*** Happy Holidays! December NC/LC NSFW ***
Good news! It turns out that we (BBV Management) saved enough money this year to be able to afford one more NC/LC thread.
I don't understand what's going on here.
The previous thread was the 2024 mega thread. We're still in 2024 and that thread has served us well since 1.1.24 and should surely last for the final month as well?
It seems disrespectful to dump it a month early.
Excellent move by a great leader.
Shab-e Yalda is coming up on the solstice, when ancient Persians gathered together on the longest night of the year to protect each other from evil. And they ate snacks and read poetry. I'll have to write a poem, then.
1th. Ban OP. I agree with whatever suited said, prolly
I have no idea what's going on
Happy Sheepday!
what happened to megathread?
Not enough discussion of Obama. Don't make the same mistake again!
Is there a minimum post requirement for getting involved in these threads?
3.5 speckled doves
We do what we want
We do what we wanr
Cos Thai popo hasn't cougnt us
Not yet anyway
I blame Morph
is fact that sammy doxxed morph as obama why super thread got axed?