My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL
Hello everyone, I want to share with you my 20 days result with 50$ deposit on GGpoker
2NL was awful, after like 15k hand
Haven’t played since last post here, fully enjoyed Christmas holidays
Converted all my crypto to 5k$, i could take 6k$ if i followed my plan and took it on 15th December but whatever, ill grind it out at live 1/3
Live bankroll: 5k$
Online bankroll: 500$
Anybody reading this who doesn’t know my earlier posts here TLDR:
Before i had side income + poker income, i said from 2025 i will play only poker and i will, from now on my only source of income will be from poker
For income mainly ill play live poker, will start at 1/3 and gonna grind it out to 5/5 and higher, i will play online poker too, like 4-5hrs online (daytime) and 4-5hrs live (evenings)
I know to consistently play like 9-10 hours a day will be hard so i will need a schedule, im thinking to rest Monday-Tuesday (because its worse days for live poker) and play rest of 5 days of week, that will be 21-23 days per month
My goal with online poker: to sharpen my skills, perfect my strategy, move up the stakes as high as possible and chase my HS dream
My goal with live poker: to have consistent income while im chasing HS dream online
Happy new year everyone, this year will be great.
I had first live session, it’s unbelievable how bad live players are, the difference between online and live is so big like earth and the sky.
1/3 was mostly scared abc regs who overfold mixed with passive fish and a player who barely knew rules but stacks were considerably short
5/5 was total opposite, deep stacks, overly aggro table, full of egotards, they were throwing chips around
To give you an example:
Hand #1: it’s 5/5 and someone straddles 10$, i raise 30$ from MP with 99, a reg calls behind from BTN, overly aggro regfish 3bets 160$ from BB, i fold, BTN 4bets, regfish jam, BTN snapcalls and shows AA, regfish shows 55, pot was like 1.7k$ unbelievable
Another 5/5 hand was like i opened 15$ with KK, a badreg 3bets 75$, i 4bet 225$, he calls, i have like 400$ behind, i cbet 125$ on the flop and he jams, i snapcall he shows 97s on a flush draw with a gutshot, he said run once and he made flush on the river
Even tho table was super good i left at 23:30, my rule is to not sacrifice sleepless nights for money, i want to play only 4-5hrs at the evenings, even tho in the end i had -230$ loss i followed my schedule.
When we exclude all the bots, RTA users, solvers etc we can clearly see actually how bad are almost 99% of players, online poker is so spoiled compared to live
Warming up online on NL2 after pause

Tbh RnC NL2 seems tougher than live 1/3 lol i mean for real, so far my experience with live 1/3 is like trying to figure out opening sizes and squeezing sizes, im trying to figure out live and not playing online these days
I tried to open x3 i got 4 callers, i opened x4 i had 4 callers, x5 i had 4 callers again, i had like 3-4 callers average until x10 open (i mean when i opened 30$ on 1/3 blinds i still had like 3 callers lol) bunch of old people sitting there they don't care, they just want to see flop lol they never 3bet unless AA/KK man live is so easy
5/5 was totally opposite tho chips were flying around, too overly aggressive players
How much are you losing at live 1/3 so far?
I want to share my thinking process with you guys, maybe i can hear something useful from you too
Looking at table dynamics RnC compared to 9max ante GG vs live 1/3
At RnC flop seeing rate is around 40%, when i say flop seeing rate i mean how often players see flop when they open raise, limp, 3bet or voluntarily put money in the pot, stack sizes 100BB
At 9max ante GG games it’s around 65%, stack sizes 200BB
At live 1/3 flop seeing rate is 90%+ almost 100% and players tend to play deeper than 200BB
I played like 3 sessions of 1/3 4-5hrs each so thats totally like 500 hands, its too early to say im not winning because sample size is a joke but its not too late to say players are really bad, i mean it’s nothing new that 1/3 live players are bad
But lets back to table dynamics, i can’t apply same ranges as i do on RnC, well i thought i would make tighter ranges on late 3 positions and leave same ranges when im first 6 positions but it doesn’t work well because of table dynamics as i say flop seeing rate, stack sizes so i need to come up with whole different strategy for 1/3 live and will he nice to hear your opinions too
When people play RnC they're sitting there and hitting the fold button until they get premium hands / pairs to play. So it's really not surprising that when they open / put money into a pot that they're going to hang around for a flop as they probably have a top 10% starting hand.
Live Poker is slow and people get bored playing so they loosen up. Some people are just there for gamble and social experience.
Trying to compare Live with RnC is a huge error.
I want to share my thinking process with you guys, maybe i can hear something useful from you too
when i say flop seeing rate i mean how often players see flop when they open raise, limp, 3bet or voluntarily put money in the pot, stack sizes 100BB
What you are describing is VPIP (voluntarily put $ into pot). Is that a term you are unfamiliar with or are you referencing something else that's not coming across?
But lets back to table dynamics, i can’t apply same ranges as i do on RnC, well i thought i would make tighter ranges on late 3 positions and leave same ranges when im first 6 positions but it doesn’t work well because of table dynamics as i say flop seeing rate, stack sizes so i need to come up with whole different strategy for 1/3 live and will he nice to hear your opinions too
A strategy for a soft live game where people are eager to see flops is pretty straightforward: be tight and aggressive. This is a good strategy for pretty much every other poker game/format you want to play too, but in live games, you can just sit back, play speculative hands for cheap, play premium hands aggressively, pay attention to how other's are playing to understand when to fold the middle/top of your range/not go for value, and just print.
What you are describing is VPIP (voluntarily put $ into pot). Is that a term you are unfamiliar with or are you referencing something else that's not coming across?
A strategy for a soft live game where people are eager to see flops is pretty straightforward: be tight and aggressive. This is a good strategy for pretty much every other poker game/format you want to play too, but in live games, you can just sit back, play speculative hands for cheap, play premium hands aggressively, pay attentio
Yeah i know what’s VPIP is just i mean when players put money into pot on 1/3 live games it’s limp, raise or 3bet they end up seeing flop like 90% of times, even if squeeze is like 35$ vs limps, someone limp-calls, maybe you get even 2+ callers
Open raising 15$ gets me in 4 way pots almost like every time, raising 20$ feels almost the same so, either i should just open 10$ and be prepared to play 4 way pots or open/squeeze 25-35$ but at 1/3 stakes it feels too much, i don’t want to have different open sizings for small pairs and big pairs so im thinking right now
Also cbeting with semi bluff makes less sense because they call my cbets postflop too loose
Today im up +1100$ in 4hr 1/3 live session
I made some major adjustments with my strategy, i used totally different strategy for live than what i use for grinding online
My thinking process was to play ranges that flops well in multiway pots with intention to flop monster hands and value bet more, semi-bluff less because table dynamics are so different live vs online
I don’t have problem getting paid when i make monster hands in live while getting paid in RnC online is a problem, i based my strategy on blueline(live) and i based my strategy on redline(online)
Nice 😀
Just be prepared to adjust your strategy according to the table. Sometimes a redline strategy can work in the live setting and other days you may be playing with calling stations.
Nice 😀
Just be prepared to adjust your strategy according to the table. Sometimes a redline strategy can work in the live setting and other days you may be playing with calling stations.
Yea when table becomes reg heavy i can switch but still live regs are different than online regs, they call way more postflop
Live poker is so cruel and pity to watch sometimes, i started to play 1/3 at 19:00PM and second table 5/5 was running at the same time, i left at 00:00AM slept well at home and got back around 19:00PM again, i saw same exact people playing that 5/5 table without sleep
I asked the manager to confirm that the 5/5 table was the same as yesterday and she confirmed that they were playing without sleep lol and again i left around 00:15AM they were still playing, just wonder how long can human body withstand without sleep i know players there lost probably couple thousand $ and they turned into zombies willing to get money back just pity pity to witness that situation
Sounds like the perfect game to jump into!
Today’s live session was little wild, they played one hand PLO in cycle, which means 1 hand of PLO played after 8 hand of holdem, also after 23:00PM they decided to change 1/3 to 5/5 as stacks got bigger, well i left after 00:00AM but still i had to play 5/5 for an hour, as i see amongst these players it’s common practice to do this unless someone is against it
I had nut straight OTF in 4 way allin pot but ended up losing to a drawing flush, i lost 3 big hands in PLO total but in the end won a huge bombpot and ended up session in little surplus
To sum up live sessions go according to my plan, it will generate consistent income (as i said before this was the reason to start playing live as now my only source of income is poker)
Now i need to come up with a plan what path to take to grind online to the higher stakes step by step while live poker generates consistent income that is enough for life expenses
As you know in my older posts i already complained about how online poker is spoiled by bots/RTA etc and today during my live session i had friendly conversation with a player on my left who shared his “business idea” with me, i had little shock hearing him lol he said he’s planning to hire 9 people and use 9 different IP addresses, computers and play online MTT’s strictly with RTA and when player on my right heard this he jumped into discussion saying that he and his friends had like 60+ accounts online and it was hard to success because they faced larger colluding groups
I was just shocked hearing both of them because i imagined how online poker is endangered, how many more people are doing stuff like this or have plans to do, imagined how many people from some other countries like Russia, Belarus etc already doing stuff like this
When i played RnC25 i already had feelings that something fishy was going on, I think i should plan carefully my online journey from now on, i think best way will be to table select and to have at least 1 confirmed fish in my table at all times, i think i should abandon RnC and move to regular tables because table select is the only way to go as i see now
Btw live sessions go smoothly, last 4 sessions combined im up total 1,4k$
As far as I know, only Pokerstars is successfully fighting all this rotten rabble in the form of team players, RTAtters, etc. At least I hope so.
Today i started to play 9max ante games again on GG with exact same strategy as i use for live 1/3
To warm up and get familiar with it started again from NL2

During this short session i experienced some consecutive bad luck which i haven't experienced in live play yet

Even tho total money lost from this session is only 2.73$ which doesn't matter at one bit my mood still bad even after i had few hours nap, i woke up and still my mood is bad about this, even tho i dont care about pennies, it speaks loudly about my mentality, probably im still results oriented, i cant swallow bad results when consecutive bad luck is involved
Oh i forgot about one hand that was more upsetting than all the hands above, tried my best to see the river card but those guys kept doing monkey stuff
Why was this upsetting?
You put your money in when the hand was good and folded when it went behind on the turn. Isn't that a pretty good outcome?
After that, you're relying on trying to hit (maaaaaybe) 10 outs.