President Donald J. Trump (for Trumper supporters)
I was able to fix the thread title by creating a new thread. Howboudat
as long as republicans hold both houses there's nothing he can do that will get him impeached.
That is what the first letter said on paper.
It was clearly not the intent of the directive, as was clarified in the letter response to the first resignation in which the Acting AG accused the line assistants of various types of misconduct, placed them on leave, and clearly stated that he felt the case was week and only pushed through for political purposes.
That is what the first letter said on paper.
It was clearly not the intent of the directive, as was clarified in the letter response to the first resignation in which the Acting AG accused the line assistants of various types of misconduct, placed them on leave, and clearly stated that he felt the case was week and only pushed through for political purposes.
ah i had missed that follow up, thx
Trump hangs his mugshot in the White House.
Trump is so much sharper his second time around. He would ramble with nonsense in his first Presidency. He is on top of all subjects now. He has the chance to be the greatest President of all time.
I don't give Playbig much credit, but I do believe even he isn't silly enough to swallow an actual horse pill, and neither are 99.9% of the people.
Ivermectin was approved for humans in 1987 has has been used in people ever since.
What is ivermectin?
Ivermectin is an anti-parasite medication used to treat parasitic diseases. It is FDA approved for use in humans to treat a variety of parasitic infections including parasitic worms, hookworm and whipworm. Ivermectin may also be used as an effective treatment for a wide range of other conditions and as a treatment of onchocerciasis, intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis or river blindness.
The antiviral activity of Ivermectin has been shown against a wide range of RNA and DNA viruses, for example, dengue, Zika, yellow fever, and others.
Ivermectin and Covid-19 Treatment
Ivermectin is currently being investigated in a clinical trial as a potential COVID-19 treatment for the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Virus, which is the virus that causes COVID-19. The FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19 infection in humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommend not to use ivermectin in patients with COVID-19 to reduce viral replication, except in clinical trials.
Many doctors have been using it on covid patients with great success. Notice the last sentence of who's against using it, two corrupt agencies. This is why Trump just ended all ties with the WHO and it's why Bobby's gonna be cleaning out the FDA.
I said I didn't think you were advocating horse pills. (Although that's what some people did.)
Many people recover by staying home and drinking water. What's your point?
For parasites.
Many doctors have been using it on covid patients with great success. Notice the last sentence of who's against using it, two corrupt agencies. This is why Trump just ended all ties with the WHO and it's why Bobby's gonna be cleaning out the FDA.
There is no evidence ivermectin improves outcomes significantly for covid patients. None. Anecdotes are not evidence.
There is no evidence ivermectin improves outcomes significantly for covid patients. None. Anecdotes are not evidence.
If I remember correctly, there was one study that show significant improvement for men in rural India. It attributed the improvement to the body no longer needing to fight parasites so the men became healthier in general.
If I remember correctly, there was one study that show significant improvement for men in rural India. It attributed the improvement to the body no longer needing to fight parasites so the men became healthier in general.
No others who read the studies made that connection (the idea came up because ivermectin kept showing results in third world countries and not in first world ones). IIRC it was Scott Alexander who did first.
If I remember correctly, there was one study that show significant improvement for men in rural India. It attributed the improvement to the body no longer needing to fight parasites so the men became healthier in general.
You are exactly correct. Ivermectin is extremely effective against parasites.
No i mean it wasn't the study that made that causal attribution, rather a later re-reading of studies by other people.
Basically we had months with a lot of studies showing modest or decent effects , but all in the third world, and that's what legitimately made people crazy that MSM was denying it.
Later the connection you mentioned was made which attempted to explain why that had happened.
Ivermectin was used to kill parasites among other ailments.
Have you've ever heard of the medical term "off label"?
Off-label drug use refers to the practice of prescribing a drug for a different purpose than what the FDA approved. This practice is called “off-label” because the drug is being used in a way not described on its package insert. This insert is known as its “label.”
It's very common for doctors to prescribe a drug for something other than what it was classified to do. Tons of medications are used on more than one condition.
What type of evidence were you looking to see? Did you prefer there was a double blind placebo study that was done over 2 years showing it's safe for covid patients, while people were dying every day?
We were in the middle of the biggest pandemic we've ever experienced, with the world shut down. A lot of doctors were claiming the majority of their patients (if not all) recovered shortly after starting it (just like hydroxychloroquine). So you're argument is, since these are just anecdotes, all the front line doctors could be lying so we have to stop other doctors from trying it?
Ivermectin was used to kill parasites among many other ailments.
Have you've ever heard of the medical term "off label"?
It's very common for doctors to prescribe a drug for something other than what it was classified to do. Tons of medications are used on more than one condition.
What type of evidence were you looking to see? Did you prefer there was a double blind placebo study that was done over 2 years showing it's safe for covid patients, while people were dying every day?
We were in the
Don't try to pretend you have any medical education again. It's embarrassing.
I'm looking for any evidence that it improves outcomes. There is none. Only anecdotes. I couldn't be more clear.
Why are non-Trump supporters in here? If Trump supporters aren't going to listen to or heed advice from the other side, as has often been claimed, why post anything in this thread? Seems silly to me.
Don't try to pretend you have any medical education again. It's embarrassing.
I'm looking for any evidence that it improves outcomes. There is none. Only anecdotes. I couldn't be more clear.
No one needs a medical degree to understand this.
I'm trying to understand your point. If you were a front line doctor in the middle of the pandemic and some other front line doctors that you know said to you "Hey man, I've been prescribing Ivermectin and Hydroxycholriquine and guess what all 300 patients I gave it to got better right away" ... Are you really saying that you would start waving your arms up in the air saying "No! That drugs meant for parasites! There's no way I would try it! I need hard proof and evidence that it works! What you're saying just anecdotal!"
Why are non-Trump supporters in here? If Trump supporters aren't going to listen to or heed advice from the other side, as has often been claimed, why post anything in this thread? Seems silly to me.
Because the whole idea of separating out Trump supporters from others is ridiculous to start with. As you can see it doesn't work and it just makes the forum a confusing mess.
Why are non-Trump supporters in here? If Trump supporters aren't going to listen to or heed advice from the other side, as has often been claimed, why post anything in this thread? Seems silly to me.
My posts were moved here and I had no idea that's what this thread was. I've never intentionally posted here. I'll see myself out. No interest in talking to these people and I hope my posts don't get moved here in the future.
My posts were moved here and I had no idea that's what this thread was. I've never intentionally posted here. I'll see myself out. No interest in talking to these people and I hope my posts don't get moved here in the future.
"these people" were only trying to educate you and wake you up. What you're saying doesn't make any sense, but you don't care, because no matter what happens, "orange man bad"!
Best regards, I didn't mean to embarrass you with your ignorance.
"these people" were only trying to educate you and wake you up. What you're saying doesn't make any sense, but you don't care, because no matter what happens, "orange man bad"!
Best regards, I didn't mean to embarrass you with your ignorance.
Yeah, it's funny that he ran away when I offered to post some evidence of Ivermectin being beneficial for covid.
Trump fired people responsible for the safety of the nuclear arsenal because the administration is incredibly idiotic and is desperate to get people back, but canceled their email and is having trouble getting in touch with them.
Damn Trump, Elon, and all of their supporters are just mindbogglingly stupid.
Oh Come on! Trump is doing a terrific job. He should be on Mount Rushmore sooner than later. Isn't it refreshing to see him on a daily basis getting things done and being transparent about it? I think the Democrats are being poor sports as usual. Trump and Musk have said that mistakes will be made in this process. They also said they would immediately fix these mistakes.
I'll tell you what was stupid. Running a 82 year old guy with dementia for a second term and then replacing him with a woman who clearly was in over her head.
I'm not a Democrat.
Sure. Just picture if Biden had Bill Gates running the show and firing people without knowing what their actual job is first and putting the country in danger. I'm sure you would have been just fine with it.
Biden had social media running the show and censoring people left and right for years (and this is exceptionally more important than firing federal employees, as being a federal employee isn't protected by any part of the constitution, while the 1a protects against government censorship).
among the censored people there were heroes who, if listened to, would have saved countless lives, like Jay Bhattacharya.
thankfully Trump nominated him as head of NIH (arguably a position in actuality more important than that of RFK) , confirmation should happen soon.
ofc it would be hard to find a straight equivalence with firing: if anything the democrats randomly hire people in the public sector even if useless or damaging to society, that's what they do as a core, fundamental part of their existence.
so the equivalence has to be found in abuses by public employees toward the population, and there were countless of them during democrat administrations.
we still didn't forget when the Obama admin directed the IRS to target right-wing NGOs (then lost in court for massive damage).