Official Online NLHE Chat Thread

Official Online NLHE Chat Thread

Setting this up as a place to keep low-effort content all in one place (graphs, funny hand histories, etc.). Think it would be fun to have a thread just for the online NLHE people, since it's a relatively small community

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02 November 2021 at 10:21 PM

194 Replies


by Koss k

Anytime a new poker room opens, and this is also true for online poker in ring fenced areas, the games are absolutely amazing at the jump. Not that 2/3 games even in mature markets are tough, but there's definitely an initial surge that seems to last 1-2 years, where even 2-5 and 5-10 games are just fish fests. Most economies just can't support whales at those stakes for very long. My room almost never spreads 2-5 anymore but for the first two years the room was open it usually ran and was li

This is very true, and probably part of the reason NLHE is moving to private games nowadays. It's much easier to sustain a weekly/biweekly private game than a casino where degenerates can gamble 24/7.

Im so sick of grinding and grinding and trying to get better and grinding some more slowly building up my roll to then just get dealt cooler after cooler and lose days and weeks of hard work in minutes. All my efforts unrewarded time after time.

I spend all this time grinding up on 50nl and as soon as i move to 100 its nothing but coolers and then its back to 50 again. Flopped flush vs better flopped flush, my AA got cold 4bet vs maniac w JTo and he flops trips, AKs ran into aces, QQ on button runs into aces. Over 8 hard fought 50nl buyins gone in an hour.

Im just beyond frustrated. Im stuck for a year now with no end in sight. Every time I think its over and i start moving in the right direction it only lasts a few days and then its back to getting my head bashed in again. Im not a bad player. I just dont have it in me to keep grinding stupid 50nl to get back to this point again.

Sorry that is all. Just needed to put my thoughts down. Nobody in real life I can tell this to that understands.

by YanasaurBBQ k

Im so sick of grinding and grinding and trying to get better and grinding some more slowly building up my roll to then just get dealt cooler after cooler and lose days and weeks of hard work in minutes. All my efforts unrewarded time after time.

I spend all this time grinding up on 50nl and as soon as i move to 100 its nothing but coolers and then its back to 50 again. Flopped flush vs better flopped flush, my AA got cold 4bet vs maniac w JTo and he flops trips, AKs ran into aces, QQ on button r

You can PM if you wanna talk man

by swerbs22 k

You can PM if you wanna talk man

Thanks buddy, appreciate that. In better news I am doing very well live since i have a nice local room now. Online is just so hard to deal with. The level of committment and attention thats needed and no room for error. And even playing perfect the rewards are little. At least at 2/3/10 live when I win it is for meaningful amounts of money.

by YanasaurBBQ k

Sorry that is all. Just needed to put my thoughts down. Nobody in real life I can tell this to that understands.

Man this is definitely the truth. Outside of this community people generally fall into one of two buckets. They either think we're all degenerate gamblers destined to lose our houses, or that we're either MIT level geniuses or savants that can see cards like Rainman, or just suckers at the table constantly losing to our better opponents. Like every single piece of poker media portrays it.

No one who hasn't done it realizes we're just constantly studying our asses off while playing for small edges and enduring gut wrenching swings and losing amounts of money that just doesn't happen outside of poker. I suppose stock traders might have some idea but many of the ones I know are quite delusional with regards to their abilities and actual profits.

this is generally what makes poker so popular

by Koss k

Man this is definitely the truth. Outside of this community people generally fall into one of two buckets. They either think we're all degenerate gamblers destined to lose our houses, or that we're either MIT level geniuses or savants that can see cards like Rainman, or just suckers at the table constantly losing to our better opponents. Like every single piece of poker media portrays it.

No one who hasn't done it realizes we're just constantly studying our asses off while playing for small

I like the way you put it, so true. Ive traded options and futures too but im not very good at it. I lost quite a bit of money trying that. It comes easy to some. For me poker came easy. I thought i could bring my skills from poker to trading but it didnt translate for me. So here i am struggling and struggling at poker but im actually a long term winning player. Just been a really rough run online for about a year now.

I think the ideal mental state is like you're playing Tetris. You're trying to win always and always improving but the day to day losing is fundamentally irrelevant. You know you have to die a gazillion times to get gud. It shouldn't hurt at all. Hurting is a leak in the same way feeling bad about dying in Tetris doesn't help your tetris game. Feeling good about PLAYING Tetris is the best mental state for your Tetris game.

Damn stoners driving up the bitcoin transaction fees yesterday

by newguyhere k

Damn stoners driving up the bitcoin transaction fees yesterday

Flash sale Taylor Swift NFTs I heard

by YanasaurBBQ k

Thanks buddy, appreciate that. In better news I am doing very well live since i have a nice local room now. Online is just so hard to deal with. The level of committment and attention thats needed and no room for error. And even playing perfect the rewards are little. At least at 2/3/10 live when I win it is for meaningful amounts of money.

If you enjoy playing live and you are doing great there, and at the same time online frustrates you, just stop playing online IMO. Or at least stop grinding it out. Your hourly live is probably much higher since you probably play higher stakes there and I don't think it is worth the emotional stress you have to endure if you get frustrated over and over and over and over again online. I know the feeling very well, and still feel like **** if I lose 10 buyins a day for a week straight. But unless you have to play online to support yourself then just cut it or play it for fun IMO.

Anyway when I get frustrated like that for me the best solution is to always just take an extended break and make sure that I am studying hardcore during those off days.

by MDAcoaching k

If you enjoy playing live and you are doing great there, and at the same time online frustrates you, just stop playing online IMO. Or at least stop grinding it out. Your hourly live is probably much higher since you probably play higher stakes there and I don't think it is worth the emotional stress you have to endure if you get frustrated over and over and over and over again online. I know the feeling very well, and still feel like **** if I lose 10 buyins a day for a week straight. But unless

Thanks man. Yea ive cut down online a lot, now just playing an hour here or there to stay sharp and try out different lines, but focusing on live for majority of my playing time. Certainly much much more profitable.

Can anyone tell me why so many Brazilian players on PS have this exact same avatar?

Is this a celebrity in Brazil or is it a sign that they're all members of a stable or what?

Ok here's a brag:


On behalf of PokerGO, I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to receive entry to play in the 2025 WSOP Main Event, currently expected to be in July 2025, at the Horseshoe Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, as part of the PokerGO Shop WSOP 2025 Main Event Seat Giveaway. The prize package also includes an assortment of PokerGO merchandise (retail value of approx. $500), and [$1,500 provided in cash (or cash equivalent) to cover travel and lodging expenses, which would be provided after the first hand is played at the 2025 WSOP Main Event.]

Please reply to this email within the next 72 hours to confirm your desire to accept the prize and your eligibility to win (e.g., that you are at least 21 years old and reside in the US). After we have received your confirmation, we will also need to collect a declaration of eligibility and information for tax reporting purposes (these forms will be provided to you after we receive your confirmation). It’s important that you contact me within the next 72 hours, as we will need to disqualify you and move on to an alternate winner if we haven’t heard from you.

I understand that in today’s world with scams and phishing emails happening all the time, you may be hesitant to respond. I can also understand how this email might look like a scam. Hopefully you’re familiar with the WSOP Main Event and you’ve seen that PokerGO has been promoting this giveaway, and you can get some comfort from the fact that this email is coming from my PokerGO email address. If you’re looking for even more confirmation that this email is legitimate, we could have you call the official PokerGO customer support line (Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT, holidays excepted) which is listed in the Terms and Conditions posted on the website at:, and provide some verification that way. If you’re going to do that, let me know so I can connect with our customer support team and let them know you’ll be calling.

Bottom line, we want you to get comfortable that this is a “real” prize and that you “really” won it, because it’s an amazing prize. More info regarding the WSOP can be found at:, and the official rules for the giveaway can be found at:

Congratulations again,

My son had been tugging my sleeve to watch the Main Event live since our youtube and tik tok algorithm sends all the pokergo feeds to our home pages - but being an online penny stakes grinder since having kids, I was like - meh - ok - so we turned it on and they announced the sweepstakes so I figured what the heck ...

I feel like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory... I am actually quite speechless - really humbled. I am really going to have to work on being patient since for the last 10 years I have been multitabling, zoning and blitzing for like 20 minutes at a time when I get a break is going to be very challenging... I probably need to work on chilling more than tourney theory...)

by nonsimplesimon k

Ok here's a brag:

Wow congrats!

That's sick man congratulations. Makes me wonder about all the sweepstakes I say are just a waste of time. You gotta be in it to win it!

by BobbyPeru k

That's sick man congratulations. Makes me wonder about all the sweepstakes I say are just a waste of time. You gotta be in it to win it!

Yeah it's weird ... it's like if it's a free roll I feel that there's more emphasis to min cash than there is to win honestly .... of course I am in it to win it - but the Main Event? where you have to dodge thousands of donkeys - I think I will be very grateful to come home with $12k in my pocket and the experience - and even just being there on a free roll brings in more gratitude than expectations ... it's just interesting ...

by nonsimplesimon k

Yeah it's weird ... it's like if it's a free roll I feel that there's more emphasis to min cash than there is to win honestly .... of course I am in it to win it - but the Main Event? where you have to dodge thousands of donkeys - I think I will be very grateful to come home with $12k in my pocket and the experience - and even just being there on a free roll brings in more gratitude than expectations ... it's just interesting ...

sell some action! I'd buy some if you sell next year


by wereallgonnamakeit k

sell some action! I'd buy some if you sell next year

After 10 years away from the game i'm back at it. A few things have changed since i left. Solvers were just starting to come in but now it seems everyone(barring the fish) is using them to some degree. There a new word, "node"! and "B#", fascinating. Last time I got to 50nl before life stuff happened/just didn't feel the urge to play anymore so I took an exended break and withdrew almost all my BR.

Started at 2nl with $47, just now taking shots at 5nl and enjoying the game again, though I'm still not much a volume guy.

Results so far.
