Official Online NLHE Chat Thread

Official Online NLHE Chat Thread

Setting this up as a place to keep low-effort content all in one place (graphs, funny hand histories, etc.). Think it would be fun to have a thread just for the online NLHE people, since it's a relatively small community

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02 November 2021 at 10:21 PM

194 Replies


Jan 2024

- Volume
- Running above EV
- Very minimal occurrences of spew/tilt.

- Played way too passively at 50nl

- Started drilling SBvBTN-3bp and realized how bad I was, so that will be a bigger area of focus this month.

by DooDooPoker k

The GOAT dropped a play and explain. This guy is a complete legend

Love this format over the usual setup we see on play and explains. It's funny how the best players are definitely super sick but also just seem to play a fundamentally sound game on a consistent basis.

Sent from my SM-A146U using Tapatalk

by newguyhere k

Jan 2024

- Volume
- Running above EV
- Very minimal occurrences of spew/tilt.

- Played way too passively at 50nl

- Started drilling SBvBTN-3bp and realized how bad I was, so that will be a bigger area of focus this month.

I identify with this. Turned things around online, but also playing too passively at 50 compared to 25nl which i know is because my roll took such a huge hit. I realized im not being aggressive enough in those SB v BTN 3BPs, and on Bovada they overcall 3bets so I think some of the lower parts of the SB 3bet range should just be skipped vs most villains.

Also took a huge hit in live poker, which i overadjusted to and also played too passively, again due to being not rolled high enough. After going up over 3 buyins at 1/2 I decided to be very aggressive to build my roll and bought in for 500 at 2/3 which plays far bigger w straddles and huge opens. I had about a 800 stack and I made a massive 4bet w QQ and a maniac called w A3o and then called a 5 7 8 rainbow flop all in w just the A high and stuck an ace on the turn so i lost an absolutely massive pot and tilted off another 300 some. Played a couple times after that and just couldnt find the aggression in spots i shouldve plus not making hands so now im almost busto for my live roll.

I hate walking in and playing with less than 2 buyins. I only feel comfortable playing 1/2 with at least $600 in my pocket.

by Franchise804 k

Love this format over the usual setup we see on play and explains. It's funny how the best players are definitely super sick but also just seem to play a fundamentally sound game on a consistent basis.

Sent from my SM-A146U using Tapatalk

I was about to post the same thing. Yeah they find the bluffs and calls that most of us wont', but they never really force anything.

by DooDooPoker k

The GOAT dropped a play and explain. This guy is a complete legend

Thanks for posting. Ive never seen him before and im probably saying this is the best play and explain video ive ever seen. Really opened my eyes to some things that im not thinking about in real time

by YanasaurBBQ k

Thanks for posting. Ive never seen him before and im probably saying this is the best play and explain video ive ever seen. Really opened my eyes to some things that im not thinking about in real time

He's using some very high level MDA, not sure if people are noticing this but that turn XR with QTo hand is super over bluffed/over folded on mid/low pairing turns.

by DooDooPoker k

He's using some very high level MDA, not sure if people are noticing this but that turn XR with QTo hand is super over bluffed/over folded on mid/low pairing turns.

I didnt know that, but it makes sense. So people are overbluffing when the turn pairs one of the lower cards, but population is also overfolding. So which is the greater? The overbluff or the overfold?

Intuitively it makes sense to be overbluffed simply because if im thinking about my own play, this exact situation is one of the easiest bluffs i tend to find and execute.

by YanasaurBBQ k

I didnt know that, but it makes sense. So people are overbluffing when the turn pairs one of the lower cards, but population is also overfolding. So which is the greater? The overbluff or the overfold?

Intuitively it makes sense to be overbluffed simply because if im thinking about my own play, this exact situation is one of the easiest bluffs i tend to find and execute.

It's harder to get accurate fold frequencies OTT because you can't use MDF formulas (you can see this in gto wizard by using their aggregated turn reports). Folding frequencies are much less because ranges still have implied odds with 1 card to come when compared to the river.

Not sure which one is greater, definitely on my list of things to study.

I finally caught one of those massive heaters I've heard about... only took about 1.5 million hands! My January:

by Unguarded k

I finally caught one of those massive heaters I've heard about... only took about 1.5 million hands! My January:

Sick results UG!

by Unguarded k

I finally caught one of those massive heaters I've heard about... only took about 1.5 million hands! My January:

Thats awesome. Looking forward to when i can start adding some 100nl and eventually 200 again

You guys ever feel like there is such a thing as too much study?

I say that facetiously, but i punted off a stack last night calling down because I was supposed to, but in real life i actually dont think villain has the bluffs he should and its just a massive punt.

by YanasaurBBQ k

You guys ever feel like there is such a thing as too much study?

I say that facetiously, but i punted off a stack last night calling down because I was supposed to, but in real life i actually dont think villain has the bluffs he should and its just a massive punt.

The purpose of whatever studying that you do is so you can know when to make the exploits and not play according to whatever theory says.

by AskZandar k

The purpose of whatever studying that you do is so you can know when to make the exploits and not play according to whatever theory says.

Yea i agree 100%. Sometimes if ive been studying a lot and watching videos in comparison to playing time i get shifted too far to making the theoretical play. But people play nowhere close to theory. Hoping to get in a live play session vs giant fish today

I geuninely believe that most low stake players study too much, of course some people need it but a lot of the soft skills you learn just by grinding hands are so important, if you are +EV in the game you're playing I would just play like 80% and study 20%, and put in some extra study every time you move up stakes.

Practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect. -- Vince Lombardi.

Well my online results have been a lot better lately, but live results going the other way. Of course the live play is highly volatile with all kinds of wacky stuff going on in these games so its to be expected.

I played 2/3 500 buyin for like 4 hrs yesterday and this one guy was on an absolutely massive heater like none ive ever seen. He was in almost every hand and actually was not out of line at all. He just literally had a hand every time. When i left he had well over 3k in front of him and most of the players at the table were buying in for 200 or less. He even cracked aces with AJs in a 5way all in pot.

I was card dead. Played maybe 5 hands in 4 hrs and folded flop every time.

One weird spot came up and although I was wrong in game I think it was probably still the correct fold.

There was a $10 button straddle and annoyingly the action starts on SB with button straddle here. SB calls, BB calls, and then UTG jams for like 170 so around 60bb. He had not done this before and i had not seen him play many hands. Im at UTG +1 w AQs and im almost $500 effective. I cant call and then fold, and it felt like jamming w a bunch of players behind me for 160bb was not a thing w AQ. So i fold and it ends up folding around and the guy shows 54o. Like i said, wacky stuff going on in these games.

The grind continues. Slowly adding more 50nl tables.

I dont know what the deal is, but the coolers just keep coming on the 50nl streets and i run great on 25nl. Played against a villain tonight that flopped a flush on 3 straight 3bet pots vs me. First one i had middle set, second one i had top pair w nut flush draw and turned top 2, 3rd time i had KK overpair w flush draw. Money saved is money won though, and i managed to only lose 1.8 buyins over those hands.

Eventually it has to change....

Ok everyone, need everyone to join hands and wish for Kelly Oylynk to score 5 points tonight.

Thanks guys!


i like how since i hit that parlay on bovada the other day it's been nothing but running into the top of people's ranges and getting 2 outered on the river.

by newguyhere k

i like how since i hit that parlay on bovada the other day it's been nothing but running into the top of people's ranges and getting 2 outered on the river.

Bovada giveth and bovada taketh away. Its been like 10 years for me on bovada. We now have legal sportsbook hardrockbet in FL though so i dont use bovada for my sports anymore

by YanasaurBBQ k

Bovada giveth and bovada taketh away. Its been like 10 years for me on bovada. We now have legal sportsbook hardrockbet in FL though so i dont use bovada for my sports anymore

Yeah I've used the hardrock app a few times since it came out. I like it.

by newguyhere k

Yeah I've used the hardrock app a few times since it came out. I like it.

My ultimate dream would be a geofenced florida online poker game. My god would that be juicy.

by YanasaurBBQ k

My ultimate dream would be a geofenced florida online poker game. My god would that be juicy.

Hell yeah. My state just signed a bill and I think we are getting online poker very soon.

