In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 12 Views 12
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

4020 Replies


by Luciom k

I would be very fine with 30% foreign born if they were all rightwing people with IQ 120+, is that enough for you to understand my position?

I want rightwing people (the only people I consider decent to be part of a community) and as smart as they come.

Give me all Nigerian libertarians right now, and all libertarians from any country which have far higher than normal IQ. That's the perfect country.

Filipinos, Hungarians, mongolians, somalis, Brazilians and so on and on, just the smartest and only

Even if they were your 'garbage people little better than animals'?

by Victor k

IQ tests for citizenship is a new one

Trying to enlist support from the red names.

by jalfrezi k

It's been a tough life being a fascist.

Remember: fascism is leftwing, which is why I am not a fascism.

The state is almost always your enemy and the cause of problems.

by Luciom k

Remember: fascism is leftwing, which is why I am not a fascism.

The state is almost always your enemy and the cause of problems.

Yet you favour a super strong state with the authority to kill any citizens who openly disagree with the state's values.

by jalfrezi k

Even if they were your 'garbage people little better than animals'?

They never were. I described as garbage the criminals who enter Italy illegally, committing a crime, with boats without a Visa. And they are: criminals are garbage.

I want as many people of absolutely any race to come and become Italian in due time if they are smart and not leftist.

The more black and minority people the better, so we can prove to the world having a "diverse"society doesn't mean anyone agrees with your disgusting communist ideas.

by Luciom k

They never were. I described as garbage the criminals who enter Italy illegally, committing a crime, with boats without a Visa. And they are: criminals are garbage.

I want as many people of absolutely any race to come and become Italian in due time if they are smart and not leftist.

The more black and minority people the better, so we can prove to the world having a "diverse"society doesn't mean anyone agrees with your disgusting communist ideas.

They don't know they've entered illegally until their asylum case has been rejected by the courts, right?

So at what point in their personal evolution do they transition from human being to garbage?

by jalfrezi k

They don't know they've entered illegally until their asylum case has been rejected by the courts, right?

So at what point in their personal evolution do they transition from human being to garbage?

they know because of Italian laws, it's always illegal to enter like that.

if you have a claim you make it from the safe harbor you are in. Almost everyone coming to Italy doesn't come directly from a war ravaged zone.

keep on mind that those who do, currently Ukrainians, have automatically the right to present their case because their country is actually invaded.

but all other people? of theybcome from boat they are criminals, there is no ear in Nigeria or Bangladesh

by Luciom k

They never were. I described as garbage the criminals who enter Italy illegally, committing a crime, with boats without a Visa. And they are: criminals are garbage.

I want as many people of absolutely any race to come and become Italian in due time if they are smart and not leftist.

The more black and minority people the better, so we can prove to the world having a "diverse"society doesn't mean anyone agrees with your disgusting communist ideas.

I want a diverse society as long they all far fight ideology …..
See post below afterwards lol…

by Luciom k

Remember: fascism is leftwing, which is why I am not a fascism.
The state is almost always your enemy and the cause of problems.


Mussolini’s movement was initially unsuccessful, but Fascists soon began to agitate in the streets and against the left. In April 1919 Fascists and nationalists burned down the offices of the national Socialist daily, L’Avanti!, in Milan. Four people were killed, and the paper shut down for several days. This was the first demonstration of the ability of the Fascists to attack Socialist institutions. The offices of L’Avanti! were attacked twice more between 1920 and 1922. Organized militias began to attract support across Italy in an anti-Bolshevik crusade that united various social and political sectors and organizations. Local Fascist groups were soon founded in Emilia, Tuscany, and Puglia and by autumn 1920 were busy not only breaking up strikes but also dismantling Socialist and Catholic labour unions and peasants’ cooperatives and—often with police collusion—overthrowing newly elected local councils. Fascist squads, dressed in black-shirted uniforms and often financed by landowners or industrialists, used systematic violence to destroy these organizations. Thousands of people were beaten, killed, or forced to drink castor oil and run out of town. Hundreds of union offices, employment centres, and party newspapers were looted or burnt down. In October 1920, after the election of a left administration in Bologna, Fascists invaded the council chamber, causing mayhem and nine deaths. The council was suspended by the government. Later, Socialist and Catholic deputies were run out of parliament or had their houses destroyed. The biennio nero (“two black years”; 1921–22) destroyed opposition to the Fascists. Union organizations were crushed.

Facism is so left wing that is why they destroy everything that is leftwing ….
Mussolini join Hitler because Hitler was left wing ?
lol I wonder why Russia and Germany went into a terrible war being both leftish …

Luciom u are so indoctrinate in the far right you don’t even know what is what and u assimilate everything u dislike being left to justify your theories which half the time are totally wrong .

The way facism is implemented is to make believe facism isn’t facism lol..

what specifically about luc's views do you find align with fascism

Probably the whole part where he wants to execute those who don't agree with him. So I guess the liberal part.

I'm a communist bc we believe in reeducation.

by rickroll k

what specifically about luc's views do you find align with fascism

Probably 25-30% of everything he says at a bare minimum.

by Montrealcorp k

Probably 25-30% of everything he says at a bare minimum.

please state some specifics and quote them

that's quite an accusation to make against someone and i don't see anything fascist in his views, they'd be right at home in america during the 80s

by rickroll k

please state some specifics and quote them

that's quite an accusation to make against someone and i don't see anything fascist in his views, they'd be right at home in america during the 80s

kinda answered your own question their bub

by Victor k

kinda answered your own question their bub

by Luciom k

Carter should have supported the 1979 vote that was the first mixed-race election but without the marxist terrorists being allowed to run.

This vote

And the reason the brits abandoned whites to genocide in Rhodesia was because they were commies at the time, Tatcher came in 1979 and agreed with those elections and pivoted completly from previous communist british government but it was too late to save Rhodesia from marxist fury, violence

I did a Wiki deep dive into Rhodesia/Zimbabwe after reading this post, as it isn't something I know much about; and one interesting tidbit is that a single UAE forest conservation company, Blue Carbon, bought and currently owns 20% of the land of Zimbabwe. For $1.5 billion. Zimbabwe is slightly bigger than the UK, to give some perspective about how much land we are talking about.

UAE are not good at all. they are funding the genocide in Sudan and funded the previous genocide in Yemen. unsurprisingly they are on good terms with the USA and Israel.

by Victor k

UAE are not good at all. they are funding the genocide in Sudan and funded the previous genocide in Yemen. unsurprisingly they are on good terms with the USA and Israel.

by Luciom k

I would be very fine with 30% foreign born if they were all rightwing people with IQ 120+, is that enough for you to understand my position?

I want rightwing people (the only people I consider decent to be part of a community) and as smart as they come.

Give me all Nigerian libertarians right now, and all libertarians from any country which have far higher than normal IQ. That's the perfect country.

Filipinos, Hungarians, mongolians, somalis, Brazilians and so on and on, just the smartest and only

Aren't you afraid the day these people are in power, they instantly deport you (or execute you ) and everyone else under 120?

by Luciom k

I have no alt account nor I understand what you mean

I have never seen you refer to yourself in the third person, this post contains multiple typos that are abnormal and there appears to be a different tone or voice in the post, as if someone else wrote it.

by jjjou812 k

I have never seen you refer to yourself in the third person, this post contains multiple typos that are abnormal and there appears to be a different tone or voice in the post, as if someone else wrote it.

You have to be trolling at this point. I cant speak to how often he employs 3rd person, as this isn't something I pay attention to, but it otherwise seems like a pretty typical Lucium post, with typos that seem pretty consistent with someone quickly phone posting.

Fake news.

by Dunyain k

I did a Wiki deep dive into Rhodesia/Zimbabwe after reading this post, as it isn't something I know much about; and one interesting tidbit is that a single UAE forest conservation company, Blue Carbon, bought and currently owns 20% of the land of Zimbabwe. For $1.5 billion. Zimbabwe is slightly bigger than the UK, to give some perspective about how much land we are talking about.

Been more than one manifesto mentioning Rhodesia.

by rickroll k

please state some specifics and quote them

that's quite an accusation to make against someone and i don't see anything fascist in his views, they'd be right at home in america during the 80s

For starter :
Everything that disagree or do not hold the same value of his are evil/ennemies .
Which around center right to extreme left .

His against violence from the state and government intervention but then he holds many examples that contradict this because it has some leftish value behind it ( which often doesn’t but still make claim it does) .
So his for freedom but only freedom that accommodates him .

I mean I won’t go through a list .
But just to claim Fascism is left it’s like wtf ….

If I see other post of his where I believe it has fascism elements in it I’ll quote it for you .
To go through the extremely high number of posting of his and start to dismantling it is not something I wish to do for now ….
Very tedious .
Let’s look forward .

I welcome many to just put 1 example if it’s pop up in their head .
Since I know im not the only thinking it .

by Montrealcorp k


Facism is so left wing that is why they destroy everything that is leftwing ….
Mussolini join Hitler because Hitler was left wing ?
lol I wonder why Russia and Germany went into a terrible war being both leftish …

Luciom u are so indoctrinate in the far right you don’t even know what is what and u assimilate everything u dislike being left to justify your theories which half the time are totally wrong .

The way facism is impl

Montreal leftists movements very often attack each other.

check what happened in the USSR after the red won vs the whites, the red started eating themselves with the soviets eating the Trotskyist and others.

Mussolini was a socialist until he left not because of disagreement on economic issue, but because he wanted war (he was pro entering the first world war) while socialists at the time didn't.

and he didn't even left on his own, he was expelled.

once a socialist forever a socialist, especially if you were a socialist leader for 10+ years!!
