100k Profit at MTT's
Hello All,
This is a simple thread. Make 100k profit from mtt's. I got laid off from my job a couple of months ago and ha
Thing of beauty, smooth sailing, up only

Very solid month. Grinded my ass off and was my highest volume month so far. Was over 1k entries when I include untracked sites to this( lost some over there but not gonna include it in my sharkscope as I couldn't be bothered with the extra work. I'll tally up a total when i'm nearing the 100k milestone and get an exact number).
Overall very happy with my performance. Looking forward to what February has in store. More study. More icm drilling. More meditation. More exercise. (Hopefully) more $$$.
Very solid month. Grinded my ass off and was my highest volume month so far. Was over 1k entries when I include untracked sites to this( lost some over there but not gonna include it in my sharkscope as I couldn't be bothered with the extra work. I'll tally up a total when i'm nearing the 100k milestone and get an exact number).
Overall very happy with my performance. Looking forward to what February has in store. More study. More icm drilling. More meditation. More exercise. (Hopefully
how much is your turbo/hyper turbo %? sick volume
Maybe 3-8% turbo/hyper. Vast majority of those are satties. Yea finally starting to multitable a bit more and feeling comfortable with it. The US sites are really good right now. Club wpt gold is being released right now too so the US online poker market looking great at the minute(no jinx).
Do you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to save you?
Volume hasn't been amazing this month as I took a few days off for the superbowl. Went to the borgata in Atlantic City and had a lot of fun. Back on the grind now and ready to study and play a ton. Last night I had a pretty sick spot in a $99 mystery bounty 30k gtd on global. It was a grizzly series event. Was 2/45 ITM with all the big bounties still in play(was 54 paid). Was a funny kind of tournament as I kept losing all the all ins vs shorties but winning every other pot. With 12 left I was able to apply a lot of icm pressure and chipped up to 2x second place stack w 10 left. Some guy really luckboxed the bounties and won 4 out of the top 5 for $6,800 in bounties. Pretty sick. I picked up 3 more bounties on the ft but all were mostly min or 2nd min bounties. Ran good though and managed to get HU vs a reg. I had this guy all in and at risk 7x in the tournament and couldn't win once unfortunately. Losing HU really sucked but what can you do? $2,625 total so a fine score. Some sick variance in these MB's. The guy who finished 5th won 3x what I did for coming second. And I won more bounties than him. Sick format but they are a lot of fun tbh.
Today is the last day of the Global series so gonna put in a good grind today and try and finish out strong. Then tomorrow another session and a day off on Tuesday. Coaching session wednesday followed by group study session. Want to make sure I get in 800 total entries by the end of this month. Given I had a few days off i'm still on track to reach that number.
GL to everyone grinding today on a big Sunday
Some scores in February:

Yesterday was a long Sunday session. Played from 2pm to 1am and man was it a grind. Was stuck quite a bit but managed to almost save the day with the $55 deep freeze on global. A 3rd place score there for $740. Didn't play my best 4 handed at the latter end of a long day but oh well it happens. Also cashed the $109 150k gtd on chico for $214. Bricked most of the rest of the day for a loss of -$150 even.
Just finished up a shorter monday session. Waited till my last table of the day for an ft. The $22 7k gtd on chico. There was $1,750 up top and I was able to get a double up very first hand of the ft. I opened utg AKo and beluga whale flatted BTN. I c bet small on AK3fd and they just ripped it in like 4x pot. I snap they show ATdd and are pretty much dead to backdoors. That propelled me up to 55bb and 2/8. I played really good from here and was able to chip up nicely. One big hand was where I 4b jammed A4s vs the chipleader. They were on my direct left and I knew I had to do it as he was way out of line. Also all the ft sims I study pretty much love the suited wheel Ax for jamming this spot as a bluff. This meant that I took a slight chiplead and they stoppped f'cking around with the small 3bets vs my opens. I also 4b non all in KK vs a Brazilian spazz merchant but unfortunately he didn't 5b jam. The Beluga whale from earlier was also just open jamming 2x per orbit and had chipped back up to 25bb. The pot that decided my whole fate was the following:
6 handed and I have 2 to 1 chiplead vs second place. LJ opens. Zero icm awareness and opening too much. I flat HJ AJcc... Think in hindsight I prefer 3b but I get to flat here a lot also. Guy played weak postflop also so that also helps with EV of flat. Folds to Beluga whale who rips it in again for 25bb. LJ snap folds (surprise surprise) and I have a decision. It's a snap fold vs any sort of decent range in FT ICM. But vs this guy who's jamming 2x per orbit( He open jammed 15-27bb 3x on the ft and many more times final two tables), it's a bit closer. If I call and win, we are 5 handed and I have 55% of chips in play with 4 similar shorter stacks for the villains. Future game would be really good for me as I would get to put a lot of pressure on. But if I call and lose then i'm back in the pack 4/6 and struggling. Pretty close one when I think villain can be squeeze jamming here 25bb with KJo A8s etc. Went with call and they had 77. I lost the flip and it went downhill from there. Had to raise fold 66 and eventually 3b jammed my last 10bb w KJo in the sb vs btn open. They snap AA and out in 6th for $352.
Even enough on the day as I lost some on global. Best I could manage there was a 12th in the $33 2.5k gtd. Back at it again tomorrow.
nice reports!
Nice report and sick volume mate! Keep it going! GL from Spain!
Thanks DrJuan!
TY! Man Spain sounds nice right about now compared to NY weather 😀
Yesterday was meant to be a regular session but ended up being a mammoth 11.5 hour grueler. It felt like one of the worst days in the past year but I guess any day you're running terrible feels that way. Got in AA VS AdTc on T93dds on the stone bubble of the $55 PKO Marauder on Global and lost to backdoor flush. 9th with 8 paid. Was for 2nd place stack.
Then had a spot where I was on the ft of a $55 maximizer on chico. I 3b jammed 22bb with AKcc (didn't induce bc whale opened and loved hunting bounties). The BB cold calls and shows KQo. Yup that's right. The games are good. Q on turn and i'm out in 8th 2nd hand of ft.
In a later $55 on chico I flopped a straight flush 89hh on TJQhhh. I lost the hand... Ah river and villain in shows up the KhKx for royal flush.

I sattied into the $110 Deep Nine mtt on global. Chipped up early and had ~1.5x starting. I opened JJ and got 3b by a whale. I called and the flop came the beautiful KJ3r. I check raised villains 1/3rd pot c bet and then they 3b jam the flop for 150bb. I snap it off and finally some momentum on what has been a terrible day. Nopeeeeee... villain 3b jams the flop with top set on the rainbow board. JJ
Think I had a few small ft's on global. Had 2x 5th place and one 3rd place but all very small fields and cashes.
Last mtt of a long session: I max late regged the $109 7.5k on chico as I thought the remaining field looked amazing. Lot of recs so decided to hop in. Ran well and doubled up twice early. Cruised to the money as one of the bigger stacks. 17 paid. Got down to the final 10 and was short handed with 4 other regs on our table. TBH I played bad here and shrivelled up when the pressure came on. I had some spots that I know are 3b bluffs non all in but I didn't take them. One stands out where I didn't 3b sb KJo vs CO 22bb opener. Good reg but likely opening a lil loose given ICM. But obv he is right to do so if i'm not 3b'ing him enough. Anyways I folded and bb called and board ran out kjxxk ...and the money went in lol...not saying that was gonna be the flop if I vpip'd nor would CO not have folded or 4b jammed pre(much more likely scenario). But it just cemented the point to me that I need to really focus hard on in game performance. Execution is ket in poker. You can be the best in the world at theory but if you can't pull the trigger when the money is on the line, then you aren't gonna win the $$$.
Anyways we hit the FT as a short stack. 5 shorties sub 20bb and then 3 bigger stack. 2 of the bigger stacks collided and one of them bust. A short stack bust 20 mins later and now 6 handed. GTD $546 with ~$2,280 for the win. Finally found the dream spot. HJ short stack jammed 12bb and I wake up with KK and 11bb in CO. I rejam and then the BTN chipleader cold calls my jam.... Yup... BTN has AA... HJ had 88. AA holds and I'm out in 6th. Story of the day. But that's poker.
When running bad in poker, it's so so important to try to remain calm and try to grind it out and lose the least amount possible on those days. You have to lose some days. It's very easy for all of us to play optimal or close to it when we are winning every hand. If you can turn that losing month into a breakeven month because you made the disciplined icm folds on the ft's on the days you are running like ****, this will have a huge impact on your bottom line at the end of the year. Maybe even more so than the few big scores you have in a year... these are the cashes that will get lost in the overall yearly graph but are likely the most important of all.
This leads me back full circle to my mental game. It f%^king sucks. I have gone off in chat on multiple occasions...Usually it's not a bad beat that causes this tilt. Most of the time it's a play that some bad reg makes that I perceive to be a bad play....maybe it's totally standard for them and the way they play the game. It makes zero sense to react this way but this is what happens to me...This reaction can affect my play. This simply cannot continue to happen if I want to be a good pro...First of all it's a really shitty look. I mean no one wants to see some reg bad mouthing another player...it's terrible. Secondly, it's costing me a bunch of money. I have probably dusted off a good few thousand $$$ in equity by torching some stacks whilst tilted after some play gone wrong.
I literally don't know why I do this... But I am trying to fix it. I read mental game books. Do meditation. Do breathwork. Listen to all Eliot Roe's stuff. Read the mental game of poker by Jared Tendler 3 times. But still have this issue. Contemplating forking out a bunch of money to do some hypnotherapy sessions with one of Eliot Roe's guys to see if I can finally fix this issue. It's holding me back. I think it might be the key to get to the next level. Well that in conjunction with a lot of theory study.
Study + strong mental game + in game execution+ healthy body and mind.
I literally don't know why I do this... But I am trying to fix it. I read mental game books. Do meditation. Do breathwork. Listen to all Eliot Roe's stuff. Read the mental game of poker by Jared Tendler 3 times. But still have this issue. Contemplating forking out a bunch of money to do some hypnotherapy sessions with one of Eliot Roe's guys to see if I can finally fix this issue. It's holding me back. I think it might be the key to get to the next level. Well that in conjunction with a lot of t
Turning off table chat and keeping a long term graph available to reference helped me stop making fun of shitregs in chat. Paying people a bunch of money to regurgitate psychobabble doesn't seem very effective.
Turning off table chat and keeping a long term graph available to reference helped me stop making fun of shitregs in chat. Paying people a bunch of money to regurgitate psychobabble doesn't seem very effective.
Solid advice, TY. Couldn't agree more. Funny how the human brain works. There must be something from my past/in my subconscious that brings us these emotions for whatever reason. And then the emotions result in weird actions...Anyways all we can do is try to learn and improve
Have crossed the halfway milestone in the challenge thanks to a very good Sunday session. Managed a win in the $33 PLO on ACR for a score of $902. Also laddered to a 2/318 finish in a $5 rebuy and addon on chico for $451. But the best score of the day came in the $109 50k gtd PKO sunday showdown on chico.
I was down to half a starting stack early but quickly started to pick up some cards and began to run hot. Sailed into the money with an above average stack and some decent bounties. Was playing aggressive and picking up a lot of good spots. Deep in the tournament I was sitting 1/15 players left from the 553 entries. I had collected $612 in bounties to this point and was feeling good about my chances. I remember one crazy pot. I had just 3 bet a very aggro reg from sb vs their btn open. I went big and polar as we were both top 3 stacks. I managed to get it through and a few hands later, another reg opened HJ and I picked up AA. I 3b big again to 9bb from sb (we were 60bb eff) and they 4b to 23bb? Anyways I tank and am pretty sure they have zero folds after putting more than a 3rd of their chips in. Eventually I jam and they snap fold.... Anyways from that point on I go pretty card dead and lose a few flips for bounties vs shorties. Get to the ft 3/8 with 4k for 1st and 2nd place+ bounties for the winner ofc.
Chipleader on the FT is running insanely hot and winning every hand. I think they may have gotten all 4 bounties on the ft to leave us 4 handed. I'm 2/4 and find AQs in the BB. The sb is a rec/bad regular and they snap jam 20bb. I ofc snap it off and am up against A8o for a $553 bounty and heaps of chips. Would have put me just behind the chipleader with the other player sitting with 20bb. 8 on the turn and now i'm sitting 3/4. Brutal. However, the rec/reg guy from the A8o hand didn't last too long as they ran into the chipleaders cooler a few hands later. Great for me as I ladder to a guaranteed 3rd place finish and $2,475+ bounties. 3 handed, stack distribution is crazy. CL has 100bb, I have 20bb and other guy(good reg) has 15bb. There is a $1,600 ladder to play for here. But also 3rd place guy has a massive bounty so I'm still gonna chase that also. CL is doing the right thing and jamming super wide and now it's just a waiting game for me and other shorty. Thankfully I managed to make the ladder as CL gets lucky again and now i'm HU and guaranteed 4k +$600 in bounties.
It's a massive HU. We are playing a 4k USD HU match here and I have a huge chip deficit. However, I know the villain is not so studied and very splashy and loose. So i'm thinking just get one double up to 40bb and i'm back in the game. This guy was making a lot of mistakes but he did play aggro and used his chiplead well. Villain had 120bb and I had 20bb when this hand occured. We are about 7 hands into HU. I limp BTN KTo and he iso's to 3bb. I contemplated jam bc villain was overdoing every spot and would not have any sort of balanced range here. But I elected to call and play IP vs a much weaker than GTO iso range. Flop was very nice. T65ddh. Villain checked and I bet small. They jam after a couple of seconds. I snap call and villain shows J7dd for fd. Turn brick but river is the offsuit Jack and GG. Obviously if villain is iso'in a hand like j7dd here(pretty terrible play as j7s wants to be a 100% check at 20bb), then KTo is printing here all day long. Would have been really nice to get the double up as 100bb vs 40bb is way more manageable. I feel like I would have had a huge postflop edge here but anyway...Still and awesome score. Grand total of $4,649.43.
I have been working super hard on my mental game lately. I wrote in one of my discord study groups on Sunday that if I wrote in a poker chatbox that day, I would donate $20 to a charity. I honestly feel that I was level headed throughout the day bc I astained from that dumb ****... I was running bad for the first few hours of the session but just stuck with it. Turned out to be one of my best days in poker. I really need to keep this mental performance up. This directly translates to playing performance imo. Both are directly correlated.
Unfortunately, during yesterdays session I didn't fare quite so well. Some reg made a play that I perceived to be horrendous. In conjunction with that, I had just lost 6 flips in a row. Then something went off in my brain and I typed some moronic comment in the chatbox. This most definitely effected my play for the following/last 2 hours of my session. I felt likeI was snap making decisions and playing on emotions and less so on theory. I have to be better. Apologies to anybody who sees these moron comments from me in the chatbox.
Still a lot of work to do in this field. But if I can my mental game to a high level, I know i'm gonna be tough to deal with at the tables. I'm also working hard on theory right now. Overall, things are looking very positive. Results are looking good. Let's keep improving.

The rungood of the last few days continues. Zero chatting in the chatbox today. Mental game was 9/10. Some brief minutes of less than optimal play during my 8 hour session. But overall i'm delighted with my performance. Ran like a god in a $16.50 10k gtd on ACR to get down to the final 27. From there I could sense the guys who were scared money. At these stakes, there are some spots where you can open 100% of buttons imo. Players are massively overfolding and playing way too tight postflop also. So even though I didn't really pick up any good holdings, I was able to chip up nicely and sneak into the FT. Often rfi'ing and raise folding a <10bb stack bc of the stack setup and players at the table.
The FT played extremely nitty with the exception of 2 small stakes brazilian regs to my direct right. I had zero spots for the first 30 mins of the ft as they kept opening I had just had to autofold my marginal holdings....bled down to 4bb(avg stack was like 15bb was super shallow ft at this stage) and found a miracle AA UTG+1 7 handed. I shoved and the BTN (other shorty with 4.5bb) reshoves A5o. Very dubious get in in this ft icm setup with such shallow stacks but i'll take it. Nice double and now am 5/7. Very next hand brazilian who is sitting 2/7 opens CO and I happily rejam AJo from SB for ~40% of his remaining stack. He snap folded and I chip up again. 2 of the other shorties bust and we are 5 handed. I slowly chip up by RFI'ing 60% of my range at this stage. I'm not facing any resistance and quickly take the chip lead. I win a nice pot to bust a short stack and am now a comfortable 1/4 with 2x 2nd place chip stack. Now I start applying real pressure by open jamming a lot of the suited combos that otherwise would not be profitable open jams. VS opponents who I think are not very ICM aware, I generally refrain from a lot of these open jams and prefer a more raise non all in strat. However, this was the dream setup. These guys were lower stakes regs and were playing way too tight and over adjusting for icm imo. My non showdown winngins were through the roof here and the other players were not fighting back. Got down to HU and iso'd TT vs villain limp 15bb eff. They limp jam 77 and it's GG. A great win in a 736 entry field !

i envy your play. Good job man. Keep it up!
Very solid month in the books. Started out poorly running way way below ev in terms of bb/100. Was getting a little frustrated with short term results but kept plugging away. Ran super hot to finish out the month though for one of my best months to date. Really looking to kick on in March now too. Maybe the results will be better, maybe they will be worse. I know I just need to keep working. Study a lot. Do my coaching and group sessions. As always, I'm gonna need to spend a ton of time on my mental game. It's still a 2/10. However, last months mental game performance was much better on a lot of days. To remain even keeled in game is so so important. Especially when things are going bad. I'm hoping to improve this aspect of my game the most this month. If I can fix these mental game issues for good, I know I can go really far in this game.

Sick results congrats
Can we get a graph from the start of the thread to now?
Thank you Belthazorrrr
Yes I uploaded it last week it's a few posts up.
Yesterday was a bloodbath. Due to recent run good, I decided to fire a couple extra shots in higher buyin mtt's. Focusing on the softest ones ofc. Firing 61 bullets in total, I lost $1,105 on the day making it the worst day of the year so far. But i'm not tilted or anything like that. In fact, I feel great about how I played and handled yesterdays session. No tilting. No going off in chat or feeling down about things. I just kept on plugging away all day no matter how bad I ran. I knew from the past 8 Sundays of this month that things can turn around really quickly. Like last Sunday finishing up with the $4,600 score in the $109 pko on chico.
Notable cashes:
A win in the $22 2k gtd turbo on chico for $569. This one took the sting out of the day as a whole
I managed to satty into a $218 sunday scrimmage ticket on global which was nice
A $129 score in the $110 Mystery Bounty on global. I actually sattied into this also for $22 so still a decent return. This one stung though. Only 18 players paid and EV of each bounty was $333. I fought for 2 bounties once we got in the money. Lost both and then lost my all in at risk hand also. MB's are super high variance so kinda sucked as my stack was worth ~$700 when we got in the money.
Besides these 3 cashes, the others were all <$100.
With 2 tables left in my whole session I was left with my biggest spot of the day. The $218 sunday blitz 30k gtd on global. With 27 paid and a min cash of $300, this was my chance to turn a losing day in to a great one. This was really my only big buyin (direct buyin without satty) of the day. $6,435 up top and a pretty soft field for a $218 buyin. There were a good few higher stakes regs who play really well, but also some recs which balanced that out. Definitely plus EV in the field. Was managing to chip up nicely near the bubble as a lot of players tightened up way too much. Avg stack was not too deep. I had 30bb and was 8/31. 4 off the money. HJ opened and I was in the CO with AKo. We both covered all 3 players behind. In this ICM spot I know we aren't going to be playing a lot of jams but I think AKo is one hand that will show up a lot in icm sims. Very likely inducing AKs and QQ+. Not sure what JJ wants to do in a stack setup like this. Prob inducing aswell. TT definitely gonna be a high frequency flat. AQs prob pure flat also. Anyways I decided in game to take the lower variance route and just jam 30bb eff.I think villain covered me by 1bb. I'm pretty sure the EV of jam and 3b induce would be very close in this spot. Anyways they snap QQ and I lose the flip. Gut wrenching way to finish off the day. Was for the chiplead flip and a **** ton of equity.
The best thing about all that experience was that I felt mentally way tougher yesterday than usual. There were some moments where I felt myself hurrying decisions(form of tilt imo) but overall my mental game was a 9/10 yesterday esp given the circumstances. I'm very postitive for this coming month and looking forward to the challenge.
I just uploaded a sim that I ran down all night from the ft of last week's $109 60k FT on ACR that had been bugging me. I got ko'd in 9th when I jammed HJ 10.5bb QJs. Was defo the optimal play though nothing you can do. The funny thing though was that the UTG player in the hand folded 77 utg with 8.5bb(the ft was streamed on the acr replayer). The sim is saying 77 is a zero ev play. Min raise/jam/fold all super close. In terms of $ev, jamming was slightly favored. Just made me think of the butterfly effect. Had they jammed, I would have folded pre and still in with the chance at the $14k top prize. Every little decision influences the next one. Not being salty as it was a super close spot. More referencing the absolute absurdity of mtt's in general. It's just a **** ton of luck and variance mixed in together. Makes me realize the value of not focusing on short term results bc there is literally no point. A huge waste of time.
Now i'm off to run some ft icm drills on gtow and then start up my session. GLGL to all the grinders out there
Ridiculous run today. Fired 32 entries. 8 final tables.
Notable cashes:
1 of 255 in the $33 10k on acr for $2,259
4th of 58 for $290 in the $55 lunchtime nine 2.5k gtd on global
2nd of 78 in the $33 2.5k gtd on global for $463
6 of 74 in the $55 max on chico for $240
4 of 45 in the $110 5k gtd on global for $500
2 of 124 in the $22 2k gtd on chico for $469
11/132 $88 pko turbo acr for $328
Profit on the day : $3,500

Let's f%$king go
Also super happy to smash thru the 60k mark on the challenge