribble or 2 while posting up, and the footwork might be herky-jerky - it wasn't workable in a 5-on-5 game - I didn't actually have the skills to be a scorer in a 5-on-5 game, despite being hard to stop in a pure game of 1-on-1 with only 2 people on the court.. That's why I looked good in the 2-on-2 with Richard and Luke - the more people are added to the court, the worse I looked and therefore was just a "banger" or "dunker".

I didn't even get the gather-step until I was graduated college and was playing pick-up ball at San Diego State - I was literally watching a clip of Iverson (shown GIF in the previous post above), and I noticed how Iverson only took 1 dribble and got all the way to the rim.... Meanwhile, while I was taking a 2nd and 3rd dribble on the same crossover - it's this seamlessness that I was lacking for my entire hoops career.. Only after I'm done playing and have a lucrative finance career do I figure out some of the basics that would've allowed me to get by on more than just sheer athleticism and hands.

by Matt R. k

Did you ever answer the question of what was your stat line for the FIU UNC game? Or how many ppg and minutes you played in college? Say compared to John Rodgers who may not have played much but at least averaged a respectable 9.6 ppg one season in D1. It must have been significant if you were dunking on future NBA players in pickup games. Unless, well, pickup games don't mean a whole lot. Which in my experience, they don't. But you can totally prove me wrong by posting your college numbers at

John Rodgers is a pretty massive exception to the rule... Otherwise, you can't compare me to most D1 players because basketball was the main thing for these guys, while basketball was a secondary or tertiary thing for me - I had a full academic scholarship to a 40k private school in Peoria, Illinois, and I just happened to decide to walk-on as a sophomore... Then I transferred and walked on at FIU...

That's 2 for 2, so you know the ability was real, and I'm sure that I could've walked on to 6 of 6 teams.

by Matt R. k

Regardless of all the above, I have played with basketball players far, far better than you and not a single one of them seems to have thousands upon thousands of internet posts about how they are basketball geniuses because they were on a D1 basketball roster and assisted fg% is the key to it all. I wonder why that is?

They fall for the media bs - I post this unique insight because only I have it.... And now you do too.

And they're also dumb jocks that don't have my diverse and versatile background.... So who knows.... They do them and I do me... You're just mad that I don't care and am unabashed.

But it's actually pretty simple - I don't mind putting myself out there because I view myself as vastly more intelligent than you or anyone that would hate on me, or shill for a fraud like Lebron...

For example, would you care if you were walking down the street and a 4-year old looked up at you and said "you're ugly"... You probably wouldn't care because the person is 4 years old and you're vastly more intelligent... That's how I view posting about basketball in this forum... I don't really care what you guys think - you aren't intelligent enough about hoops or the world to have an opinion that would get me to self-reflect... I'M the one with the bird's eye view and unique experience, so I'll tell YOU how it is... Got it???.... You're just a rule-follower with a very narrow experience on this planet that must answer to people.. So your insight is dimensions below mine.

by Matt R. k

Also, let’s just say I am highly skeptical of your Richard Jefferson and Walton brothers story. Unless I am very wrong about your college bball credentials and you were at least a starter at FIU. Or you are actually Carlos Arroyo.

It is far, far more likely that the Walton brothers played together and Richard Jefferson played with the no name guy who used to play at FIU.

that's what I thought too!!!!!!

i was thinking like "shouldn't we split up the teams? How are these 2 guys going to be on the same team?"

But Luke and Richard are best friends and apparently would always be on the same team in any pickup game... They would be on the same team and run anyone and everyone off the court.. That was the idea and a lot of people do that with their homies.. And they also didn't know me - I was prooobably the tallest guy there??? It was close between me, Luke and Chris... Richard was clearly and inch or two shorter than us.. But yeah, I always thought it was kind of a dick move to put them both on the same team... Again, they didn't know me before they walked in the gym, but they were pleasantly surprised and we got some good work in.

I played John Salmons and Rony Seikaly at University of Miami in 3-on-3 with Udonis Haslem and James Jones... That's when Salmons ate me up so bad... I still remember it like it was yesterday - he's the only player that had me looking left and right when I was defending him - in a PANIC - like, "oh ****, I'm going to get shook again but I don't know how"... No one ever did that to me except him, not even Carlos... And I imagine that's how Ruben Patterson felt when he was guarding Kobe, or Starks vs Jordan, etc... That's how players come to get FEARED - Kobe and MJ had that, while the "bagless" and bricklaying Lebron doesn't instill fear in anyone - he never makes anyone think "what....... must....... I....... do".

Unless you are Carlos Arroyo, you did not carry a high school kid to two wins in pickup games against Richard Jefferson and Luke Walton. Two starters for Arizona, one of the top teams in the country at the time, and two future NBA champions.

I’m sorry man but you lost me and everyone else with that exorbitant lie and I think you might have schizophrenia level delusions if you actually believe that or believe we will believe that.

That or they weren’t even trying, but you would have definitely scored on Richard Jefferson at some point if you won two games and “carried”, and you’d have bragged about that a hundred times by now.

You are lying, you are irrelevant, and you were as much of a spectator as me when you “played D1” because you literally rode the bench so hard you had splinters in your ass.

by fallguy k

Richard was clearly and inch or two shorter than us

Richard Jefferson measured 6’ 7.25” at the nba combine without shoes.

There is literally no way the two brothers would not play together, and they would put the two Arizona starters and future NBA players on the same team against the high school kid and a total unknown. And you were not the tallest guy there. You lying, delusional, internet lunatic.

by Matt R. k

Richard Jefferson measured 6’ 7.25” at the nba combine without shoes.

There is literally no way the two brothers would not play together, and they would put the two Arizona starters and future NBA players on the same team against the high school kid and a total unknown. And you were not the tallest guy there. You lying, delusional, internet lunatic.

I remember RJ being about 6'5", at least that's what it felt like scoring on him.. Regardless, him and Luke couldn't hold me.

Sorry that you've only ever been a fan and never had these kind of cool experiences with so-called stars from TV

by fallguy k

The issue is that you have a lot of naivety about Division I players and the circles they keep - the high school schedules, the national AAU schedules, and of course their college team and schedule... This entails tens of thousands of hours playing basketball, and frequently against future NBA players.

Accordingly, only someone that never played would say a Division I player "couldn't score on the worst NBA defender"... That's beyond absurd.. This person never went out for a team, let alone was g

Thanks for the TLDR, as I'm not going to read a wall of text.

I'm not sure your career is that of a normal D1 guy.

I assume someone saw that you had height, athleticism and had big hands.

All things you can't teach.

Let's give him a go.

Unfortunately with all that natural abilities, you scored, what was it? 2 points.

by Matt R. k

Unless you are Carlos Arroyo, you did not carry a high school kid to two wins in pickup games against Richard Jefferson and Luke Walton. Two starters for Arizona, one of the top teams in the country at the time, and two future NBA champions.

I’m sorry man but you lost me and everyone else with that exorbitant lie and I think you might have schizophrenia level delusions if you actually believe that or believe we will believe that.

That or they weren’t even trying, but you would

I won 2 of 9 games and yes, I carried us against Luke and Richard, who otherwise handled us easily as they planned.. I'm sorry that you're having trouble with this..

I also played a dozen games of 1-on-1 against 2 different NBA Development League players (that was the G-league in the mid-2000's) and I was nearly even with them.. This is a good gauge of my raw talent level.

Nothing I've said is that remarkable.. Every D1 player has tons of stories like this... Highs and lows...I've told you about a few of the highs among tens of thousands of hours playing.... And the reason you don't see other D1 players doing this is because no one is asking them online like you guys asked me - they don't have a running debate with a few casuals that are interested in their career.

Hope that helps

by fidstar-poker k

I'm not sure you're career is that of a normal D1 guy.

You just said that you didn't read the post, so you have no idea - all you have is your hate... Literally.. That's sad.

by fidstar-poker k

I assume


It's a spectrum.. I barely played that's true, but I barely tried, and that's why the other hoopers didn't like me - they knew I hadn't dedicated my life to it and it was a side gig, yet I'd still given myself the same opportunity they had... I didn't feel the pressure they did because I could always go back to my scholarship, and I did.. I was always resented for this - I quit 2 different D1 teams that had NBA players - but it isn't like I didn't pay a price for not giving a sh*t, since I have to defend my 2 ppg career to casuals online that never played...

by Matt R. k


That or they weren’t even trying, but you would have definitely scored on Richard Jefferson at some point if you won two games and “carried”, and you’d have bragged about that a hundred times by now.

Again, you don't realize how naive you sound - it isn't a big deal to score on Richard Jefferson in a game of 2-on-2, and I scored on him dozens of times that day.. I only mention the posters, like I did with Luke, Zach, Martinez and Burns - how dumb would it sound if I started describing every layup and jumper that I hit... For example, I never dunked on Mike Robinson, but would you like me to detail every bucket that I ever scored on him???... Sorry - too bad - I can't possibly remember... I do remember how I felt when he was defending me and it was very similar to Richard Jefferson - he felt about 6'5" and not that strong.

by fallguy k

You just said that you didn't read the post, so you have no idea - all you have is your hate... Literally.. That's sad.

It's a spectrum.. I barely played that's true, but I barely tried, and that's why the other hoopers didn't like me - they knew I hadn't dedicated my life to it and it was a side gig, yet I'd still given myself the same opportunity they had... I didn't feel the pressure they did because I could always go back to my scholarship, and I did.. I was always resented for this - I quit

I don't read your walls of texts. They're terrible and a waste of time. And that's coming from someone posting 30k times on a forum about a dead card game.

Speaking of sad. Imagine having talent and then not trying.

fwiw, I don't believe you didn't try. You just weren't good enough.

that's actually better than not trying btw.

Guys. Fallguy scored 2ppg in D1 but wasn’t really trying okay?

If he tried he would’ve made it to at least the Developmental League.

And can we stop bad mouthing 1-on-1 hoops? It’s the purest art form of basketball. His accolades from that carry significant weight.

Note: I say this as a knowledgable basketball person, not as a moderator.

by All-inMcLovin k

Guys. Fallguy scored 2ppg in D1 but wasn’t really trying okay?

If he tried he would’ve made it to at least the Developmental League.

And can we stop bad mouthing 1-on-1 hoops? It’s the purest art form of basketball. His accolades from that carry significant weight.

Note: I say this as a knowledgable basketball person, not as a moderator.

The reason why two D1 programs let me on the team without trying out is because a cursory glance at me smashing on Martinez or completely dominating pickup games revealed that I was already better than several guys on scholarship - it was no-brainer to add free help to the team that is already superior to some of the guys you're paying for.

The reason I didn't take it further is because it was a rip-off, even for the scholarship players, which is why the NCAA changed it so they can get paid... You have no idea how much work it takes to be a D1 basketball player... There's an individual workout at 6 am every day... Then there's 90 minutes of conditioning until about 9 am... Then you go to class... After class, you have two 3-hour practices - this is just the preseason and there's a certain number of practices that each school is allowed to conduct before a certain date, and coaches make sure to get all the practices in - this means 2 and 3 per day, in addition to the conditioning, individual workouts, and CLASS.... Yes, that's potentially 3 practices in 1 day, and each is at least 2 hours and sometimes 3......

None of this is worth it... It isn't worth it for the NBA lottery picks that know they're going to the league and could skip all this sh*t, and it isn't worth it for everyone that isn't going to the league - they would be better off hitting the books and forgetting about hoops altogether, which is what I did.... I've looked up where my ex-teammates are at and many of them are in South America playing for like 30k a year plus expenses... Yikes... Again, you guys are just so ignorant, so I'm having to explain the way athletes think and the things that they deal with.

I'm happy that I've gotten everyone to be jealous and hating on me... I win and the nerds that never played lose... You guys were just fans and that's all you've ever been, and that's all you'll ever be... It must suck to have no real insight into something that you spend all your time watching... lmao... You'll never know what's it's like to smash over the guys worship on TV...

Anytime you hear the words "McDonald's All-American", your mind pauses in awe, while I recall the times that I ate Mcdonald's All-Americans for breakfast like a McMuffin.. It's a pretty big difference in our mindsets towards the game of basketball, and mine is obviously dimensions superior.

Btw, did you guys enjoy your fraud???... I hope so, because it's now OVER - Lebron is finished at 39 just like I predicted about 100 pages ago - EVERYONE falls off at 39 because I did and I've heard so many athletes say that 39 was the age that their body couldn't recover... Lebron is no different - he's done at 39, so longevity my ass.... He had about 6 months more longevity than MJ, but he's still done at 39 just like everyone else... And he wasn't a top 3 player until 2009 through 2021, so that's only 12 years at the top of the game... Carry on.... Find another fraud to follow, lol... lmao

by fallguy k

But you have to understand how basketball works... You can have 2 guys playing 1-on-1, and there might be an unpolished player (myself) that looks AMAZING.... But when he gets out there in the 5-on-5, it's a different story.

There's a certain level of polished skill required to execute the same stuff in 5-on-5 that you do in 1-on-1... I was a late-bloomer that didn't start playing at all until I was in the 6th grade, so I had certain physical capabilities and soft hands that allowed me to score o

You don't seem to understand the difference between 1-on-1 and 5-on-5. This kind of excuse might sorta make sense if you were good at 1-on-1, but were a solid role player in 5-on-5, but you barely even played. The biggest difference is that you spend way less time on the ball so ball skills are on average less important in 5-on-5 than in 1-on-1. Sure certain moves require a higher level of skill to pull off due to more help but that's applicable more to star players who are receiving the lion's share of defensive attention. For role players, 5-on-5 can be easier from a skill perspective, since they don't have to force it unless there's a clear advantage or a mismatch (typically created by star players). At the same time, other factors, such as decision making, anticipation and off-ball movement become far more important. This is similar on defense - on-ball 1-on-1 defense matters less, making better decisions matters more. That's not to mention that lots of teams run systems to generate easy buckets without requiring high-level individual skills at all.

And 6th grade is not that late because frankly that's right around when players start to figure out the team stuff (something you never did apparently), so you being bad at team stuff is not because you started playing in 6th grade. You had so many years to figure this out. It's interesting that for all your talk about brand of ball, ball movement and assist target nonsense, just as I suspected, your extremely low basketball IQ is precisely what kept you from playing even in college despite an NBA-ready body and decent enough on-ball skills. It's funny that you were a massive outlier in terms of how bad you were at playing team ball vs 1-on-1, yet you're trying to claim that you know something about how basketball works at the team level that nobody does:

by fallguy k

Imagine that the whole world thought 2+2= 5 and you're the only one that knows it's 4.

You might thoroughly enjoy rubbing everyone's face in your superior knowledge and laughing at them for being stubborn and following a fraud.

by fallguy k

When I started playing ball in the late 80's, it was considered a tough game.. You had to be tough to play... that's what attracted me to it - it was HARD (as in gangsta) and it was highly competitive... There were rivalries with other athletes (in HS)... It was fiercely competitive... You had to really work on your game to get respect and it was a serious endeavor to get that respect.. More hoopers had a Stephon Marbury mentality and vibe - BALL WAS LIFE.. I remember when a key player would fou

by fallguy k

I barely played that's true, but I barely tried, and that's why the other hoopers didn't like me - they knew I hadn't dedicated my life to it and it was a side gig, yet I'd still given myself the same opportunity they had... I didn't feel the pressure they did because I could always go back to my scholarship, and I did.. I was always resented for this - I quit 2 different D1 teams that had NBA players - but it isn't like I didn't pay a price for not giving a sh*t, since I have to defend my 2 ppg

by fallguy k

The reason I didn't take it further is because it was a rip-off

by fallguy k

You have no idea how much work it takes to be a D1 basketball player.

I guess you didn't really have to work on your game and could just injure your teammate to get that respect, so it all worked out.
