President Elon Musk

President Elon Musk

He probably deserves his own thread at this point, discuss accordingly

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21 December 2024 at 02:21 PM

1231 Replies


by rickroll k

if you meet someone who works for UNICEF or the Red Cross abroad you can be assured they make middle 6 figures and their housing, insurance, tuition, and staff costs are all taken care of - it's pretty astounding to see what those ngo people ad civil servants are paid

I have some insight to what the large international relief organizations pay US expats. I can assure you that while some may be paid mid 6 figures (I assume you mean in the $150k range not $500k, because if you think that you are totally off your rocker), the vast majority are easily below $100k. The add-ons can be pretty sweet, though.

by Didace k

I have some insight to what the large international relief organizations pay US expats. I can assure you that while some may be paid mid 6 figures (I assume you mean in the $150k range not $500k, because if you think that you are totally off your rocker), the vast majority are easily below $100k. The add-ons can be pretty sweet, though.

cost of living in most of those areas is redicolously lower than in the USA (and you get food and housing for free anyway usually), and it's often tax-exempt salaries, and we are talking people with insane leftist degrees that are mostly unemployable in the actual economy outside of made-up jobs linked to regulation (like HR, "environmental sustainability", and other fake jobs), which are hopefully going to be destroyed as well.

We are talking an entire class of marxist parasites created by marxist academia, it's fundamental to burn it all down

by Luciom k

cost of living in most of those areas is redicolously lower than in the USA (and you get food and housing for free anyway usually), and it's often tax-exempt salaries, and we are talking people with insane leftist degrees that are mostly unemployable in the actual economy outside of made-up jobs linked to regulation (like HR, "environmental sustainability", and other fake jobs), which are hopefully going to be destroyed as well.

We are talking an entire class of marxist parasites created by marxi

Well, lets put How International Relief Agencies Work down in the Things The Colonel Doesn't Know Anything About list.

by Didace k

I have some insight to what the large international relief organizations pay US expats. I can assure you that while some may be paid mid 6 figures (I assume you mean in the $150k range not $500k, because if you think that you are totally off your rocker), the vast majority are easily below $100k. The add-ons can be pretty sweet, though.

bruh, once you include housing, tuition for 80k a year international schools for their kids, paid live in maids and cooks, full time private chauffer, security detail etc it's deep into the mid 6 figures

and none of them are taking in less than 6 figs in actual take home pay 150k is the floor - i have family members in the federal government doing work abroad, they are all killing it living like british viceroys of india

it was mind blowing going to the homes and apartments of people who worked at ngos in Beijing because they all had these palacial apartments big enough to have bedrooms to house the staff where they were out of the way and unobtrusive - once i looked up what the rent in that building was and it was over 12k usd a month - it was the head of the red cross

the hockey league and softball league i played in was mostly embassy/ngo people and a big part of the logistics of making it all happen was the ngo people in the leagues would convert their personal drivers into league shuttle services helping non expat package people like me get rides to sometimes distant locations to play our games

So, the solution to a handful of folks that might be overpaid is to suspend humanitarian aid across the world. Souless mf'ers.

Hello US poker players,

Are any of you libertarian/right-leaning tech/bitcoin bro types realising that your country is experiencing a fascist coup? Any ideas on whether it will be stopped?
I'm worried about its effect on the rest of the world.

regards, a citizen of the world that the US dominates

edited: sorry, was tilted by the fascist coup.

by Luciom k

So the DOGE killer team is spearheaded by 6 IQ 160+ perma-online zoomers

Those are my tribe, libertarian leaning techno-optimist rightwing young smart men. Hope they'll have no mercy hunting down the biggest enemy of society, government bureaucracy.

(they are all volunteers for DOGE btw, there is no budget. Ofc they might have other roles somewhere else or musk might fund them with any of his 1281203 entities, but they aren't paid by taxpayers)

Now we have a handful of keyboard jockeys under the will of the king of grift and his megalomaniac sidekick.

What could go wrong? Everything.

It won't be long at all before money starts getting funneled into the bank accounts of both of them. They are firing anyone that serves in an oversight role. Gone. Who's gonna do anything about it? FBI? Justice Dept.? Oh hell no. He's stuck his toadies in every powerful position. And, let's remember the supreme court of toadies gave him blanket immunity even if someone decides to make his grift public. I doubt that happens anyway, his "law enforcement" agencies will just toss them in prison.

This is royally ****ed up.

by Keruli k

Hello US poker players,

Are any of you libertarian/right-leaning techno/bitcoin bros realising that your country is experiencing a fascist coup? Any ideas on whether it will be stopped?
I'm worried about its effect on the rest of the world.

regards, a citizen of the world you dominate

Yep. Unfortunately there's a bunch of folks here that think it's great.

I don't think it can be stopped.

by biggerboat k

So, the solution to a handful of folks that might be overpaid is to suspend humanitarian aid across the world. Souless mf'ers.

Governments shouldn't do charity domestically , and even less internationally.

You think some aid is moral and good? donate your own money to whatever institution you think will help the people you think deserve help.

That will allow competitions, both among beneficiaries of the help and among suppliers. You will then decide if the institution organizing "black history month" parties in Kenya for their employees is a good use of your charity money or not. And you will be the sole judge of that.

WHY, for the grace of God, do you want to donate other people money toward stuff other people disagree with? why do you even think you have a right to do that to begin with?

by biggerboat k

Now we have a handful of keyboard jockeys under the will of the king of grift and his megalomaniac sidekick.

What could go wrong? Everything.

It won't be long at all before money starts getting funneled into the bank accounts of both of them. They are firing anyone that serves in an oversight role. Gone. Who's gonna do anything about it? FBI? Justice Dept.? Oh hell no. He's stuck his toadies in every powerful position. And, let's remember the supreme court of toadies gave him blanket immun

The probability of random high IQ rightwing leaning people doing worse than leftist bureaucrats is close to 0% for any task

by Luciom k

Governments shouldn't do charity domestically , and even less internationally.

You think some aid is moral and good? donate your own money to whatever institution you think will help the people you think deserve help.

That will allow competitions, both among beneficiaries of the help and among suppliers. You will then decide if the institution organizing "black history month" parties in Kenya for their employees is a good use of your charity money or not. And you will be the sole judge of that.


I can't explain something like this to someone that has no soul.

by rickroll k

bruh, once you include housing, tuition for 80k a year international schools for their kids, paid live in maids and cooks, full time private chauffer, security detail etc it's deep into the mid 6 figures

and none of them are taking in less than 6 figs in actual take home pay 150k is the floor - i have family members in the federal government doing work abroad, they are all killing it living like british viceroys of india

it was mind blowing going to the homes and apartments of people who worked at

And even when a tad underpaid vs the picture you present (which applies to senior/very senior position), even at the entry level, you are generating a class of parasites whose only interest in their whole life will be to increase the amount of money the government spends without oversight, because *they are the beneficiaries*.

by Luciom k

The probability of random high IQ rightwing leaning people doing worse than leftist bureaucrats is close to 0% for any task

Not if they are lying grifting scumbags.

by biggerboat k

I can't explain something like this to someone that has no soul.

Why do you think you have the right to impose your moral preferences on others, about what is a soul, who and how much deserves help, and so on?

why don't you live morally per your definition as much as you can, and try to convince others nonviolently of the probity of your values, instead of using the state to force violently others to donate for what you consider moral?

by Luciom k

Governments shouldn't do charity domestically , and even less internationally.

It's not zero sum. Helping to stop the rest of the world from becoming a hell hole is good for the US. But I understand that hard-core libertarians don't have the capacity to understand that. So carry on.

by Didace k

It's not zero sum. Helping to stop the rest of the world from becoming a hell hole is good for the US. But I understand that hard-core libertarians don't have the capacity to understand that. So carry on.

There are interventions that are positive sums. Or that probably avoid bigger costs down the line. Like helping Ukraine.

Those which help the population of very poor countries explode clearly aren't among them. Especially if you believe we don't have infinite resources on this planet. Especially if you then believe that these countries which got 5x in population in 100 years will then need even more help to avoid most of them dying.

It's actually very probable that it's better for the USA if those populations settle at much lower levels.

I thought I'd catch up to see how Trump voters feel about the speed with which he and his associates are attempting to do things he definitely wouldn't (succeed at), according to them, based on his previous term. All I see is mr libertarian saying the exact same thing over and over again, completely indifferent to the real damage that is currently being done to real people (in the not-even-worst-case scenario where services are actually being gutted, rather than data and funds stolen as part as a techbro coup d'etât everyone is passively watching in real time).

by Luciom k

Governments shouldn't do charity domestically , and even less internationally.

You think some aid is moral and good? donate your own money to whatever institution you think will help the people you think deserve help.

That will allow competitions, both among beneficiaries of the help and among suppliers. You will then decide if the institution organizing "black history month" parties in Kenya for their employees is a good use of your charity money or not. And you will be the sole judge of that.


Global power tbh

The reason to do aid is to gain soft and hard power. It's what China do, in a much more weaponised fashion, and, they have grown in global power as a result

by Luciom k

There are interventions that are positive sums. Or that probably avoid bigger costs down the line. Like helping Ukraine.

Those which help the population of very poor countries explode clearly aren't among them. Especially if you believe we don't have infinite resources on this planet. Especially if you then believe that these countries which got 5x in population in 100 years will then need even more help to avoid most of them dying.

It's actually very probable that it's better for the USA if those

The best way to reduce population growth is to increase standard of living. To do that requires the base commodities all successful economies have: abundant fresh water and cheap clean energy.

None of the assistance I've seen claimed is directed toward these essential commodities.

Currently the cheapest clean energy available is nuclear, but no chance in hell US would ever assist in that regard.

Egypt has moved forward perhaps as aggressively as any 3rd world nation in obtaining abundant fresh water, but US has provided almost no material assistance in that area.

by Doctor Zeus k

Global power tbh

The reason to do aid is to gain soft and hard power. It's what China do, in a much more weaponised fashion, and, they have grown in global power as a result

Notice how we aren't discussing stuff like the IMF or WB, which are the american /western equivalents of the silk&road.

We aren't talking about helping financing and building infrastructures in very poor countries so that their mines and their ports are connected and they can sell us more stuff we need.

We aren't talking about helping a country install telecom equipment to get better internet access and "join the first world" in that aspect.

We aren't talking about helping a poor country we have business with after a dramatic natural disaster hits.

Notice how transparently self-interested "help" can exist, without being charity (and you can construe it as loans with good conditions, actually you should, and/or equity interests depending on the circumstances).

No, we are talking spreading leftism in their schools. Financing "trans right activists" when women don't even have full rights. Keeping a group of people in "refugee status" for 70 years.

We stopped linking aid to actual geopolitical power projection a while ago, Aid these days is *woke/marxist power projections against the interests of the west*.

The international aid apparatus is the backbone of international, globalized leftism. Most of the major figures who end up ruling upon us in the UN and other "international organizations" all come from that cesspool.

Guterres, one of the worst leaders of the movement i am describing, one of the most dangerous people in the world for anyone on the right, was "high commissioner for refugees" for 10 years before leading the UN.

Refugee management being the spearhead of the leftist agenda as we all know, financed by the USA to a great deal. Uncountable disasters in first world countries have followed the weaponization of refugees by the left.

That's the kind of "aid" which not only doesn't increment soft or hard western power, but is actuall used as a lethal weapon against us.


Try to defend every single aid intervention in terms of american advantages and we have a conversation. But as you can see ITT already, they defend them with "you need a soul" or "avoiding other places becoming hellholes"

Yup, the Haiti "aid" graft for example.

To provide true assistance to 3rd world means less dependency on west, in particular US.

Powerful people like dependency.

by Luciom k

No, we are talking spreading leftism in their schools.

Once again, you are the only person talking about the small slice of something you want to rail against.

by Didace k

Once again, you are the only person talking about the small slice of something you want to rail against.

Doesn't look like i am the only one.

I think the Musk cucks are worse than the Trump cucks.

by Luciom k

There are interventions that are positive sums. Or that probably avoid bigger costs down the line. Like helping Ukraine.

Those which help the population of very poor countries explode clearly aren't among them. Especially if you believe we don't have infinite resources on this planet. Especially if you then believe that these countries which got 5x in population in 100 years will then need even more help to avoid most of them dying.

It's actually very probable that it's better for the USA if those

Poverty causes population explosions. Assistance has helped many developing countries out of that kind of poverty and their population growth has declined. In 1960 South Korea was one of, if not the, poorest countries in the world. It had a fertility rate higher than Nigeria's is now. Through decades of development which included lots of aid from the US (and tariffs to protect their infant industry), it's become wealthy and has the lowest fertility rate of any country in the world now.
