POG PUB 2025: About damn time. For a lot of things. But not everything.
Happy New Year, everyone.
I'll let you all mentally fill in the categories in the title.
Saw they’re closing Skype up and reminded me of old POG Skype days.
Hope everyone is doing well <3
it's been so long, he's now oldguns
I once shipped a gorgeous two-volume leather-bound edition of Human Action by Ludwig von Mises to Germany to pay off a debt to clowntable.
Good deal for me imo, I was already past my Austrian School of Economics phase.
bought the car!
spent alomst 4 hours in the dealership. no idea why. i paid in full upfront. didn't want to test drive. didn't want to shop, or learn anything about the car. i told them before hand i want to be in and out as quickly as possible. no financing. no nothing. just give me the car, take my money, and let me leave.
idk how people do these things. i'd rather chop off an arm than do that again
bought the car!
spent alomst 4 hours in the dealership. no idea why. i paid in full upfront. didn't want to test drive. didn't want to shop, or learn anything about the car. i told them before hand i want to be in and out as quickly as possible. no financing. no nothing. just give me the car, take my money, and let me leave.
idk how people do these things. i'd rather chop off an arm than do that again
Congrats on the new Tesla!
How much of that 4 hours did they spend trying to sell you an extended warranty or other completely unnecessary crap?
ETA: Should have bought a Hyundai on Amazon.
they barely spent any time trying to sell me stuff. idk why it took so long.
one thing that pissed me off though... chase bank. I'm ashamed I bank with them. I want to bank with a credit union, but I can't cuz I don't have a job. and idk where my social security card is. and cuz of terrorism, I have to have a job or a social security card to get a bank account.
so I can bank with chase just cuz they bought first republic who I had an account with before terrorism. but they went under cuz of crypto scam at silicon valley bank. and they geographically close lol
so anyway.... I have a checking account at scum of the earth corporation chase bank. but they don't want you using checks FOR THE CHECKING ACCOUNT... so I had to go into a branch and pay them to print me some personal checks. then I go to the car dealership and write a check for the car... and the bank turns it down cuz it's for too much money... my money, that I put in their bank, that they use to ruin the world and make themselves more money... they refused to honor the check that they sold me, and to let me spend my own money, which is the whole ****ing reason for the ****ing bank!!!!!!
so I had to go from the dealership to the bank and buy a cashier's check
trying to sleep last night, I realized I was traumatized from being at the dealership. I feel like it's concentrate of everything wrong with our society
On the bright side, you shouldn't have to do that again for at least 10 years, assuming no more crashes. Pretty sure I'm set on my vehicle until the self driving capabilities are significantly upgraded. Then that should be the last new vehicle for me.
I went for the extended warranty on my Tucson. If one piece of electronics goes out in years 6-10 it will have been worth it and the entire vehicle is gadgets on gadgets. I can't even merge left without the sensors because you can't see **** out the driver's side. Amazing vehicle tho.
On the bright side, you shouldn't have to do that again for at least 10 years, assuming no more crashes. Pretty sure I'm set on my vehicle until the self driving capabilities are significantly upgraded. Then that should be the last new vehicle for me.
I could have easily kept my Kia Rio for the rest of my life. it had only 30k miles on it. I kinda planned on it. but when my gf crashed my car, that sealed the deal.
it's gonna suck when she asks to drive this one. probably i'll say no for the first handful of times, and then give in. then she'll crash this one too.
I went for the extended warranty on my Tucson. If one piece of electronics goes out in years 6-10 it will have been worth it and the entire vehicle is gadgets on gadgets. I can't even merge left without the sensors because you can't see **** out the driver's side. Amazing vehicle tho.
seems like they only offer deals that are worth it by mistake, like casinos. or I guess the very rare promotional deal, that is worth it.
I'm assuming you'll be better off time/hassle wise if nothing ever goes wrong, but I'm sure it will feel so good to go in and get free repair for something that would have been really expensive
me and the dog walked 58 miles in the last 2 weeks.
I often think about tbob walking the trail. did you do like 20 miles a day? or something unimaginable like that?
like 50k steps a day! lmao
at 53 and 11 months, with bad knees, I'm probably too old to do a walk like that.
I saw some trail that goes through NM, CO, WY, and MT... I didn't know there was such a trail. seems pretty awesome
I'm scared to tell you... that I traded it in at the dealership and got totally exploited by them.
I just didn't want to deal with the hassle of selling it(or even fixing the mirror, which probably cost me like 2k of trade in value)
but in my defense, this whole thing almost gave me a legit nervous breakdown, and gf too. so just having it be done with has a ton of value for me. and her too
like I was already missing work cuz of it. would have had to miss more, and maybe a stay in the mental hospital. that costs a lot more than the price of a 2016 Kia Rio
A valid point! Mental health is important. 😀
Hyundai already covers drivetrain for ten years so their extended warranty covers the rest of the car and was quite reasonable.
What is not reasonable is TWO videos of raccoons chasing people INTO THEIR HOUSES to extract inscrutable raccoon revenge in today's Daily Dose. Don't tell me about not all raccoons I am not hearing it.
I encountered a raccoon in my backyard. I waved my hands over my head and yelled at it. It proceeded to take two steps toward me.
(I mentioned this in a many years old pub)
when I was a kid(elementary school age) I was too stupid to understand danger. I would yell and charge raccoons all the time. they always backed off
looks like pure evil in his eyes. like some Ted Bundy ****