Official Online NLHE Chat Thread

Official Online NLHE Chat Thread

Setting this up as a place to keep low-effort content all in one place (graphs, funny hand histories, etc.). Think it would be fun to have a thread just for the online NLHE people, since it's a relatively small community

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02 November 2021 at 10:21 PM

194 Replies


Well played newguy. Trojan fish tech ftw

by newguyhere k

Yeah it's anonymous. I've had some tables where I'm VPIP'ing over 50, and they do seem to make some adjustments.

Are you winning over this sample so far? I think its a pretty cool experiment. I think ive played against you bc ive certainly been in some situations recently where im confused by someone i thought was a fish but also makes some reggy plays.

by YanasaurBBQ k

Are you winning over this sample so far? I think its a pretty cool experiment. I think ive played against you bc ive certainly been in some situations recently where im confused by someone i thought was a fish but also makes some reggy plays.

Yea so far.


by newguyhere k

Yea so far.


Sweet dude. You are playing 50nl right?

by YanasaurBBQ k

Sweet dude. You are playing 50nl right?

No I didn't feel comfortable trying it at 50 so I've mainly played at 25.

May try 1-tabling some 50nl over the weekend if I can get a good new table.

I've been playing and winning at 50nl for some time. I took a long break after having the worst runbad since i started playing online in 2003. I was playing 4 100nl tables and lost almost my whole roll.

Since coming back ive been grinding up on 50nl but every time i shot take 100 i run KK into AA or I run into tops of ranges, but i also think I'm getting pwned by some of the regs too, but im not sure. Frustrating that im running really well at 50 and bad at 100 though, in addition to feeling out the waters and probably not playing as aggressive as I should at 100. Dropped 2 buyins at 100 last night so now i have to do some more grinding before I shot take again.

ceres, wtf is your avatar?

by YanasaurBBQ k

I've been playing and winning at 50nl for some time. I took a long break after having the worst runbad since i started playing online in 2003. I was playing 4 100nl tables and lost almost my whole roll.

Since coming back ive been grinding up on 50nl but every time i shot take 100 i run KK into AA or I run into tops of ranges, but i also think I'm getting pwned by some of the regs too, but im not sure. Frustrating that im running really well at 50 and bad at 100 though, in addition to feeling out

What site are you playing on?

by Mr Spyutastic k

What site are you playing on?

Bovada. I actually just got a little coaching from brokenstars that was very helpful and i helped me plug some leaks and i started running better as i won a flip last night. So its starting to turn around nicely now. Up 2.5 buyins since my coaching session

by YanasaurBBQ k

Bovada. I actually just got a little coaching from brokenstars that was very helpful and i helped me plug some leaks and i started running better as i won a flip last night. So its starting to turn around nicely now. Up 2.5 buyins since my coaching session

Nice that's good to hear keep it up!

by Mr Spyutastic k

Nice that's good to hear keep it up!

Trying to. I got punished by some regs in my last session because I cbet too much and lost a buyin over a couple hours. The regs at 100 are a lot stronger than 50. From 25 to 50 no difference really.

I also got into a weird spot where I 3bet an UTG open from UTG+1 w AKo to 8bb and had a 2 4 5 two tone flop and the guy donked into me for 1/2 pot and I was very confused. I didnt know if I should raise so I just called but then he donked full pot on a turn 10. Maybe he just has jacks and queens there and is never folding and doesnt want to risk a free card to AK. I couldnt remember ever seeing that play in a 3bp in a tight configuration like that before though.

Beat: Got laid off.
Brag: 6 months severance + benefits covered for those 6 months.
Variance: I'm a 200NL pro until I land a new job.

Dang. That sucks. What kind of work were you doing?

Engine calibration/emissions for an auto company. Despite the transition to EVs, there's still plenty of work out there for dinosaurs like me. I think the company I was working for was planning to outsource my job to a supplier, so I'm trying to get in with that supplier and functionally get my job back. If it doesn't work out though, I've got options.

I hope it's one of those things where it sucks right now, but you look back 10 years later and are like "Damn, I am so glad I got fired! I never would have (insert cool stuff) if I still worked that lameass job!"

Yeah that's partially what I'm thinking. I'm definitely at a crossroads career wise. At 40 I can either keep doing what I'm doing and hopefully ride it for another 20 years into retirement. It's unclear if internal combustion engines will last that much longer, but my gut is at some volume yes. Or I can use this time to try to land a job in a different part of the auto industry or get out of it altogether into something different. I might take a slight step back in pay but I can stomach that for a while. We shall see. In the mean time I am actually looking forward to the most time I've had not either working or in school for the past 23 years.

There's a casino in my town and I've gone and played some €1/€2 live there on a few occasions. I'd play there more often except that the games don't really start up until late at night. The difference between the standard of play there and online is really remarkable. Most of the players are just degenerate gamblers who don't seem to understand the fundamentals of basic strategy. I'm certain that they'd be incapable of beating 2nl online. Then you have guys audibly commentating on other people's plays who don't seem to be very good themselves. It's nice to know that whenever online poker really does die that there will always be action out there in venues like that.

There's a reason that good low stakes live players tend to have winrates north of 30bb/100.

by Brussels Sprout k

There's a casino in my town and I've gone and played some €1/€2 live there on a few occasions. I'd play there more often except that the games don't really start up until late at night. The difference between the standard of play there and online is really remarkable. Most of the players are just degenerate gamblers who don't seem to understand the fundamentals of basic strategy. I'm certain that they'd be incapable of beating 2nl online. Then you have guys audibly commentating on other people's

95% of poker players probably couldn't beat 2nl

by wereallgonnamakeit k

95% of poker players probably couldn't beat 2nl


by wereallgonnamakeit k

95% of poker players probably couldn't beat 2nl

95% of live players? Probably 99.9% tbh.

The first time I went, when I sat down at the table, they told me that that night they were playing PLO bomb pots on every dealer change. I don't have much PLO experience so I sat these out. What I soon realised though is nobody else seemed to have much PLO experience either. They were all paying €10 to get a PLO hand and have 2 flops dealt. Then betting commenced as normal. The guy sitting next to me had literally never played PLO before. At one stage he got dealt AAxx and stacked off unimproved on either board cos he assumed that that must be a powerhouse hand. He went on to lose about €1,000 over the 2 hours that I was there. Total degeneracy.

From a numbers perspective, it is pretty incredible that playing 30 hands/hour live can yield as much money as 400 hands/hour online at the same stakes. I feel like live 1/2 can be summed up as:

"You have been playing tight for 5 hours straight, you never bluff, and I know you have me beat. But I gotta see it... I call!"

I just recently got a nice poker room in my town and its been amazing. It gets frustrating and tiring grinding online. I can go to the poker room and play 2/3 and the level of play is just so insanely bad. A lot of times I actually fold the best hand on bomb pots and some regular hands too because people are just betting like they have the nuts with bad hands. But its so easy to get paid off with big hands. I wish we played double board PLO for the bomb pots because i do play PLO too and have a good grasp of the game and it would be so profitable, but they just do NLH double board. Still people stack off way too light on these bomb pots.

Anytime a new poker room opens, and this is also true for online poker in ring fenced areas, the games are absolutely amazing at the jump. Not that 2/3 games even in mature markets are tough, but there's definitely an initial surge that seems to last 1-2 years, where even 2-5 and 5-10 games are just fish fests. Most economies just can't support whales at those stakes for very long. My room almost never spreads 2-5 anymore but for the first two years the room was open it usually ran and was like 1-2 was everywhere.
