Doug Polk 100k challenge
Doug Polk is going to try to make 100k in a month one tabling mid stakes (3/6) poker on ClubWPT. Can he do it?
Not to kick a man while he's down but it is well known that doug was never able to beat 50nl
He is gonna turn things around. I think he just signed up for one of Jonathon Littles training packages.
Upswing stock plummeting
Hope Doug turns it around, the stream has been very funny and entertaining
Also isn’t he sponsored by that site and he’s just talking about how shitty the software is.
He did an "honest review" video, where he continued to **** on many of the worst aspects of the site. If I didn't already know of the collab, I wouldn't have thought twice. But armed with that knowledge makes the video pretty funny.
I thought the same, but after reviewing the highlight video of his big loss, I don't think so. The guy ran like absolute dog ****. One of those runs where you want to step away for a few days after. Running like that in a heads up match is stuff nightmares are made of, and the fact he is streaming while playing pours gasoline on the situation. He's gonna grind back to even and be glad the headache is over with.
He did an "honest review" video, where he continued to **** on many of the worst aspects of the site. If I didn't already know of the collab, I wouldn't have thought twice. But armed with that knowledge makes the video pretty funny.
The craziest thing about the video is that he claimed the only redeeming quality of the site is that the players are terrible, yet he cant beat them. I'm assuming eventually he will turn it around and its just a sample size issue.
I think the three main things ClubWPTGold has going for it are:
#1) You can only play 1 table
#2) Only Americans and Canadians are allowed
#3) No HUDS
Down another ~7K today. I for the most part enjoy Doug’s content but it’s kind of a bad look getting crushed as bad as he is. Especially since he went on Joey Ingrams podcast and was promoting how terrible the players are on the site. He even said he was worried it would look like they were chip dumping to him with how bad they are.
Then he’s still trying to promote Upswing on stream as he’s getting torched. As unfair as it is, I don’t think people will be inclined to buy his courses if he keeps losing so much.
I’ve had worse downswings
I mean hes one tabling he could lose for a year straight and still have a winrate
Down another ~7K today. I for the most part enjoy Doug’s content but it’s kind of a bad look getting crushed as bad as he is. Especially since he went on Joey Ingrams podcast and was promoting how terrible the players are on the site. He even said he was worried it would look like they were chip dumping to him with how bad they are.
Then he’s still trying to promote Upswing on stream as he’s getting torched. As unfair as it is, I don’t think people will be inclined to buy his courses if he ke
It's really bizare how he was so confident the players were terrible but hes getting torched, I kinda feel bad for the guy TBH, because I dont think he wants to be doing this stream anymore but he cant quit because of the affiliation he has with ClubWPTGold. Also, seems like hes starting to doubt himself too.
Theres a lot of things going on here... #1 he probably could care less about a $10/20 online single table game, #2 doesnt want to give away too much about how he plays, #3 seems to be getting tilted and now hes realizing hes running out of time so hes playing looser than he normally would.
Then he’s still trying to promote Upswing on stream as he’s getting torched. As unfair as it is, I don’t think people will be inclined to buy his courses if he keeps losing so much.
Fwiw he is not creating content for upswing so why would you care if he gets rekted in this challenges? They have coaches for that and imo they have not released anything new in a while.
Can't imagine how horrible playing one fr game must be these days. Could never do it.
Fwiw he is not creating content for upswing so why would you care if he gets rekted in this challenges? They have coaches for that and imo they have not released anything new in a while.
Can't imagine how horrible playing one fr game must be these days. Could never do it.
When you’re the face of a training site it’s expected that you can win at poker. I think that’s how it works in this field. That’s how most training sites work. The owners need to build credibility to get people to buy their product. You don’t want to learn the game from someone who can’t beat it.
I agree that one tabling is a miserable experience, but in theory it should make the games softer because it deters stronger players from playing on the site. The audience for that site is purely Americans. I’ve played some 1-2-4 on there and it is truly soft. I had one hand where I flopped the nut flush. Had a guy check raise my 25% bet on the flop then just rip his whole stack in on the turn with KJ with none of the suit on the board (think it was hearts).
Funny how even long time posters on here dont seem to understand how meaningless one table results over a few weeks of playing are. Imagine the general population..
The concept of large variance is truly almost impossible for humans to grasp.
When you’re the face of a training site it’s expected that you can win at poker. I think that’s how it works in this field. That’s how most training sites work. The owners need to build credibility to get people to buy their product. You don’t want to learn the game from someone who can’t beat it.
Yeah. Let's say I'm buying Uris course I couldn't give two shites if the face of the company doesn't beat the games in this challenge.
Funny how even long time posters on here dont seem to understand how meaningless one table results over a few weeks of playing are. Imagine the general population..
The concept of large variance is truly almost impossible for humans to grasp.
they have to be trolling, no? it could also be that they hate Doug and gladly take every given opportunity to **** on him.
I mean hes one tabling he could lose for a year straight and still have a [positive] winrate
literally this.
Can confirm that you can just run bad forever in all your biggest pots playing 1 table
they have to be trolling, no? it could also be that they hate Doug and gladly take every given opportunity to **** on him.
He went on chicago joeys podcast and confidently announced he was going to play some tiny hand sample and crush at 40bb/100 or whatever. It's just funny it went the other way. What is it actually in terms of buyins or bbs? like a 15 buyin downswing or something? And he's playing 200bb deep?
Yea it's meaningless but he probably should stay away from the ring tables considering he was never able beat 50nl back in 2008 or whatever.
The only thing he’s crushing now is Michelob Ultras.
He went on chicago joeys podcast and confidently announced he was going to play some tiny hand sample and crush at 40bb/100 or whatever. It's just funny it went the other way. What is it actually in terms of buyins or bbs? like a 15 buyin downswing or something? And he's playing 200bb deep?
Yea it's meaningless but he probably should stay away from the ring tables considering he was never able beat 50nl back in 2008 or whatever.
The idea that one of the best HU specialists in the world can't beat full ring because he couldn't beat it before he became one of the best HU specialists in the world is laughable.
I would like to see various stats of his performance so far showing bb/100, performance by stake, type of game etc.