The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

So what's new?

I've noticed the Liberals are now ahead in all major polls and Trudeau hasn't even started to campaign yet...i'd be shocked if they lost the election now.

Just shows just how incompetent Conservatives are.

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11 July 2019 at 07:31 PM

4046 Replies


by MoViN.tArGeT k

im down for either(at the end of trumps term **** that) but they/kevin o Leary were talking about a union not a merge. Denmark Russia and America are way ahead of us on making artic claims. Its pitiful really considering half our country is the artic 100% of are military budget should be put into that. With Americas military backing us up we have endless resources forever.

For the pro climate folks its also the best outcome. Canada can't do anything for climate change but america sure can. Ameri

You do realize there are more right wing voters in Canada than left wing .

I’m going to make a bold prediction for 2025 Justin Trudeau will no longer be prime minister of Canada 🇨🇦

by MoViN.tArGeT k

30% income
30% buying power
Defending the artic which we are losing to Russia horribly and is the future of this country . Its like 1 ice breaker vs 40 right now . This is also the main reason the US would want this too
power in general
health care could probably stay were talking a economic union not a merger

definitely worth a 0.000000--1% increase chance of getting shot at school or by a policemen. I personally wanna move there if the Ontario poker gravy train drys up

guys a right wing social media grifter is trying to get attention on himself by proposing outlandish BS that will never happen but is great engagement bait. Like we all lived through his pathetic run for Canada PM and seen the playbook. Why any of you are engaging with this BS is behind me.

by lozen k

You do realize there are more right wing voters in Canada than left wing .

I’m going to make a bold prediction for 2025 Justin Trudeau will no longer be prime minister of Canada 🇨🇦

lol I suppose this might be getting close to briefly true today, but this has previously been false for 30 years. Even during Harper’s majority it was false.

by MoViN.tArGeT k

You don't pay taxes for poker winnings in Canada even as a pro. surprised you don't know that as a Canadian on a poker forum. I mean its not a negative to cpp but it has shown me I can invest that money better then they can (yes crypto) Some people also want to take higher risk investments or start businesses with that money instead . thats 11% they can't use to start a business hurting the capitalist spirit

But yes the cpp is better at investing then the average person but its only real advanta

Oops, missed this. If you don't pay any income taxes, I don't think you get to whine about being biased because you don't "reap the benefit" of CPP. Like sure, because you pay nothing into CPP you will get nothing from CPP. That's how it is meant to work. Hopefully you do a good job of saving money for retirement because you won't have that pension fund.

No, when they do the economic modelling to come out that CPP is solvent over the next 75 years that obviously takes into account inflation projections.

An opt-out clause completely destroys the entire point of the pension fund. The people who are most financially responsible probably don't need it (but also aren't hurt by it because they would save for retirement either way). It's the people who are NOT financially responsible (i.e. most people) who are going to be opting out because they want to keep overspending in the present. And now you have a generation of impoverished retirees who are grossly undersaved. That has costs on all of society and we pay those social and economic costs one way or another.

Perhaps the best way to think about this is to ask which is a more stable, economically prosperous, and equitable society, one where there is a broad and high savings rate across the population or one without that. I think the former is better, so a public pension fund makes a LOT of sense.

by uke_master k

lol I suppose this might be getting close to briefly true today, but this has previously been false for 30 years. Even during Harper’s majority it was false.

I am basing it on recent elections lets be honest Canada isn't joining the USA . The only positive for me would be a no passport border and the access to medical care which I do not have today here in Canada .

As for CPP Uke is right youll have folks that will not do it and than what do you do. Canada's pension plan is in great shape compared to the USA's which is going broke ad no party is doing anything about it

by lozen k

You do realize there are more right wing voters in Canada than left wing .

LOL, no.

You do realize people sometimes switch what party they're voting for, especially when someone's been PM for almost 10 years, right? And that in many cases, that doesn't reflect a change in how they would typically vote? Also, since we're discussing this in the context of this O'Leary silliness, you should remember that our political spectrum tends to be left of the US. I would venture that a significant number of Conservative voters in Canada would have difficulty voting for the Republicans if they were in the US, but admittedly that's speculation on my part

by lozen k

I am basing it on recent elections

I, um, wait, what???

The last time the majority of Canadians voted for a candidate on the right was 1984, and even that was by the slimmest of margins.

by MoViN.tArGeT k

America adding 40 million left wing voters

Try cutting that in half.

by Bobo Fett k

LOL, no.

You do realize people sometimes switch what party they're voting for, especially when someone's been PM for almost 10 years, right? And that in many cases, that doesn't reflect a change in how they would typically vote? Also, since we're discussing this in the context of this O'Leary silliness, you should remember that our political spectrum tends to be left of the US. I would venture that a significant number of Conservative voters in Canada would have difficulty voting for the Republi

Yeah I worded the voter thing poorly when I should have said Conservatives garnered the highest % of votes not a majority my bad and that was 2019 but not 2015 but yes in 2011. So its mixed though Ill bet 2025 will go conservative so 3 out of 4

Fair enough.

To be clear, I'm also making a distinction between a "right wing voter" and someone who votes for the Conservative party in a particular election. For example, if this coming election were to go 50% Conservatives, I would suggest that doesn't mean 50% of Canadian voters are "right wing voters". I'd still peg that at 30-40% right wing, and a lot of disgruntled people lodging their protest votes, wanting to get rid of JT, etc. I think we'd need to see a few consecutive elections with Conservatives coming in at that number to suggest there had been a big shift.

And then of course not every Canadian who we might identify as right wing would be identified the same way by many Americans.

by uke_master k

guys a right wing social media grifter is trying to get attention on himself by proposing outlandish BS that will never happen but is great engagement bait. Like we all lived through his pathetic run for Canada PM and seen the playbook. Why any of you are engaging with this BS is behind me.

I was "engaging with it" way before his video. its just fun bro its never going to happen. and if it does its because Canada is no longer a functioning society

and lozen most Canadians would vote democrat even if they are right wing Canadians but really the landscape would change completely

by uke_master k

Oops, missed this. If you don't pay any income taxes, I don't think you get to whine about being biased because you don't "reap the benefit" of CPP. Like sure, because you pay nothing into CPP you will get nothing from CPP. That's how it is meant to work. Hopefully you do a good job of saving money for retirement because you won't have that pension fund.

No, when they do the economic modelling to come out that CPP is solvent over the next 75 years that obviously takes into account inflation proj

well im "biased" because I used my money better then the ccp would have. it can happen its not the norm. but I don't think you should be constrained and told what to do with your money even in your best self interest. let the Degen's degen their money away

by MoViN.tArGeT k

I was "engaging with it" way before his video. its just fun bro its never going to happen. and if it does its because Canada is no longer a functioning society

lol, the hyperbolic nonsense from you guys is hilarious. Like I get it, the PM got unpopular after a decade in power and an inflation bump. Ya'll are mad. But we don't have to scream at the clouds though.

by MoViN.tArGeT k

well im "biased" because I used my money better then the ccp would have. it can happen its not the norm. but I don't think you should be constrained and told what to do with your money even in your best self interest. let the Degen's degen their money away

Ya people can get lucky in the market despite a rich literature about it being extremely unlikely for lay people (and even most experts) to anywhere close to reliably beat the market over the long term. I don't know why that should influence how I feel about a societal pension program. For that I want to ask questions about what type of system is best for society as a whole and most importantly that minimizes big negative externalities - so if the norm is 'degens gunna degen' then I wouldn't want that system!

Take for example homelessness. We all pay for it on way or another. Maybe its more crime, or more money spend on supports, or more money spent on policing etc, but the point is that there will be negative externalities. Same kind of principles are at play for a society with a high fractions of grossly undersaved retirees, those costs are going to be born one way or another. For instance, if the government has to tax more and spend more on social housing for seniors because of a scourge of impoverished seniors, that doesn't help your "you shouldn't be told what to do with your money" libertarian nonsense.

by uke_master k

lol, the hyperbolic nonsense from you guys is hilarious. Like I get it, the PM got unpopular after a decade in power and an inflation bump. Ya'll are mad. But we don't have to scream at the clouds though.

Lol stfu I was in no way saying that's going to happen. I'm saying its never going to happen because it would need canada to explode which won't happen . I thought you were a proffesor or something. You don't even read.

Not everything is life or death politics.
Although for more fun I was taking to my liberal buddy and he almost thought it would be good idea because he pays like 300$ a year to ship things from the states. I used to Dabble in e commerce and the current state of shipping between the two country's is worse then shipping things from anywhere else in the world.

Obv broke people are mostly bad for society but they do work longer which is sadly a positive. And its not like we have to help them they chose to live fast and hard and I can't say their decision was wrong

by uke_master k

lol, the hyperbolic nonsense from you guys is hilarious. Like I get it, the PM got unpopular after a decade in power and an inflation bump. Ya'll are mad. But we don't have to scream at the clouds though.

I was going to call him out for that as well, then I reread and noticed the "if".

P.S. It's "Y'all". As in, I hope y'all have a Happy New Year! 😃

Let's not forget that canadian conservative is to the left of american democrat. Would be interesting to see how that shakes up voting wise, but lol at joining the US. They can keep their school shootings and we will keep our abortions, thanks.

by MoViN.tArGeT k

Obv broke people are mostly bad for society but they do work longer which is sadly a positive. And its not like we have to help them they chose to live fast and hard and I can't say their decision was wrong

Seniors have to be housed, food to eat, basic necessities etc. This isn't just morally obligatory, a health economy and a healthy society are both improved by seniors engaged in the economy, spending money, etc. So even if you wish to not help them, we should.

Our society has three major programs to support seniors, OAS, GIS, and CPP. Are you in favour of cutting all three? People with low CPP and little other income get more GIS, so this is what I mean by we pay one way or another. If we allow people to opt out of CPP and they blow all their money, then we in society are paying for those people to live with another program.

by GooseHinson k

Let's not forget that canadian conservative is to the left of american democrat. Would be interesting to see how that shakes up voting wise, but lol at joining the US. They can keep their school shootings and we will keep our abortions, thanks.

That old adage is getting less and less true over time. The CPC has been moving HARD to the right in terms of its political messaging. It is mostly silent about its policy prescriptions, I guess we have to wait until an election to finally see what their policies might actually be, but I think to whatever degree there is still truth to this it is at one of the smallest gaps it has been in a long time.

by MoViN.tArGeT k

well im "biased" because I used my money better then the ccp would have. it can happen its not the norm. but I don't think you should be constrained and told what to do with your money even in your best self interest. let the Degen's degen their money away

I have trouble to believe u could do better then the cpp .
Being able to earn a guaranteed 800$ a month , inflation protected for the rest of your life takes a hell of a lot of money and proficiency in the markets .
If u are , your are in the like 5% range .

Now should policies be modelled on people that are in the top 5% or on a better representation of reality for the majority of people , which is impossible for them to earn has much money on a monthly basis for the rest of their life ?

FWIW the top 5% never was the reason for the creation of government in the first place .

by MoViN.tArGeT k

Obv broke people are mostly bad for society but they do work longer which is sadly a positive. And its not like we have to help them they chose to live fast and hard and I can't say their decision was wrong

Let’s not forget the older generation didn’t had as much opportunities we have today and the knowledge as well .
I wouldn’t spit on anyone that actually help build the Canada we live in today .
I’m fine the way we are now .

FWIW the concept of we should take care of people at a certain minimum is a no brainer to me .
Simply because not all can’t be rich at the same time .
You will always need people at the bottom to do lousy jobs .

Trudeau Liberals reach all-time low in polls at 16 per cent
It's the Liberal party's worst result in 157 years

Is Trudeau smart enough to get the point now ?
Even tho its been like obvious for the last 6 months to a year….

by Montrealcorp k

I have trouble to believe u could do better then the cpp .
Being able to earn a guaranteed 800$ a month , inflation protected for the rest of your life takes a hell of a lot of money and proficiency in the markets .
If u are , your are in the like 5% range .

Now should policies be modelled on people that are in the top 5% or on a better representation of reality for the majority of people , which is impossible for them to earn has much money on a monthly basis for the rest of their life ?

FWIW the

wdym buy crypto anywhere from 2007 to now its a poker forum. most people in my poker circle have made money from crypto way above 8% or w/e the cpp rate is. Wish I bought an extra 11% in crypto My retirement is secure. .I also never said it was the norm or feasible for average people just showing its possible so you should at least give the option.

I think a better example is if you want to be an entrepreneur and start your own business. you would want that cash upfront not in 50 years when your half in the grave

Happy new year!

by MoViN.tArGeT k

wdym buy crypto anywhere from 2007 to now its a poker forum. most people in my poker circle have made money from crypto way above 8% or w/e the cpp rate is. Wish I bought an extra 11% in crypto My retirement is secure. .I also never said it was the norm or feasible for average people just showing its possible so you should at least give the option.

I think a better example is if you want to be an entrepreneur and start your own business. you would want that cash upfront not in 50 years when you

crypto is different and to Earn like 800$ per month you would need like 200k in crypto and never have major drowdown which it always happend in crypto .
And you cant say , Well im down 60-70% for 2 years but i wont sell because i know it will go up later big time.
You cant !
That 800$ per month is necessary !
So you lose lot value by force selling .
And yes , its pretty rare people get 200/300k to invest and worst is , yes Poker player, not something that contribute much to gdp and no need pay tax on it too…

That situation you speak is so unusual and mess up on so many level i have no idea why the government should Care about that .

government policies are for the norm not for the outliers.
Gouvernement functions arent about the outliers.
And there is already enough way to legally and illegally screw the system anyway …

by GooseHinson k

Let's not forget that canadian conservative is to the left of american democrat. Would be interesting to see how that shakes up voting wise, but lol at joining the US. They can keep their school shootings and we will keep our abortions, thanks.

Definitely not forgotten:

by Bobo Fett k

And then of course not every Canadian who we might identify as right wing would be identified the same way by many Americans.


by uke_master k

That old adage is getting less and less true over time. The CPC has been moving HARD to the right in terms of its political messaging. It is mostly silent about its policy prescriptions, I guess we have to wait until an election to finally see what their policies might actually be, but I think to whatever degree there is still truth to this it is at one of the smallest gaps it has been in a long time.


I agree with the overall sentiment, Goose, but the difference appears to be getting smaller. I think there are some philosophical differences that will still separate us for quite some time, but uke is right about the messaging, and the bigots have become more emboldened here in Canada in the last few years.

Its pretty easy to explain imo.
the PC got finally eaten by the old remnant of the reform party when they join the PC .
The PC hold his own for a while but now its dead, now its the reform party under the PC brand name only.

Reform party always been far more right wing ….

by Montrealcorp k

crypto is different and to Earn like 800$ per month you would need like 200k in crypto and never have major drowdown which it always happend in crypto .
And you cant say , Well im down 60-70% for 2 years but i wont sell because i know it will go up later big time.
You cant !
That 800$ per month is necessary !
So you lose lot value by force selling .
And yes , its pretty rare people get 200/300k to invest and worst is , yes Poker player, not something that contribute much to gdp and no need pay tax on

this is gibberish and crypto won't be profitable in 30 years so it wouldn't still be in crypto. The money made from it would long be in standard accounts. collecting 80-90% of the interest the pensions do. The point is you take risks with money when your young sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. more disposable and investable income is quite good for the economy but its not about that. Its about not being treated like a child and being able to use your money how you see fit. That could be gambling on the stock market or roulette or starting a business your passionate about. Yes treating the masses like idiot children and restricting them is better in theory. But then again large scale socialism has never really worked.

Anyway cpp good. No opt out kind of authoritarian/communist and definitely anti capitalist

Who wants to be alive at 70+ anyway
