Official Online NLHE Chat Thread

Official Online NLHE Chat Thread

Setting this up as a place to keep low-effort content all in one place (graphs, funny hand histories, etc.). Think it would be fun to have a thread just for the online NLHE people, since it's a relatively small community

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02 November 2021 at 10:21 PM

194 Replies


Dose any of you guys play on WPN? I heard they got rid of the bots. Is that true?

by Haizemberg93 k

Dose any of you guys play on WPN? I heard they got rid of the bots. Is that true?

they are nowhere near that point, and i doubt they'll ever be

by AlanBostick k

Just yesterday I asked in a Slack group about members' win rates on Ignition over the past several months, to find out if they were experiencing the same drop-off in winrate that people have been reporting on 2p2. The response I got from of the group members was, "I’ve been beating [Ignition] 100NL for about 30bb/100 for about the last 3 months or so. Was beating 50NL for the same winrate for many months prior."

I mean, maybe he is lying, or otherwise incorrect, but I don't think either is the w


by Unguarded k

I think that they had the nerve to take his 5 BB/hr live 10/20 winrate and call it 15 BB/100 without mentioning the "live" part. 15 BB/100 live is $100/hr. 15 BB/100 online is $600+/hr... just entirely different levels. That is quite scummy of them imo.

The website says specifically online. Don’t know the sample/site/time period/etc but they’re not doing what you’re saying they’re doing. The fact that they leave it ambiguous makes me think it’s from Ignition

by JohnRusty k

The website says specifically online. Don’t know the sample/site/time period/etc but they’re not doing what you’re saying they’re doing. The fact that they leave it ambiguous makes me think it’s from Ignition

Whoa JR sighting!

How are you doing JR? Are you still with Detox?

by JohnRusty k

The website says specifically online. Don’t know the sample/site/time period/etc but they’re not doing what you’re saying they’re doing. The fact that they leave it ambiguous makes me think it’s from Ignition

If you go to this page...

... you can see that they still don't specify online or live in the red writing at the top. They have recently added the second section in white below where they specify online, but still don't bother to mention which sites or give us a sample size.

I probably checked about 10 times before making my post, and nobody corrected me. That's because the "online" wasn't there.

by JohnRusty k

The website says specifically online. Don’t know the sample/site/time period/etc but they’re not doing what you’re saying they’re doing. The fact that they leave it ambiguous makes me think it’s from Ignition

If it's from ignition, it's from 2-3 years ago though. None of the regs are winning that much at 2k. Either way it's very dubious, especially since they didn't provide a graph (as is customary when claiming online results).

Maybe they added on his chess WR?

by wereallgonnamakeit k

If it's from ignition, it's from 2-3 years ago though. None of the regs are winning that much at 2k. Either way it's very dubious, especially since they didn't provide a graph (as is customary when claiming online results).

This guy is so damn good that he can crush colluding bots!

by Ceres k

Maybe they added on his chess WR?

Next time they release an expensive training course like this, I hope they advertise the coach's world class salsa dancing skills!

by wereallgonnamakeit k

If it's from ignition, it's from 2-3 years ago though. None of the regs are winning that much at 2k. Either way it's very dubious, especially since they didn't provide a graph (as is customary when claiming online results).

Yeah I agree with all this, which is why I added the second sentence

I've decided to get weird and experiment with some unorthodox preflop strats this month.

Looking to VPIP around 40-50 and just be in a lot of weird spots. Should be fun 😀

Blowing out 30BI should be lots of fun 😃


Just remember you’re in the last 0.37654 percentile of range. You technically have to bluff every hand

by Ceres k


Just remember you’re in the last 0.37654 percentile of range. You technically have to bluff every hand

It'll be cool to look at my XR and Donk numbers at the end.

If I make it that long

by newguyhere k

I've decided to get weird and experiment with some unorthodox preflop strats this month.

Looking to VPIP around 40-50 and just be in a lot of weird spots. Should be fun 😀

Volume sucked this week (only 1k hands) 2x reg tables, but it's been interesting. Regs definitely telegraph their hand strength more often since they view me as a fish which makes it easier to bluff when they size down.

do you guys listen to music

by billylean k

do you guys listen to music

Usually. For the most part I just put on music I enjoy while playing. Deafening silence or the constant chimes and sound effects from multiple tables are not great for my mental state. When it's distracting in a tough spot I can pause it, which is pretty infrequent.

Is there any place here where I could find practice/study partners?

by stefaneijg k

Is there any place here where I could find practice/study partners?

by newguyhere k

I've decided to get weird and experiment with some unorthodox preflop strats this month.

Looking to VPIP around 40-50 and just be in a lot of weird spots. Should be fun 😀

Recently crossed the 5k mark for the month.

Currently playing 37/15/8

I knew volume was going to suck, but still holding out that I can hit 10k with a little extra push in the final stretch.

by newguyhere k

Recently crossed the 5k mark for the month.

Currently playing 37/15/8

I knew volume was going to suck, but still holding out that I can hit 10k with a little extra push in the final stretch.

Having fun?

by Brokenstars k

Having fun?


I could see myself continuing this style up to 50nl, but not sure it's worth the risk of developing bad habits that may be difficult to break at 100nl+ (assuming it wouldn't be successful at those higher stakes).

Are you playing on an anonymous site or one where villains start seeing those stats? I imagine that has a big impact as to the efficacy of that style. Even an incompetent nit is going to adjust to a 37/15/8 but if they don't know it's you every time, you might get 'em.

by Koss k

Are you playing on an anonymous site or one where villains start seeing those stats? I imagine that has a big impact as to the efficacy of that style. Even an incompetent nit is going to adjust to a 37/15/8 but if they don't know it's you every time, you might get 'em.

Yeah it's anonymous. I've had some tables where I'm VPIP'ing over 50, and they do seem to make some adjustments.

by newguyhere k


I could see myself continuing this style up to 50nl, but not sure it's worth the risk of developing bad habits that may be difficult to break at 100nl+ (assuming it wouldn't be successful at those higher stakes).

Haha, get after it. Sometimes offering up some EV in the name of fun is worth it--it's a game after all and just micros.

Have fun!
