President Elon Musk

President Elon Musk

He probably deserves his own thread at this point, discuss accordingly

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21 December 2024 at 02:21 PM

2507 Replies


by wet work k

The Coca Cola version or another one?

Whichever one is most real to you.

I now realized that for Musk it's personal, like the trans "youth" issue. Had no idea Musk was 1/4 british

Elon Musk

My British grandmother, Cora Amelia Robinson, was an important part of my childhood. She was very strict, but also kind and I could always count on her.

She grew up very poor in England during the Great Depression only to be bombed in WW2. To earn money for food, she cleaned houses, leaving me with a lasting respect for those who do so.

My Nana was one of the poor working-class girls with no one to protect her who might have been abducted in present day Britain.

So the anti-war/mic/globalists/do gooders etc are taking over 4 countries and "liberating" England, Australia and New Zealand from tyranny. Well done.

Sorry England Elon's feelings about his non-existent current day grandma mean more than your sovereignty 😀

Why is the whole world so impotent against these clowns?

Literal world leaders pleading "Please, Mr Musk sir. Please don't interfere with our elections sir. Please, we beg you"

****ing do something.

by Luciom k

I now realized that for Musk it's personal, like the trans "youth" issue. Had no idea Musk was 1/4 british

Elon Musk

My British grandmother, Cora Amelia Robinson, was an important part of my childhood. She was very strict, but also kind and I could always count on her.

She grew up very poor in England during the Great Depression only to be bombed in WW2. To earn money for food, she cleaned houses, leaving me with a lasting respect for those who do so.

My Nana was one of the poor working-cla

There is a 100% chance he isn't being 100% honest with this story. He literally has never told the truth about his background at any point in his public life. Its always a half truth or a full lie.

But sure, just take him at his word or whatever

by coordi k

Why is the whole world so impotent against these clowns?

Literal world leaders pleading "Please, Mr Musk sir. Please don't interfere with our elections sir. Please, we beg you"

****ing do something.

It’s disgusting beyond words but wtf can they do? He’s worth $300 billion with a messiah complex like nothing we’ve seen in our lives who will happily use the megaphone he owns to tilt public opinion and because he is the sole owner of a private Twitter has no qualms about manipulating algorithms in favor of narratives he wants where he wants them

SpaceX and starlink are too critical and political opponents will happily suck his dick to spread his message and get his money

Nothing can be done to stop this train

by coordi k

There is a 100% chance he isn't being 100% honest with this story. He literally has never told the truth about his background at any point in his public life. Its always a half truth or a full lie.

But sure, just take him at his word or whatever

doesn't matter if the details about the purported poverty of his grandma are true or not, he is British for a slice which explains his otherwise oversized interest in UK politics

by coordi k

Why is the whole world so impotent against these clowns?

Literal world leaders pleading "Please, Mr Musk sir. Please don't interfere with our elections sir. Please, we beg you"

****ing do something.

not sure what you mean with impotent.

Brazil abused the law to "do something" against musk and for now it looks like it worked. Who knows though how he and his allies are planning revenge against the Brazilian left.

anyway twitter google and meta interefer with elections every time (and still do), but as long as they did that to help leftists and technocrats you guys were happy about it

by Luciom k

not sure what you mean with impotent.

Brazil abused the law to "do something" against musk and for now it looks like it worked. Who knows though how he and his allies are planning revenge against the Brazilian left.

anyway twitter google and meta interefer with elections every time (and still do), but as long as they did that to help leftists and technocrats you guys were happy about it

Brazil didn't "abuse the law". What does that even mean? I guess by following their process to get a law implemented legitimately is "abuse". (Thats an objectively ******ed statement)

I wasn't happy when Russia used Facebook to tilt 2016 and I've been outspoken about Russian infiltration for this election and again you just said something objectively ******ed.

Happy new year, never change

by coordi k

Brazil didn't "abuse the law". What does that even mean? I guess by following their process to get a law implemented legitimately is "abuse". (Thats an objectively ******ed statement)

I wasn't happy when Russia used Facebook to tilt 2016 and I've been outspoken about Russian infiltration for this election and again you just said something objectively ******ed.

Happy new year, never change

the process wasnt used legitimately but there is no recourse in Brazil against crazy judges making insane decisions (there isn't in most countries). the judge suspended a company operations in the country because it was co-owned by someone who had ANOTHER company in violation of some orders. Suspended starling which hadn't violated ANYTHING because twitter wasn't paying a fine ok? that's ****ed up and completely insane and you know it but you don't give a **** as you don't every time illegitimate abuses happen against your political enemies.

you were happy when people got banned from social media if they tried to oppose gender theory claims, or COVID lockdowns, or absurd claims about mask efficacy and so on and on.

you as well as many others got accostumed to the fact that people of your political tribe controlled all crucial checkpoints of information and discourse, thus controlling the narrative.

we got one opponent to that now, still the play field is insanely tilted to your side, and you are already going wild lol.

what would you do if for 20+ years the normal opinions of the left were treated like Nazism and boycotted and censored everywhere? because that's what we have been through on the right.

now for once we go from 99-1 in the left favor to 80-20 thanks to musk and you start crying already?

by Luciom k

doesn't matter if the details about the purported poverty of his grandma are true or not, he is British for a slice which explains his otherwise oversized interest in UK politics

elon lying about his past and trying to downplay his silver spoon as coming from an insanely wealthy family is nothing new (his family literally invented the entire jetset lifestyle)

by rickroll k

elon lying about his past and trying to downplay his silver spoon as coming from an insanely wealthy family is nothing new (his family literally invented the entire jetset lifestyle)

Where can I read about his family wealth? Everything I find says his Dad was an engineer and his grandfather was an army sergeant.

by campfirewest k

Where can I read about his family wealth? Everything I find says his Dad was an engineer and his grandfather was an army sergeant.

Did you try checking wikipedia?

by campfirewest k

Where can I read about his family wealth? Everything I find says his Dad was an engineer and his grandfather was an army sergeant.

Imagine saying this unironically when its literally the 4th sentence in the main resource available on the guy

What the **** are you finding and where are you finding it?

by Luciom k

doesn't matter if the details about the purported poverty of his grandma are true or not, he is British for a slice which explains his otherwise oversized interest in UK politics

Have you considered that Mr. musks interests in politics are explained by his personal monetary and/or power goals?

by GTO2.0 k

Have you considered that Mr. musks interests in politics are explained by his personal monetary and/or power goals?

Can you explain how that differs from pretty much everyone in the house and senate?

Musk about Trudeau saying Canada will never join the USA snowballs chance in hell I do believe he said

Elon Musk responded to Trudeau's statement. "Girl, you're not the governor of Canada anymore, so it doesn't matter what you say,"

by GTO2.0 k

Have you considered that Mr. musks interests in politics are explained by his personal monetary and/or power goals?

Doesn't look like that though.

Musk has heavily campaigned for policy choices that would materially hurt Tesla for example.

If climate-related regulation gets reduced (or, one can hope, completly eliminated) in the UK and the EU, tesla carbon credits (one of the main source of profits for the company) would be worth less if not actually 0.

It's true that they are "only" 3% of revenue but they come at 100% margin. They are around 25-30% of Tesla profits right now.

I can't see how Musk personally gains by favoring parties that are against regulation of CO2 emissions and the like (or at least less fiercely in favor of that than opponents), like Reform in the UK or AfD in Germany.

Can you explain to me how exactly you think Musk financial interests are better served by Reform than by Labour?

by Playbig2000 k

I never said I condoned this behavior, but for someone with all the money in the world I guess he thinks different .

As such, do you think he should pay higher taxes, or nah because you might be worth a half trillion in the future and wouldn't want to be taxed heavily?

by Land O Lakes k

As such, do you think he should pay higher taxes, or nah because you might be worth a half trillion in the future and wouldn't want to be taxed heavily?

Everyone should pay their fair share. The more people make, the higher their tax bracket is but that doesn't mean they're not allowed to take advantage of current tax laws by legally writing as much income off as they can (which they all do).

President Leon already saying they can’t possibly cut the $2 trillion he insisted he’d cut

Weird how all of the sudden all these obviously impossible promises are quickly abandoned now that trump won

by StoppedRainingMen k

President Leon already saying they can’t possibly cut the $2 trillion he insisted he’d cut

Weird how all of the sudden all these obviously impossible promises are quickly abandoned now that trump won

Why is that weird to you?

by Luckbox Inc k

Why is that weird to you?

I don't think there is a single person with normal or above IQ that ever believes political promises are made to be fulfilled.

Those promises are made to indicate a direction you would like to pursue knowing fully wheel that even achieving a fraction of that would already be hard and very important for your voters if you manage.

Idea is that ANY cut is a miracle , so even if they cut 50 billions that's 50 billions more than the democrats would have cut, and that's already a win.

by Playbig2000 k

Everyone should pay their fair share. The more people make, the higher their tax bracket is but that doesn't mean they're not allowed to take advantage of current tax laws by legally writing as much income off as they can (which they all do).

I'm not talking about tax deductions.

What I'm asking is being that he's worth nearly half a trillion dollars, do you think a new tax bracket should be imposed (i.e., new tax legislation passed) for the uber, uber wealthy to pay a slightly higher percentage?

If you think that's not fair, please explain why it's not fair.

by Luciom k

I don't think there is a single person with normal or above IQ that ever believes political promises are made to be fulfilled.

Those promises are made to indicate a direction you would like to pursue knowing fully wheel that even achieving a fraction of that would already be hard and very important for your voters if you manage.

Idea is that ANY cut is a miracle , so even if they cut 50 billions that's 50 billions more than the democrats would have cut, and that's already a win.

I though you knew what maga believes in ..
PB is a great example ….trump only lied once ….

The fact is they just lied their asses off and you try to
Diminish it by saying reducing their promises by 40-1 is not lying it’s just less ?
Your honesty is legendary 😀

Elon outed himself to a pretty big chunk of the gamersphere this week as a complete and total fraud. This should be seen as a big positive for those who wish that his cultists would see through the façade. These "Court of Public Opinion" types are only as powerful as their cohort of apologists.

Several months ago, there was much fanfare about his dominant position on the Diablo 4 ladder, and people were wary, but gave him the benefit of the doubt because he did several live streams of him playing in true endgame scenarios. He talked about it on the Joe Rogan podcast.

This week, he streamed himself playing newly released Path of Exile 2 on Twitter and made blunder after blunder after blunder, removing any and all doubt that he simply paid some group of Asians to create his entire account and then hand him the controller for a few hours in a carefully controlled situation that eliminated the possibility that he could **** it up. But oh boy, did he **** it up. Some key people neglected to inform him that Diablo 4 is to Path of Exile as building a backyard sand castle is to constructing the Pyramids.

He made references to things that would make even your average, "Oh yeah, I know about that. My dad works at Nintendo" 8 year old liar blush in embarrassment. He couldn't put the square peg in the square hole, but to get that far in the game, he'd have had to have practice doing it literal tens of thousands of times. His team of Asians have farmed or purchased items that an average gaming nerd would never see in years of grinding, but Elon had no concept of what made them great and focused on completely useless aspects. Like someone claiming to be a violin aficionado showing you their Messiah by Antonio Stradivari and being like, "Yeah it's pretty good, but kinda old, so I'm looking for an upgrade." My dude, there is no upgrade.

The best part was his account storage had a single box labeled "Elon's stuff" mixed among lots of other boxes. Clearly meant to draw his attention to the items inside that he'd need to facilitate his totally legit livestream.

I watched the video and it gave me the same vibes as asking ChatGPT pretty much anything that I have a modicum of knowledge about. Just pure and utter bullshit being handed to me in a confident tone with the hope that nobody will look too closely.

I get that this doesn't impact society like DOGE can, but he needs allies in the internet trenches. The gamers have a lot of time on their hands, and don't appreciate being the butt of jokes. Don't piss off the gamers, Elon. You cannot hope to ban them all.
