British Politics

British Politics

Been on holiday for a few weeks, surprised to find no general discussion of British politics so though I'd kick one off.

Tory leadership contest is quickly turning into farce. Trump has backed Boris, which should be reason enough for anyone with half a brain to exclude him.

Of the other candidates Rory Stewart looks the best of the outsiders. Surprised to see Cleverly and Javid not further up the betting, but not sure the Tory membership are ready for a brown PM.

Regarding the LD leadership contest, Jo Swinson is miles ahead of any other candidate (and indeed any of the Tory lot). Should be a shoe in.

Finally, it's Groundhog Day in Labour - the more serious the anti-Semitism claims get, the more Corbyn's cronies write their own obituary by blaming it on outlandish conspiracy theories - this week, it's apparently the Jewish Embassy's fault...

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01 June 2019 at 06:29 AM

3882 Replies


That dot in the Atlantic Ocean is gunna be the new fertile crescent

by Doctor Zeus k

That dot in the Atlantic Ocean is gunna be the new fertile crescent

dont be a pessimist. There's also a spot in the far south Pacific!

by Doctor Zeus k

That dot in the Atlantic Ocean is gunna be the new fertile crescent

The map is very red so it must be true! doesn't matter if that's a map under assumptions that were grotesquely exaggerated right?

And btw "very red" doesn't mean bad necessarily, Germany at +4-5 celsius is a better place to live than it was in 1980, significantly so, there is a reason if people from there everytime they have extra money and vacation time move toward heat and not toward cold in the vast majority of cases. Because that country is colder than optimal for human beings, meaning warming is beneficial, and significantly so, for residents there.

by Doctor Zeus k

I dont see the fsr right vilifying the church or the entertainment industry, or elon for that matter

The “far right” are always going after the BBC cover up of paedophiles who worked for them.

Furthermore, whenever the Catholic Church story is mentioned, it’s not constantly caveated with “most sex offenders are not catholic priests” and similar pathetic attempts to hand waive the issue.

It should be obvious to you why that is.

The Catholic Church stories are about clergymen, not ordinary catholics, so why would a caveat about ordinary catholics be needed?

by jalfrezi k

why would a caveat about ordinary catholics be needed?

It doesn’t - that’s the whole point. Nonetheless, I’ve lost count of the number of times a mealy-mouthed rape gang apologist has bleated about the majority of sex offenders in the uk being white when discussing Pakistani rape gangs.

Meanwhile, the British police are trying to intimidate Pakistani rape gang survivors into silence.

As Labour actually crash the economy, Starmer receives cease and desist letter from Truss's lawyers regarding him continually saying she crashed the economy

by Luciom k

yes It is pretty well known in game theory that if you credibly commit to extreme actions you almost never end up needing to actually do it.

it's like the entire world still exists only thanks to that. check what MAD nuclear equilibrium was.

and try to understand it works at lower levels as well

Yes it worked so well with capital punishment In any places in earth ….

Maybe we should vote law to shoot in sight any suspected fascist we see .
You might understanding afterwards how extreme methods for arbitrary justification isn’t the solution …

by Luciom k

insurance is increasing fast because rebuilding costs are increasing fast because of Biden inflation and regulation.

it costs 50% more to build a house per square meter than it did a few years ago in most areas of the USA.

that means insurance has to grow 50% just to break even even if the risk stays the same.

then there are rates. with increasing long term rates insurance loses money on its pool of long term investment. when long term rate go up insurance companies are the first losers for obvious

Hey buddy it’s everywhere in the planet not just in US ..

Ah yes climate changes is just positive in Canada ?
Well guess what, many insurers are stopping to cover already for many reasons like the increase of flood going dramatically higher , fire forest too, in area where there never was those problem before….

But hey you know better then the best risk analyst on a planet , scientist about climate .
With crazy answer like that even at 60C + temperature no problem if your rich enough .
How many can be rich enough btw ?
Let the other millions dies no problem since you don’t live there and if they dare coming into your country, shoot them to death on sight even tho It was you responsible for those countries being decimated on the climate level .

From a guy that keep speaking morality and how he only know the truth about morality …
Man this guy is freakn dangerous I tell u …

Why do I even bother …

by jalfrezi k

It should be obvious to you why that is.

The Catholic Church stories are about clergymen, not ordinary catholics, so why would a caveat about ordinary catholics be needed?

the gang rape stories are about Pakistani heritage Muslims, so why would a caveat about non Pakistani heritage Muslims be needed?

by Elrazor k

It doesn’t - that’s the whole point. Nonetheless, I’ve lost count of the number of times a mealy-mouthed rape gang apologist has bleated about the majority of sex offenders in the uk being white when discussing Pakistani rape gangs.

Rather than mealy mouthed they might just be more aware than you that, unlike people of Pakistani background, catholic priests aren’t portrayed by far right extremists and their supporters in the mass media as being responsible for everything wrong with modern Britain and therefore no one needs to point out that it’s only a small minority of catholic priests that commit these crimes.

But I don’t expect someone adamant, contrary to independent research he’s seen, that UK immigrants are more criminal than the host population to understand this or more pertinently to want to understand it

by sixfour k

As Labour actually crash the economy, Starmer receives cease and desist letter from Truss's lawyers regarding him continually saying she crashed the economy

Lettuce hope it gets to a court case.

Cos that would be funny.

by diebitter k

Lettuce hope it gets to a court case.

I mean by the time that would happen, Starmer could probably use the defence that nobody takes anything he says seriously or believes it to be true, ergo there was no damage done

And Liz Truss could argue she's even less credible, so relatively speaking, he's the most credible in the to and fro, ergo he's damaging her reputation.

oh, wait....

by Elrazor k

It doesn’t - that’s the whole point. Nonetheless, I’ve lost count of the number of times a mealy-mouthed rape gang apologist has bleated about the majority of sex offenders in the uk being white when discussing Pakistani rape gangs.

The offenders nationwide aren't all Pakistani, though in Rotherham, Telford, Rochdale and Oxford, and possibly other locations I've forgotten about, they certainly were. The trouble is that Pakistani offenders are the ones who mainly benefit from a hands-off policy by local authorities and police, enabling and encouraging them to carry on raping, in some cases, for decades.

It seems fairly clear that Pakistani men (and, incidentally black men) are over-represented in in the group-CSE cohort, but the Home Office likes to go, 'Ooh, if only we had the data, but there are so many complications with police collection of ethnic-identity data, dear me what a pity', even though the police clearly know just who they're talking about when they tell people (as they are still doing) to back off and stop implicating suspects of a certain ethnicity.

The scandal isn't so much the rape gangs as the people protecting them. Some of the local councillors involved may be Pakistani themselves, but the senior police officers aren't, and the disgusting result tells you quite a lot about white woke middle-class bien-pensant politics and the view that 'white working-class girls don't count and just get what's coming to them.'

by 57 On Red k

The scandal isn't so much the rape gangs as the people protecting them. Some of the local councillors involved may be Pakistani themselves, but the senior police officers aren't, and the disgusting result tells you quite a lot about white woke middle-class bien-pensant politics and the view that 'white working-class girls don't count and just get what's coming to them.'

we'll wait a sec, if the actual normal response had happened (an allin zero tolerance brutal takedown using the entire force of the state to achieve it, what anyone would expect at the 20th time you have knowledge of organized child raping gangs being around and systematically targeting young girls) , then organized systemic gang rape circles basically wouldn't exist as they don't elsewhere.

the "group of drunk men rape a girl all together" (but it's almost never a 11y old, rather an unfortunate customer of some club or private party) can always happen everywhere , but the "they picked girls outside police stations and raped them" simply doesn't happen in normal places like at all.

what I am truly shocked about is that (afaik) we have no knowledge of brutal murders of perpetrators at the hand of family members.

if the above had happened in Italy even with 1/10 intensity many brutally mutilated Pakistani bodies (including some innocent ones obviously and unfortunately) would have been found across the years.

at the scale described in the media, the rioting we saw was barely nothing, it's incredible to think how different populations of first world countries can be

It's not only Pakistani men who do this kind of thing. In April 2023 a group of 21 white people were convicted of organised sexual offences against children in Walsall. Police data, cited today in the Sunday Times (article not available online as far as I can see), suggests that only 7% of suspects in group-based child sexual exploitation nationally are known to be Pakistani. However, bear in mind that 'group' in this dataset means 'two or more', so most of them are probably married or cohabiting couples, not gangs, and bear in mind also that the ethnicity of 'a large number of suspects' is conveniently not recorded. It is striking that only 30% of suspects in this category are white, whereas white people make up nearly 90% of the population at large even after the mass non-European immigration over the last few years. As the ST journalist is forced to conclude, 'ethnic minority men are more likely than the general population to be perpetrators of this kind of abuse.'

The police, of course, dread large-scale public disorder, because it costs overtime and officers risk injury. And they are advised by 'independent panels' of 'community leaders' who are completely unaccountable and in some cases have turned out to be Islamist and even Hamas-adjacent bombheads and invariably (but of course) men. So the police appear to be stuck in that pattern of appeasement which worked out so well for Neville Chamberlain. Or they were until the public found out what was going on.

bengali community is mega pissed off over the terms 'asian grooming gangs' and 'muslim grooming gangs'

As the ST journalist is forced to conclude, 'ethnic minority men are more likely than the general population to be perpetrators of this kind of abuse.'

oh my, someone around here will be triggered....

by 57 On Red k

The scandal isn't so much the rape gangs as the people protecting them. Some of the local councillors involved may be Pakistani themselves, but the senior police officers aren't, and the disgusting result tells you quite a lot about white woke middle-class bien-pensant politics and the view that 'white working-class girls don't count and just get what's coming to them.'

Exactly. The main issue politically is just how far up the scandal goes. The other issue is this whole affair has somewhat rebranded Tommy Robinson as some kind of working class hero. This podcast is an excellent summary of the whole affair, but I was gobsmacked when AHA described Tommy Robinson:

he has done more than any feminist in history to bring this to light....if Tommy Robinson were an American citizen we would have a statue of him he would be a hero he would be getting the medal of freedom

which left me absolutely aghast and thankfully Julie Bindel provided some much needed context.

I think at this point two things are obvious. Firstly, the multicultural experiment is dead. Secondly, if the left resist, then the Overton window will simply keep moving further and further right until one way or another it is.

by Elrazor k

Exactly. The main issue politically is just how far up the scandal goes. The other issue is this whole affair has somewhat rebranded Tommy Robinson as some kind of working class hero. This podcast is an excellent summary of the whole affair, but I was gobsmacked when AHA described Tommy Robinson:

which left me absolutely aghast and thankfully Julie Bindel provided some much needed context.

I think at this point two things are obvious. Firstly, the multicultural experiment is dead. Secondly, if th

Canada ain’t great either .

From the labour manifesto. (By which I mean Tony blair's institute of selling what we have left to the private sector)

At a time when government is unwieldy, expensive and slow, AI can save our public services, making them more personalised and human-centric.

Safe, explainable AI systems can make government fairer and more transparent, liberating and empowering people. We shouldn’t be afraid of blocking systems that don’t meet these standards, but we must rapidly embrace those that do. They can make government more strategic in how it approaches complex decisions about the highest-stakes issues, with more accurate, more granular, more up-to-date information and insights.

And this is only the beginning of what AI will be able to achieve. The pace of development and the new capabilities announced each month make it clear that the current generation of AI systems only give us a glimpse of their full potential. This is the least able AI will ever be.

To access this opportunity, government will need a coordinated strategy to put in place the necessary infrastructure, sovereign capability and skills. It will need to invest in making the right data across departments interoperable, while maintaining privacy. It will need to train its own models where necessary, such as for national-security purposes, fine-tune custom tools and build or procure applications on top of existing models. It will need to secure the computing power necessary for AI to run at scale, for everyday use as well as research purposes. And it will need to change how it hires and trains AI specialists.

None of this will be possible without working in partnership with the private sector. The computing requirements of AI mean that close coordination and cooperation with leading providers are required. The UK is also itself home to many leading AI companies. With the talent that we have, it should be home to many more in the future. The government will play a crucial role in fostering this industry if it makes the right choices and clearly demonstrates what AI can help us achieve.

For those of us in both the public and private sectors, the choices that we face today are critical for our futures. Businesses which fail to adapt to this new world will be quickly replaced by competitors. For countries, the failure is bigger – harming people’s prosperity as well as their nation’s place in the world.

The prospect might seem daunting, but for the most part investing in AI is low-risk, high-reward. Its benefits, as this paper shows, far exceed the costs – and the price of inaction may be higher still.

by Elrazor k

I think at this point two things are obvious. Firstly, the multicultural experiment is dead. Secondly, if the left resist, then the Overton window will simply keep moving further and further right until one way or another it is.

I think at this point one thing is very obvious: you using the horrific grooming gang scandal to smear people of cultural backgrounds not implicated in this (Caribbean, Indian, Chinese, African, Eastern European, you name it) as part of your permanent campaign against immigrants, who you also erroneously believe to be prone to committing crime.
