US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel.
Are we being prepared for the truth regarding UFOs? Or is this some kind of psyops operation being conducted by the US military? A trick of the light? Collective hysteria? Or has China/Russia made some major breakthroughs? These kind of observations seem to go back decades and the nature of the aircraft being a lozenge type shape (although they come in other shapes), travelling at great speed, no exhaust, abrupt course changes and no sonic boom are consistent - therefore, maybe we can discount China/Russia breakthrough.
President Trump this morning:
I don't think this is extraterrestrial, or he wouldn't of posted on Truth Social to shoot them down: "Mystery Drone sightings all over the Country. Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge. I don’t think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!!! DJT"
Well, of course the Pentagon knows what they are, so you can stop thinking about shooting airplanes out of the sky from your backyard.
Last Friday, probably not known to anyone since the MSM's down playing it, two U.S. based military bases had to close for hours because of unidentified flying objects (UFO's) flying over their bases.
One was Stewart field in NY (a combination air force base with some commercial flights) and Wright Patterson air force base. The media should be covering this as a major story - on U.S. soil, two military bases confronted an unknown enemy of which both bases had to close and put their tales between their legs.
The media's been down playing it by saying "they interfered with flights" and "they couldn't use their runways for a couple hours"... when an airport can't accept arrivals and no one's allowed to leave, the airport's considered closed. There's no way to sugar coat it like the MSM's doing. If this happened 5 years ago it would be front page news and our military would be responding in force, it wouldn't get brushed off.
"Heavy UAS movement on the base" = a lot of "drones" over the base...
"class delta" is the airspace within aprox 5 miles around the airport, which they also had to close.
I tuned in to the Homeland Security Hearing and, I assume a congressman, was talking about needing to pass more laws against drones but way too excitedly like a kid that got big part in a play and couldn't contain himself.
I tuned in to the Homeland Security Hearing and, I assume a congressman, was talking about needing to pass more laws against drones but way too excitedly like a kid that got big part in a play and couldn't contain himself.
The NYS Governor (a puppet of the administration) is now lobbying for drone legislation, which was due to expire on Dec. 20th so I don't think we're gonna be seeing any more drones after that. This was probably their way of scaring everyone into funding and passing these bills, probably because Amazon and other companies are talking about using drones. It was also confirmed to me that we have this type of technology which comes from DARPA (we have a lot higher tech I'm aware of so I don't doubt that at all).
Also the federal gov't is still saying what people are seeing are legalized drones operated by licensed pilots or police departments, private hobbyists, and the rest are stars, airplanes and helicopters. This was a stab in the back to the police helicopter that flew over one of the drones and got so scared they went back to land, or the Coast Guard boat that went out to investigate them over the ocean and got followed by 50 of them. Also the SNJ Sherriff that caught them on camera and said they didn't have a heat signature... So who's lying here?
And furthermore, the NJ Governer in a press conference when asked off guard about the drones said "They're outrunning our helicopters, every time we get eyes on them they go dark and disappear" ... he musta got a beaten by the DS for saying that, because the next day he was a no-show at the meeting with all the state agencies that he himself arranged, it was his meeting... then he came back into the media a day later down playing the whole drone situation. I hope they didn't beat him too bad.
What if this is a Psy-Op by aliens? I let ChatGPT make the point:
Thousands of drone sightings. No explanation. Public hysteria on the rise. Now ask yourself:
What if that’s the point?
If you’re an advanced extraterrestrial species studying humanity, what’s the most efficient way to learn how we think? You don’t need to land on the White House lawn. You don’t need to abduct anyone. You just need to introduce a small, unexplained anomaly—like silent, blinking “drones”—and let us do the rest.
Here’s how it works:
- 1. Plant the anomaly. Scatter a few unmanned, untraceable probes across a highly populated region. Subtle enough to be ignored by authorities, noticeable enough to be just weird enough for the public.
- 2. Sit back and observe. Watch as humans spiral into speculation: are they commercial drones? Foreign tech? Psy-ops? Aliens? The reactions tell you everything about us—our fears, our biases, our weaknesses.
- 3. Mass Hysteria Amplifies the Signal. The beauty of a good Psy-Op is that humans do most of the work. One or two sightings turn into thousands because people start looking for them. Misidentifications pile up, and suddenly you’ve got a full-blown psychological experiment on how panic spreads.
Think about it probabilistically:
- If aliens wanted to make contact, they’d do it directly.
- If aliens wanted to remain hidden, we’d never know they were here.
- But if aliens wanted to test us—our psychology, our systems, our herd instincts—they’d do exactly this.
Introduce a little chaos, sit back, and gather data.
Because here’s the real kicker: mass hysteria isn’t a bug of humanity—it’s a feature. And maybe the aliens figured that out before we did.
I, for one, am sold! 😀
They weren't Aliens... THEY WERE DEMONS!
It seems crazy to me to think this is anything other than A.I. giving itself a body and establishing itself as our ruler.
All this excitement has me in the mood for that annual XCOM playthrough.
What do you guys think: Rush Magnetic Weapons, or Psionics?
Lucky? You mooted that the drones affair could be one of actual several psyops. Please specify one and explain its purpose thanks.
No, I said that there could be several different purposes behind the psy-op, not that it was several psy-ops.
If you would like one though then the most basic is eyeballs: it gets people tuned into media and paying attention to nonsense as opposed to wondering about actual real issues.
No, I said that there could be several different purposes behind the psy-op, not that it was several psy-ops.
Oh well, apologies for that etc.
If you would like one though then the most basic is eyeballs: it gets people tuned into media and paying attention to nonsense as opposed to wondering about actual real issues.
They have sports and culture wars for that. Doesn't sound very plausible to me, sorry. Any other theories?
well... to be brutally honest... it's not 'fake' if it exists.
now, to the matter of who created it... that is another question.
Oh well, apologies for that etc.
They have sports and culture wars for that. Doesn't sound very plausible to me, sorry. Any other theories?
And what would the actual cost be assuming they have the drones already to fly some drones around New Jersey for a week or two? Probably not too much money at all.
Even though he MSM doesn't talk about it anymore, last night was another busy night with lots of videos being posted on social media and town groups as well as cops being called after one landed near someone's house (police report below).
We've also recently witnessed our federal gov't trying to tell us we're seeing airplanes, legal drones and stars. Most people in the areas where drones are seen have lived under flight paths of major airports and corporate hubs our whole lives, so what people are seeing aren't stars or planets (there are still lots of airplanes mistaken as drones but there's also plenty of unexplained sightings).
We can now almost prove there's a coverup going on, thanks to one of our local mayors for exposing them.
The FBI recently stated "we're sending drone detecting equipment to all the affected areas" but they didn't tell you these were only able to detect hobby drones, not large military type drones.
Our local gov't had to take things into their own hands to get to the bottom of this, and what they later discovered is the FBI doesn't have that same goal in mind to find out who or what they are.
The following was asked by Mayor Ryan Herd of Pequannock to be shared far and wide to expose the lies/coverup of the FBI, the lead agency "investigating" the drones:
Mayor Herd:
"Let’s talk about what went down in NJ this month.
Wednesday, Dec 11
Gov. Phil Murphy called a mandatory in-person meeting for NJ mayors in Ewing. Reps from NJ State Police & the NJ Office of Homeland Security & Preparedness were present.
The topic? Unidentified drones.
They admitted they don’t know:
• Who’s flying them
• Where they’re launched from
• Where they land
Wait. What?! It’s 2024 in America and they’re this clueless?
I lost it. I stood up and asked:
1. “Can you confirm this isn’t a U.S. military operation?”
State Police Col. Callahan: “It’s not.”
2. “Can you confirm it’s not a big tech company (Google, Amazon, SpaceX)?”
Callahan: “It’s not.”
So who is it? No answers. That’s when I went straight to the media.
Quick backstory:
I’ve spent 30 years in tech—smart home, IoT, AI, ML, you name it. I know the players & the “skunkworks” projects they’re hiding. Look me up on Linked in for proof.
On the way home, I started calling EVERYONE in drone tech and surveillance.
Guess what? Nobody knew anything.
So, I assembled a team:
• Craig (combat vet, retired Major, drone whiz)
• Dr. Green (combat vet, retired GS 15 tech expert)
• The folks at Blue Halo (cutting-edge counter-drone tech)
We brainstormed for hours. Only 3 possibilities made sense:
1. ???
2. ???
3. ???
But to confirm anything, we needed evidence—make, model, origin. And Blue Halo’s LOCUST TATS system could do it.
Friday, Dec 13:
I pitched the plan to Gov. Murphy.
The deal? Blue Halo provides tech & operators for FREE to detect, ID, and (if approved) acquire the drones.
Murphy connected us with Col. Callahan, who then set up a Zoom with the FBI.
On the FBI call:
• Me, Craig, Dr. Green, Callahan, & an FBI Special Agent
• We laid out the problem and the solution
The FBI said they were bringing in their own “assets” to detect drones.
Problem? Their tech only detects small (Class 1/2) drones.
We’re talking about Class 3/4—totally different.
The FBI ended the call abruptly.
Saturday, Dec 14:
I attended Rep. Chris Smith’s press conference in Seaside Heights.
I briefed him, local mayors, and the Ocean & Monmouth County Sheriffs.
They LOVED the plan.
We also discussed involving the Coast Guard to assist with detection using Blue Halo’s tech.
Monday, Dec 16:
The FBI had no interest in the solution—despite it being military-grade tech, offered for FREE, with operators included.
Conveniently, Congress is now in recess.
Here’s what you need to understand:
1. The federal government doesn’t want a solution.
2. They’re creating the illusion of a solution.
3. This is classic plausible deniability—you’re being fed a cover story.
Planes? Legal drones? Stars? The moon? Don’t buy it.
Why are they so quick to shut down real answers?
Why are top-of-the-line tools being rejected?
Why is Congress “on break” just as things heat up?
This isn’t just incompetence. It’s a coverup.
And YOU are the pawn.
As you can see in the texts we even has a solution for  educating the public and having you help us in detecting real drones but they want the chaos it helps with the coverup.
I’ll leave you with this:
If the government won’t protect you, who will?
Share this thread. Wake people up. The truth is out there, but they don’t want us to find it."

Here is a Police report showing this is till going on as several officers witnessed a drone in a tree (the person mentioned in the report gave his permission for this to be made public, but his address was blocked out for his protection).

I've lost all interest until further notice.
Maybe they are searching for the Joe Biden administration... becasue they are all MIA
Yeah page me if they bring Elvis back.