POG PUB 2025: About damn time. For a lot of things. But not everything.
Happy New Year, everyone.
I'll let you all mentally fill in the categories in the title.
booing the national anthem??!! how dare they! :p
I heard the rule in hockey is you have to take off your gloves to punch someone, cuz the gloves will cause too much damage
they used to take helmets off too but that is not allowed anymore so you'll see when it's a planned fight (first two definitely appear that way) they'll set the helmets to fall off at the slightest motion
I'm probably way too high to be posting, and this thought should be filtered out of sharing lol but......
it's bizarre to think some guys were ****ing around and decided to make up a game about skating around on the ice and trying to hit something into a goal.... but it evolved to include "well... yeah, every now and then things are just gonna get so heated that you have to punch each other in the face. and that will just be part of the game??????? but can't have toooooooooo much damage, so just gotta take off the dangerous gloves. but yeah punching each other in the face over and over that's ok. cuz that has to be included into a game about ice skating and hitting a puck"
how does it rate for pedestrian safety? reliability? affordibality? aesthetics? fascism?
Who cares other than Elon sycophants? The number of times I've looked at or known the safety rating of a vehicle I owned is exactly zero point zero.
It's a Gremlin sir
how does it rate for pedestrian safety? reliability? affordibality? aesthetics? fascism?
It has great pedestrian safely scores. It's got 8 cameras looking for them with automatic avoidance and emergency braking.
And people love them. I see a bunch of them driving around every day. I assume you do too. I love all the different wraps.
My very first vehicle was a Pinto Station Wagon. It threw a rod on I-75 and caught on fire.
My best friend's mom had a Gremlin that you could see through most of the floor.
They don't make 'em like they used to.
My mom had a gremlin. We had to reach out and manually give the windshield wipers a little help getting started. Do not recommend.
my gf is obsessed with deals and coupons. every now and then i'll say something like "mark would be impressed" and she'll be like "who the hell is mark?"
my gf is obsessed with deals and coupons. every now and then i'll say something like "mark would be impressed" and she'll be like "who the hell is mark?"
Tell her about the Chick-fil-a deals! I've eaten 100's of free chicken sandwiches. I haven't paid for one in years.
There is actually a subreddit about it: https://old.reddit.com/r/ChickFilAforSoC...
Southern California - CFA Gives out free chicken sandwiches every time:
LA Clippers- At any home game, if the visiting team misses 2 consecutive free throws in the 4th quarter, everyone receives a free Original Chick-fil-A® Sandwich. Claim by 1159pm.
Anaheim Ducks- At any home game, if the Ducks score 5 or more goals, everyone receives a free Original Chick-fil-A® Sandwich. Claim by 1159pm.
LAFC- At any home game, if LAFC wins, everyone receives a free Original Chick-fil-A® Sandwich. Claim by 1159
awesome thanks!
i heard there's a 3 something % chance that a big asteroid hits the earth in 2032. it was 2% and keeps getting upgraded. i think i heard it's the biggest asteroid threat that we've known about
I believe the thing is only meters across. The one that killed the dinosaurs was like kilometers across. Plus they downgraded the threat again.
The robots are loose!
They sent her to drumming school and she doesn't play like that anymore sadface