President Elon Musk
He probably deserves his own thread at this point, discuss accordingly
Question for mods only:
can we change the name of this thread to "Elon Musk Conspiracy Threads"

Sure 99% chance purely coincidental, 1% deliberate troll. That’s as generous as I can be.
Well the ADL seems to agree with you but Elon seems fully capable and has the personality that would make him want to do this just to piss people off - which would also be dumb because this will very likely hurt w/e reputation he had going in.
The point is that this move isn't going to fuel up the gas chambers, or even become a thing the mother ****ing sig gets hijacked to troll the libs, its just going to make him look like an even bigger ass clown. But it will be one of about 1000x continuous troll jobs over the next 4 years that will no doubt **** up the mental stability of its customers watching this ****.
Most people interpreted it as a sign of appreciation and Love to the people who voted for President Trump.
You have no idea how most people interpreted it, in spite of the fact that you undoubtedly think you do.
It was a stupid thing to do, given the whole Nazi angle. But without that angle it still was stupid. He looked ridiculous.
But it has been hilarious watching you drooltards fall all over yourselves to explain it away as something innocent. You ******s are going to destroy everything by constantly felating Trump and giving him a pass on every single thing he does.
You guys have provided literally zero videos of someone performing a sig heil. Just images of people making gestures that distinctly aren't sig heils
This is the level of honest everyone expects but it still bears mentioning.
I even begged you yesterday to provide 2 video examples of the apparent millions of unfortunate examples
Again, post two videos of accidental sig heils that stand up to side by side comparison. Please? Pretty please? Just 2. Even 1 is a step in the right direction....
But, can you find even one?
Reminder, the salute is a movement, not just a position. Still images cannot demonstrate a movement.
You guys have provided literally zero videos of someone performing a sig heil. Just images of people making gestures that distinctly aren't sig heils
This is the level of honest everyone expects but it still bears mentioning.
I even begged you yesterday to provide 2 video examples of the apparent millions of unfortunate examples
Again, post two videos of accidental sig heils that stand up to side by side comparison. Please? Pretty please? Just 2. Even 1 is a step in the right direction....
I provided one above of AOC doing it, not once, but twice.
coordi provided an IMAGE of what it looks like.
Perhaps would've been better if they provided a VIDEO in order to get this point across.
Intentionally misgendering? OK we're doing that then.
Well little girl, I don't care what was provided. That does not change that the salute is a movement not a position, does it, little girl?
If you can't post a video of someone doing it, then fine, you're just wrong and lying. Sorry if that ruffles your feathers, little girl.
Intentionally misgendering? OK we're doing that then.
Well little girl, I don't care what was provided. That does not change that the salute is a movement not a position, does it, little girl?
If you can't post a video of someone doing it, then fine, you're just wrong and lying. Sorry if that ruffles your feathers, little girl.
creepy. @fbi
Reminder, the salute is a movement, not just a position. Still images cannot demonstrate a movement.
I'm sorry but I think you might be preaching to the wrong crowd
Being a full-blown Nazi apologist has got to feel a little weird, right? I know I would feel conflicted about it.
I'd feel bad about minimizing or devaluing the horrible things the Nazi party did in WW2 by likening them to present day people's hand movements.
Kids in woke education these days:
"I keep hearing about some people called Nazi. You know what it is?"
"Ya it's this group of people that raise their hand at a 45 degree angle. Apparently they are really bad people"
"Doesn't sound that bad. I wonder why people hate them so much"
"Not sure but let's be sure to keep our hands down so we don't get lumped in with that group"
You like aoc, so her hand movements are acceptable.
You don't like elon, so his hand movements aren't acceptable.
They actually aren't even close to similar but I understand you have to do this pathetic song and dance because introspection is hard, especially when that introspection is about what a horrible moron you are
Much easier to dig in your heels and go full blown jackboot gooner for the lolz than personal growth.
They actually aren't even close to similar but I understand you have to do this pathetic song and dance because introspection is hard, especially when that introspection is about what a horrible moron you are
Much easier to dig in your heels and go full blown jackboot gooner for the lolz than personal growth.
Imagine having such a lame life that you make stuff up on the internet to create controversy and give yourself pleasure. I feel sorry for you and it's too bad the government subsidies are being cut back so your free loading won't continue.
I'm sorry but I think you might be preaching to the wrong crowd
No, I was properly addressing my target, but thank you.
Where does she put her hand on her heart like Elon? (She doesn’t.). You are such a disingenuous *******. No wonder you love Trump.
Good point. The original Nazi salute as performed by real Nazis in WW11 didn't include putting a hand on the heart.
So The AOC salute is much closer to the real thing than Elon's.