Official Online NLHE Chat Thread
Setting this up as a place to keep low-effort content all in one place (graphs, funny hand histories, etc.). Think it would be fun to have a thread just for the online NLHE people, since it's a relatively small community
Happy New Year!
My 2023:

Here's to hoping I can actually grow my BR in 2024.
2023 Poker Goals:
1) Let's try for 5+ EV/100 at 50 Zone again.
2) Let's try to permanently move up to 200 Zone and win at 2+ EV/100 again.
3) 45,000 hands/month sounds good again, but let's reduce the study goal to 80 hour/week. Hopefully I get more motivated and study more though.
Good luck in 2023 everyone!
1) Not even close lol
2) I am definitely never playing below 200nl again.
3) About 50,000 hands short, but that is mostly because I tried reg tables for awhile and stopped playing every single day. Oh, and that study goal was supposed to be 80 hours per month. I probably fell a little short though. Been doing better the past few months though.
2023 results:

2024 poker goals:
1) Remember that my opponents are subhuman scum who are unworthy of food and water.
2) Remember that these imbeciles get orgasmic satisfaction from taking my money.
3) Stop being a huge nit.
^ nice results !
Great job, UG!!
Pretty thrilled about having a few aha moments since 11/17.

This was my year:

200nl: $8,8
100nl: $22,9
50z: $28,7
50nl: $31,3
20nl: $18,5
This is the main obstacle in me moving up. Playing 50nl just makes me more money than moving up.
I guess - it was around $35/hr. But it might still be better to make few $/hr less if it means I cut the variance in half...
I'll keep playing both stakes for now and see how it goes.
Is raising to 3.2bb some kind of stable or CFP thing?
Isn't that just potting it in a 2-5 game?
Ive seen a guy (multiple people?) use this size on most of my ignition 25 tables the last few times I've played. No info regarding it but it made me curious too
Ok I'm also playing Bovada 25nl and have seen it there. I've actually seen it from multiple people at one table which is what made me think it was something from a CFP.
So I started playing again last Friday after taking around 3-4 months off. My biggest goal was to increase my 3b and WWSF.
Off to a decent start so far although it's only 4700 hands. I reckon I can sustain
Old stats

New stats

The redline is already beautiful but I know you can smash that 50% WWSF threshold, lets gooooo!
Ive got access to 200+ million nlh hands for around $500usd. Hands played on pokerstars.
Hands played at 25nl to 200nl
Date range is since january 1st 2020.
Anyone want to chip in together? Already have 1 guy plus myself. More guys we can get to pay, the cheaper the indiv cost will be.
Not looking to profit here just want access to the hands as cheap as possible.
^ isn’t that datamining and uhhh… cheating?
Mass data analysis isn't cheating imo. But using those hands to gameplan specific opponents or putting those stats in your HUD would be.
Ive got access to 200+ million nlh hands for around $500usd. Hands played on pokerstars.
Hands played at 25nl to 200nl
Date range is since january 1st 2020.
Anyone want to chip in together? Already have 1 guy plus myself. More guys we can get to pay, the cheaper the indiv cost will be.
Not looking to profit here just want access to the hands as cheap as possible.
Don’t you play 200nl as your main stake? Surprised this would even really be worth the effort for you vs just buying it yourself
Poker pros are unique creatures... happy to massively spew on hookers and blow, but always negotiating the best possible deal on practical matters.