"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre

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29 November 2019 at 06:28 PM

4679 Replies


by Garick k

So the powers that be tried a fix to better merge the beta new forum with the legacy one. I can't tell if it worked, as I don't remember what threads were from the new one. Anyone recall a thread title that I can check and see if it is still visible?

I never responded to any of the HH threads in the new format (hint: if you don't want my AIDSy responses in your threads this is a good workaround, lol)... but I don't think I even see any of them on the first page?


by Garick k

So the powers that be tried a fix to better merge the beta new forum with the legacy one. I can't tell if it worked, as I don't remember what threads were from the new one. Anyone recall a thread title that I can check and see if it is still visible?

The ones started by pnut007z. If memory serves, 3 or so of them were started by him.

Yeah, they appear to be gone. I'll let Max know.

by marknfw k

The ones started by pnut007z. If memory serves, 3 or so of them were started by him.

+1, I remember that cuz he's 1/3 NL but I wasn't going to respond to his HHs in that alternate universe.


So the way it's supposed to work now is much more seamless, though you will still have to log in again when you go from one version to the other. The threads should show up here just like normal threads now.

Poker Goals and Challenges Forum had a few threads pinned at the top from the new version, with very few responses - they seem to be gone, which is good.

by AcePlayerDeluxe k

I see you’re still falling for IT’s test phishing emails. You’d think after the amount of mandatory trainings you’ve had to do you’d learn your lesson, but nope. Between the phishing and the sexual harassment refresh courses, you could practically teach those classes.

It turns out when you tell the trainer that you already know how to successfully sexually harass someone, that in fact does not get you out of the class.

FWIW I am immune to phishing emails - I don't click on ****.

Sexual harassment Panda has entered the room.

by BigSkip k

It turns out when you tell the trainer that you already know how to successfully sexually harass someone, that in fact does not get you out of the class.


by BigSkip k

It turns out when you tell the trainer that you already know how to successfully sexually harass someone, that in fact does not get you out of the class.

I work for a very small part of a big multi-national based out of India. We have to do these Prevention of Sexual Harassment classes every year, among others. At least they are online, not interactive, and fairly easy to get through. Just remember, the taxi _is_ considered the workplace!

FWIW I am immune to phishing emails - I don't click on ****.

I work in IT, and have IT security background. I clicked on one of their test e-mails once. In my defense, it looked very legit. I don't usually fall for these, because scammers are generally stupid. Never heard another thing about it except for the "Gotcha" website it sent me to.

in rather joyful news, my last session pre-xmas was one of my better ones in terms of lack of blunders (lost a buyin but not trying to get results oriented)

yesterday put in a session and legit can't think of any major blunders i made at all, i could have probably sized some bets a little better but it went really well

i'm especially pleased in that i've closed one leak of mine where i checked back too often on the river

if i get a few more sessions in where i'm not kicking myself for "omg why'd i do that" then i'll be ready to move up to 2-5 and beyond

by AzOther1 k

I work in IT, and have IT security background. I clicked on one of their test e-mails once. In my defense, it looked very legit. I don't usually fall for these, because scammers are generally stupid. Never heard another thing about it except for the "Gotcha" website it sent me to.


My younger coworker has clicked them a couple of times. Now when anything looks suspicious he asks me what I think. When I know it’s legit, and possibly important, I tell him not to click on it. He had a contract he needed to get signed and would not open an email I told him was a scam for 2 days. He sat there sweating it the whole time knowing he needed to get it signed, but not wanting to get in trouble with IT again. 😃

OK, here we go. Short rant.

Been without an indoor refrigerator since middle November. Bought the KitchenAIDS in 2021 so a COVID baby that has thrown tantrums its whole life. Living out of a all-too-small garage unit.

Samsung electric clothes dryer stopped heating on Sunday. Repair tomorrow?

Fed up with mattress and its hills and valleys, bought a new one yesterday.

Burners won't light on our furnace. Service this morning.


by King Spew k

Bought the KitchenAIDS in 2021 so a COVID baby that has thrown tantrums its whole life.

English only at the table.

University of youtube is your friend. I bought a kit that replaced all of the electronics in my dryer (heating unit, limit switches, thermostat) for $21 on Amazon. Took about an hour to switch it all out. As for the furnace, that sounds like a limit switch issue. They cost like $10 for four of them, so if your service guy makes a silly quote, just pay for the diagnosis and do the repair yourself.

No ideas about fridge right off the to of my head, but type the symptoms into youtube and see what pops up. Mattress, of course, is just done. I'm in the same boat, and after three shopping trips, haven't found one I like new even as much as the old one in its current condition, much less as when it was new. Of course, they don't make that model anymore, so I can't just buy a new one.

We all in for new mattresses this year? I'm definitely in the market. Who sleeps good, and what are you sleeping on?

New side of this site is officially AIDS.

I went to the "vote for the best thread of 2024" announcement which too me over there. Had to log in to cast a vote. Again? Even though I'm already logged in here? OK, fine. Done.
The instant I click the Like icon for the thread I want to vote for, it SNAP logs me out and asks me to log in again.

No wonder the leading thread has TWO votes.


by King Spew k

OK, here we go. Short rant.

Been without an indoor refrigerator since middle November. Bought the KitchenAIDS in 2021 so a COVID baby that has thrown tantrums its whole life. Living out of a all-too-small garage unit.

Samsung electric clothes dryer stopped heating on Sunday. Repair tomorrow?

Fed up with mattress and its hills and valleys, bought a new one yesterday.

Burners won't light on our furnace. Service this morning.


But how’s the hot tub?

Regarding fixing things...

I just sold my old 2007 RV on the weekend and am buying a new 2022 RV on Friday. Lol, like two weeks into "semi" retirement and already spending *way* too much money. Can't wait to find out what goes wrong on this RV (cuz multiple things always do) and I'll have to somehow figure out to fix.

My stepdaughters fan in her condo unit stopped working the other day, so she got her brother-in-law to look at it. Her brother-in-law is super mechanically inclined (mechanic by trade) and a great DIY'er. He assesses the situation, takes the fan out, starts looking into the motor and figures the problem is likely that. In the meantime, my cousin's electrician kid is at the condo handling a different issue... and realizes the fan simply had a well hidden switch in the pantry, which was switched off.


by AzOther1 k

We all in for new mattresses this year? I'm definitely in the market. Who sleeps good, and what are you sleeping on?

Finally something on this site that I have a clue about:


...I'm using the ultimate/plush. Had other mattresses, and a sleep number bed for a few years, and the comparison isn't even close. Bought it after being at a hotel and looking up what mattress they used.

Second opinion:

by gobbledygeek k

...Lol, like two weeks into "semi" retirement and already spending *way* too much money. ...

Nope. You worked hard to accumulate that wealth. You should be sure to enjoy it while you're still young enough to do so.

Don't die with money. Then you're doing life wrong.

by gobbledygeek k

My stepdaughters fan in her condo unit stopped working the other day, so she got her brother-in-law to look at it. Her brother-in-law is super mechanically inclined (mechanic by trade) and a great DIY'er. He assesses the situation, takes the fan out, starts looking into the motor and figures the problem is likely that. In the meantime, my cousin's electrician kid is at the condo handling a different issue... and realizes the fan simply had a well hidden switch in the pantry, which was switche

This happened to me with my dishwasher a few month back. Who has a wall switch for a dishwasher? I found it under the sink when I was checking to make sure the dishwasher was hard-wired and not just plugged into an outlet from which it might have come unplugged. Well, sorta.

On the mattress front, anyone have recs for someone who hates plush tops and likes a pretty firm mattress, but not so firm your arm falls asleep if you lay on your side? I have an old Serta Perfect Day Reawaken that we loved. It was a hybrid firm traditional mattress with a thin layer of memory foam on top, but of course they stopped making it. We bought the successor mattress the "Premium Hybrid Cobalt" and hated it. The layer of memory foam is too thick, so the mattress is too soft and I sleep hot with all that dang foam around me. So we went back to the old mattress "temporarily" and put the new one in the guest room. Two more attempts to find a replacement have been fruitless and frustrating (I loathe shopping), so we're still on the old one, six years later.

ETA, looks like the one we bought and hated is the same as the "Cobalt Calm Firm Pillow Top" on the site illiterat linked. It was at least comfortable in the store, unlike anything else I've tried so far.

I'm a fan of the bed-in-a-box company Leesa, have been sleeping on one of their foam mattresses made with latex/regular/memory foam, for over 10 years (multiple mattresses).

by golddog k

Nope. You worked hard to accumulate that wealth. You should be sure to enjoy it while you're still young enough to do so.

Don't die with money. Then you're doing life wrong.

Yeah, definitely attempting to YOLO a little bit... although do have to be careful not to go overboard too soon (as I'm a little too young to go too crazy).

ETA: Thru this RV buying process, we ended up putting down 4 deposits on various ones (refundable ones just to keep them around for a day or two while we thought things over). The last day we put down 2 deposits. The first on an older one that was most definitely the right price... but, ug, we did not love it, although we could have made do with it (especially for the limited amount of times we go camping each year). The second one was 3x+ as much... but we loved it. So we YOLO'ed.


In for repair rants

Daughters car had an exhaust pipe corrode and crack
Then her battery died.. instant death
Then my other daughter pressed her feet into the windshield and cracked the windshield

$2000 in one month (USA #1 dollars) and I even did the battery myself

2018 with like 60k miles… not some old old clunker

Windshield place kinda ripped me off, wife set up that deal
