Cheating on the gulf coast

Cheating on the gulf coast

What exactly is going on down south, the same stable of players literally has won every event for the past year.. i know i can't be the only one thinking something smells fishy

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14 January 2025 at 05:10 PM

608 Replies


by CoachGuru25 k

You said smell could of posted man this group crushes, how much studying they must do, but know you said what you did and got what u wanted. No time to step out now bro

I attended the entire series at Beau and came across at least five groups of people expressing their concerns, which piqued my genuine curiosity now we are here. Outside of some chip dumping I don't truly see anything nefarious, occasionally dealers weren't in complete protocol which should arise suspicions in others. It doesn't take the whole staff, it doesn't take any staff to pull off cheating in the current environment and was worth voicing my concern. Large groups of players feel like they're being stolen from by this stable operating as they do which. It's just part of the game at this point

by Rocketpocket k

I attended the entire series at Beau and came across at least five groups of people expressing their concerns, which piqued my genuine curiosity now we are here. Outside of some chip dumping I don't truly see anything nefarious, occasionally dealers weren't in complete protocol which should arise suspicions in others. It doesn't take the whole staff, it doesn't take any staff to pull off cheating in the current environment and was worth voicing my concern. Large groups of players feel like they

Fair! Im curious about dealers not adhering to protocol, what does that mean?

by CoachGuru25 k

Fair! Im curious about dealers not adhering to protocol, what does that mean?

page 1 post 3, are you reading the thread or no?

by tiger24 k

page 1 post 3, are you reading the thread or no?

Yeah i read thread and that post was from a different account so i was asking that gentleman unless he has multiple accoubts, he may have a different answer but thanks

Having played at the FT in the 1200 main where it happened to be stacked with a bunch of horses backed by Cody; I can confidently say that they battled the **** out of each other and there wasn't any chip dumping/collusion going on that I could see. Cody knocked me out 99

As for Preston, another crusher that puts in the work. He hero calls the **** out of everyone if he thinks it's the right play, and you don't see the time he's wrong. Last year he called me off with middle pair on a 4 flush board, and I had the nuts. He's just that type of player who is willing to go with what he thinks is the right play win or lose. Another great guy outside the tables too.

I’ve played with all these guys who are being “accused”. They simply have the bankroll, skill, and soft fields to dominate. I’ve never heard a winning player accuse anyone of cheating.

Furthermore if you really think people are cheating and show up to these events and say nothing and don’t confront these guys, then you’re a soft mark who deserves to get taken. No way is someone going to cheat and take food off my families table , and I’m going to be silent and keep returning to the registration line. Tells me it’s just a bunch of keyboard warriors who are losing players looking for drama.

by CoachGuru25 k

I could care less if he does or doesn't, but in an earlier reply Cody pointed out he never backed Maurice.

I points out that I do not back Maurice. The word never was not used

I find Cody's explanation of the shitcoin saga to be highly suspect. He was told immediately by multiple people on his social media posts that it was a pump and dump scam and he continued to push it for weeks. He kept making new posts bragging about gains of orders of magnitude of ROI when it was clear that was being artificially manufactured by the group who peddled it. He had plenty of time to do research and change his tune but he kept pushing it until it crashed and he could no longer market the fake ROI gains.

He claims to have lost money on the deal, but those claims a)have no proof, and b)don't speak to his intent to deceive others for profit.

by nmyprime k

I’ve never heard a winning player accuse anyone of cheating.

then you're not listening very hard.

...unless of course you don't think, say.... Garrett Adelstein is a winning player.

by wstanford25 k

I points out that I do not back Maurice. The word never was not used

Fair. I misread it. Like i said, no matter to me. Keep winning. I think you're a very good player

by preflop_stones k

I find Cody's explanation of the shitcoin saga to be highly suspect. He was told immediately by multiple people on his social media posts that it was a pump and dump scam and he continued to push it for weeks. He kept making new posts bragging about gains of orders of magnitude of ROI when it was clear that was being artificially manufactured by the group who peddled it. He had plenty of time to do research and change his tune but he kept pushing it until it crashed and he could no longer market

I made my first ever post on Jan 16th saying the coin would be releasing soon and 1 more post on the same day promoting as well… Janurary 17th it launched and I made a post saying today was the day it launches then I made a post same day once it launched saying it was live then one showing the progress for the day and I made another post even included in said post I was heavily invested. On January 20th the coin was still doing well and I made another post AFTERT that day there was never another post made by me because I was already down 10s of thousands and feared that the 4-5 people who told me to be careful where in fact right and I was in over my head

For you to say I pushed it for weeks and kept making all these posts about bragging about profits is quite the exaggeration. You can try to word it whatever way you want to try to make me look bad. It’s just what people like you do when they are trying to slander someone else….

A) I lost money B) I didn’t try to deceive anyone. I did my best to make things right with the few who lost money. Yes I said THE FEW. Like I’ve previously stated I cost others around $4,000 who were not either me or someone really close to me.

Yet again you’re just another person who isn’t thinking logically. I’m a reputable person who has 4,200 friends on Facebook. Why would I try to promote something I truly didn’t believe in that would make me LOOK BAD if it goes south. So why would I risk ruining my reputation and my name by trying to make a few grand or even say $200,000.

Y’all claim to know so much about me but fail to point out that, the coin was the only coin I’ve ever posted about, and also Cashper(Chase Turnquest) also created I believe roughly 10-15 more coins and you didn’t see me making a bunch of posts about them.

I cost myself and a few of my close friends and a family member of mine money. I never want to hurt anyone much less those people close to me.

At the end of the day it was not what I thought it would be. Once it started crashing I wasn’t on Facebook trying to promote it to try to build it up again. I had already accepted my fate. It was not my first time losing on an investment and I’m sure it won’t be the last

Y’all can try to twist and turn anything to try to make someone look bad. I said I was done responding/commenting here but yet here I am but I am done again.

They'd say you do it because based off their thoughts of your perceived actions in poker you only care about profit and not your reputation.

Also, since you are still defending yourself, you never answered my question:

When you end up with someone you backed at your table do you ket others know about this?

Also: when you declare you're going all in blind have you ever had a horse at your table and did you at that time A. Do it and B. Tell everyone who they were?

Btw, this **** is like high school in here with name calling and "check my stats bro" ****. It's sad.

by VincentVega k

They'd say you do it because based off their thoughts of your perceived actions in poker you only care about profit and not your reputation.

Also, since you are still defending yourself, you never answered my question:

When you end up with someone you backed at your table do you ket others know about this?

Also: when you declare you're going all in blind have you ever had a horse at your table and did you at that time A. Do it and B. Tell everyone who they were?

Btw, this **** is like high school

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, if I only cared about profits and not my reputation this thread would be filled by others who I owe money. I most definitely care about my reputation and those around me and who matter to me know me and know my heart.

To your question about being at the same table as a horse, the answer is yes. I do actually tell people I have action on someone at the table. In post #253, this player makes an example of just that. He also states he played with me at a table where I had action on others AND THERE WAS NO SOFT PLAY OR COLLUSION OR CHIP DUMPING.

In Post #182 the Post was actual made by a Poker Room Manager. Maybe go read his post. In the “3.” You can see where I not only told the table I was going all in dark but I told the him and the person who was doing the late reg I was going to be all in dark. I DO NOT HIDE that I’m going all in dark and I don’t do it based off if I get a table with someone I have action on. I do it at every table.

I guess you just overlooked those two posts or chose to not digest what was being said.

At this point this whole thread doesn’t exist to me. It is filled with people who think they know things and don’t and filled with people who only read certain post and skip over the ones they don’t want to see.

If you or anyone else have any questions, I’ll be in Tunica January 23rd until February 3rd. Come talk to me

by wstanford25 k

At this point this whole thread doesn’t exist to me.

You'll be back tomorrow

You completely misunderstood what i asked re: my 2nd question-i think.

I don't care that you told TDs you were going to do that, to me it's irrelevant. I'm asking if you've been at the same table as one of your horses when you did it.

I don't know you, don't play in the shithole known as the gulf, and prob never will. I also don't necessarily think one way or the other yet about whether you're guilty but take interest in this subject because I think there is a LOT of unethical **** going on in poker right now.

Btw, don't be a prick, I've read every post in this thread. You also have a lot of single digit post counts coming to defend you which looks terrible.

by ByronSiren k

You’ll nu-nu-nu-nu-never be Ross Carroll


by DavidPoker1992 k

Having played at the FT in the 1200 main where it happened to be stacked with a bunch of horses backed by Cody;

Cody knocked me out 99

Had to get that bad beat story in there huh, baw?

Just how many at the FT were Cody’s horses? Since it was stacked with a bunch them.

by VincentVega k

You completely misunderstood what i asked re: my 2nd question-i think.

I don't care that you told TDs you were going to do that, to me it's irrelevant. I'm asking if you've been at the same table as one of your horses when you did it.

I don't know you, don't play in the shithole known as the gulf, and prob never will. I also don't necessarily think one way or the other yet about whether you're guilty but take interest in this subject because I think there is a LOT of unethical **** going on in

Here’s your answer from DavidPoker1992-

Having played at the FT in the 1200 main where it happened to be stacked with a bunch of horses backed by Cody; I can confidently say that they battled the **** out of each other and there wasn't any chip dumping/collusion going on that I could see.

So yes. He was at the table(s) with a bunch of his horses. According to the guy defending his honor and on his side on this whole situation.

by Inguyenalot24 k

Had to get that bad beat story in there huh, baw?

Just how many at the FT were Cody’s horses? Since it was stacked with a bunch them.

Lol I can see how it seems like that, in my head it's a standard flip and not a bad beat and the point wasn't to cry about it but to state I'm on his side here even though he knocked me out. They agreed to a chop as soon as I got knocked out knowing I wanted one, too. Basically, I have reasons to be against him here; but I'm not. Asking for the chop in the first place let them know I was uncomfortable. I get it.

As for the exact amount I don't know, 4-5? When the final table started it was joked about and brought up how the majority at the final table were all in the same stable/backed by Cody. Cody didn't hide this fact and out loud pointed out everyone he has backed one by one; everyone at the final table seemed to be a reg of some sort and no one really felt uncomfortable about any possible softplay/cheating

If something were going on I'd expect the short stacks being backed to get dumped too here. It didn't happen. The short stacks in the stable got in standard spots and were knocked out/doubled, were called off by others in the same stable in standard spots, etc.

So basically, if something were going on they would need everyone in on it, to do so with a level of finesse that other regs never notice, to have not one person out of likely 100s over his lifetime in the stable/backed by Cody to ever get mad and expose them.. it just doesn't seem possible. For those of you have never played southern circuit events, they are SOFT SOFT. A bunch of good regs going deep when they have infinite bullets to try isn't unlikely at all.

by wstanford25 k

I made my first ever post on Jan 16th saying the coin would be releasing soon and 1 more post on the same day promoting as well… Janurary 17th it launched and I made a post saying today was the day it launches then I made a post same day once it launched saying it was live then one showing the progress for the day and I made another post even included in said post I was heavily invested. On January 20th the coin was still doing well and I made another post AFTERT that day there was never another

I have no dog in this "fight"/discussion. What I do have is knowledge in crypto. That is what is GREAT about the blockchain! It does NOT LIE!
Please post your wallet addresses and I am sure there is someone here that will do some "Investigation" into your transactions. Then we will all know 100% what really happened with the Pump and Dump!
Remember the blockchain DOES NOT LIE!

I look forward to your response...

by scooter_banks k

I have no dog in this "fight"/discussion. What I do have is knowledge in crypto. That is what is GREAT about the blockchain! It does NOT LIE!
Please post your wallet addresses and I am sure there is someone here that will do some "Investigation" into your transactions. Then we will all know 100% what really happened with the Pump and Dump!
Remember the blockchain DOES NOT LIE!

I look forward to your response...

finally, we are getting somewhere lol

by tiger24 k

finally, we are getting somewhere lol

11 pages, and I am the first one to mention checking receipts...

Poker players...

The crypto thing was headed by Chase Turnquest (Cashper). AKA - a bum poker player who thought he was the next Phil Ivey. Once he quickly realized that his poker skills were less than your average chimpanzee, he started to shill ShitCoins and screw anyone and everyone he could. Cody got caught up in the hype and paid the price. There were a few friendly casualties along the way, but in no way, shape or form was Cody actively pushing this coin. He believed in it and he was Duped by Chase. This crypto witch hunt should honestly be directed towards Chase more than anyone. But guess what? He fleed the country. Imagine that! ThatÂ’s what scammers do. Cody, on the other hand, has stayed near to his home and hasnÂ’t attempted to hide at all. What does that tell you? Now, back to pokerÂ…. ThereÂ’s really one simple explanation for this and most of yall arenÂ’t gonna like it. Cody has a stable (including Maurice at one time). Not sure why Maurice was ever within 10 miles of Cody because having a guy like Maurice around just screams drama and problems. But it is what it is. Anyway he has a stable full of some of the BEST players in the country, let alone the gulf coast area. And his stable is very VERY good at playing tournament poker (especially once registration ends). Now, they use the structures and rules fully to their advantage. They play aggressive and they rebuy as much as they want because they have the means to. Once they build a formidable stack, the show really begins. And they usually ride that wave to a final table. Or often a win. They are able to do this because the operators and the tourney format allows them to. Anyone else can do this too. But they donÂ’t. Mainly because most people (farmer Joe from Alabama) doesnÂ’t have the means to fire 20 bullets. But Cody and his stable DO have the means to fire however many they want. Does this make them cheaters? lol, absolutely not? Does it give them a MASSIVE advantage over the average player? Of course it does. Would the average player fair better against them if the structure was freezeout style instead of unlimited rebuy? Yes absolutely. But the casinos will never go that route. So Cody and his stable and any other stable like theirs will simply keep crushing. And NOTHING will ever be done about it. Shut up with the cheating non sense. Level up and play better or just stop playing these goofy events with unlimited rebuys. The fish are going to keep getting slaughtered if the events are setup like a slaughterhouse. ItÂ’s that simple. Hopefully this makes sense to all you bozos out there Who think they are cheating. ItÂ’s not cheating when tiger woods is allowed to compete against elementary school kids is it? Or how bout if an NBA all star team is allowed to play a game against your local high school team? Is that cheating? If the rules allow it, then no itÂ’s NOT cheating. But clearly when the skill advantage is insanely superior, youÂ’re going to see the same 5-20 guys win all the time. Like I said many times, farmer Joe and his 1 or 2 bullets have NO shot long term against Cody and the stable. Just literally ZERO chance (long term). Never gonna happen. So they need to either adjust or quit. But cheating allegations against players who are far superior is absolutely ludicrous. Have a great day everyone!

another new account character witness lol

by tiger24 k

another new account character witness lol

Like it or not, if you have an ounce of common sense, then it shouldn’t take you long to realize everything I mentioned is true. That simple
