US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel.

US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel.

Are we being prepared for the truth regarding UFOs? Or is this some kind of psyops operation being conducted by the US military? A trick of the light? Collective hysteria? Or has China/Russia made some major breakthroughs? These kind of observations seem to go back decades and the nature of the aircraft being a lozenge type shape (although they come in other shapes), travelling at great speed, no exhaust, abrupt course changes and no sonic boom are consistent - therefore, maybe we can discount China/Russia breakthrough.

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22 March 2021 at 02:39 PM

309 Replies


Good thing Hannity's on the case, riling up fear and anger in the smooth brains.

by Playbig2000 k


[quote]POSSIBLE THEORY: I wouldn't be surprised if their goal is to fake an alien invasion so they can declare martial law and cancel the transfer of power to President Trump. (This isn't as far fetched as some ppl might think. Carol Rosin is a real person, a rocket scientist, who worked with Wernher von Braun who told her right before he died that this was their plan, and it would be the DS's "final card" when needed. It would be like a "covid" on steroids).

That does indeed sound reasonable and not at all far fetched as some sceptics might chortle. Also FEMA camps, because FEMA camps.

Can anyone imagine being locked down because of dangerous aliens?

Lotta bad hombres out there, I for one don't see why Aliens couldn't be bad hombres too. I mean sure you have ET, Cocoon and Starman, but otoh you also have Alien, Predator, Independence Day, Life, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, not to mention all the Star Trek baddies, so score card isn't looking too good for ET & chums.

Maybe these are just aliens trying to say "it's 2024 why does your planet not know us, and why are they still making you guys purchase "fuel" when you're covert gov't already has the technology to produce free energy at no cost, they're taking advantage of you guys!!".

That also sounds reasonable and plausible, possibly even more so than the first supposition re Gov goals and FEMA camps.

by corpus vile k

That does indeed sound reasonable and not at all far fetched as some sceptics might chortle. Also FEMA camps, because FEMA camps.

Lotta bad hombres out there, I for one don't see why Aliens couldn't be bad hombres too. I mean sure you have ET, Cocoon and Starman, but otoh you also have Alien, Predator, Independence Day, Life, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, not to mention all the Star Trek baddies, so score card isn't looking too good for ET & chums.

That also sounds reasonable and plausible, pos

I'm sure there will be sceptics/trolls who still think us humans are the only intelligent species in the universe.

This isn't me but a good assessment:

Keep in mind the history of the US military agenda who has been trying to forge a new world order since the collapse of USSR.
That agenda has been on steroids since 9.11.2001 adding nearly a trillion dollars to our national debt each year.
In 2014 they accused Russia of shooting down flight MH17 over Ukraine within an hour, without an investigation. Since then none of the investigations were able to blame any nation.
Now we have a bi-polar world order with the creation of BRICS where the majority of the world's population apposes the US new world order.
China, Russia, and Iran cannot be beat in any type of war, yet the Biden admin continues to stoke WWIII.
At the end of September Russia expanded their definition of an enemy state to include non-nuclear nations assisted by nuclear nations.
On November 17th Biden told Ukraine they can use US weapons in Russia.
Right after that the drones started appearing in Morris County NJ.
Now, after 3 weeks, it seems like the federal agencies have no idea what to do about the drones, or what to tell us, as if they have been served a checkmate.
It seems to me Russia has won the cold war. They tricked us into bankruptcy. USA can't even pay the interest on their 35T debt. We have 800 military bases overseas and can't even protect our homeland.
But this could be good news because surely it is time for us to start building a nation with a great healthcare, education, and infrastructure sytems.

by Playbig2000 k

I'm sure there will be sceptics/trolls who still think us humans are the only intelligent species in the universe.

In fairness PB, bit of a difference between believing in intelligent alien life and believing they're visiting Earth, specifically New Jersey in craft disguised as drones.

This isn't me but a good assessment:

Keep in mind the history of the US military agenda who has been trying to forge a new world order since the collapse of USSR.
That agenda has been on steroids since 9.11.2001 adding nearly a trillion dollars to our national debt each year.
In 2014 they accused Russia of shooting down flight MH17 over Ukraine within an hour, without an investigation. Since then none of the investigations were able to blame any nation.
Now we have a bi-polar world order with the creation of BRICS where the majority of the world's population apposes the US new world order.
China, Russia, and Iran cannot be beat in any type of war, yet the Biden admin continues to stoke WWIII.
At the end of September Russia expanded their definition of an enemy state to include non-nuclear nations assisted by nuclear nations.
On November 17th Biden told Ukraine they can use US weapons in Russia.
Right after that the drones started appearing in Morris County NJ.
Now, after 3 weeks, it seems like the federal agencies have no idea what to do about the drones, or what to tell us, as if they have been served a checkmate.
It seems to me Russia has won the cold war. They tricked us into bankruptcy. USA can't even pay the interest on their 35T debt. We have 800 military bases overseas and can't even protect our homeland.
But this could be good news because surely it is time for us to start building a nation with a great healthcare, education, and infrastructure sytems.

I really don't think that's a good assessment. I don't think Biden's stoking WW111 and feel it's a leap to connect American aid to Ukraine to NJ drones being some sort of Russian incursion.
So whoever said that maybe needs to get a bit of sun on their face.

Good thing Playbig2000 off the internet is on the case too.

by notnsa k

The engineers who make things like this. The UAS are being testing for maritime resupply. Military doesn't make things public. People are hysterical and stupid. Case closed.

I've assumed so far to this point that it's our **** and its being used and is classified. NSA basically telling folks to chill out is another sign.

I mean, if you're going to announce that you don't know where they're from, where their going, what it actually is, what's in it, but can confirm that it isn't posing a threat, you're either dumb as rocks or that information is being concealed from you.

Its 2024, we've got that stuff.

Everyone in Jersey be like...

And now Riverside/Temecula to...

I heard Philly is all upset about this drone sighting and threatening to destroy them in February.

New Jersey Fire Department bulletin for handling the innocent, probably planes, likely harmless simple hobby drones that we know what they are but pose no threat to anyone. Kapeesh?

They're saying they've made it to my neck of the woods (San Diego area) and I'm out at night a bunch walking dog so I'll keep my eyes peeled.

If it's a guide dog you could keep watching the sky constantly! 😀

Meanwhile in Germany:

Unidentified drones have been sighted over sensitive industry locations and the US air base at Ramstein in Germany in recent weeks, the Spiegel news magazine reported on Friday, citing a confidential report by German security authorities.

The report flagged numerous drone sightings made in the evening hours of 3 and 4 December over the air base, according to Spiegel.

A security source told Reuters the report on drone sightings over Ramstein was correct. The German defence ministry declined to comment on the report.

Also sightings over a chemical and a weapons plant.

Last night at midnight there was a claim of a downed/crashed "drone" in Hillsborough NJ. These claims always seem to be quicky "debunked", but a kid ran out there and did a live tiktok. He filmed cops yelling at him to get back while they were taking away covered up debris. This morning Fox News (or Fox 5NY) and News 12 were there on the ground setting up their cameras waiting for someone to give them a statement, but the officials told them they're not at liberty to say anything. How they're "not at liberty" to talk about it, while these things are going on, is outrageous. It might not even be on the news or it'l be on and they're gonna say "it was a hobby drone". Look at the helicopter view below and decide if this was a response for a hobby drone.

The bomb squad, fire dept., and police were there as well as a dive team because there was a pond there were all there until morning as well as news cameras lined up (bomb squad because of the weapons they can be carrying). All for a small drone from walmart, and there all night? The original witness said it clipped the high tension power lines and went down.

Update on "drone landing/crash" in Hillsborough:

It did make it onto the news after all, even though they're covering this incident up.

All the police can say to these reporters is "I'm not at liberty to speak" which you can see at the end of this video. Why not say "we had a report of a drone, nothing found yet" or "We found out it was a hobby drone" but "not at liberty to speak" means "we found something but don't want you to know".

Broken YouTube Link

by zers k

I mentioned this elsewhere, but one flew right by me last night. It was a few hundred feet in the air and seemed to be going 40-50 mph. It was at least the size of a car and pretty loud. I saw a similar one a few years ago but didn't think about it that much; figured it was some kind of military test. This was in the suburbs of a midwestern city.

Other reports have said they're silent

by Luckbox Inc k

Other reports have said they're silent

It wasn't airplane loud, but it definitely made some noise, like a low-pitched rumble. Probably because it was so close.

The aliens aren't sending their best tech.

Like the beginning of this video, if memory serves.

by Playbig2000 k

Update on "drone landing/crash" in Hillsborough:

It did make it onto the news after all, even though they're covering this incident up.

All the police can say to these reporters is "I'm not at liberty to speak" which you can see at the end of this video. Why not say "we had a report of a drone, nothing found yet" or "We found out it was a hobby drone" but "not at liberty to speak" means "we found something but don't want you to know".

That looks like a small aeroplane, corpus? Have you ever seen a plane before?

X/Twitter starts to darkly speculate based on claimed trust me bro unnamed military sources

by corpus vile k

That was a small plane that crashed on route 684 in Harrison, NY right outside of Westchester County Airport (where I worked out of for about 5 years).

So the drones are just up there taking photos, hoping to catch someone preparing a biological or nuclear device? lol?

by corpus vile k

That was a small plane that crashed on route 684 right outside of Westchester County Airport (where I worked out of for almost 5 years).

lol corpus
