PokerOK (Russian GGPoker skin) CEO went fully unhinged. Stables / winning players banned.

PokerOK (Russian GGPoker skin) CEO went fully unhinged. Stables / winning players banned.

Ivan Briskin, CEO of PokerOK (official skin of GGNetwork) declared a war against poker stables.

Here are two main posts (combined into one) he left on a russian speaking poker forum gipsyteam. I will link the original thread, overall 101 message has been posted by Ivan before he asked for his account to be blocked.
Original thread -


Dear stables. Today our ambassadors were at the round table. I will only communicate with Vea and Tio (Artem Vezhenkov and Gleb Tremzin, famous russian regs, both have running stables) from now on.
You don't understand normal language. You are listening to the wonderful Nikitin (Sergey Nikitin, person with a questionable reputation, had few notable beefs).
Fine. There will be no more negotiations. Good luck. go straight to 2+2. Fiat lab (russian stable) you will now be banned from playing on GG. Goodbye. You decided to play games with me. Felt strong. GG has always been only for amateurs. Good luck to you in your struggle. And don’t think about offering me any shares and this is crap. Everything was told to you clearly today, you are no longer welcome here. I've been wanting to sort out online stables for a long time. This is just the beginning. I also sincerely apologize to ordinary players who will be affected by all this. Our efficiency is 80%. stables think they are smarter than everyone else. Fine. Do you think I need money? OK. You think I’m a nobody and weak because I treated you kindly and talked to you. Stables are prohibited from playing poker, period. Take the money and get out. If you come back, we will find you and the measures will be stricter. And most importantly, I would not advise you to run to other rooms on the network. And then you will get what you deserve. I kept thinking you were businessmen. That we can find common ground and let the stable graduates play for fun. As discussed at the meeting today. But you don’t hear a normal approach and concern for the regulars who will suffer. Ok, I heard you very well. Let Inner or Minthon, Vea or Gleb(Ti0) lay out the entire ultimatum and position. FunFarm(one of the biggest russian speaking stables) next.

First of all, we emphasize that our position is known and agreed with the GGPoker network. The leadership fully supports our stance.
Let's move on to our requirements. The activity of stables on PokerOK and GGPoker will be stopped completely. This applies to both the game and any marketing manifestations: advertising of stables from streamers who cooperate with PokerOK, promotion on social networks, advertising in the media, publications about the successes and winnings of your players. You must not play on PokerOK and must not advertise training, playing or backing on PokerOK (Telegram is considered your personal channel)
You must publicly declare that you understand and accept the position of our room and our network and leave the sites. The text of the application must be agreed upon with our representative.
If any of your players express a desire to cease cooperation with the stable, leave the stable and never work with any stable again, we agree to reconsider our restrictive measures. Let us emphasize: this applies only to those players who permanently cease cooperation with the stable. If we learn that this player continues to participate in the stable (whether from any public sources or using our analytics tools), the most stringent measures will be taken against him

You should understand that our decision to fight stables was made solely to protect the interests of poker fans. We are interested in maintaining our strategy in the gaming community, promoting poker and supporting the right to equality and the right to win for all players. We do not want our restrictions to affect regulars and players who are not members of the stables. We don't want to ruin your students' “poker dream” and the opportunity to make money from poker. Therefore, you will have to give us lists of those players who are leaving or have graduated from the stables who want to play honestly on our site. We do not want restrictions to affect players who do not cooperate with the stables, so we will remove the restrictions from them and from your graduates. We will support players who love and appreciate PokerOK, who want to win rings and bracelets, who are ready to sign that they play fairly. If they come from stables, we will be happy to continue cooperation with them at the media level (for example: commenting on major series). This also applies to stable owners. We believe that we preach one goal - the development of poker, so we will continue to cooperate in the name of popularizing the discipline. We have no need to develop conflict.
To summarize. Stables have to leave PokerOK and GG, publicly announce their agreement with the position and their departure from PokerOK and GG, and stop all media activities related to PokerOK and GG, coordinating your posts with our representative. PokerOK, in turn, is ready to remove limits from players who stop participating in the stables. If these players are found to be continuing to collaborate with the stables, we will take immediate action against these players. This was at the round table today. two stables took care of their players. The rest automatically refused without coming. Tio, Vea Minton and Inner are witnesses.

I would also like to mention that just recently PokerOK for some reason decided to increase withdrawal fee for Luxon from 1 to 3% while GGnetwork had not idea about it.


Edit/MH: See also: and

02 April 2024 at 03:36 PM

112 Replies


Wtf actually based as Fook. Stables are currently the biggest cancer to low to mid stakes, RTA not even close

It's interesting to finally get some information on the leaders of GGPoker and their motives. I suggest everyone to go translate the whole article on the main page of GipsyTeam.

This topic has not been that popular here but on GipsyTeam all hell has been loose.

by Potoooooooo k

It's interesting to finally get some information on the leaders of GGPoker and their motives. I suggest everyone to go translate the whole article on the main page of GipsyTeam.

This topic has not been that popular here but on GipsyTeam all hell has been loose.

So GG doesn’t want anyone to win long term. That's been clear for a while now

by dude45 k

So GG doesn’t want anyone to win long term. That's been clear for a while now

I don’t get how this makes business sense. There are usually 5/6 regs at a table at least at 200nl and above.

If the regs learn they can’t win there and stop playing or it drops to 3 regs/ 3 fish the site rakes less. The fish will lose their money slower but I can’t see that meaning more games run, less games will run = less rake.

by charlesChickens k

I don’t get how this makes business sense. There are usually 5/6 regs at a table at least at 200nl and above.

If the regs learn they can’t win there and stop playing or it drops to 3 regs/ 3 fish the site rakes less. The fish will lose their money slower but I can’t see that meaning more games run, less games will run = less rake.

yea i think some people forget that while most players are recs/fish most of the volume comes from regs. Joe the truck driver isn't playing 400K+ hands a year. Leonard the gto nerd who GG apparently hates is.

Even fish are attracted to the idea of poker being a profitable game. All pros originally started out as fish/whales.
The idea that poker will attract the same amount of players minus the professionals when it becomes an unbeatable game is just nonsensical.

by eenvis k

Even fish are attracted to the idea of poker being a profitable game. All pros originally started out as fish/whales.
The idea that poker will attract the same amount of players minus the professionals when it becomes an unbeatable game is just nonsensical.

I agree but GG has a dream and it sounds like they're hellbent on pursuing it.

Stables are a cancer on poker so good riddance.
Card sharing, Ghosting,Data mining etc are all rife with these scumbags.
If you are associated with one you should be banned from online poker

Same BS with these apps, sites that Galfond and JNandez run
Clearly set up to run while playing games.
FFS nandez had a preflop/flop thing on discord long ago that took 10 secs and ppl were definitely using that while playing.
If you aren't cheating or spending your life studying then you are far behind these days.

I guess I missed the "unhinged" part.

by Greedient k

Stables are a cancer on poker so good riddance.
Card sharing, Ghosting,Data mining etc are all rife with these scumbags.
If you are associated with one you should be banned from online poker

Same BS with these apps, sites that Galfond and JNandez run
Clearly set up to run while playing games.
FFS nandez had a preflop/flop thing on discord long ago that took 10 secs and ppl were definitely using that while playing.
If you aren't cheating or spending your life studying then you are far behind these days

Sure but you do realize Ivan said he wants to get rid of all winning players and make it so its impossible to win long term

I agree with the notion that sites should do what they can to ban every one who is part of a stable. The correlation between being part of a stable and cheating (collusion, ghosting, HH sharing, using datamined hands for analysis) is literally 1.

The idea that fun playing gamblers would "love" poker if it was at an expected 96% return to player is moronic. The other casino games are catered towards generating constant dopamine hits. If given the choice between playing poker at a maximum 96% return or a random online slot machine, it makes absolutely 0 sense to pick poker. People play poker based on the idea that they can earn money by outplaying the other players - if that goes away poker will die very quickly.

It shouldn't be controversial at all to ban coaches and players connected to stables, since pretty much all stables are open about using datamined hands for MDA, which is against the rules of most/all sites.

by dude45 k

So GG doesn’t want anyone to win long term. That's been clear for a while now

Stables are a pure cancer that let a few people at the top suck out a ton of money from the poker ecosystem. And that's before you factor in things like collusion and data mining.

The day poker coaching moved from a seasoned player just taking someone under their wing to a classroom-like environment, whether that be online or live, with a coach/teacher, online poker was eventually doomed. Live, cash game poker is the only true form of poker left imo.

by borg23 k

Stables are a pure cancer that let a few people at the top suck out a ton of money from the poker ecosystem. And that's before you factor in things like collusion and data mining.

Stables are an excuse. Every winning reg will be wiped from the platform. Not a single stable that is being specifically targeted here is guilty of cheating. On the counter, russian community and specifically people like TylerRM were the ones who caught superuser on GG.

Just few hours ago a zoom call with CEO and stable owners happened. And it didn't go well at all. I might go through highlights and translate them.

by ppkdmilkyway k

Every single stable that is being specifically targeted here is guilty of cheating.


by ppkdmilkyway k

Stables are an excuse. Every winning reg will be wiped from the platform. Not a single stable that is being specifically targeted here is guilty of cheating. On the counter, russian community and specifically people like TylerRM were the ones who caught superuser on GG.

Just few hours ago a zoom call with CEO and stable owners happened. And it didn't go well at all. I might go through highlights and translate them.

Stable member detected lmao. Why the f would anyone defend stables? Bunch of cheaters, literally all of them.

by Ace upmy Slv k


Why is it so difficult to understand he isn't just going after stables? He's going after all winning players and wants to make it impossible to win at poker

by Kebabkungen k

Stable member detected lmao. Why the f would anyone defend stables? Bunch of cheaters, literally all of them.

Uhh did you just read the part about stables and stop reading

by dude45 k

Why is it so difficult to understand he isn't just going after stables? He's going after all winning players and wants to make it impossible to win at poker

Understood and agree. That still has nothing to do with that one statement of his being utterly ridiculous and false.

by Ace upmy Slv k

Understood and agree. That still has nothing to do with that one statement of his being utterly ridiculous and false.

What was false about it? Provide your argument.

by charlesChickens k

I don’t get how this makes business sense. There are usually 5/6 regs at a table at least at 200nl and above.

If the regs learn they can’t win there and stop playing or it drops to 3 regs/ 3 fish the site rakes less. The fish will lose their money slower but I can’t see that meaning more games run, less games will run = less rake.

I dont get how anyone can read what Ivan said and come away with the conclusion that he's only coming after stables but hey several people in this thread have done just that.

by ppkdmilkyway k

What was false about it? Provide your argument.

At the bear minimum, every single stable participates in HH sharing and uses datamined hands for MDA. It is part of their sales pitch ffs so get out of here with that BS.

by Ace upmy Slv k

At the bear minimum, every single stable participates in HH sharing and uses datamined hands for MDA. It is part of their sales pitch ffs so get out of here with that BS.

Your statement is not true. And of course you have 0 agruments for your point.
