119kg to below 96kg within 3 months (before September)

119kg to below 96kg within 3 months (before September)

I'm a 39yo man.
1,98m tall, 119kg bw, skinny fat, with left over muscles from oly-turding until about 3 years ago...

This is not a goal, but simply my way to proceed.

I've been in the French Foreign Legion, hence why failure is not an opition. The question is not if i'll make it, but only how i get there...

Current stats:
- 16 clean push ups, nose to ground
- 4 clean pull ups, and 6 clean chin ups
- hardly able to walk stairs to 7th floor

- Intensify my 4-min workouts during MTT breaks
- Take daily 1 hour walks on empty stomach through forest, to do daily chin ups
- DGAF, first of all
- Diet


I only eat beef, eggs, fish, pork n cheese, snack on cashew nuts and blueberrys, and stuff as much broccoli inside of me, as i can.

I'll call my Diet "6:1 intermediate spazzing", because on each monday, i'll drink two energy drinks, visit friends, smoke weed (legal here, since April), drink a sixpack, and hit the local bar to arrouse some MILFs.

Free coachings for all of you, same as "before and after" photos will be delivered.

If there are any questions, feel free to ask.

If you wanna bet against me at 3:1 in my favor,... Feel free to tell me right here, right now!

Max action - and i'm providing proof ITT - is at my 75€ vs your 225€ over PayPal, only. I dont need your money, but i'll take it.

Bet starts with photos on first of June.
Your word/post is good for up to 25€, if you have a running thread in this sub-forum, for more than a year.

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26 May 2024 at 03:53 AM

109 Replies


Im okay with each of my 25€ winnings being given to a charity of your choice, if you post a receipt.

Photos of me on scale, and in mirror, as proof.

it's possible but not probable. I have no interest in betting, but I wish you all the best

thread would be way better with before pics

Already got one, but need to transfer to Laptop to post... Insanely tilted atm due to SCOOP...
Will likely do that on first of June.

This is like an MLYLT-esque scam.

I ****ed it up...
Forgot to take before pic on scale, but have the mirror one.

Already down 5kg over 6 days, cause i decided to not have a cheat monday, except when stalling on the scale for more than a week.

Adjusted goal weight to be below 100kg for some private bets, allowing me to keep muscle mass, maybe even slightly improving lats with all those chin ups.

Now it's just 15kg more to lose, in nearly 3 months.

Already lost 10kg within less than one month, down to 109kg now.

Zero alcohol since end of last month, and also stopped smoking weed and having energy drinks, few days ago.

No sugar, pasta, bread and rice etc. But i eat a little bit of fruits, veggies and nuts, aside of carnivore-typical foods.

Not doing my chin ups and push ups nearly as often as i should, but will slowly ramp up the frequency and volume now.

Here is the fat hairy pig from May, 27th:

Next pic comes mid of July, and then the final one on first of September.

What do you do when your feeling hungry?
Eat a substitute or ...
What motivates you to NOT eat?

The first few days, i simply ate a few small cucumbers when i felt hungry (cornichones). But after less than a week, i hardly felt hungry at all anymore. My body got used to zero carbs rather quickly. Those ~75% of fat in my total daily calories is really saturating.

You dont have to eat, only because your stomach is blubbering, and you feel hungry. Just ignore it for a while, and it goes away. Pretty much the same, like the urge to smoke or drink, imo.

Tho, the lack of energy i felt made me add a little bit of fruits and mixed nuts during the day, when playing poker, or shooting some balls with friends.

I usually have ribeye, beefsteak or pork with 3 highest quality eggs and a few tiny tomatoes for breakfast, and eat fatty fish like makarel, hering or sardines in the evening, adding a few walnuts, which not only contain omega3, too, but also help to produce melatonin.

What motivates me not to eat isnt all about looks or health, but mostly the fact that i made a decision to "get it done", proving myself that i can do it.
Other than at poker, it's 100% within me, if i reach my short term goal with my diet. After i made the decision to do it, i simply cannot allow myself to fail.

short term weight loss goals are silly. Aim to overhaul your lifestyle in a way you can follow 365 days per year that yields a body composition you can be satisfied with. This may require much slower loss of scale weight than crash dieting, but a much better body, a healthier lifestyle, and a more aesthetic physique when you're 5 years down the road vs a series of crash diets and rebounds. Starving yourself is never a sustainable strategy.

If you are a professional poker player, you are highly incentivized to do this as your eating habits, blood sugar control, satiety, and gut health all have impacts on cognitive function that can be the difference of several bb/100 or tournament wins.

The getting it done mindset is admirable, but just doing soemthing hard for the sake of it being hard is not. You could resolve to punch yourself in the balls 2x/day at maximum force for 3 months and it would be an impressive display of discipline to maintain a ball punching routine for 3 months, but in the end it's just going to cause medical damage. The exact same is true of extreme dieting; generally it will involve some loss of metabolically active tissue and when the inevitable rebound comes, you have both a lower basal metabolic rate and a worse body composition than when you started. Your pushups and pullups *might* not be adequate to maintain mass at severe enough deficits.

Somebody with your body composition (really bad, not tryna be insulting) can easily be training 3x/wk for around 45 minutes with machines, bodyweight exercises, and dumbbells along with adherence to minimum step count and a sensible diet of home cooked lean-ish meats, rice and potatoes, fruits, vegetables, oats, and dairy eaten until physiological and psychological satiety in a manner that will result in lean tissue accrual happening simultaneously with fat loss without the use of exogenous hormones.

I'll stay on low carbs and zero alcohol after my diet endend. I never did a diet before in my life, cause i played Basketball and afterwards did Fitness and then Oly-turding all my life, up until 3 years ago.

Eating habits, blood sugar stability, satiety and gut health obviously all improved strongly after not having anymore sugar, starchy carbs and alcohol, hence also cognitive functions needed for poker. An apple, a banana and a few berries get me through my sessions perfectly (online).

I totally agree that's its unhealthy to lose more than 1kg a week, same as me having terrible genetics for bodybuilding, powerlifting and oly-turding. Long arms and legs, and comparibly short torso.
Tho, i have 5kg and 10kg dumbells for shoulder and arms at home, and as soon as i dropped below 100kg to win my bets, i'll hit every muscle 3x a week, and rebuild what i had, when i was still hitting the gym every second day, nearly completely, aside of legs.

There is no need for any oats, rice, pasta etc at all, if you dont intend to train to failure, imo. But i already have one cheatmeal with potatoes every 14 days... Grandma's food just tastes too good to pass it up 😀

I used to love my 3x a week oly-turding plus dumbell work, but when our Powerhouse gym closed, and there we're only crappy chain-gyms left (one of the two left didnt even have a squatrack!), i decided to quit.

Down to 107.5kg, and started regular push n chin ups, each 3x a week.

Only need to lose 1kg per week, from now on.

Am going swimming today, and start serious poker grind (online Mixed MTTs) again, tomorrow.

how long (distance/time) do you swim for?
How many ... eggs... do you eat daily? Whites only? Scrambled, hard boiled, other?

Was my first time swimming since years... Only did 30 min slow, and 3x50m fast.

I feel like regular intense cardio is bad for me, not only during diet. I prefer walking at decent pace for ~45 minutes nearly daily, plus a little bit of calisthenics, and/or lifting weights.

Once you are satiesfied with your muscularity, you can maintain it with only 1/9th of the training volume you needed to grow it, as a young person (1/3rd for old people).

I use to eat 3-5 eggs daily, depending on my level of activity and appetite. Just throw them in the pan, and get them back out while the yolks are still a bit runny. That's most healthy.

I eat mostly carnivore diet, and even before i did that, i never threw away an eggyolk in my life! I need that good fat in it, and all vitamins and minerals are in the yolk, nearly nothing in the eggwhites, aside of lean protein.
Eggyolks are animal's Multivitamin/Mineral.

There might be hundreds of thousands dieing on Fentanyl, but millions are dieing from ultra processed foods, like chips, sugary stuff, high fructose corn syrup etc etc.

95% of nutrition scientists in the USA are linked to/being paid by the food industry that's selling all that ****.

Not much better over here, in Germany. The nutrition pyramid we've been taught is in fact upside down, total bollocks to get people addicted and sick.

Animal fats are way healthier than seed oils, it's not even close. All we've learned when we were young have been lies.

by Parasense k

Once you are satiesfied with your muscularity, you can maintain it with only 1/9th of the training volume you needed to grow it, as a young person (1/3rd for old people).


Doctor Mike Israetel with his "renaissancce periodization" channel on youtube.

Cant find the video atm. Was an about 40 min interview with another expert.

by Parasense k

Doctor Mike Israetel with his "renaissancce periodization" channel on youtube.

Cant find the video atm. Was an about 40 min interview with another expert.

He definitely did not say that. It's probably around 40-60% depending on genetics/nutrition/age/natural hormones.

He didnt, but the guy he interviewed did, and he agreed. He was sitting on the right of a table, and the guy he interviewed looked like he could be his dad, but without TRT/PEDs.

Maybe i'll find the interview again at some point, then i could post it here.

Was in Rostock, took train to Berlin, two weeks ago. Visited the Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, and the Wall.
I am old enough to remember Regan's Speech at the gate in '87.
Of all the places visited on that trip, Berlin was at the top of my list of the places I would go back to.

So your weight loss is 80% diet 20% exercise?

Nice. I been at three little pigs hostel near Checkpoint Charlie in 2015, when i bluffed and showed it to Hellmuth during 2015 WSOPE 2k 8game, right before busting him.

Yeah, that's about right. **** exercising, just eleminate all carbs, walk a lot, and do the minimum of exercise to keep or gain some muscle-mass.

At 107.2kg now

After stalling in weightloss for 5 days (only -0.1kg), i decided to do a re-feed with about 350g potatoes and 125g of rice added, today. Had zero digestiv issues.
Did my chin-ups, push ups and squats, and got more than 10k steps in.

Tomorrow, i will get back to very low carbs, and start drinking 5 green teas per day, for four weeks. Also adding apple cider vinegar, and cutting out the daily banana.
Will start doing light dumbell work for shoulders and arms, too, right before my last meal.

I think i will reach -100kg at the end of July already, and then start to eat about 100g more meat per day, one more egg than the current average, and include the daily banana again. Never counting calories, but believe that it'll be around maintenace, by then. Adjust it, if needed.

by GuyThatGoesToDaGym k

He definitely did not say that. It's probably around 40-60% depending on genetics/nutrition/age/natural hormones.

Here it is. From the preeminent expert of muscle growth research in the world, as doctor Mike himself wrote in the thumbnail ("1/9th to maintan for young people" starts at 12:15):

Though, might not apply to enhanced athletes at high level, like you and Dr Mike...

For those who dont like to click links:
"why the volume recommendations for muscle growth might be wrong"

Been a bit lazy, and stayed at around 107kg for another 10 days.

Friend of mine finished his new grow a few days ago, and after i only vaped 0.05g, i got so high that i orderd a big pizza when i got back home... It was both really worth it, hahaha.

Back on track now with 10k daily steps from monday till saturday, diet as before, and new lifting regiment:

Mo/Wed/Fr = chin ups and dead hangs, DB rows, DB rear and lateral delts, and DB curls (2-3x each, with 2-5 reps in reserve)

Tue/Thu/Sat = push ups, incline push ups, DB overhead triceps extensions and kickbacks (2-3x each, with 3-5 RiR)

Sundays = squats and romanian deadlifts for 20-30 reps, plus chrunches in the same rep range (4x each, many RiR... More of a cardio issue due to all exercises being ~3 minute super-sets during MTT breaks, where i also need to make a green tea and/or take a piss)

If i dont get below 100kg before August 27th, i will simply do fasting for 72 hours, and cut out all salt on the last two days before first of September, to win my bet.
